response of souls | ᴷᴴᴮ × ᴷᴶᵂ

By jeonsobi

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ㅡ ❝there are no words for what I did, what I did for you.❞ all those years ago they had lost two of their bes... More



554 28 4
By jeonsobi

Hanbin glared into the night, looking at the spot where Jiwon had been until just seconds ago. Hanbin had watched Jiwon, leaving him once again, completely alone. Night, again. Just like four years ago, it had been nighttime too as Jiwon had left his life for the very first time. Hanbin kept on staring at the same spot for quite some time. How long? Hell, how should he know?! His mind had lost all sense of time, his body had lost all kind of feelings, he himself had lost the will or even the intention to move, not even an inch. He just stood there, lost like a little child, partly living in the present, the other part living in the past, which dared to drown him once again. Somewhere deep inside at the very end of his mind, something, whatever, tried to understand, to understand the situation, to understand that Jiwon was indeed alive, to understand his feelings, to simply understand something, but even if that something succeeded, Hanbin wouldn't be able to understand. There was simply no way. Others might be able to live with that situation like nothing happened and that it's just normal that your dead best friend suddenly protected you from someone who wanted your death, yeah there might be people who're actually able to just keep on living. Nevertheless, Hanbin wasn't one of those people. He was one of those people, whose whole world would suddenly start crumbling down just because of such a situation. Well, not just his world, but then.. is there even more than his world? Could even more crumble down on him, batter him death and burry him under the pieces?

Hanbin just stood there, watching the night. If it was dead, people would probably thing he died while standing still, or maybe that he was some kind of sculpture. Somewhere in his mind he was amazed that he was still standing, and somewhere else his mind was screaming at him, declaring him to be a complete fool, a coward, just a naïve little boy.

Time passed by and the part which was angry slowly took over him, getting him into rage-mode. Who was Jiwon to act like that? Being all protective out of a sudden? Who was Jiwon to think that he needed him? Hanbin was able to care for himself, he didn't need Jiwon, and he didn't need him at all. After all, he had been able to survive the last few years without him. Yeah maybe Chanwoo explained that he and Jiwon had kept them save, but without their actions they would have never needed their 'protection'.
"Fool." Hanbin said to himself, however, not knowing if he said it to himself or to a currently-not-there Jiwon. Hanbin mentally screamed at a imagination of Jiwon, out of frustration, but Hanbin wouldn't admit it to himself, though. Never. He wasn't frustrated, he was angry! But still, he was frustrated. He was angry at Jiwon. He was angry at himself, for letting Jiwon control his world that much. Suddenly Hanbin felt like he only existed, because Jiwon existed. And then again, wasn't it the truth? Didn't he only exist, because Jiwon existed? And then, if Jiwon would have died for sure that night, wouldn't he and the others be safe by now? Would have Chanwoo been able to live a happy life with them, instead of hoping he was able to survive the next day? Hanbin's mind suddenly flooded with questions, question he couldn't answer, probably nobody could, probably not even Jiwon. Was Jiwon even the problem? Nope. Jiwon wasn't, Hanbin himself was the problem. All his actions, thoughts, everything circled around a certain point, named Jiwon. In one point of his life Hanbin must have decided to let his life being controlled by Jiwon, even though the latter didn't even know. How should Jiwon even know? Hanbin never told him, never talked to him about it, hell, he only found out just now. Jiwon was simply living his life, trying to protect them, be a good friend, even though he couldn't be there for them physically and still he was there, they simply didn't know. How should they? They had thought they were dead.

Hanbin finally moved after some time, still not knowing how much had passed, he didn't really care, though. He got his bag back on his shoulders and returned on heading home. His mind was still processing the meeting with Jiwon. Jiwon's words: 'I'm done dealing with you' echoed through his mind, they hurt his soul, but he felt numb anyways. 'There is no point in this.' He thought. Hanbin decided to walk home as slowly as he could, hoping that Jinhwan wasn't waiting for him.

There was no Jiwon, there was only Bobby, and Hanbin didn't know this Bobby.

[ at the hospital ]

Jiwon arrived at the hospital, parking Chanwoo's car somewhere nobody would be able to hurt the car. Yes 'hurt'. For Chanwoo this car was some kind of replacement for a pet.. or a girlfriend, or a boyfriend, whatever. Jiwon then grabbed his phone and dialed Minho's number. However the latter didn't pick up. Jiwon sighed and got out of the car to smoke a cigarette. While smoking he tried to call his hyung for several more times, but the older never picked up. Jiwon became slightly annoyed.

Jiwon decided to just get his hyung and walked into the hospital. He didn't even have to ask for the room number again, because his mind somehow magically remembered the number. Jiwon was glad he didn't have to ask again, he didn't like the girl at the information point. She obviously tried to flirt with him just an hour ago, and Jiwon hadn't liked it at all. Yes, she was beautiful, seemed to be nice and cute, but there was no space left for a new girl. A certain someone already ruled all over his mind. Jiwon walked down the corridor, watching the people around him. They were staring at him, like he had grown a pair of horns or something. Maybe it was just his aura, people were normally pretty wary of him. He didn't care, though. After some more rooms that he passed, he finally arrived at the tight one. The door was closed. Jiwon just walked in, not budging about knocking or something. He was surprised when he saw Taehyun looking at him.
"Hyung, you're awake." Jiwon quietly said. Taehyun just nodded a little, obviously not able to do more than that.
"Don't overwork yourself. Sleep, or just relax." Jiwon told him with a smile, walking over to a sleeping Minho. Minho probably fell asleep while watching over Taehyun. Jiwon smiled at his sleeping hyung.
"Minho-hyung had told me that they would keep you asleep, but it seems like they forgot about it?" Jiwon smiled at Taehyun again and the older tried to smile and shrug his shoulder, but failed at both. He was in too much pain. Jiwon went over to him to help him, but then he noticed that he couldn't help his hyung at all. Taehyun would have to recover all on his own. Suddenly the door opened again, and some nurses rolled Seunghoon's bed into the little room. The doctor who had followed them looked at Jiwon and Taehyun.
"Are you a friend?" the doctor asked Jiwon and Jiwon just nodded in return. Doc looked at Taehyun in a questioning way and the latter nodded slightly. Doc obviously relaxed and smiled at them.
"May I ask you why Taehyun-hyung is awake?" Minho asked the doctor, who walked over to them.
"At first we had planned to keep him asleep, but then we figured that it was better if his body would decide when it's time for him to sleep, in a natural way." He explained to them. Jiwon nodded. He then noticed that the nurses finally left the room one after another and Jiwon was finally able to look at Seunghoon-hyung.
"How is Seunghoon-hyung?" Jiwon asked totally worried.
"Both of them suffered from major injuries, but Lee-nim also suffered from several internal bleedings and some of his bones broke as well. The surgeries were much more complicated compared to Nam-nim's. It's actually a miracle that your friend is still alive." The doctor explained. Jiwon sighed, somehow out of worry and somehow out of relief. Jiwon looked over to his conscious hyung, just to find him in tears. Jiwon hurried to get a handkerchief and wiped the tears away, which were streaming down Taehyun's face.
"Hyung! Stop crying, please, he will be alright!" Jiwon said, looking worried at his hyung. Taehyun looked at him, not able to stop his tears from falling.
"Please, hyung." Jiwon continued pleading. Taehyun then closed his eyes and tried his best to stop his tears. Jiwon then looked over to Seunghoon again, he walked over to him to take a closer look. Seunghoon looked like he had been cut into pieces and the doctors somehow managed to put the-Seunghoon-puzzle back together. Jiwon was pretty sure Seunghoon would need a very long time to recover from this and he also knew Seunghoon would be whining all the time about it as soon as he would be conscious again. Jiwon smiled slightly, imagining his hyung whining all the time, annoying the others. And that brought him back to his actual mission: get Minho-hyung to take his revenge. He returned to look at his sleeping hyung and suddenly his phone vibrated in his pocket. He already knew who was calling him, but he still decided to pick up the call. Yunhyeong might have news for him.
"Hyung?" Jiwon answered the phone.
"Chanwoo and me arrived at the warehouse, Daesung-sunbaenim and Jiyong-sunbaenim are working at the headquarters and Youngbye-sunbaenim got back to his department to get some of his fellow agents. Where are you and Minho?" Yunhyeong explained to Jiwon.
"Still at the hospital. Seunghoon-hyung just got out of the emergency room. Taehyun-hyung is awake and now I have to wake Minho-hyung." Jiwon explained while grabbing Minho's shoulder with his free hand to shake him awake.
"How are they?" Yunhyeong asked.
"Taehyun-hyung can barely move, not yet able to talk and Seunghoon-hyung is still unconscious." Jiwon explained further and smiled at Minho, who blinked at him in confusion. Minho attempted to say something, but Jiwon signaled him to keep silent.
"Minho-hyung's awake now, we gonna meet you there. Don't get in until we arrive." Jiwon instructed and watched Minho getting over to Seunghoon to look at his hyung.
"Yes, sir." Yunhyeong said, amusement clearly audible in his voice. Jiwon smiled and then ended the call.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there, hyung." Minho whispered to the still unconscious Seunghoon. Jiwon got over to them and laid one of his hands on top of Minho's shoulders.
"Hyung, we have to go." Jiwon said, looking back at Taehyun, who opened his eyes again, looking at Jiwon, fear for both of them evident in his eyes.
"Mi....." Taehyun tried to call Minho, but failed since he was not able to speak, he had had a surgery at his throat and it was still swollen so talking was not an option. Minho however noticed even that silent noise of his dongsaeng and hurried to get over to Taehyun.
"'re awake! I..I'm so glad!" Minho blurted out, not able to believe that Taehyun was really awake. Taehyun tried to smile at him, but failed again. Minho caressed his hair.
"Don't move. S..sleep. I..I'll get Jinwoo-hyung and Seungyoonnie home. I promise!" Minho said, almost in tears again. Jiwon kept on watching them and smiled. They really were good friends, and once again Jiwon wished he could be able to live with his best friends together like that too.
"D..don...go.." Taehyun managed to say and then started to cough heavily. Minho tried to help him, but couldn't. However, Taehyun soon stopped coughing and relaxed a little again.
"I have to. I'll get everyone home. I promise!" Minho said. He was sure we would get everyone home, no matter what he would have to do, no matter if he would have to die in the end. He doesn't care about himself anymore, all he wanted is to know his friends in safety. Jiwon smiled at them once again.
"We have to go, hyung. They're waiting." Jiwon said. 'And I'm pretty sure Jinwoo-hyung and Seungyoon-hyung won't have any more time..' he added in his thoughts. He didn't want to worry Minho and Taehyun even more. Minho turned to look at Jiwon with a determined face. Today he would taste blood.


They arrived at the warehouse just twenty minutes after they left the hospital. Taehyun had been begging Minho with his gazes to stay and let the rest handle the job. Taehyun was too worried about Minho. Taehyun was sure Minho would endanger himself and Jiwon knew too. Jiwon promised to keep an eye on his hyung, however, for some reasons he was sure Minho was much more competent that everyone thought he would be.

They parked the car at a parking lot where Chanwoo and Yunhyeong were already waiting for them. Both of them got out of the car and Chanwoo run over to his car to examine it if there were any scratches or dents. Jiwon chuckling quietly at Chanwoo's behavior.
"Calm down, Channie. He.. she.. it? Is okay!" Jiwon said still chuckling. Chanwoo looked at him with a questioning face.
"One has to make sure, u know." he just said, walking around his car, looking for any damage. Jiwon went over to Yunhyeong, leaning himself on the big car Chanwoo and Yunhyeong had arrived in. Yunhyeong watched him lightning a cigarette.
"Sure you're okay?" Yunhyeong questioned him. Jiwon looked at him, not sure what or how to answer. Minho and Chanwoo looked at them at the same moment, however Chanwoo was faster to question them:
"What happened?"
"Nothing." Jiwon simply answered.
"Hanbin." Yunhyeong answered just seconds after Jiwon's answer. Chanwoo and Minho both blinked at Jiwon and Jiwon looked away. There was no need to talk about it now.
"So, ready?" Minho asked, already getting impatient. He wanted to save his friends and save them, take them to a much safer place, care for them. Yunhyeong nodded.
"Yes, Youngbae-sunbaenim, June and the other agents are already at their positions. They're waiting for our call." Yunhyeong explained.
"How's the situation out here?" Jiwon asked, checking his weapons.
"This time not a trap. It's pretty evident they're keeping both of them as hostages. We don't know what they're doing to them. Anyways, there are several guards outside." Chanwoo explained, sitting at his car's engine hood, checking his weapon's as well. Yunhyeong went over to the trunk of their car and opened it, revealing several different kinds of weapons. Minho went over to him to take a look at them. Something they didn't know about him: he was very, very talented in fighting whit all kind of knives and blades. Minho smiled as he saw the large variety of weapons.
"Take everything you want." Yunhyeong said and Minho did as he had been told. He mainly took knives with him. He would gladly cut them open for hurting his friends. He definitely had no problem with getting blood stained hands. Yunhyeong smiled slightly while watching Minho, arming himself with several guns, handling each of them as if he had been living with them his whole life long. Jiwon watched them. Never ever would he have imagined Yunhyeong or Minho being that talented with weapons, especially not Yunhyeong. Jiwon now knew for sure Yunhyeong was hiding things. Chanwoo watched them too. Jiwon than took a quick look at Chanwoo and the younger returned him a questioning look. Jiwon just shrugged his shoulders.

"Call Youngbae-sunbaenim." Jiwon ordered Yunhyeong to do, while walking around a corner, hiding behind a big container. He gazed around the edge of the container to see if there were guards. Until now they had been able to tiptoe around them. There had been no reason to kill those guys. Many of them did that job, because they had no other option, and Youngbae's agents would deal with them later at the police department anyways. Jiwon saw two guards in front of the back entrance. He sighed, they would have to kill those two, so they wouldn't be able to call the guy's inside, maybe Jinwoo and Seungyoon's life's depended on that. Jiwon turned to look at Yunhyeong and the older nodded at him, signaling that he had called Youngbae and his agents. They would come and help them as soon as one of them would give them the signal. Chanwoo silently climbed onto the top of the container, slowly and quietly walking over to the other side. Minho however climbed onto it as well, he walked over to stand beside Chanwoo. Chanwoo looked at him in a questioning way. Minho just smiled at him wickedly and as soon as Minho turned his head to look down at the two guards, both of them were already lying on the ground, dead. Chanwoo blinked at Minho. 'What the..' he thought. Minho however, just climbed off of the container and signaled Jiwon and Yunhyeong to come over, what they did. Jiwon and Yunhyeong blinked as they saw the dead bodies on the floor. They looked at Chanwoo, who just shrugged his shoulders as soon as he arrived at the ground. 'Why did I even climb on it?' he asked himself, smiling slightly. Minho walked over to the door, listening if he could hear any noises on the other side of the door. Jiwon examined the dead bodies, he wanted to know what happened to them. With surprise he noticed that Minho somehow managed to cut their throats open just by throwing knives at them. Jiwon looked up at Minho. 'Damn, his aim is even better than mine or Chanwoo's' he thought, noting for himself to never piss off Minho, if knives where somewhere around them.. like.. in a kitchen.. or anywhere else.

