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Pre-Serum (Senior Year of School)

Bucky chatted to the girl he had had a thing with for a while now as he casually leant on his locker. Her name was Dolores, she was really sweet and he was just about to ask her out on a date that night.

Meanwhile little Steve scurried terrified along the hallway trying to avoid everyone around him. He hugged the locker bay and was so busy trying to avoid eye contact that he didn't see the crumbled bit of paper on the ground in front of him and he tripped over it.

"Hey Dot, I was wondering-" Bucky started but was cut off by a loud crash and something shoving into his back which caused him to stumble forward and accidentally nearly push Dot over. Luckily he caught her just in time.
"Holy shit, I'm so sorry!" He gasped embarrassed as he clutched her by the small of her back.
"Its okay." She breathed softly, her cheeks going red.
He helped her to her feet before turning around to deal to the idiot who pushed him.
"Hey!" He yelled as he turned around.
A look that could kill was plastered on his face.

Steve looked down sheepishly from where he now sat splayed in a heap on the ground, dreading who it might be and how they would punish him.
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't me-" He mumbled.
"You better watch it!" A familiar voice yelled.
Relieved, he looked up to see Bucky standing above him. Although his face was plastered with anger he instantly melted as soon as he saw it was Steve.
"Oh! Hey Stevie!" He exclaimed and broke into a grin.
He reached out a hand and helped Steve up then leant down to pick up all his papers. With one arm now full of crumpled papers and the other slung lazily around Steve's shoulders he turned back to Dolores who was waiting patiently.
"So as I was saying." He started in a charming voice. "Could I take you to dinner tonight?"

Stucky One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora