response of souls | ᴷᴴᴮ × ᴷᴶᵂ

Por jeonsobi

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ㅡ ❝there are no words for what I did, what I did for you.❞ all those years ago they had lost two of their bes... Más



474 26 3
Por jeonsobi

#1 flashback chapter

He remembered everything just too well. He remembered every little detail, no matter how small it actually was. No matter how painful the sight was, he just remembered it and his dreams made sure he would never forget it. They made sure he would never forget about the pain, about all the blood, simply about everything. He even remembered every single thought he had thought that evening like he was just thinking them now. He remembered how happy he had been that day before his whole life turned upside down. He remembered the happy, smiling faces of his friends. He remembered how they had been laughing together. And he remembered how his nightmare started just too well.

[ 4 years ago / monday before Chanwoo and Jiwon's deaths ]

"..yah! Are you listening to me?.. Yah! Hanbin-ah!?" Hanbin heard a voice from behind him. He noticed how the voice slowly grew impatient, but he wasn't going to spare the owner of that voice any attention right now. He was too busy with watching Jiwon and Raiko, watching them was too important right now. He didn't even recognize himself grumbling incomprehensible words to himself.
"Yah!.. Damn, could you stop that!?" Hanbin heard again. Just as he finally decided to look at the voice's owner somebody hit him at the back of his head.
"Ouch! Damn, hyung! What was that for!?" Hanbin whined, finally looking up at Jinhwan, who was obviously angry at him.
"Just listen when I talk to you! And stop staring at them, you creep!" Jinhwan complained, sitting down beside him. Hanbin rubbed the point where Jinhwan had just hit him and pouted at the older. Jinhwan ignored his pout and just glared at him. Hanbin averted his gaze.
"S..sorry, hyung." Hanbin mumbled while looking down at the bench they were sitting on. Jinhwan sighed, closing his eyes before he looked up to the sky, sighing again. Hanbin then watched his hyung. 'Something about him seems to be different these days..' Hanbin thought while watching his hyung looking at the sky. After a while of silence Hanbin couldn't take it anymore, he wanted to know what his hyung had been talking to him about.
"Hyung, what did you ask before? I didn't get it." Hanbin asked. Jinhwan looked at him, rolling his eyes.
"Of course you didn't get it. You were too immersed in stalking them.." Jinhwan said, pointing at Jiwon and Raiko, who were cuddling on the grass, talking about the clouds which drifted by. "..seriously, when are you gonna stop? You should get over him." Jinhwan continued. Hanbin looked at the happy, cuddling couple again, sighing as he wished it was him, his best friend was cuddling with. Hanbin shrugged his shoulders, he just didn't know when his feelings gonna die down. Hell, he didn't even know when he had started feeling that way towards his best friend. Maybe they had always been there and Hanbin had only recognized them now, since he had grown older, maybe wiser. But in the end it all might be just some kind of wishful thinking? After all he had never been in a relationship, had never had a girlfriend.. or boyfriend. He had never been interested, but suddenly his feelings for his best friend had changed. And then there was Raiko, Jiwon's girlfriend, the 'love of his life' as Jiwon liked to call her. The funny thing was, Hanbin really liked her. She was really nice, kind, had a beautiful smile and was really caring, not just about Jiwon, but about all of them. Sometimes Hanbin even got the feeling that she might know about his feelings for Jiwon, but as soon as he got that feeling it was gone again. Hanbin wasn't jealous of her, he really wasn't, he was actually jealous about the fact that Jiwon was in love and that he wasn't the one receiving that love.

"Hanbin-ah! Earth to Hanbin. Hello? Somebody there??" Jinhwan asked, really annoyed now. Hanbin blinked at him in confusion, he hadn't recognized himself drifting off again.
"I'm so sorry, hyung! I don't know what's up with me today." Hanbin tried to explain, but even Jinhwan knew that was a lame excuse.
"Today? More like the past few weeks! It's getting worse, Hanbin. I' m just surprised Jiwon himself didn't notice yet." Jinhwan explained, sighing again. He was really worried about Hanbin, this whole situation wasn't good for the younger. Jinhwan knew just too well from experience.
"So, what are you actually here for?" Hanbin asked after a while, trying to keep his concentration at his hyung in front of him.
"I asked you, if you're with us next Friday? You remember? We talked about visiting that new restaurant at the harbor?" Jinhwan asked. Hanbin just blinked at him, not knowing what his hyung was talking about. Jinhwan saw the nescience written all over Hanbin's face.
"You said you'd talk to your parents? Since they asked you to come home that weekend?" Jinhwan continued asking and suddenly Hanbin remembered. They had been talking about it, he remembered now, just a few days ago when they had all been at Junhoe's, excluded Jiwon of course. Jiwon had been at the cinema with Raiko, forgetting about the weekly meeting with his little group of friends. Nobody had been angry with him, though. They were all happy for Jiwon, they liked seeing them together, and it kinda made them believe that they would one day have a relationship like that by themselves.