Yunhyeong stood beside Minho, hiding in the shadows, looking down at the floor beneath them. They were at some kind of balcony, which encircled the whole hall. Minho growled quietly beside Yunhyeong and Yunhyeong hit his head so Minho would shut up. Up until now nobody saw them. They had managed to kill every guard or at least knock them out for some time. However that wasn't really a problem from the first place, the main problem was to get Jinwoo and Seungyoon out of the warehouse alive. And right now, that seemed to be harder than they thought. They saw them, their friends. Minho was about to go crazy. Jinwoo was taped onto a chair, his head hanging low, blood all over his clothes. Seungyoon was lying on the floor, not moving at all, his hands tied and his face covered in blood. Right now, nobody of the saviors could tell if they were still alive. However, Minho knew they were, they had to! Jiwon started walking down the balcony, slowly and as quietly as possible. Something was off, they didn't hear a thing. Something inside Jiwon screamed 'trap', but he knew it wasn't. He had been in such a situation several times and all of them ended in the same way: Jiwon and his fellow members were able to safe their friends. Suddenly he was able to hear a door being opened. Apparently there was an extra room at the floor beneath them any the torturer had been in there, probably laughing about Jiwon's gang. Jiwon watched seven men coming out of the room.
"We should kill them finally. They're not going to say anything!" one of them said. Jiwon bent his head slightly to look at the man, but was able to because that man was standing behind a pillar. Minho on the other side of the balcony sighed quietly. So his friends were still alive, but who knew how long? They had to safe them, now! Minho looked over to Jiwon, however, Jiwon didn't give them the sign to go for them yet. Minho grew impatient. He wanted them dead. He wanted to take his friends to the hospital, but he also knew impatience would probably ruin everything and his friends might end up dead. So he could do nothing, but to trust into Jiwon's estimation.
"Yeah, George is right. Look at them, weak little pieces of shit. Can't even handle a little bit of pain." Another guy said, starting to laugh hysterically. Jinwoo's head slightly jerked up. Minho noticed Jinwoo's fright and pains in that little movement. God, he wanted to hug his hyung tightly to his chest, protect him. Minho knew Jinwoo was hella strong, probably even stronger than he himself. Minho never ever could have imagined seeing Jinwoo like that, normally Jinwoo was the one who protected them all. Nobody expected that from him, but damn Jinwoo usually was a freakin' badass and Minho loved that. However, seeing Jinwoo like that made clear they had managed to get him into some kind of trap, otherwise they would have never been able to get his hyung. And Seungyoon? Seungyoon was dangerous as well, however sometimes he tended to overdo stuff or not think things through. That was obviously the reason why got caught as well.

The men on the floor beneath them surrounded Jinwoo and Seungyoon, looking at them in a wicked way.
"Nah, I would be a waste, if we would kill this one~ let's play a little~ let's make sure he's a guy for sure! I mean look at him! Long hair and he would look like a woman!" One of them said, grabbing Jinwoo's chin to make him look up at him. Right at that moment Jinwoo saw Jiwon on the balcony, signaling him to distract them somehow. Jinwoo understood and smiled an evil grin at the men who had grabbed his chin. The men furrowed his eyebrows.
"What's there to grin at, slut!?" the man blurted at him and Jinwoo started to chuckle.
"Oh I'm just amused~." he answered, feeling a little dizzy, though.
"Why would you be in the position to be amused? Are you that needy for us!?" the guy asked and started laughing, the others around them soon started to laugh with him.
"Oh, no I'm sorry. I'm not interested in your asses, no need for me to get you guys laid." Jinwoo answered in an amused tone. Suddenly the men stopped laughing.
"What did he say!?" one asked.
"Aish! No way, you little bitch. Someone like you would never be able to top one of us!" One of them shouted at him.
"Ya think, huh?" Jinwoo said, leaning back.
"Look at this kooky attitude. It will be fun to break you, bish!" another one said, and a second later he was lying on the floor, dead, with a knife right through his head. Jinwoo blinked all surprised, but then he looked to his right and saw Minho standing on the balcony, eyes on him. Jinwoo grinned at Minho. 'Finally.' Jinwoo thought. In the meantime the other men started to shout and hide behind different objects, which were standing in the warehouse, shooting wildly around them. Yunhyeong and Chanwoo were aiming at them from the balcony.
"Don't kill them! Just hurt them! Their life's belong to me!" Minho shouted through the hall and got down from the balcony.
"Stop shouting! Cut me off this effin' chair! And get Seungyoon outta here!" Jinwoo shouted in return. Jiwon in the meantime made it over to Jinwoo and cut him off the chair.
"You look like shit, hyung." Jiwon stated with a big grin all over his face.
"Oh shut up you!" Jinwoo whined while hiding behind a pillar, looking over to Seunghoon, who was still unconscious.
"God, we need to get him out!.." Jinwoo said, totally worried about his younger brother. ".. give me a fuckin' gun!" Jinwoo continued. Jiwon handed him a gun. However, Minho got over to Seungyoon in the meantime, completely without anybody covering for him.
"Is he effin' crazy!?" Jinwoo asked in disbelief. Minho barely managed to get out of the way of a whole rain of bullets directed towards him. As soon as the shooting stopped for a short time, because the men had to reload their guns, Minho lifted Seungyoon up and hid with him behind a pillar, however just before he hid completely, one of the men had reloaded his gun and managed to shoot Minho in his back. Jinwoo on the other side jerked. His eyes turned as cold as ice, getting in front of the pillar and shot the man, who had shot Minho, right into the side of his head. 'Two dead. Five more left to have fun with' Jinwoo thought. Two other men dared to uncover themselves to shoot at them, compeletly forgetting about Chanwoo and Yunhyeong, who were still on the balcony, and soon they were lying on the floor, screaming in pain. Chanwoo grinned satisfied and Yunhyeong seemed to be bored. Jiwon chuckled a little, because the whole situation seemed to be so unreal. He knew Jinwoo was a badass, but that hardcore? Never. He never would have imagined Minho being that good with weapons.. or Yunhyeong. Damn his hyung was a killer. He was only used to Chanwoo, who was clearly holding himself back. Jiwon knew there was nothing left for him to do. He wouldn't have to kill anybody today.

