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Pre-Serum (About 18 years old).

"I can't come sorry, Steve and I have got training." Bucky said sternly to the person outside the door.
Steve, who was waiting in Bucky's lounge, wasn't sure who it was but it was definitely one of Bucky's mates asking him to come out with them that night.
"Come on man! Dolores is gonna be there too!" A whiny voice begged back.
Everyone wanted to hang out with Bucky, he was the coolest kid in Brooklyn by far with his all round great and charming charisma, not to mention that he was a total babe magnet. Girls came running to him and dropped at his feet.
"Okay fine, but only if Steve can come too." Bucky insisted.
"Ugh really dude! We want to try and catch some chicks tonight and have some fun! He's a total down buzz!" The guy moaned.
Steve was used to those kind of comments so it didn't bother him anymore.
"Well that's cool, I'll see you at school tomorrow then." Bucky said sarcastically and slammed the door in the boys face.
"Steve is not a down buzz, he's the nicest guy ever and actually really cool when you get to know him." Steve heard Bucky mutter to himself as he crossed back over to him. His cheeks were flushed with anger and his hands were balled into fists, but the minute he looked up at Steve he flashed him a massive smile.

"Right, you ready to get going and hit the gym you little punk?" Bucky huffed and clasped his hands together as if he was slightly uncomfortable.
"Buck, it's okay if you want to go out tonight? You've done enough for me already." Steve said quietly.
"What? No! Your more important to me than those idiots! Let's go do this." Bucky exclaimed.

They left Bucky's house and walked around the block to Goldie's Boxing Gym. Bucky unlocked it and walked inside, chucked his bag in the corner and immediately went over to a punching bag and started to hit it. He was in his element in this place. Steve stood back for a minute and just watched Bucky. He wished he could be as good as him at everything. Bucky was perfect in every way. He had a great personality. He was talented. He looked good in everything he wore, especially the baggy gym shorts and white T-shirt he had on today. Although Steve would never admit that to anyone. Bucky noticed Steve and stopped mid punch.
"Well come on, you know the drill. Get to your warm up." He instructed and pointed to the punching bag at the other side of the room.
He was being very strict on Steve with all of this training. It was weird seeing him so hard and focussed but he knew he was only doing it because he knew how much making the army meant to Steve, even though he didn't understand it since he didn't want to be in it himself.

By the time he was done warming up Bucky was dripping with sweat and his shirt had come off and had been replaced by an old rage wrapped loosely around his shoulders. He crossed over to Steve and picked up the pads for his hands.
"Alright let's go." He gestured.
Steve got a quick drink before returning to him and beginning to throw punches at his hands. Although Bucky would never admit precisely this to Steve, Steve was weak. His attempts at a punch had little to know affect on Bucky and thus only made him more worried about his little friend joining the army because he knew how badly he would get destroyed. Plus, this was light training and Steve was so unfit that he was puffing and sweating out of control. Although Bucky new it wasn't his fault, the asthma and heart diseases and weak immune system could in no way be classed as luck for Steve.
"God, you pick so many fights I thought you would've been better at it by now." Bucky teased as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.
This got Steve all riled up and he drew back to throw a massive punch at Bucky but it hardly affected Bucky, who didn't even stumble backwards a little bit and he hadn't even tried to prepare for the hit either.

Steve let out a frustrated growl and stormed over to the wall where he placed his back against it and slid down into a sitting position.
"Hey, come on man." Bucky said sternly as he strided over to him and knelt in front of him. "You know how much I don't want you to join the army but I'm doing this because I know how badly you want to. There's no stopping your stubborn little ass so all I can do is help you get better. So the least you can do in return is give it your all and give me some hope that you can fight off a Nazi who tries to attack you. You can't give up like this Steve. Its going to be hard. The army will be even harder. So I suggest that you get back up and throw another punch because war isn't merciful, not even to the little guys."
"Ok, your right, I'm sorry man." Steve gasped.
"It's okay." Bucky huffed.
He stood up and reached out a hand for Steve to grab.

The truth was, Bucky hoped that Steve would just come to the realisation that he wasn't cut out for the army and he never would be. All he wanted was for his best friend to be safe ,but Steve seemed to be determined to go find danger all the time. So all Bucky could do was help him put up a fight in the best way possible and hope that he would be okay when Bucky wasn't around.

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