The Beginning of the Line

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Pre-Serum (About 6 years old).

Bucky and his friends threw their little bouncy ball back and fourth on the concrete slab. They had been having a great time for a few hours until out of the corner of his eye Bucky saw the tiniest, scrawniest little boy he had ever seen. He had seen him before at school, in his class. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Seemed like a nice kid but he just didn't seem to fit in, especially not with Bucky's group who even at this young age were considered the cool group and had all the girls chasing after them.

All of a sudden one of the boys in Bucky's crew hiffed the ball at the small boy sending him tumbling off his feet. He hadn't been doing anything wrong, just walking along the path minding his own business with his head to the ground. Therefore, his friends act made Bucky furious.
"Hey! What'd you do that for?" He yelled.
"Well what'd you expect? He's a dork." The other boy sniggered and shrugged like it was no big deal.
"Oh yeah? What makes you say that?" Bucky retorted, his anger rising up.
"This!" His friend shouted as he ran over to the small boy and just as he was starting to get back to his feet, kicked him in the stomach, knocking him back down.
"Ahhhh!" Cried the small boy in pain.
"What are you doing?! Stop!" Bucky yelled out desperately.

He ran over to the scene and shoved his so called friend off of the little boy. The fact that his other friends did nothing but stand there laughing made him even more mad.
"Go away and leave him alone! He did nothing wrong!" Bucky screamed at the boy from his group. "I'm not gonna be your friend anymore!"
Shocked and stunned the other three boys all picked up the ball and left in silence.
"Fine, I didn't want to be your friend anyway." One of them muttered.

Ignoring the comment, Bucky turned around and kneeled in front of the small boy. He was curled up in a ball, tears squeezing out of his screwed shut eyes and he was coughing and wheezing.
"Hey are you okay!?" Bucky asked in concern.
The boy only nodded in reply but he clearly wasn't okay.
Bucky pulled him up into a sitting position and rubbed his back.
"I'm James." He started. "But you can call me Bucky if you want."
"Steve." The boy gasped out.
"What's wrong?" Bucky asked worried.
He couldn't understand why Steve was puffed, it's not like he had been running or anything.
"Asthma." Steve wheezed out.
The blow to his stomach had winded him hence threatening the onset of asthma attack.

Bucky panicked not knowing what to do.
"Oh no! Umm..." He stuttered.
All he could think to do was pat him on the back reassuringly. But it only seemed to make it worse, sending Steve into a coughing fit. He could feel every rib and his spine and Bucky was a lot bigger and stronger than the weak little boy.
"Inhaler." Steve stuttered out.
"What?" Bucky asked confused.
"Inhaler!" Steve gasped desperately and pointed to his left.
Bucky turned to see a small blue capsule just by his feet. He wasn't sure what it was but he grabbed it and shoved it into Steve's hand. Immediately Steve started to puff something g out of it and suck it in. He sat there panting, starting to regain his breath.

It took a while but eventually Steve managed to string together a sentence.
"Th-thank you for that." He mumbled shyly.
"Oh that's ok, you didn't deserve that." Bucky shrugged like it was no big deal.
"No seriously, no one has ever done that for me and you stood up to your friends." Steve insisted.
"Well I don't want To hang out with them if they are like that. They can't be very nice people if they treat others like that." Bucky said kindly.
Steve looked at him great fully for a second.
"So what are you doing?" Bucky asked trying to lighten the mood.
"Nothing really, just getting some fresh air." Steve muttered.
"I'll join you." Stated Bucky jumping to his feet and holding out a hand for Steve to him to grab.
"Why?" Steve asked shocked.
No one, especially someone as cool as Bucky ever wanted to hang out with him. Bucky was cool, kind, funny and talented in both school and sports. Everyone liked him so why would he choose to hang out with a loosed like Steve.
"Well because we're friends now!" Bucky exclaimed.
He felt really bad for Steve and he seemed like a really nice guy from what Bucky had seen of him.

Steve looked up into Bucky's big, bright blue eyes in excitement.
"Really!?" He asked.
"Yeah, and besides its not like I've got any other friends anymore." Bucky laughed and winked at Steve teasing him.
"Oh." Steve said dully.
"I'm just kidding!" Bucky exclaimed. "Come on, let's go to me house." He said.
He placed an arm around Steve's shoulders and steered him in the direction of his house as they left the park.

Little did they know that this would be the beginning of the greatest friendship ever. No matter how popular Bucky was, he always came back to Steve and tried to include him in everything he did.

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