Minho was in pain, however as long as he was able to move he wouldn't give up. He'd be the one who would kill them all, no matter what happened to his body. Minho made sure no bullet would be able to hit Seungyoon, he then walked in front of the pillar and presented himself to the enemies.
"Where are you?!" He shouted through the hall, grinning. One of the men suddenly jumped out of his hiding place and aimed at Minho, however as fast as he had jumped out, just as fast he was lying on the floor, shot by Jinwoo. Minho looked over to his hyung, who was shaking his head at Minho's behavior.
"You're such a fool, Minnie!" Jinwoo shouted at him. Minho just chuckled and kept looking for the remaining two.
"You need to go right!" Chanwoo shouted down at him. Minho started walking into said direction.
"Warmer." Chanwoo commented. Minho kept on walking into that direction.
"Oh, no. It's getting colder again, hyung." Chanwoo commented again and Minho corrected his direction. He walked over to a pillar where several boxes were lying all around that pillar. He walked around one and found one of the men sitting on the floor, hiding.
"Hot!" Chanwoo commented again and Minho grinned like the devil himself at the man on the floor. It was the one who had gripped Jinwoo's chin, obviously afraid the man tried to get away from Minho. Minho just followed him with slow steps, playing with a knife. Suddenly the man hit one of the boxes with his back and stared up at Minho. Minho crouched down in front of him.
"You touched my hyung." Minho said in a monotone voice.
"I..I.." the man stuttered.
"I'm the only one who's allowed to touch him." Minho explained, acting like he was offended by the others actions.
"I..I didn't meant to."
"Oh~ I'm sure you didn't~. However you did and I don't like that~." Minho said, grinning. Right then the man managed to get up and run away. Minho sighed. He got up, aimed and threw the knife he had played with, planting it right through that man's throat. Minho watched the man falling down on the floor, trying to get the knife out of his throat, slowly dying.
"I had always been better with moving objects." Minho said, almost bored.
"Indeed.." Jinwoo said, who was suddenly beside him, looking at the dying man as well. "..and since when are you the only one who's allowed to touch me?" Jinwoo continued. Minho looked at him, smiling, ignoring the question.
"I'm happy you're okay, hyung. I thought you're dead until you jerked up." Minho said and Jinwoo looked at him, obviously offended.
"Don't expect me to safe your ass ever again." Jinwoo said, walking over to the two guys who were lying on the floor, whining and crying for help. Jiwon was already there, watching the two of them suffer.
"There're still two left, hyung." Jiwon said.
"Chanwoo should deal with one of them and Minho with the other one." Jinwoo said, looking down at the guys who tortured him and Seungyoon.
"You're not worried about Minho?"
"Oh, I am, but what should I do? Tell him to sit down? He wouldn't anyways. How is Seungyoon?"
"Yunhyeong got him out of here while you were playing with the guy over there." Jiwon explained, looking up at Chanwoo, who understood the silent order to deal with one of the left two. Chanwoo knew where both of them where.
"Minho-hyung! Do you wanna play again?" Chanwoo shouted.
"No, thanks. I'm tired of playing games." Minho answered, walking around the wall, already knowing where his next target was hiding. Yes Minho had said he was sick of playing games, but still he was playing with his next prey. Minho got behind a container, he quietly got onto it and walked over to the other end. He then looked down at his prey.
"Boo!!" Minho shouted and the man under him raised his head up to look at him in total shock. Minho then jumped down onto the man and killed him with a precise cut through his throat. Just at the same time he heard a shot. Chanwoo just killed the left one.

