Chain (R-18+ Yaoi) - Under Re...

By RedEyedDemon

101K 2.9K 220

Jinn Morii, lost his parents in a car accident. Instead of putting him on an orphanage, a man rescued him. To... More

Chain (R-18+)| MalexMale
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Chapter I: The Peasant

10.8K 300 22
By RedEyedDemon

Jinn's POV

There's nothing special about me. Just another human being that will face the cruelty of reality.

I came from a family that can eat three times a day or more and buy things that we certainly need for our everyday life. In short, we're in the middle class of life. My dad owns a small business of delivering soy beans and vegetables. While, my mother stays home due to her weak health condition and also my father insisted not to let her work. Sometimes he will let my mother to come with him when he's delivering our products to the clients. I'm their only son. Although I want to have siblings, I didn't complain because I am happy with what we have.

But one day, the most terrifying thing happened...

My parents died in a tragic car accident while delivering our goods. According to the investigation, the car behind them lost controlled and hit the car where my parents at, which they also lost controlled and went to the othet where an upcoming truck hit them. The body of my parents are beyond unrecognizable. As a kid, it almost killed me... I wish that I was with my parents so I won't feel this pain and the feeling of insanity.

However, my guardian angel looks like he/she didn't want me to be alone in this kind of situation. A gorgeous man showed up at the police station, claiming that he'll be my guardian and take charge of me from now on so they don't need to call any orphanages or the social service.

"Hello, Jinn. I'm Takayuki Oda. You can call me 'Taka'. I'll take care of you." Mr. Oda gently hold my cold face.

As I felt the warmth of his hands, the tears that I've been holding back suddenly streaming down my face. "M- mama-- P-papa-- " I cried.

"Shh. Everything's gonna be fine now." He embraces me which push me to cry more. I'm surprised to myself that I didn't push him away instead I return his hug.

Next thing I knew, he's talking to the police. I didn't manage to focus on what they're discussing but the police agreed and he asked Mr. Oda to sign some papers then off we go.

The ride to Mr. Oda's house isn't quiet as I expected. He begins to introduce himself and the reason why he took me in.

Mr. Takayuki Oda is a famous lawyer and not to mention, he's rich too but he didn't boost it out. He wants to keep his profile low. He's not fond of attentions and praises from people around him whenever he will win a case; which he always does. Behind those achievements, he is still no exception from the cruelty of life.

His wife left him and their only son to live with another man. The reason is just shallow as her mind and heart can reason out. She said that Mr. Oda doesn't have time to notice her that he's a workaholic. But, Mr. Oda only doing that because he simply wants to give the best for his wife and their son. Beside, he already know that her wife is cheating; not only one man but dozens of them.

Her wife tried to take their son away for the money she'll receive every month from Mr. Oda. Then again, it didn't happened because he won the case and his wife will never receive any money from him, not even a penny.

If Mr. Oda didn't pointed out the window behind me I would've not notice that we've come to a stop. It's already dark but the light from the big mansion in front of us, lighted up the whole place and there's a man wearing a black tail-coated suit standing and waiting beside the huge brown door; he's smiling at us.

Mr. Oda guided me towards the stairs and into the front door. When we reached the top, I finally see how handsome the man in the black tail-coated uniform, which I learned to know that he's the head/personal butler of the Oda Family.

"Welcome back, Master Yuki." He gracefully bowed with the same smile plastered on his face.

Mr. Oda cleared his throat, "M-michael. Please, remember that you need to drop the formality."

Michael didn't respond, instead he mischievously smile. Although, I don't understand what's going on between them.

Anyway, I sort of regretting that I easily took Mr. Oda's offer. I'm not suitable in this place, I'm an outcast. I'm nothing. When I'm planning to turn back and runaway, a kid, older than me by eight years suddenly showed up in front of me.

He have these beautiful green eyes that's looking straight on my soul. He has a wavy blue hair that perfectly suited to his black and white clothes. If I didn't know better, I will say that his one of the god's children. Everything about his physical appearance is perfect anf if I touch or stand beside this stunning creature, I'm nothing but a dirt.

Mr. Oda holds my shoulder and we walk closely to the boy, "Tomomi, this is Jinn Morrii. He will be your new playmate... Be gentle to him, okay?" So he is Tomomi, that's why he is good looking... Tomomi stops in front of me and holds my face and observe it with his glaring green eyes, "Nice to meet you, Jinn. I'm Tomomi Oda..." he takes a step near in my ear and whispered "You'll be my new toy... Interesting..." after that he takes a step back and smiled.

My body starts to feel tingly, I felt that there's an electric current flow in my whole being... "Mi... Michael... I want you to take Jinn to the bathroom and bring him the clothes I pick for him..." Mr. Oda buckled as he asks the man and walk away. When the man near to touch me, Tomomi grab my hand, "I can handle him, just follow him..." and Tomomi starts to walk and drag me in the bathroom...

"He is Michael Devon, his not Japanese but he grew up here. His butler of this family, you can ask whatever you want him to do and bring to you..." so that's why he wears a black-tailed coat. Tomomi open the bathroom door and lock it. I look at him, Tomomi chuckled as he gets a chair to sit as he stare at me "Well, what are you waiting for... You think that I will wash you, I'm just here to watch how you take a bath..."

I can't let my words come out in my mouth; I want to tell him to get out first... I can't wash if someone is glaring at me like that... Then, suddenly tears starts to flow in my eyes. I didn't expect I will cry in front of this beautiful creature yet have a bad side.

Tomomi starts walking towards me and hug me, "I'm sorry... I push it too hard... I know about what happen to your parents... Please, wash properly and go upstairs and go to the room at your left that will be your room. I will let you off the hook for now..." and Tomomi went out the bathroom.

Scratch what I've said... Maybe his not a bad person after all, his just like his father, gentle and kind...

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