Where it all Began

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You were walking home from work one night when all of a sudden you felt a rough hand grip your arm and pull you into the side alley. Before you even had a chance to speak another hand was over your mouth. Then you felt coarse stubble prickly against your cheek.
"Don't fight it." A menacing voice growled. "Do as I say."
Terrified, you nodded and they realised their tight grip on you. You whipped around to see through the darkness a tall, skinny, unkempt man who looked to be in his fifties maybe. You were twenty four. You looked at him in shock, what was he going to do to you? He was clearly bigger and stronger than you. You breathed heavily as he began to creep closer to you. Instinctively, you turned to run but he had you in a matter of seconds. He slammed you against a wall and you smacked your head into the bricks leaving you dazed, in pain and blurry visioned for a few seconds until he clamped a hand over your throat and kneed you in the stomach harshly.
"I told you to shut up!" He spat, close to your face.
You gasped for air and clawed at his fingers around your throat desperate for air now that you were both winded and being choked.
Suddenly he started reaching for the button on your genes.
Oh my God. You thought to yourself in terror.
With every ounce of strength you had left in you, you screamed for your life.
"HEEEELP!" You begged. "Somebody please! Help me!"
It was probably no use, no one would be out at this hour. It was pitch black apart from the street lights but no one would find you down here.
"Shhhh!" The guy growled and pushed you harder against the wall cutting off even more oxygen. It was no use. Your head was pounding from the force of the impact and you were becoming light headed from lack of oxygen. Unconsciousness was quickly coming. You stopped fighting and let him do what he wanted to do to you, but just then you heard a voice.
"Hey!" It growled deeply. "You leave her alone!"
All of a sudden you could just make out something shiny and silver hit the man in the face through blackening vision. He went flying and his hold on your throat released, leaving you to fall to the ground where everything went black.

Bucky's POV:

We crept along the sidewalk on our late night stealth look out. We were searching for a man who we thought to be still working for Hydra. All of a sudden an awful scream ripped through the silent night.
"HEEEELP! Somebody please! Help me!" It sounded like a girls voice.
I stopped in my tracks. I wasn't even sure where Steve was, maybe up on a roof or a block behind me. It didn't matter, I didn't bother telling him what  I was about to do. Sure, thid was one of my first missions back, sure I needed to make myself look good, but I didn't care. Someone was in trouble. The scream sounded like it had come from just up ahead. I darted along until I came to a small alley and peered into the darkness. There was a shuffling and I noticed two figures moving just down to the side. It looked like a man had the girl pinned up against the wall, and I could bet that he was about to rape her.
"Hey!" I shouted. "You leave her alone!"
The seedy looking man only just had time to look up at me as I charged towards him and punched him in the face sending him flying. He dropped the girl but I continued to go after him to make sure he would pay. He scrambled to his feet but I shoved him back down.
"How dare you think you have the right to do that to a woman!" I shouted as I stood on his chest.
He looked up at me desperately but he deserved to pay. I leant down, eyeing him before punching him in the face again and knocking him out.

I turned around looking for the girl and saw her lying in a heap on the ground. I jogged back over to her and knelt down and lifted her into my lap gently. She was unconscious. But she was also beautiful. Light brown hair, delicate features and tanned skin. Taken aback, I looked her over checking that she was okay. There was a deep cut on the back of her head and red hand marks around her throat, pretty self explanatory as to what had happened. Luckily, the man had only just managed to get her pants button undone so I carefully did it back up. Then I looked down at her unsure of what to do. I brushed a strand of her straight hair off of her face and sighed, but was interrupted.
"Buck? Buck! Come on Bucky! I know this triggers memories for you but its not that bad! We can get through this!" He called from somewhere down the street obviously looking for me. "Buck? Where are y-" He started but then stopped when he rounded the corner to see me hunched over in the darkness. "Bucky? Are you alr-" He said nervously.
"I'm fine Steve." I interrupted. "But she's not." I added more gravely.
"What is it?" He asked confused as he wandered over to me.
"Look, I found her being assaulted down here." I explained and shifted so that he could see her.
"Oh crap." He gasped.
"Isn't she gorgeous?" I couldn't help but point out.
Steve didn't answer, just looked down at her concerned as I took my hand away from where it was trying to stop the blood trickling from her head only to see my fingers covered in blood.
"What are we going to do with her?" I asked after a while.
"You take her back to the Avengers Tower where they can get her cleaned up, and I'll keep on looking." Steve said.
"You sure?" I asked, secretly I was releaved, I wanted to make sure she was okay.
"Yes, I mean we can't just leave her here Bucky, go on, I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled and patted me on the shoulder.
"Good luck Steve." I grunted as I stood up and picked the mysterious girl up bridle style.
I looked around but Steve was already gone.

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