Falling In Love

By thedarkregalswan123

2.9K 173 3

Emma Swan has always felt alone and worthless until she was invited into a loving home. Soon she became frien... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 6

163 8 0
By thedarkregalswan123

Emma's POV

Friday, June 10 2016, something horrible happened. It wasn't just horrible, it was more then that, so much more. What happened today was unspeakable for storybrooke high. The loud screams, the cries, the gunshots, and the two dead bodies being dragged out of the school. Everyone in that school was scared. All of them felt useless, felt as if they couldn't do anything. Some people lost their best friends. Each corner of the school was covered up by three of the deadliest gangs in storybrooke. The Crips, The Blood, and Los Zetas. A couple of teen boy students spotted a gang member in the hallway.

He was wearing a big leather jacket that didn't fit his shoulders, a symbol of death on the back, with a big drawing of skull. He wore tight black jeans, big boots, and couple of silver chains hanging from both of his front pocket. Curious to where I was when all this was happening. I was in the library with regina, and I am thankful that I was because I don't do well with attacks or people dying. As we got out, it was dead quiet. No one was their, the hallways just blankly empty. For me, I thought it was the zombie apocalypse and I can use this time to protect regina but I was wrong.

Regina knew what was happening, so she pushed me back inside. I asked her what was going on and she told me that we are on lockdown. It would make perfect sense because the school wouldn't just be empty for no reason. Regina picked up the broom stick, shoving it through the hook of the handle. The brunette grabs my hand as we walk all the way to the back of the library. Panic started to arise in my body. She leans down on the floorboard, with her arm stretched while she is still holding my hand. Regina peeled off the carpet , and a cellular was underneath it. Thank the heavens, regina is here. I kept on telling myself that. Regina kept me safe, she was my savior and still is. Now are you dying to know how this happened or do you to know what happened with me and Regina?

Emma and Regina carefully took each step quietly as they could. The blonde's face was gently hit with a string, making her jump. Regina laughed at the blonde who's eyes were wide opened, with her body straightened up.

"Relax, it's just the string for the light". The brunette pulled the string, lighting up the whole room.

"How long do you think we are going to stay in here?", Emma's words were not smooth or calm.

Her breathing got shallow, breathing got hypervalent, as she felt like she was dying.

Regina took Emma's hand, putting it on her own chest. She then put her own hand up underneath emma's shirt, feeling her skin, as she stretched the palm of her hand on emma's heartbeat.

"Emma you are having a panic attack. Calm down, just breathe me".

Regina's soft soothing voice sending shivers in the blonde's spine. Emma needed to hear more of regina's soothing voice. It was a lullaby to her ears.

Emma concentrated on what regina was doing. She breathed in and out while she could feel regina's heartbeat beating calmy against her hand. She took one final last breath before going to sit down. Regina sat down to.

"Are you okay?".

The brunette concernedly asked. Emma nodded slowly, laying her body down, and resting her head on regina's thigh. Regina tangled her fingers in Emma's blonde curly locks, smoothly petting her hair for comfort.

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For saving me again"


The brunette laid her pointer finger flat on her lips. Emma nodded, linking her arm through regina's, holding her tightly against her. Regina pressed her hand on the side of emma's head, loving the feel of the blonde's hair. Both desperately tried not to make any noise. The footsteps got even closer, the floors begin to creak, with each step they took. Emma grabbed regina's hand, intertwining their fingers together tightly. "Everything will be okay".

Regina cupped emma's face in the palm of her hands, her thumb gently brushing the temple of the blonde's head. She gazed in those scared bright green eyes that were full of love, compassion, and dwelled in light. Regina pressed her lips against emma's forehead, as she gently put emma on her chest. Emma was tucked perfectly underneath Regina's chin, she could feel regina's hot breath breeze through her hair. They sat there for no more than twenty whole minutes waiting for whoever was up above to leave. Regina walked to the middle of the room, looking over to emma as she reached her hand. She shakily got up from the bench, her hand just quickly found it's way to regina's.

"I think they're gone". The brunette whispered. Emma barley nodded. She attacked regina with a bare hug, her back faced to the door above the steep stairs. Regina held emma tightly, never wanting to let her go. She felt so fragile in her arms, a need to protect her emma swan no matter what. Emma gasped lightly, her body tensed up against regina's. She tried to get oxygen in her lungs as she struggled to breathe.


The blonde lifted her head from regina's shoulder, putting one hand on it, trying to contain her balance. She then looked down to see blood flowing from her chest.

"NO No No!".

Emma fell into regina's arms, guiding them both down to the floor.

"Emma come on, come on!". Regina lightly slapped emma's face, squeezing her cheeks as she shook emma.

"Regina, I'm scared'.

Emma's eyes rolled back. Every ounce of pain that emma has felt over the years, she was free from all of it.

"No, Emma please please come back, please, please!".

Regina violently collided her fist with the floor board, banging it several times next to emma's head until it was broken. Their was so much pain, so much agony, she could not take it anymore.

"I never got the chance to get to know you. I promised I would protect you".

Regina's eyes shot open, panting and sweating.

"It was just a dream. Thank god"

Emma opened her eyes slowly to the bright light. She propped her hand on the wooden bench, rolling her neck until it popped. Regina's head was against the wall that was supporting her back. Emma just forgot everything that was happening. She couldn't contain her enjoyment of happiness she had for regina mills. The brunette slept so peacefully, truly an angel. Emma lingered her lips just for second above her forehead, pushing her warm lips on regina's warm skin. That kiss upon her lips lingered the taste of sweet apples, so full of wisdom and courage just like regina. The blonde took a small step back, seeing regina was starting awake. Emma couldn't help but smile warmly when the brunette stretched.

"Did you kiss my forehead?". Regina raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow, a tight smirk and smile curved her lips.

Emma played with her fingers, shrugging her shoulders a couple of times.

"No you're crazy. You were just dreaming, gina".

Regina just laughed, getting up from the bench. She laid her hand on both of emma's arms, squeezing her gently.


"I forgot the R"

"No worries, I think it's cute"

"I guess I'll call you on gina then"

"But only you can". They both smiled.

Thirty minutes passed by. They both could hear people talking. They both knew it wasn't the police force coming to rescue them. Emma found herself getting scared again. Even Regina

was scared. The floor boards slowly opened, making much noise. There was nowhere to run or hide, they couldn't move. Regina stood in front of emma, she put her hand on emma's side, protecting her. The man was very buff, their was not a thing in his eyes but death. He raised his gun, shooting point blank. Regina turned around, lingering as she did. Every ounce of blood running through veins stopped. Her legs gave out.

"No, No, No, Regina come on. Don't dare leave me! I need you, I need you, please. I lo- lo- love you, I'm in love with you. I always have been when I first saw you at school.

Emma silently screamed, pulling regina's lifeless body against her. Everything went black. The blonde was full of terror, sweat, and her eyes were puffy and red.

"It was just a dream. Thank god"

Then her phone started to ring.


"Emma, are you crying"

"Ya, I had a bad dream"

"What was it about"

"You uh, you". Emma tried to get the words out. Her lips trembled.

"You died in my dreams, regina. I couldn't do anything. It's just what happened to us at school, what happened to everyone. I can't-

"I know, I know. I had the same dream to". Regina sniffed. "You died in my arms and I kept on yelling please stay with me. I never gotten the chance to know you. I was supposed to protect you"

They silently cried in the phone.

"I really need you right now'

"I can't come over. You know what cora said"

"Screw her, come over now. I need you regina, please just please"

"I'm on my way"

Emma ran to the door, peeking through the hole. She unlocked as fast she could, opening the door. They didn't say anything, both just stared at each other. Emma's bottom lip began to quiver, the dried up tears on her face went back from being wet. Regina pulled emma close, wrapped her arms in a protective embrace.

Two weeks later, the young residents of storybrooke headed back to school. There were rituals for the two tragic deaths. Kathryn Abigail and Killian Jones. It was hard to see that your best friend is gone and that he or she is never coming would just stand in front of kathryn's locker, doing nothing. She didn't cry, she didn't move, or blink an eye. Other Times the police officer would be called over if the teachers couldn't move her. That is when she did move, when she felt my hand on her shoulder. I whispered in her ar, "Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy".

In that moment, regina broken down in my arms. I took a look around me. The adults had their worried expression on their faces. One of them asked if she wanted to go home but no words left the brunette's mouth. Regina grasped on tighter onto me. They decided to send us to a small room down the hallway where teachers send their misbehaved students. Regina sobbed, screamed, grieved, over and over until she couldn't breathe.

"It Hurts".

Regina whispered painfully, over my shoulder. I cradled her head just like she did with me.

"I am so sorry Regina. I wish I can take this pain away. Kathryn was a good friend. She was your best friend. It may hurt but that pain will go away soon. Kathryn would want you to be happy"

End P.O.V

Regina closed her eyes, tears droplets slid down her cheeks, and down her neck. She rubbed her nose on the crook of Emma's neck, burying her face there. Regina didn't want to anyone or anybody comforting her besides Emma right now. Regina knows that her and Emma will get through this together because that's what friends were for.

"Before this all happened, Kathryn told me I owed her something. I owed her something because I told her to lay off your back. I didn't want you to get hurt. When I first saw you, I instantly fell in love with you"

Regina confessed. There was fear in her voice, wondering what Emma will say or do. She hoped that she wasn't mad at her. Emma intertwined her fingers with Regina. She slowly cupped Regina's soft olive skin tone cheek, attracting herself to Regina's lips. Their lips molded together in a perfect rhythm, finding the sweet taste of their lips. Both women's kisses were warm and tender to each other, so full of passionate. Then all hell broke loose.

"REGINA MILLS!". Cora yelled.


Regina and Emma were soundly sleeping on the couch. Emma's body was cuddled up to regina's side, her head rested on regina's beating heart. Emma simply adored the sound of Regina's heart thumping every second, It was music to her ears. Emma groaned when her phone went off.


Emma groggily said. She turned to see Regina was waking up as well. She smiled, hoping and wishing to see that every single day.

"Hey Emma it's ruby. Do you want to come over to granny's, I closed it because well, I really want all of us to talk about what happened. It's okay if you can't or don't want to, but uh. Just think about it. I'll be waiting".

"Who was that"

"It was Ruby. She wanted us to come over to granny's to talk about what happened".

Emma violently wiped her eyes, trying not to cry.

"Her voice sounded so broken. I think we should go over, to make sure she is okay. We all need each other right now regina".

Regina nodded, smiling sadly as she smoothed her thumb over emma's cheek.


"I think I should head over first, Cora could see us together. I'll text you when I am there then you head over".




The doorbell jingled as Emma walked in the diner. She quickly texted Regina.

"Emma". Ruby greeted Emma with a friendly hug.

We just met and I couldn't be happier to have ruby hugging me. Maybe Ruby Lucas is my best friend. There was never once a girl or guy like ruby. Plus, she always looked bad ass, Emma thought.

They pulled away. Ruby told Emma to go take a seat while she went to the kitchen to get two cups of hot coco and one cup of coffee for regina.

"How are you guys holding up"

"How do you think". Regina barley said above whisper.

"Oh Regina".

Ruby slid out from the booth, walking over to Regina's side. She wrapped her arms around the brunette, she did the same. Regina didn't want Emma to feel left out, so she grabbed Emma's hand from behind. They all comforted each other, letting each one know that they will always be there for one another.

"I'm so sorry about Kathryn"

"I miss her so much". Regina looked between Emma and ruby.

"Everything will be okay".

Emma said, rubbing Regina's back. Ruby smiled at the two. She saw a flicker of light between emma and regina. This friendship will turn into something beautiful, ruby thought.

"I know everything will be okay. I have you". Regina laid her hand on top of emma's. "And I have you".

The brunette smiled at Ruby.

Regina's P.O.V

Did you ever experience your mom or dad walking in on you and kissing your boyfriend? Did they freak out and the boy got kicked out? Maybe your father or mother hit you? But that would be considered abuse, wouldn't it? Picture living with your abusive single mom walking in on you kissing a girl. That's my mother, Cora Mills. My dad died before I could even tell him I like girls. He passed away when I was just ten years old. I knew in my heart that my dad would accept for who I am. He was a good man, he was better then my mother will ever be, if she ever changed of course but I don't see that happening. A part of me was happy for him because he was free of mom's abuse.

I always dream't about him alive, and we would move out of the house and go somewhere else. He promised that one time. My mother never knew that I visited his mausoleum every Sunday. I told him about Emma and how sweet she is. This insanely adorable dorky nerdy blonde made me feel things I couldn't explain. When I see her walking down the school hallway or up in her window, my heart beats a million times faster to what it was after. My palms sweat when she is near me, every holy inch of my body aches when I am not with her, even if I'm not in the same room with her. I am absolutely crazy about her. My body tingles under the pressure of Emma touching her. Exploding sparks and fireworks when we first kissed. It wasn't romantic that our first kiss was in the bathroom but now we can claim it as our bathroom stall, maybe write our names on it. There was no way in hell I'm going to let her take Emma away from me. Even if she did rip us from each other then so be it because I know deep down that Emma will always find me. We will find each other.

Regina/ Emma's POV

"REGINA MILLS". Cora yelled. I grabbed Emma's hand, putting her behind me. We backed up a few feet for both of our safety. Who in the hell called her? Emma's phone buzzed. She slowly got it out, peeking at the message.

Don't come between a mother who likes power- A

I looked at Regina then to the scary old hag. If I let go, Cora will hurt her. I am not letting go of her hand no matter what. "A" has another thing coming if he or she or whatever that bitch's name is, thinks they can come between Regina and I. I may be weak but I'm not stupid enough to let the girl that I love, go.

"You little fucking lesbian Dyke".

Cora barged towards Regina, lifting her as she was about to backhand her face. I grabbed cora's wrist, forcing her back. Hmm, I guess I do have some fire in me. Emma just stopped Cora from slapping me. How amazing can this woman be. She saved me. Emma Swan has saved me from the day we met.

Don't let go Emma

Don't let go Regina

Don't let go Emma

Never let me go

Never Let Me Go

Never Let me Go

"You do not touch me you little brat". Cora hissed.

"Don't talk to her like that'. I yelled, finding strength in my voice.

"Oh, so it was you who turned my daughter in a Dyke slut just like her other Dyke friend. To bad she isn't here".

Emma snapped, I felt her hand let go of my tight hold I had on her hand as she pushed my mother against the wall. It was something that she said that made Emma snap, perhaps the word Dyke. It was unpleasant to the lesbian world.

"If you ever call Regina or any girl who likes girls a Dyke slut, I'll end you. Love is love. Regina does not need a man to make her happy. Anyone can make a person feel loved and cared for which is what you should be doing. If you really loved your daughter, you would accept her for who she is, not something that she doesn't want to be. She is a human being."

Did that seriously just happened. I, Emma Swan just bitched out Regina's Mother. I let go of Cora, my mouth was opened as my shoulders heaved up and down.

"Holy Shit that felt good".

Emma smiled. I muffled a giggle through my covered lips that were cupped by hand. The whole situation was shocking but thrilling. I guess this is my cue to stand up to my own mother It was Emma!, I gasped lightly. She's the one. The one who makes me brave, the one who makes me strong, the who will make me cry, and laugh. Emma Swan was my armor, and so was I to her.

"She's right mother. I don't need a man to make me happy because Emma is already doing that for me. Love is love mother. Whether you are straight, lesbian, gay, or bisexual. It's not a sin. God loves everybody equally. I am who I am and I'm glad because I would have never met this amazing girl who I am so crazy about"

Regina Simpered her adoration for the blonde. They both looked at each other lovingly.

Love is a gentle caring a quiet concern deeply hidden in the heart. A presence always felt every day, every minute, every hour. Love is a gentle embrace between body and soul. A quiet touch of the hand a soft hug by warm arms a carsess of the two souls. Love is a great passion between hungry hearts. The intimate exchange between mind, body, and soul. Love is always caring, always glowing, always being there. Love is a wonderful gift shared by two blessed souls experiencing heaven on earth

"How dare you talk to me like that. You are having a faze Regina! A faze. Nothing more. None of my daughters are gay"


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