"Really now, this is getting out of hand." Jinhwan stated, already getting up from his spot. Hanbin blinked at his hyung, watching him getting up.
"I'm waiting for your answer almost ten minutes now. Look!.." he pointed at the grass not far from them. "..even the lovey dovey couple is gone!" Jinhwan continued, packing his stuff. Hanbin blinked again, grabbing his hyung's wrist.
"I..I'm sorry! Don't go. Uhh.. you..I.. yes. I'm gonna come with you guys." Hanbin hurried to say. Jinhwan looked down at him and sighed, sitting down beside him again. Jinhwan pressed Hanbin's hand slightly.
"Good, I'm happy you gonna come, but Hanbin, this needs to stop. You're only hurting yourself." Jinhwan said, slightly smiling at his dongsaeng. Hanbin smiled a little himself.
"I know. I just can't. I tried, but it's not working." Hanbin answered, looking at his hyung's hand.
"Just try harder, Hanbin-ah. Jiwon is never gonna respond to you the way you would like him to." Jinhwan continued. Hanbin just kept on looking at his hyung's hand for some more time.

The sun was already setting when he suddenly felt somebody gripping his shoulder. Hanbin blinked once again and turned to face the newcomer. Jiwon smiled a happy smile at him, which caused Hanbin to smile at him in return. Jinhwan smiled as well, looking at Jiwon.
"What are you doing here?" Jinhwan and Hanbin asked almost in unison. Jiwon started laughing.
"What? Should I leave again? Am I interruption you at something?" Jiwon asked while wearing a happy smile. Hanbin didn't even hear the words, he was frozen by that smiled. He loved the way Jiwon was smiling, nobody smiled as bright as Jiwon. Hanbin loved the way his eyes would turn into thin lines each time his mouth-corners dared to touch his ears. Hanbin was happy seeing Jiwon being all happy. Nothing could top that, nothing could stop him from feeling that way, nothing. Hanbin would never get himself in Jiwon and Raiko's way, not as long as Jiwon was happy.
"You're not interruption, Jiwonnie. Don't worry!" Jinhwan said, laughing as well.
"Well, it seemed like you were discussing something very.. important?" Jiwon said, however, it sounded more like a question.
"No, don't worry. Hanbin just told me that he's gonna join us on Friday." Jinhwan explained, nudging Hanbin's side. Hanbin then found his way back to reality and looked at first at Jinhwan and then at Jiwon.
"Uh, yeah. I'm with you." Hanbin said, not really sure what they had been talking about. However, it seemed like he had guessed right since Jiwon's smile seemed to grow even bigger, brighter.
"Great! I really thought you wouldn't come!" Jiwon said. Hanbin looked at him all confused.
"Why that?" he asked. Jiwon sat down at the grass right in front of them.
"Well, to be honest, I kinda feel like you're avoiding me." Jiwon said, playing with the grass beneath him. Hanbin blinked again, maybe about the hundredth time that day.
"I'm not! We know each other since years, dumbass. Have I ever been avoiding you?"
"Then, why should I've started that now?"
"Maybe, because you're angry?"
"Why should I be angry?"
"Because I forgot a lot of our meetings?"
"Where are we? In kindergarten? I'm not angry because of such things."
"Ah~ look who is all grown up~."
"Shut up."
"Aigo~ Binnie~."
"Shut up, idiot."
"You know I love you~."
"I..I love you, too." Hanbin answered, knowing Jiwon had meant it in a whole different way than Hanbin himself. Jinhwan kept watching them. He saw how Hanbin got sadder with every word, which left Jiwon's mouth. And he saw how Jiwon had no clue about it, but then he saw Jiwon knew it very well, ignoring it, keeping Hanbin as his best friend instead of becoming uncomfortable with each other and one day strangers. Jinhwan did the same, or maybe he didn't.

They separated about two hours later, all of them walking home alone since there was always their little competition of who would get home first. However, Jiwon was the only one who wasn't going home. On his way to an already very familiar building he got a call from his boss.
"Bobby, we need to talk." Jiyong, his boss, said. Jiwon tensed up right at the moment he heard the first of Jiyong's worried words.
"What's up, hyung?" Jiwon asked.
"It's about that Japanese gang.. and your girlfriend, Raiko." Jiyong answered.
"W..what about Raiko?" Jiwon asked, feeling how his heart was already breaking down into tiny little pieces, even though Jiyong hadn't said anything yet.
"She's the daughter of their boss. She's here on a mission, Bobby. She's playing with you, she's playing with your feelings, she's trying to get something and I don't know what. But she's clearly using you." Jiyong said, trying to sound all bossy, however, he failed since Jiwon was like a little brother to him. Jiyong was worried.
"No, she isn't." Jiwon said.
"She is. I've got proof. You need to get your ass here as fast as possible. Chanwoo is already here." Jiyong said. Jiwon stared into the distance, not moving an inch. He couldn't believe what Jiyong just told him, but then, why should Jiyong lie to him? Jiyong was the most honest person Jiwon had ever met. Jiyong would never lie to anyone, especially not him.
"I'm there in 15 minutes." Jiwon answered after an eternity of silence.
"You betta be here in 10." Jiyong said. Jiwon ended the call right after Jiyong said that, not even bothering to answer. Jiwon kept staring into the distance, thinking about Raiko, thinking about the 'love of his life'. Was it true? Was she playing him? It couldn't be true. She was the nicest person Jiwon knew, even nicer than Yunhyeong and he was really nice to everyone. Jiwon averted his gaze to the floor. Raiko was innocent like nobody he had ever me before, she couldn't be the Raiko Jiyong had been talking about, it just couldn't be. Jiwon slowly grew angry. There was no way Jiyong was right, but somewhere deep down Jiwon knew Jiyong indeed was right. Jiyong would never say something like that, before wouldn't have checked all information available. Raiko was playing him, was playing everyone, was playing with his best friends, was playing with Hanbin. Hanbin. Jiwon suddenly felt the need to visit his best friend, needed to see him, talk to him, and maybe even cry a little. Hanbin was the only one to see him cry, ever. Jiwon already turned to leave into Hanbin's direction as he got another call.
"Hello?" Jiwon asked since he hadn't looked at the caller's ID.
"Hyung, we're under fire." Chanwoo said, too calm, but Jiwon heard the gunfire in the background and the fright in Chanwoo's voice.
"I'm there in 5." Jiwon said before he turned once again to hurry and help Chanwoo and all his fellow members.

[ wednesday ]

"Did you hear anything from Jiwon or Chanwoo yet?" Donghyuk asked, obviously worried, as they were all sitting together at a table in their favorite coffee shop.
"Channie texted me this morning, he said that we shouldn't worry about him. He couldn't visit school because of flu." Yunhyeong explained, scrolling through the text messages he had gotten from Chanwoo. Hanbin was staring at his cup, he hadn't heard from Jiwon since Monday, it was so unlike him. Normally, they would be texting all the time, even though Jiwon was spending much more time with his girlfriend now.
"Hanbin?" Junhoe asked. Hanbin looked up at him, blinking again.
"Have I been absent again?" Hanbin asked, a little worried that his friends might be really annoyed by him now. Junhoe shook his head.
"No, you haven't." Junhoe said, smiling slightly while taking another sip from his cup.
"Okay then, what's up?" Hanbin asked, relieved that he hadn't been drifting off again.
"Ya know somethin', about Jiwon-hyung I mean?" Junhoe asked.
"No, nothing." Hanbin answered and that caused everyone to look at him in shock.
"For real??" Donghyuk asked.
"Yeah." Hanbin simply answered.
"That's not normal. That's so not him. I mean, if he isn't even talking to Hanbin?" Yunhyeong thought aloud. Everyone was looking at Yunhyeong at that point. Jinhwan sighed, placing his cup at the table.
"I've called Raiko." Jinhwan suddenly let the others know.
"You did?" Donghyuk asked. Jinhwan just nodded at that.
"And?" Junhoe asked.
"Nothing." Jinhwan said, taking another sip from his coffee.
"Wait, what? What's that supposed to mean?" Donghyuk asked. Jinhwan shrugged his shoulders at that again, signaling: 'how the fuck should I know?'
"I get it. She and Jiwon went somewhere together. You know to be together alone and everything." Yunhyeong thought aloud again, but still thinking of other possibilities.
"He would have told me." Hanbin said quietly, but his friends still heard it.
"What do you think where they are or what they are doing?" Junhoe asked. Hanbin looked at them one after another.
"How should I know? It's not like we're spending much time together or something." Hanbin said, obviously annoyed by that fact. Jinhwan was looking at him all worried.
"It's okay, we were just asking.." Jinhwan said, slightly smiling at Hanbin. "..but it's weird. Both are not at home. I mean we're all living together. Why isn't at least Channie at home?" Jinhwan continued to ask, looking at the others.
"Oh, he also texted me that he drove home because of the flu. Something about his mother takes better care of him or something." Yunhyeong said, again scrolling through the text messages.
"Okay. Well, then?" Donghyuk said. Hanbin got up to walk over to the toilettes, ignoring the conversation of his friends. On his way he got a call from Jiwon, he sighed at that and answered it.
"Hell, where are you!?" Hanbin said as soon as he held his phone to his ear.
"I'm sorry, Binnie. I should have called you earlier." Jiwon said. Jiwon may be a good actor, but Hanbin could still heard the pain in Jiwon's voice, no matter how much the older tried to hide it.
"Hyung, what happened?" Hanbin asked.
"You're lying."
"I'm not."
"You are.
"Okay, I am."
"What happened."
"Raiko and I broke up."
"What? How? I mean you were all lovey dovey just on Monday?"
"Indeed, we were."
"What changed? I mean I'm sorry, but I'm shocked."
"She.. had to leave us, leave me."
"Yeah, she.. returned to Japan." Jiwon answered. Hanbin hear Jiwon's pain in his voice.
"Hyung, I'm so sorry."
"You don't have to be."
"Where are you now?"
"..home. Gonna come back on Friday. Till then." Jiwon answered, ending the call, not waiting for Hanbin's answer, looking down at Raiko's dead body lying on the floor and the blood all over his hands.

Hanbin returned to the others after he finished at the toilette. All of them looked at him, worried.
"Are you sick too? You're all pale!" Jinhwan asked, checking Hanbin's temperature by lying his hand on top of his forehead.
"No, I'm alright. Jiwon-hyung isn't, though." Hanbin answered.
"Oh my god! What happened!?" all of them asked in unison.
"He just called me. He and Raiko broke up. He said he's home." Hanbin explained and the others stared at him in shock. Hanbin didn't like the way they were looking at him, though.
"We're gonna meet him on Friday." Hanbin explained, taking another sip from his cup, staring at his phone, waiting for another sign of Jiwon.

[ friday ]

Junhoe, Jinhwan, Donghyuk and Hanbin were already waiting in front of the restaurant's entrance, talking about the last few days at school, about how they hated their teachers and stuff. Right then Yunhyeong joined them, smiling at all of them.
"Where have you been?" Donghyuk asked, hugging him as a greeting. Yunhyeong hugged him back and smiled a little at his dongsaeng.
"Sorry, just parked my car quiet far away. I thought it would be nearer, turned out I was wrong." Yunhyeong explained, hoping the others weren't mad or something.
"Well, as long as you're here now." Jinhwan said, smiling at Yunhyeong.
"Oh yeah, before I forget! Channie just called me. He told me Jiwon had fetched him as he was driving back here. They're coming together." Yunhyeong explained. Hanbin watched Yunhyeong for a while, thinking about why Channie would always just call Yunhyeong and not him for example.
"He also said we shouldn't wait for them outside since they would take another twenty minutes to get here." Yunhyeong continued, already walking over to the entrance to open the door for everyone to get in. They all followed him without complaining, it was still pretty cold outside even though spring started to show its first signs. They got over to a free table and sat down beside it. All of them scanned the surroundings since this restaurant was completely new. It didn't take long until a waitress showed up and took the orders for their drinks.

They were all talking animatedly, completely forgetting about time. Donghyuk sprung up from his seat as he saw Jiwon and Chanwoo entering the restaurant. Hanbin, startled from Donghyuk's sudden outburst, looked over at Chanwoo and Jiwon and as soon as he did, he knew something happened. Jiwon didn't smile until he reached their table. He hugged one after another, listening to all their complaints as he hadn't been responding to them in the last few days.
"Really now, hyung! Texting back doesn't hurt, you know?" Junhoe complained as Jiwon stood in front of him. Jiwon rubbed his neck, smiling slightly at Junhoe. Hanbin knew it was fake, though.
"I'm sorry Junnie, but you know how mothers are~. She was around me all the time, trying to make me feel better. It would have been weird to text one of you guys." Jiwon explained. Hanbin wondered, if it really would have been weird to just text them back. Hanbin was sure Jiwon's mother wouldn't be angry at him because of such a thing, but well, Hanbin couldn't possibly know after all.
"Lame!" Jinhwan called from the other side of the table. Jiwon laughed slightly. Channie sat down beside Hanbin in the meantime. Hanbin smiled at the youngest.
"Are you feeling any better?" Hanbin asked and Chanwoo started smiling at him.
"Yeah. Don't worry, I'm all good again and I'm not going to infect you or something." Chanwoo explained, slightly laughing.
"Even, if you would, I wouldn't be mad. I'm just happy you're with us again." Hanbin explained, what caused Chanwoo to smile at him even brighter.
"Nice to hear that from you, hyung." Chanwoo answered. Jiwon sat down between Junhoe and Donghyuk in the meantime, looking at Hanbin. Hanbin averted his gaze from Chanwoo to look at Jiwon in return. They had one of their silent conversation's again. Hanbin looked Jiwon in the eyes, smiling lightly: 'You okay?' Jiwon nodded his head slightly: 'I'm better. Don't worry.' Hanbin nodded at that too and averted his gaze as the waitress smiled at them to get their orders.

Hours went by, they were laughing together, telling funny stories the others may or may not heard already. Junhoe tried to tell some jokes, but failed almost all the time. However, the others were still laughing, because it was just too cute to watch Junhoe struggling with telling them. Of course they also made fun of one another. They were joking about Hanbin, who had never ever had been in a relationship, much to his displeasure of course. They joked about Jiwon smiling all the time or about Jinhwan ignoring all the love-confessions by the girls at school. Jinhwan just shrugged his shoulders at them, telling them that he was into one of them, since he already found someone far more interesting. At that all of them started to question Jinhwan about the mysterious 'lady', however, Jinhwan refused to let them know anything about it. Hanbin noticed, however, noticed how Junhoe got smaller in his chair with every passing question directed at Jinhwan. Jinhwan on the other hand seemed to enjoy the question-circle, like he was taking some kind of revenge or something. At one point of the evening they also joked about Chanwoo's inability to talk to girls, always turning into a cherry as soon as a cute girl would talk to him. Chanwoo whined and pouted at that, refusing to talk to his hyungs ever again. Hanbin laughed as Chanwoo tried to hide his face in Hanbin's hoody. Yunhyeong sighed quiet often as the others to joke about his 'roboter-self'. Yeah, sometimes Yunhyeong acted a little.. off, as if he wasn't a human or something, even though he was the nicest person ever. Donghyuk smiled at Yunhyeong as they were joking of him. All of them knew Yunhyeong and Donghyuk were trying hard to hide something from them, but none of them bothered to question them about it. Everyone deserved a few secrets and a little mystery in their lives. They were still there as the sun set outside and it slowly grew darker with every passing second. At some point they had started to play some games. As the games grew boring, they got the glorious idea to make it more exiting by adding alcohol to their games.

Another hour later, after every one of them, excluding Chanwoo, got a little drunk, Junhoe started to whine out of a sudden. All of them were looking at him by the time he stopped. Jinhwan blinked at him in confusion and Chanwoo suddenly stopped to complain why Junhoe was allowed to drink with them, but he wasn't.
"You okay?" Jinhwan asked, worried that Junhoe might have drunken too much already. Junhoe and alcohol wasn't a good combination after all.
"Yah~ I'm okay! I'm just sad~." Junhoe explained, looking completely lost. All of them furrowed their eyebrows at that.
"May I ask why?" Donghyuk asked. Junhoe looked over to his hyung.
"Well, you know~ because of Jiwon and Raiko~." Junhoe whined.
"Oh god, please don't." Hanbin and Jinhwan said in unison, rolling their eyes at that. Jiwon, who had been oddly quiet that evening looked at Junhoe.
"Nah, don't be sad. It wasn't you relationship after all." Jiwon explained, taking another sip from his weird alcohol mix.
"But.. how in the world should I get into a relationship now!?" Junhoe asked, totally worried.
"God, he can't be serious." Jinhwan whined at the other side of the table, leaning back in his chair, rolling his eyes once again. Hanbin watched him.
"But, it's true~ You and Raiko were my proof that love truly exists~!" Junhoe complained, already at the edge of breaking down in tears. Jinhwan complained silently, nobody understood his words, but everyone was sure the words weren't nice. Yunhyeong caressed Junhoe's back and Jiwon sighed.
"Love is a lie, Junnie." Jiwon said quietly. And right then Hanbin knew there was more to their breakup. 'Maybe she had another relationship beside Jiwon?' Hanbin asked himself. Jiwon looked over to Hanbin and smiled a little. Hanbin didn't really notice though, too immersed in his thoughts.

