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You sat on the couch munching on celery sticks with one hand and rubbing your swollen belly with your other hand. It was huge, you didn't realise that they actually got this big. You were eight and a half months pregnant with your and Bucky's baby, a little girl to be precise. She was going to be called summer.

"What should we call her Buck?" You asked him once you got home from the ultrasound.
"I was thinking Summer." He said nervously.
You thought about it and patted your growing belly. Summer. You quite liked it.
"Why's that?" You asked it.
"Because she's going to everything I wasn't when I was winter." He smiled as he came closer to you and gently wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
It was perfect.
"I love it." You beamed as you stood on your tip toes and leant in to kiss him, feeling your stomach press against his rock hard abs.

Bucky had been out of town on a mission all week with Steve, Nat, Sam and Tony but he was due back later tonight. He didn't want to go but Fury gave him no choice and he very reluctantly left you, but made sure Wanda had stayed behind to watch over you. He was such a good husband. You guys had been together for four years now, married for one. You lived in your own little apartment   in the Avengers complex which got a little weird for you at times, being the only regular person in the building, but everyone was so nice. You were twenty eight and he was thirty one. Wanda, who was now twenty two had delightfully obliged to watch over you, she was so excited for the arrival of the baby.

Wanda plopped down on the couch next to you and placed the glass of water and panadol you had asked her for infront of you. Your back had been killing you lately.
"Thanks." You sighed as you slumped backwards into the backrest of the couch and stretched your feet - which you couldn't actually see any longer - out in front of you. Even though you were in comfy yoga pants and a loose fitting cotton T-shirt everything was uncomfortable. You felt like a balloon that was about to pop and you didn't know how you were gonna last another two weeks. You couldn't wait for nine months to just hurry up and get here. Sitting was uncomfortable, lying was uncomfortable, standing was the worst. Eating and drinking made you feel even more bloated even though you were constantly hungry. Your back ached, your feet ached, you were constantly tired. Surprisingly your mood swings hadn't been too bad though.
"No problem. How are you feeling?" Wanda replied.
"Tired and uncomfortable." You huffed. "I feel like all I can do is sit here helplessly." You paused for a bit. "And I miss Bucky, I want to see him." You added with a pout.
"Aww, sweety, don't worry it'll all be worth it in just a few weeks." She said kindly and rubbed your arm.
You turned your head and gave her a wry smile.
"I know." You muttered and smiled to yourself as you patted your belly once again and thought about what it was going to be like to finally hold your little Summer in your arms.
You felt butterflies as she kicked against your hand and laughed happily to yourself.
"What is it?" Wanda asked urgently.
"She's kicking." You beamed.
"Let me feel!" She gasped.
You grabbed her hand and placed it where yours had been and watched her face break into an expression of awe.

Stucky One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora