Stucky One Shots

By bucky_star

7.2K 67 5

Could be anything and everything. Probably a lot of Bucky's time being torchered by Hydra, made up, from the... More

The Train
The Nightmares
It's Been a Long Day
The Beginning of the Line
Down Days
The Hospital
Bath Time
Dinner Date
Black Out
Suicide Attempt
Here We Go Again
Puppy Love
What If....
Authors Note
Where it all Began
Morning Sickness
Big News

Gym Time

150 1 0
By bucky_star

Bucky woke up confused, being tossed around in the bed and hearing little whimpers from behind him. He turned over to see Steve tossing and turning, his face contorted in terror and sweat dripping down his face. Bucky looked at him sadly, it must have been the PTSD again. Sometimes Steve had to look after Bucky because of his flashbacks, PTSD and nightmares, other times it was Bucky having to look after Steve for his PTSD and nightmares.

"No! No!" Steve cried out. "Stop it! Stop the fighting!"
The thrashing increased and he started to shout. Bucky reacted by grabbing his hand in his flesh one.
"Steve." He mumbled and shook his hand gently, still half asleep.
Steve subconsciously gripped onto Bucky so tight that it caused so much pain that he yelped and was fully awake in a flash.
"Ahh! Steve! Come on baby wake up its just a dream!" Bucky whimpered frantically.
One problem about them both being super soldiers was that when they had nightmares they didn't realise how strong they were and when the other one was trying to help them they often ended up hurting each other.

Steve whipped around nearly ripping Bucky's arm out of his socket.
"Ah! Steve! Come on man! I like having at least one normal arm." He grunted.
He scrambled up as best as he could so that he was above Steve. Using his metal hand he began to pin Steve down by the shoulder and shake him trying to wake him up. They always had to be ruff with each other.
"Nnnn stop!" Steve muttered.
His grip on Bucky only tightened and it was causing him serious pain, to a point where Bucky was worried he was going to break his hand.
"Oww fuck! Steve please wake up!" He cried out fighting back tears of worry, panic and pain.
After continuing to try shaking him awake and even kneeing him in the thigh and slapping him on the cheek gently, there was only one thing left that he could think of to do. They had said it was okay to do to each other since it was for a good reason. Plus, Bucky knew how to do it without hurting him.

Guiltily, he drew back his metal arm, his hand now balled into a fist and slammed it down on Steve's chest. But at the same time Steve's grip on Bucky's hand got even tighter and Bucky couldn't help but let out a scream of pain. Steve woke up, but it wasn't because of the punch but because he heard the all top familiar scream of his boyfriend. He sat up, throwing Bucky off of him. Bucky gasped in relief, both for the fact that Steve had woken up and because he had let him go. He tumbled onto the floor and instantly clutched his flesh hand and gently tried to massage it with his metal one. Wincing, he propped himself up against the wall whilst sitting in a ball on the floor.
"Ahh." He groaned, trying to act okay for Steve's sake but not being able to hold back a few choked sobs, his emotions were running high after that ordeal a d it was threatening to trigger him too.

Once Steve had caught his breath and got his bearings he looked around the room frantically until his eyes laid on Bucky on the floor.
"Buck?" He asked hoarsely and cautiously. "I'm so sorry."
Bucky's head was down and his hair hung over his face. All Steve could see was his drawn up knees and fumbling hands. It didn't look good. Worried about what he had done and if it had set Bucky off or into a flash back he slinked out of bed and carefully crawled over to him.
"Bucky, you're okay." He started to sooth him.
"I know. Ah!" Bucky grumbled as he fought back the adrenaline to fight.
He looked up at Steve and instantly melted, knowing that they were safe with each other.
"Oh few." Steve sighed.
Noticing that Bucky seemed to be in pain he swore under his breath.
"Oh shit, did I?" He asked sadly.
"No, I'm ok." He lied, trying to ignore the sharp throbbing in his right hand. "Besides, I literally just punched you. Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine, I hardly felt it. Thank you." Steve assured him.
Bucky gave him a halfhearted smile. It made him so sad to see Steve the way he was.

It was obvious that Bucky's hand was hurt by the way he was holding it limply.
"Buck, please let me see it." Steve said sadly in a deep voice.
Reluctantly Bucky let Steve take his hand as he turned on the bedside lamp.
"Its fine honestly its nothing." He muttered when he saw the look of horror on Steve's face.
There was already deep bruising rising across his knuckles and his whole hand looked slightly swollen and trembled at Steve's light touch.
"Oh B-Buck, I'm so sorry, you know I didn't me-" Steve whimpered.
"Stevie, its fine. Do you want to talk about your nightmare?" Bucky interrupted him, changing the subject.
Steve let out a shaky sigh. "Everywhere I turned there was fighting. Bloodshed everywhere. Children screaming, parents crying. Gunshots and fire." Steve said getting increasingly worked up.
His breaths became a bit ragged and shallow.
"Hey, do you want to go to the gym and punch it out? You know it usually helps you." Bucky suggested and carressed Steve's cheek gently.
"What about you? You won't be able to do anything with your hand like that!" Steve exclaimed.
"Steve. Are you forgetting. I'm a Super Soldier. I can handle anything." He smirked.
Steve shot him a half amused, half sad look.
"I'm just kidding. Look, its already getting better." Bucky explained as he flexed and shook his hand.
There increased healing abilities really did come in handy.
"Okay, I guess." Steve huffed.

Bucky clambered to his feet and used his metal hand to help Steve up. They both pulled on t-shirts and shorts and tiptoed down stairs to the basement gym of their apartment block. Soon enough they were into their routine of destroying punching bag after punching bag as they fought away all of their worries.

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