Jiwon's phone suddenly vibrated and caused Jiwon to look at the caller's ID: Choi Seunghyun. Jiwon sighed and answered the call.
"What's up, hyung?" Jiwon asked.
"Run!" Seunghyun called, and just at that moment gunfire shoot through the windows of the restaurant. Jiwon dropped his phone, pulling Junhoe down to the floor with himself. Chanwoo screamed at everyone to get down on the floor and so they did. Hanbin was shocked, couldn't move an inch. He looked at his friends, afraid that one of them might have got shot. Luckily all of them were okay at that point, well, as okay as one could be after someone had aimed at him. Jiwon crouched down beside them, checking their surroundings. Some other guests have been shot, now lying dead on the floor or on the tables. He heard somebody crying in pain, probably the waitress as it was a feminine voice, but maybe someone else. Jiwon grabbed his phone, noticing his hyung was still on the line.
"Hyung?" Jiwon whispered.
"Thank god, you're alive. Listen, you need to run." Seunghyun explained. Somewhere in the distance Jiwon could hear men talking, giving orders to others. Jiwon looked over to Chanwoo, noticing that the youngest was gone. Jiwon looked around to find him, but he couldn't.
"Hyung, what's happening?" Jiwon asked, still checking his surroundings.
"Bobby, listen. You need to get outta there. Those bastards came because of you and Chanwoo. We're already on our way to help you, but it will take a while." Seunghyun explained, sounding all worried.
"We can't just leave! They're gonna kill them!" Jiwon complained.
"Shit, they're with you?" Seunghyun asked. Suddenly the front door went open and two big men entered, looking around, searching for either Jiwon or Chanwoo. Just as they laid their eyes on Jiwon, both of them sunk to the floor, obviously killed by headshots. Jiwon hurried to look over to the sniper, finding out it had been Chanwoo. Jiwon blinked at that, he hadn't known Chanwoo would have that good of an aim. Chanwoo looked over to him, waving at him, signaling that he had found a way to get out.
"Chanwoo found something." Jiwon stated.
"Good, I knew the boy was good for something. Now hurry! Follow him!" Seunghyun said. Jiwon put the phone into his pocket, not ending the call, they would need Seunghyun's help sooner or later anyways, so no need to end the call. Jiwon looked at his friends all worried. He knew they hadn't been shot or something, they were far too quiet for that. Hanbin looked at him, hundred questions popping up in his mind, showing in his eyes. Jiwon shook his head at that and Hanbin kept quiet. Jiwon shook all of them slightly, signaling them to get behind the counter and over to Chanwoo, who was waiting at the door to the kitchen. All of them followed Jiwon's orders and did as they had been told. As soon as they entered the kitchen one after another, they could hear loud voices coming from the dining area. Jiwon told them to stay down and crawl over to the back door. Chanwoo looked at Junhoe all worried, since they older had been the most drunken one of all of them, but it seemed that the shock brought Junhoe back to his senses. Chanwoo left the kitchen through the backdoor and held it open for the others. As soon as they left, Chanwoo climbed onto one of the containers, checking their surroundings.
"Chanwoo?" Jiwon asked. Chanwoo looked down at them.
"They're still at the front, but I'm sure it won't take them long to figure out where we are." Chanwoo explained, still looking over to the main entrance. Jiwon looked around, thinking of a way out of there. Chanwoo climbed onto a higher container, staying down so their enemies wouldn't see him. Chanwoo took a close look at the area.
"Hyung!" Chanwoo called just as loud so Jiwon could hear it. The others were all looking up to where Chanwoo was.
"Chanwoo! Get down here, now!" Jinhwan and Yunhyeong called in unison. Hanbin leaned on the container, looking at Jiwon. He didn't know why they were still waiting, they should be running. Jiwon looked at him, reading his thoughts through his eyes.
"As long as we don't know where to we can't run. Imagine we would run into a dead end with those bastards behind us." Jiwon explained. Hanbin blinked, Jiwon was right, or maybe just crazy. Chanwoo had gotten down from the containers in the meantime.
"I know where to head to!" Chanwoo said.
"Okay! Let's get away from here!" Jiwon said. Chanwoo started running towards another pair of containers and all of them followed them. As soon as they reached the containers, Jiwon turned around to look at the doors, right at that moment some guys left through the door, aiming at them.
"Down!" Jiwon called at them and as soon as it had been said, all of them lay on the ground.
"Chanwoo! Get them outta here!" Jiwon called. All of them looked back to Jiwon.
"What's with you?" Hanbin asked, almost screaming at him.
"Taking another direction!" Jiwon said.
"What!? Why!?" Jinhwan called, getting up from the floor and behind a container since the men were shooting at them again. As soon as all of them made it behind the container Jiwon looked at Chanwoo. Chanwoo nodded.
"Okay!" Chanwoo said, grabbing Junhoe and Donghyuk's arms, pulling them with him. All of them followed Chanwoo. Jiwon took a look around the edge of the container, finding out the men were running towards them. Jiwon sighed turning back, finding Hanbin right beside him.
"You fool! Run, damn it!" Jiwon called.
"What's with you!?" Hanbin asked.
"Just go! I know the area, I'm not gonna get lost!" Jiwon explained, shoving Hanbin into the direction he should run into. Hanbin looked at him for a while, Jiwon was looking at him. Slowly the screaming voices of the men grew louder.
"Please, go Hanbin." Jiwon pleaded him. Hanbin just kept on looking at him, however he started running as soon as he heard another shot. Jiwon kept watching Hanbin for a while before he turned around to get in front of the container. The men saw him, were calling at him and aiming at him, however, Jiwon just run into the other direction, far away from his friends. He needed to get those men away from them, no matter if it would cost him his life.

Chanwoo leaded them into a little forest which was right behind the harbor. He told everyone to hide behind the trees and so they did. Hanbin arrived at last, looking back to the containers. Chanwoo grabbed his wrist and pulled him behind a big tree.
"Jiwon-hyung?" Chanwoo asked him.
"He..he.. he told me to run." Hanbin explain, not able to believe that he left his friend alone. Hanbin knew he should have stayed at Jiwon's side, help him, die with him if the universe whished for it. Hanbin started to panic. Jinhwan slid down the tree in shock. Donghyuk grouched down on the ground and Yunhyeong laid his arms around him. Junhoe was calling someone Hanbin had no idea, whom he was calling, probably the police. Hanbin's panic, however, didn't die down. Actually, it just grew as he noticed that Chanwoo was gone. Hanbin looked around, searching for Chanwoo, however he couldn't find him anywhere.
"Shit." Hanbin managed to say.
"W..what's happening here..?" Jinhwan stuttered his question.
"I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know...." Donghyuk said over and over again. Yunhyeong looked around.
"We need to find Chanwoo! We need to help Jiwon!" Hanbin called, running out of the forest, back to the harbor. The others followed him.

Until now Jiwon had been able to run from them. They were still searching for him, screaming at him in Japanese, he didn't understand a word and that kinda amused him. Jiwon run over to another group of containers, hid behind them. Jiwon pulled out his phone, holding it to his ear.
"Hyung, how long!?" Jiwon asked impatient.
"A few more minutes. They had been waiting for us!" Seunghyun explained. "Youngbae and his men, however, are almost there. Just hang on a little more" Seunghyun continued. Jiwon sighed.
"I don't know how much time I've got left." Jiwon stated. He turned to his left just to find a man right beside him. Jiwon pulled his gun and pointed it at the man's head. The man raised his arms.
"Hyung.." Chanwoo said, looking all worried at Jiwon.
"Channie, gosh. Don't do that ever again! I might have killed you!" Jiwon complained. Chanwoo smiled a little.
"You wouldn't have." Chanwoo stated. Jiwon rolled his eyes, handed Chanwoo his phone over.
"Are they save?"
"I took them to the forest."
"That has to be enough for now."
"Hyung, we need to get away, they're almost here." Chanwoo said, looking around the endge, watching the men searching for them.
"Yeah, let's go." Jiwon said, starting to run again. Chanwoo followed him, however, just as lucky as they were the men saw them and followed them again. Chanwoo ran behind Jiwon as he heard someone calling from the phone.
"Hyung?" Chanwoo asked while panting heavily.
"Chanwoo?" Seunghyun asked.
"He's with me." Chanwoo said watching Jiwon's back, running around a corner just to get out of the way of another rain of bullets.
"Listen you two. They're the men of that Raiko girl's gang! They want you dead! You need to vanish!" Seunghyun explained. Jiwon grabbed the phone from Chanwoo as soon as he heard that, leaning against the container.
"What do you mean?"
"I just talked to Jiyong on the other phone. They're gonna hunt you down until you die. They don't care if your friends die with you or not." Seunghyun explained.
"Shit." Chanwoo said. Jiwon looked at the younger, thing exactly the same.
"So, what do we have to do?" Jiwon asked, already afraid of his hyung's answer. Chanwoo looked concerned as well.
"You need to die." Seunghyun said. Jiwon blinked and Chanwoo stared at Jiwon.
"You can't be serious." Chanwoo said.
"They're gonna kill your friends, if they're able to get them."
"Then we will protect them!" Chanwoo complained.
"How do you think this should work!?" Seunghyun asked, angry with their stubbornness.
"He's right, Chanwoo." Jiwon suddenly said. Chanwoo just stared at Jiwon, not able to believe what he just said.
"What?" Chanwoo asked.
"I want them out of all of this. I want them to live a good, peaceful life. It's not gonna be able with us accompanying them." Jiwon explained, looking down at the floor. Chanwoo was terrified by the thought of living without all his hyungs, however he felt the same was as Jiwon did.
"You're right. So, what are we gonna do?"
"Face them. Kill them. Keep our friends save." Jiwon said determined. Chanwoo nodded.
"Hyung, you and Youngbae-sunbaenim better hurry. We're gonna need your help." Jiwon said before he ended the call, looking at Chanwoo. Chanwoo nodded again, handing Jiwon another gun.
"Where do you hide all of them!?" Jiwon asked as he took the gun from Chanwoo.
"I better don't tell you." Chanwoo said, laughing a little. Jiwon smiled at Chanwoo, worried, but thankful.

They got out of their hiding place to face the men, which were already running towards them, aiming at them. Jiwon and Chanwoo waited a little longer before they aimed at them as well, shooting them one after another. However, even if Jiwon and Chanwoo were good sniper, those guys were too and so they managed to shot Chanwoo's left leg and Jiwon's left shoulder. Both were bleeding heavily, but they managed to get behind some timber planks. Hiding behind them, they aimed at the men again. However, no matter how many they shot, the men just didn't get less of number. They were always coming new ones, shooting at them. Jiwon and Chanwoo's munition got less until it was completely gone. Jiwon was left with nothing. Chanwoo, however, pulled out some knifes. Jiwon blinked at him out of surprise.
"Really now?" he asked in pain.
"I go to school like that." Chanwoo stated, trying to get up.
"What do you think you're doing!?" Jiwon then asked.
"Killing them?" Chanwoo said as he got up and threw some knifes at them, managing to kill some of them. "Shit, they're too many." Chanwoo said and suddenly he fell down to the floor, holding his hand to the right side of his chest. Jiwon got over to hold him. Chanwoo looked at him, muttering a quiet 'shit!', bleeding heavily. Jiwon looked around, noticing some shadows creeping around them.
"Hold on, CHannie. Help's here." Jiwon said, worried about the younger. "You're not gonna die on me here!" Jiwon explained, slightly in panic.
"Don..t..worry.." Chanwoo managed to say before he broke down coughing and spitting blood. Chanwoo turned unconscious after that and Jiwon really started to panic. Jiwon though Chanwoo's gonna die for a moment and out of his own foolishness he got out of their hiding place and aimed at the men, who were still shooting at him. Jiwon got shot a few more times, but suddenly all of the men in front him fell down to the floor, shot by Seunghyun and Youngbae's men. Jiwon smiled slightly, thinking of his end, falling down to the floor. He felt how blood was leaving his body, filling the space around him, turning the ground red. His vision turned blurry, however he forced himself to look over to Chanwoo. There were already agent's caring for him. He also saw some agents running towards him.

And somewhere far away he saw five faces, looking at him in shock. His vision grew even more blurry as the agents were grouching down beside him, turning him over to take care of his wounds. Jiwon, however, kept his gaze on the faces, especially on one face. Hanbin's face. His vision went even more blurry until it became darker with every passing second. The last thing he saw was how his friends stared at him and Chanwoo in disbelieve and how Hanbin fell down on his knees, crying.

Hanbin cried his soul and heart out. He couldn't believe what had happened, he couldn't believe his friends were dead. He was still crying, lying on the floor, ignoring everything around him, ignoring everyone. Two officers helped him up from the floor. Hanbin didn't want their help, he wanted to stay down on the floor, and maybe he would wake up any second. Reality hit him as paramedics carried Chanwoo and Jiwon's dead bodies away. The five remaining boys were staring at them, not able to believe what had happened. Just at that moment Hanbin realized that he lost his little brother and the 'love of his life'.

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