Teenage Dirtbag ✖ ((Harry Sty...

By hipstaprincess

689K 17.7K 4.7K

"There's a boy, lost his way, looking for someone to play There's a girl in the window tears rolling down her... More

Teenage Dirtbag ✖ ((Harry Styles/Selena Gomez))
01. Mine
02. New Girl
04. I Hate You
05. Little Black Dress
06. Into Your Arms
07. Think Twice
08. Wanted
09. Midnight Memories
10. Could You Be Loved
11. Not So Bad
12. Just That
13. Stay With Me
14. Wanna Believe in You and Me
15. Somebody To You
16. Luck
17. Risk It All
18. Let's Love
19. Misery Business
20. Enough
21. Flowers
22. Fireproof
23. She Belongs to Me
24. Wrapped Up In You
25. Tell Her
26. Jealous
27. Give What I Got
28. You With Me
29. Gotta Love Me Harder
30. Take My Hand
31. A Night To Remember
32. Be Ok
33. You're Beautiful
34. Styles
35. Together Again
36. Big Girls Don't Cry
37. Wicked Games
38. Avalanche
39. Alive
40. Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart
41. Forever
42. You and Me
43. Epilogue [The End]

03. Blue

21.2K 488 101
By hipstaprincess

SORRY THIS IS SO OVERDUE AH I DIDN'T REALIZE HOW LONG I DIDN'T UPDATE ):  SCHOOLS BEEN BAD AND UGH. but i hope that my thanksgiving post short oneshot thing made up for it ish. if you haven't read it yet, it's called six degrees of separation and it's on my page! (': also, i'll have winter break starting from dec 21- jan 6 and hopefully i'll be able to write more (: AND OH MY GOD, THANKS FOR 209,000 READS ON SCORE??? THATS SO INSANE OH MY GOD, I CRIED WHEN I SAW THAT. thank you so so so much! 

*ps; i recently saw stuck in love and its this amazing movie about writers, i totally recommend 25/10. you're gonna see it a lot in this story, just warning you. also, i actually bought some blue orchids from my local store a few days ago and they're gorgeous (: 


Selena's POV: 

I'm so bored. 

There's only so much you can do whilst uncomfortably averting your gaze from undoubtly, one of the most attractive guys you've ever seen. I hate him so much, but I'm not going to lie that his appearance is easy on the eyes. When I feel a vibration from my pocket, I slowly slip it out to check who has tried to contact me. An envelope icon covers my original background and I cautiously tap on it to see who could possibly be texting me. 

From: Mum

"I'm staying over a co-worker's house. We have to discuss more sketches for the upcoming deadline. Find something healthy to eat for dinner, finish your homework early, and sleep well. I probably won't be back in the morning so find a safe ride to school. Mum x." 

She didn't even say "Love You" like she used to. 

I sigh heavily as I stuff my phone back into my pocket, closing my eyes, feeling discomforted by everything that has just been crashing down on me. 

"I'm done," a raspy voice pants in front of my face and I slowly re-open my eyes to be greeted by bright green ones.

"Let's go," he offers, well more like shoves into my face demandingly, his hand and I take it cautiously as he pulls me up. I smile weakly at Ed, his trainer, and the two of us leave without another word. Once we enter the car, silence overtakes us and though I enjoy that he's not verbally attacking me, I need a little something to disrupt my thoughts; I need music to overpower them. Not caring that I probably have no permission and will get scolded for, I pull out a CD from my backpack that I carried with me everywhere, and jam it into his car player, ignoring his confused and probably angry eyes. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Just let me listen," I snap, unable to handle anymore of this shitty day.

He raises an eyebrow at me before growling, "Don't you dare talk to me like that ever again."

I bite my tongue to prevent the annoyed "whatever" from slipping my too carefree mouth as I press play. The minute the first few beats sing in the car, I'm in complete bliss. The memory of that one summer when my parents dragged the whole family to a beach house vividly plays in my mind and I smile. It was one of my best summers and where I had my first love experience, a real one that didn't involve my mother's fake match-making. His name was Logan and he had ruffled brown hair and bright blue eyes that resembled the pacifying ocean at it's calmest hour. It started off as just a little summer fling where we met at a outside concert where he was a guitar player in an indie rock band, but it grew into more as we realized our same passions in English and Psychology. Well, all good things end. He knew I had to return home in two weeks, my mom demanded that once we returned home, I date Gregg, some posh gentleman that happens to be one of her acquaintance's son, and Logan fell in love with an older woman. Pretty much, my life sucks romantically.

