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Bucky awoke to see the sunlight peaking through the curtains finally after a long, uncomfortable night of disturbed sleep. Not because of nightmares for once, instead he was sick. His head pounded, his stomach churned, his throat felt raw and his nose was stuffy. He shuffled up into a sitting position and rested his head back on the head board with a groan. There he stayed, staring through half closed, bleary, itchy eyes as he waited uselessly for Steve to wake up.

It was quite a while before Steve woke up but when he did so he let out a cute little sigh before stretching out, his face buried in his pillow. He expected his boyfriends arms to wrap around him and to feel Bucky's stubble prickle his back as he cuddled into his partner. But when no such touch came, Steve frowned and turned over to face Bucky wondering if he was still asleep for once, normally Bucky was an early riser. Instead he found his shirtless boyfriend propped up on his pillows, his hair a mess on his head, pasty faced, mouth lazily hanging half open and dull, blank eyes.

"What's up Buck? You algood?" He asked with a groan still half asleep.
He new something was wrong because normally Bucky was either up and in the kitchen, snuggling with Steve, or if he had a nightmare sometimes he would lie in bed like this, but his eyes would be wide and terrified like a wild animal.
"I think I'm sick." Bucky said in a clogged up, husky voice and followed the statement up with a sniff and a cough.

His position remained unchanged as Steve sat up and sighed in concern, placing a hand against Bucky's forehead.
"Damn right you are." He gasped. "Baby you're burning-"
"Steve, I'm fine." Bucky interrupted him, shakimg his head and brushing his hand away. "I'm sure it's just a cold." He insisted.
But it was only a second before his eyes went wide and his cheeks were bulging with last nights dinner. He clutched his abdomen and jumped up and over Steve and off the other sude of the bed as he ran to the bathroom only to make it to the toilet just in time to vomit up all the contents of his stomach.

Steve followed quickly after him, crouching down behind him and pulled his long, dark brown hair back behind his friends ears and into a low bun. He drew soft circles around Bucky's exposed back and felt his muscles convulsing beneath his hand each time he gagged. 

Finally Bucky finished and sat up gasping for air. He wiped his mouth with his right forearm and draped himself back down over the toilet bowl.
"Okay, maybe not just a cold." He huffed, hanging his head.
Steve reached up to the basin and grabbed a hair tie from the side which he secured Bucky's hair back with.
"Yeah, just maybe." He said with a concerned chuckle and pushed back a stray piece of hair from Bucky's cheek.
He got down to Bucky's eye level.
"Come on, let's get you back to bed." He instructed as he looked at his miserable partners weak expression.
A sweat had broken out on Bucky's forehead at the sudden exertion of his sprint to the bathroom which sapped all of the little energy he had today out of him.

But Bucky wasn't the type of person who liked to sit around all day. Doing stuff distracted him from his thoughts and made him feel good.
"No no no. I'm okay, let's go out for breakfast or something." He mumbled frowning and trying to gently push Steve off of him.
"Bucky are you serious? Look at yourself mate! You're so out of it!" Steve said incredulously.

Bucky continued to resist and tried to stand up but quickly fell back down with a sudden head rush. He gasped and winced at the pain filling his body.
"See." Steve said with an I told you so smirk. "Come on, this is my chance to pay you back for all those times you had to look after me way back in Brooklyn."
Bucky gave a soft chuckle. "Wow, this is weird. But okay fine, just this once."

Steve stood up and reached out a had to Bucky and hauled him up. Propping him up on his shoulder And slowly walking him back to the bed. He laid him down, tucked him in and then just couldn't resist making one little snide remark.
"Funny, I don't think I've ever seen you move as fast as you did to get to the toilet, yet here you are now hardly to walk." He teased.
"Shut up punk." Bucky warned, not in the mood right at this moment.
Steve laughed but quickly stopped when he noticed that Bucky's forehead was already dry again and scorching hot. Concerned, he planted a gentle kiss against the rough skin of Bucky's forehead and turned to leave.
"Wait where are you going?" Bucky mumbled barely audible and weakly grabbed at Steve's fingers.
"You'll see, I'll be back." Steve replied calmly.

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