Jinwoo watched the suffering men on the floor.
"Now, you're the only ones left.." Jinwoo said. ".. we will hand you to our sunbae~ and when he's finished with both of you I'm pretty sure Seungyoon will find pleasure in meeting the two of you again." Jinwoo said in the most evil voice Jiwon had ever heard him talking in. Just at that moment agents stormed the hall. Jiwon waved at some of them. Youngbae and Junhoe walked over to them, Youngbae shaking his head slightly.
"You kept us waiting." He said.
"Sorry, Minho-hyung wanted to play and Chanwoo kinda too." Jiwon explained. Youngbae laughed shortly.
"Aaah.. what a mess. My boys won't be happy to clear all the mess you made."


Jiwon watched his hyungs being patched by the doctors and nurses. It was amusing to watch them whine over punctures by little needles. They were like little kids. Jiwon laughed. It was amusing how they could take bullets in their back, just like Minho, but whine about needles. However Minho had lost a lot of blood and now the doctors wanted him to stay the night at the hospital with all kind of infusions patched to his arms. Minho was annoyed by that thought, but they promised to let him sleep in Taehyun and Seunghoon's room. Seungyoon woke up while they were driving to the hospital. He had been terribly confused, however fortunately he had only suffered a few not-that-bad injuries, like a broken arm. Jinwoo on the other hand had a slight concussion from all the hitting the guys had done to him, he also had two broken ribs and cuts all over his skin from knifes the men were using to torture him.

"Do you know if they were Ichigo's men?" Jiwon asked them.
"Yes, they were." Jinwoo said after some time.
"Did they say anything, why they kidnapped you?" Jiwon asked.
"I don't know if I should tell you this." Jinwoo said. Chanwoo blinked at him.
"Hyung? What's the matter?" Chanwoo asked and Jiwon was just as confused at Chanwoo was.
"Okay. They thought I was Jinhwan." Jinwoo said, looking at both at them. Right then Yunhyeong entered the room, just to hear Jinwoo's answer. Yunhyeong looked at every face.
"What? What for?" Yunhyeong asked.
"They thought I was Jinhwan. They wanted to torture him to find out everything about Hanbin." Jinwoo continued. Everyone in the room was silent, all eyes on Jinwoo. Jiwon stared into Jinwoo's eyes, not moving an inch. Junhoe stood there in the corner of the room in shock. 'Jinhwan?.. my Jinhwan?!' he asked himself.
"We need to get them outta there, now." Jiwon said, already leaving the room, followed by Yunhyeong.
"Well, shit." Chanwoo said before he was out of the room right after his hyungs.

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❝ if I knew that i'd end up with you then I would've been pretended we were together. ❞ She stares at me, all the air in my lungs stuck in my throat...