Stucky One Shots

By bucky_star

7.2K 67 5

Could be anything and everything. Probably a lot of Bucky's time being torchered by Hydra, made up, from the... More

The Train
The Nightmares
It's Been a Long Day
The Beginning of the Line
Down Days
The Hospital
Bath Time
Dinner Date
Black Out
Suicide Attempt
Here We Go Again
Gym Time
Puppy Love
What If....
Authors Note
Where it all Began
Big News

Morning Sickness

220 0 0
By bucky_star

You woke up as an all to familiar wave of nausea washed over you. Without hesitation you leapt out of bed and ran to the bathroom clumsily. Soon enough you were emptying the contents of your stomach into the toilet. Once it seemed to be over you collapsed over the bowl, exhausted and shaking, gasping for breath. It was so much worse this time, and it had lasted longer. You hadn't had a full nights sleep in the past month without ending up with your head over the toilet bowl. Besides your tiny, growing baby bump, you seemed to be loosing weight rather than putting it on like you should've been. It wasn't good. Bucky noticed it too. He was becoming increasingly worried about you and the baby and kept sending you to get extra check ups. But they always said the same thing, every pregnancy was different and just because your first pregnancy was fairly smooth sailing didn't necessarily mean your second one would be too.

You heard Bucky stirring in the bed just outside the door. You felt so bad, it woke him up all the time too and he slept badly enough as it was.
"Kelly?" He mumbled drowsily when he realised you weren't in the bed with him.
You were about to reply to him when you ended up vomiting again, leaving your throat feeling raw. You gasped and coughed as you tried to collect yourself.
"Buck." You eventually managed to croak out weakly.
You turned around and saw that he was already in the doorway. You looked at him miserably before resting your sweaty head down on your forearm leaving you steering at the mess below you.
"Oh baby." He sighed sadly and came over to sit beside you. "Sweetie, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay, it's not your fault." You moaned as he rubbed your back.

Eventually you looked up at him and shifted so that you were snuggled into his chest. You felt like absolute crap as you trembled weakly in his arms that were already wrapped around you.
"I swear to god, Kell, if I could take this for you instead I would." He comforted you and kissed the top of your head.
"Thank you Bucky. I love you." You huffed.
"I loved you too babydoll." He whispered in reply.
After a while he helped you up and got your tooth for you to brush your teeth.
"I'll be waiting back in bed for you when your done." He stated softly before heading out of the bathroom.
You looked at yourself in the mirror as you wiped your face and brushed your teeth. There were big, purple bags under your eyes which just looked dull in general and you were very pasty but rosy in the cheeks. This pregnancy was taking its toll on you, even Bucky looked more than a bit worse for wear from getting up with you all the time and running around after you. You had hardly been out of bed this past week, you constantly felt too tired and too sick. A few of the others had been in to visit you and check on how your doing or bring you something soothing to eat or drink. Wanda had been looking after Summer a lot. But Bucky had literally never left your side the whole time, except when he was spending time with Summer. She was perhaps the only thing in the world that he cared about and loved as much as you. She was about a year and a half old now and she was one of the only things that made you happy at the moment when you saw her in the morning and when she came and cuddled with you during the day. Bucky was so worried about you that he had even refused to go on a little mission they had the other day. You both knew that he had to go on another one too in a few days, an important one. And he had already said that he was going to refuse to go if you didn't get better quickly.

"James, I'm not sick. You know its just morning sickness." You pointed out.
"I know, but your not well either." He shot back.
You were too tired to say anything back.

You wanted him to go, you hated seeing him get all worked up over you when it had to be expected considering you were pregnant. You hated him having to weight on you hand and foot, but he just wouldn't stop, kept saying that he wanted to.

Still feeling absolutely awful, you finished brushing your teeth and headed into the darkness back to bed. Sure enough, Bucky was lying there waiting for you. He opened his arms and you crawled into them gratefully, soaking in his body heat, but also finding the coldness of his metal arm against your back soothing.
"Remember when Summer was born and I told you that if you ever did this to me again I would kill you?" You mumbled.
"How could I forget. You were terrifying." He chuckled lightly.
You didn't say it, but him rocking the bed with his laugh made you feel even worse.
"Well if I didn't feel so shit right now, I probably would have done that already." You muttered.
"Don't worry." He sighed as he pulled away and caressed your little baby bump. "It'll all be worth it in a few months when this little one is here."

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