I cried for days and days. My father took me surfing, knowing I live for adventure, and also in hopes that the salty water of the ocean will cover up the salty water leaking from my eyes. He hated to see me cry, because apparently, it broke his heart. After we finished getting swallowed by the waves, Zac and I returned to our respective suites to shower and dry off. When I came out, I lied on my bed, scrolling through the internet, reading the messages Logan sent me this summer and then crying all over again. My brother sensed I wasn't okay and surprised me by coming in, sitting on the bed with his broad arms surrounding my shaking figure. 

"Sometimes you meet guys who just weren't the one, and that's okay. They just weren't meant to be, so it's not worth crying over it."

"I know, but he's the first real guy who liked me, for me and not how much money our family has. He knew nothing about me and he still wanted to know me."

"Well, we can go on a road trip to another foreign place, and you can fall in love with another stranger there," he smiled and I laughed softly. 

"Don't cry," Zac wiped the tears from under my eyes as he placed a small kiss on the top of my head.

"I bet he isn't even good in bed," he smirked as surprise laces over my features.

"Zac! Oh God," I covered my eyes after smacking my brother silly. 

"Just saying," he laughed along and I buried my face into his chest.

"I love you," I whispered as he reciprocated the words back.

"I love you." 

"You know what would make you less sad?" he pulled apart from me and I turned to stare at him half laughing as I dried the remains of my tears.


"Let's make a CD, filled with happy songs so whenever you're sad, you can have a happy playlist. And, whenever one of us is feeling down, we'll just pop this sucker in and blast it to full volume. And we'll dance like nobody's watching and sing loud and proud at the sky like life is infinite. Yeah?"

"Yeah, I'd like that," a grin easily appeared on my face as we began scrolling through my iTunes picking music that never fail to brighten our days. 

I later found out that my dad was watching and eavesdropping on us the whole time through the slightly cracked doorway. In the next four months, he published a book titled "Blue," the story of a misunderstood girl finally fitting in and falling in love with a local, beach rock band member who happened to break up with her near the end of her trip, only to have her find security and closure from her brother's reassurance and to meet a new boy she liked in Paris a few months later. How original, Dad. I continue to daydream about the past as I listened to Track 1 which happened to be At Your Door by Nate Walcott, Mike Mogis, Big Harp, from the soundtrack of my favorite movie, "Stuck In Love".

If I drift from your side
Honey you can be sure
I'll come in
Like the tide
Right back through your door

I don't need no roof
And I don't need no walls
I need you
And that's all
That's all

Like a leaf from a tree
If I slip from your limbs
Honey wait 'till the spring
I'll be home
Safe again
Right back to your door

And if you be my home
Then I won't need no roof
And I won't need no walls
I need you
And that's all
That's all

Not in brick
Not in wood
Do my memories reside
I could leave them for good
It's to you
That I'm tied

And I don't need no roof
And I don't need no walls
I need you
And that's all
That's all

God, I missed him. 

"Why are you so quiet?" he questions abruptly after the song's ending as I watch him concentrate on the stering wheel, his eyes darting back and forth from the street to me, causing me to feel awkward.

"I've got a lot on my mind."

"Tell me," he urges but I shake my head. He doesn't need to know.

"It doesn't concern you," I huff. He turns off the music before the second track's first rhythms can even begin, resulting in me frowning. 

"You're mine now so everything that concerns you, concerns me." I sink in my car seat at his piercing tone. Of all girls, why me? 

"I just miss my old life," I glance away trying to stay vague, staring out the window into the dark night, a blackness similar to my decaying soul that no one noticed through my happy facade. 

"Join the club," he rolls his eyes.

"What's your old life?" I suddenly switch my attention to him, curious to know more about the past of the bad boy.

"None of your fucking business," he snaps before continuing to drive. I roll my eyes and continue to stare out the window, only now I'm fuming. 

And he wonders why I hate him? 

Harry's POV: 

I hate talking about my past, which mainly consisted of my mum and sister. 

It's not because I hate them, because I actually love both women with all my heart. When I was younger, my parents decided to divorce and I watched mum cry for so long. I felt betrayed and I couldn't supress my anger. I was so young, but I nearly injured my dad severely. Out of fear, my mum and sister didn't feel safe around me, shocked I was capable of such violent actions. I was a monster to my own family. They sent me to a boarding school in London to control my anger, but I think all it did was add fuel to a burning fire of hatred I had for the world already. When I found my chances, I escaped and ran away, ran back home, to Holmes Chapel by using my limited money to find a bus, but to an apartment and not the house I lived in my first few years. I started boxing and making money from matches; I also ran errands for some people and if they didn't pull through, I'd beat them till they're nearly dying. I don't give a fuck what other people thought of me. Except my family, but I haven't seen them in ten years

My thoughts are interrupted by a soft voice, "Are you taking me home?"

I don't respond, just because I don't feel like talking; hearing her sigh disappointedly and shift in her seat, I turn my head to take a look at her. Her hair is down and she looks absolutely exhausted, physically and mentally like something is eating her away, yet to me, she still looks gorgeous with her full lips drawn in a tight pout and her beautiful soft eyes. 

Without having to say anything, I smoothly pull into her driveway. 

"How did you know where I live?" she stares at me with an eyebrow raised as I chuckle. 

"I looked up your file during second period," I shrug as she quickly fumbles for the door, to which I immediately press the lock button.

"Let me go," she sighs but I'm not letting her go that easily.

"I will call you later," I inform her as she shakes her head at me, incredulous.

"You have my phone number, too?"

"I have everything," I shrug as she groans before fumbling with the small handle that pushes out the car.

"Please," she almost begs and I smirk; I would have kept her longer but I'm still sweaty from the gym and a bit desperate to wash up.

"Fine," I feign deep anger, just to let her know she can't tell me what to do. Reluctantly, I open the door and watch her stressed self exit the door. Pulling out of the driveway, I return home. 

Selena's POV: 

Once I enter the house, I sigh loudly at the emptiness that is my home.The place is way too huge to my liking, considering it's mostly vacant except with the occasional presence of myself. My mother is rarely home, my father is still in the hospital, and my brother is gone, for good. Deciding to take a shower to warm myself up and rid some tension in my body, I quickly indulge in the steamy bliss, occassionally humming and singing a few notes. After I finish, I step out dressed in an oversized t-shirt that belonged to my brother and his green plaid boxer shorts that worked great as pajamas bottoms. 

I'm sad. 

Reaching into my bag that I tossed aside on my bedroom floor to pull out the CD, I find that it isn't there.

A sudden realization hits me as I remember that it's in Harry Style's fucking car.



How could I have let that happen? My most prized possession is in the hands of Satan himself. God save me. All I can do is cry, cry, and cry, because things do get worse. I keep sobbing until I find myself asleep with tear stains littering my face. 

Harry's POV: 

Along the rest of the ride, I turn on the music player back on again. It intrigues me, she intrigues me. I would never admit to anyone that I care so deeply about someone else, but since I'm alone, I suspect listening to this wouldn't hurt my reputation whatsoever. The next few tracks whiz by as I continue to ponder how possibly meaningful these songs could mean to her. They are just a random compilation of songs with upbeat tunes and nice lyrics. Who even uses CDs anymore?? She is so fucking different than any girl I've ever met. I can tell she's into old-fashioned style collections just judging on her attitude and belongings. Her salvation army jacket with all the badges surely isn't what most girls are wearing. She is just, interesting. As I pull into the parking of my home, I eject the disk and turn off the engine, picking up the CD case left on her seat. Turning the back, I see a picture of Selena smiling widely with her arms wrapped around another guy with brown hair and blue eyes who was beaming as well. The cover has black sharpie scrawled over it, dawning the words, "Songs For When You Need To Be Happy" with a messy smiley face. 

Who is that boy? Is it a past lover? 

Jealousy boils inside me as I clench my fist. Did he give this as a gift to her? Was she really playing music from her previous boyfriend when she was in a car with me? I huff in frustration as I nearly break the CD. The only thing that stopped me is the picture of her slightly smiling in the car. Her eyes were closed and her body shielded away from me, but I knew in that moment when the CD started playing, a sudden spark lighted her because she suddenly looked brighter admist her unknown gloomy mood. I can't do it. 

I leave it in the car before slamming it and walking up to my room. 

Fuck it, I'm not calling her. 

Selena's POV: 

The next morning, I wake up early around three thirty in the morning; I slept an awful lot considering I fell asleep around eight at night. Yawning, I pick myself up from my bed and begin to do the homework I neglected the night before. There isn't much to do considering it was just the first day of school so I finished rather quickly. After washing up and changing, it's about four thirty in the morning and I decide to go out, quickly grabbing my backpack and skateboard before dashing out the door with the map I've grown well-acquainted with in hand. Following the squiggly lines and abstract rectangles, I finally find myself in front of a local florist shop where I kick up my skateboard and hold it in my right hand before pushing the door open.

"Welcome to Karen's florist shop, how may I help yo--" the low voice greets me as the bells on the door signal my arrival, but he cuts off his question as my eyes meet the speaker. I take off my helmet, running a frenzied hand through my messy hair. 

"Liam Payne," I breathe out as I walk up to the cashier, placing my elbows on the counter.

"You know my name," he seems to question yet it comes out more like a statement.

"Yeah, I do. You know mine?"

"Selena Gomez. How could I not know?" he grins.

"I'm flattered," I joke. 

"Word must travel fast," he awkwardly states as I smile at his slightly cute behavior. 

"Yeah, it does," I agree as I mindlessly look around the shop filled with bright blossoms of all colors and species.

"So, why are you here?" I can't help my curiosity.

"Why are you here?" he interrogates me back.

"I asked you first," I point out.

"I asked you second," he childishly replies. 

"Seriously, dude," I hold onto my helmet with my skateboard.

"I work here. This is my mum's shop and my sisters and I take turns having shifts. It's also my punishment for being a wild child and the top 5 most feared guys in the town," he chuckles, "It's my way of staying grounded and the closest thing I have to my innocence."

My eyes study the figure, with minimal tattoos and a shamelessly hot, scruffy stubble, as a new admiration for the boy settles in. He's the same good person I bumped into at the gym before I was fed all those stereotypical assumptions about him. 

"That's really great, Liam," I genuinely reply as his eyes follow me.

"So, I answered your question. More than I should have, may I add. What's your answer?"

"I had a rough night so I'm up early. I also wanted some flowers so here I am."

"You want flowers, just out of the blue?" he looks at me suspiciously as I shrug.

"I love flowers."

"You don't appear to me like the type of girl who would just come into a florist shop at nearly five in the morning to buy flowers for herself. You also don't appear to be the type to ride skatebaords," he informs me as I let out a light laugh.

"Well, you guessed wrong. I love both flowers and skateboarding. Face it, you don't know me, Liam. I am just like every other self-absorbed girl who just wants somebody to love her," I raise my eyebrow at him as he grins.

"Very well then," he gestures towards the variety.

"Have your pick," I nod as I walk around, observing each beauty that nature blessed us with. He follows me and describes each type as I appreciate his kind companionship.

"These are bright blue orchids. They're called Phalaenopsis flowers and most popuarly known as 'Blue Mystique' and I'm pretty sure the explanation as to why is straightforward. You don't see them as often. It's amazing," he gestures to a particularly eye-opening gem as I breathe in amazement.

"Wow, they're beautiful," I turn back to look at him. 

"They're about twenty eight american dollars, but they last an awfully long time for flowers. Though, they say that the more buds it grows, the fainter the blue pigment in the flower becomes," he notifys me as I glance back the flower pot. I continue my touring as I see various bouquets of roses, daisies, tulips, and lilies. 

"I suspect you do rather well in biology," I comment as he shakes his head.

"I took it last year. Failed all but the plant chapters," he sheepishly grins as I join his laughter.

"I'm going to take the red roses and the blue orchid," I tell him as I pull out money from my backpack but he pushes it back.

"Consider it free," he begins but I protest.

"I can't."

"Just consider your first purchases free. All you have to do is promise to return," he winks as I reluctantly give in.

"Fine, but next time, I'm buying as many flowers as I can to make it up to you," I cave as he agrees.

"That sounds great."

"Well, I'm going to go. See you at school?"

"Yeah, sure. See you," he waves me off as I exit, almost bumping into a blonde lady.

"Oops, sorry," she apologizes as she helps me holds onto the flowers just in time as I secure my helmet around my head.

"No, I'm sorry. Thank you," I acknowledge her efforts to assist me as she nods with a smile before walking in to the store and towards Liam.

With that, I skateboard myself towards the two places in mind: the cemetery and then the hospital. 

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