My Kind Of Perfect [Greyson C...

By Awesomeness_09

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Keith Anderson had two best friends who are always there for her. She is known in school for her denseness. B... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - New Beginning = SEASON 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - FINALE

Chapter 29

1K 7 2
By Awesomeness_09

Alli's P.O.V

Christian: What do you mean trouble?

Me: It's about Keith and Greyson!

Christian: What about them?

Me: (sighs) Look (points at them) What do you see?

Christian: Keith and Greyson eating ice cream. You didn't tell me you like ice cream, wait I'll just go and ge-

Me: That's sweet of you but NO!! Look closely...

Christian: They look like a couple...a cute one actually.

Me: See...that's the problem

Christian: What's wrong with that? Aren't you happy for your best friends?

Me: I'm happy for them really...But what about Cody?

Christian: Oooh...right. That's gotta hurt.

Me: All I know is that the plan didn't work...and (phone vibrating) 

Christian: What's that?

Me: A text message from Cody. Oh no...

Christian: What? What does it say?

Me: Bella's back.


Greyson's P.O.V

We were having fun eating ice cream when Keith's phone vibrated. She slowly handed me the ice cream and read the text message. She raised both eyebrows then closed the phone then put on her back pocket.

Me: Who was that?

Keith: Alli. (grabs ice cream from me)

Me: What did she said?

Keith: The sleep over in their house is postponed since Bella's staying over.

I sighed in relief. No way I'm gonna let her sleep in that place...ever.Then suddenly I got the weirdest idea ever.

Me: How about you sleep at my house. I can't wait to tell everyone the news about us.

Keith: Sounds fun (smiles)

I kissed her soft lips making me feel tingly inside. I slowly pulled away staring at her blue eyes.

Me: You taste like Vanilla.(smiles)

Keith: You taste like Chocolate (giggles)

Me: Yum (kissed her cheek)

Keith: Eeew..You're getting chocolate on my cheeks (giggles)

Me: Let me lick it for you (chuckles) 

Keith: (laughs) Stop it Sir Drools Alot

Me: (kissed her cheek) You have the most kissable cheeks ever (chuckles)

Keith: Really? 

She slowly leaned her forehead to mine making our face really close. The usual happened...I was shaking and my palms are sweating like crazy. 

Me: (whispers) You're beautiful

She giggled then planted a kiss on my nose. I grabbed this opportunity and kissed her directly on the lips. Our lips move in sync making my body full of excitement. I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close. My tounge was begging for an opening which she greatly gives it. Then suddenly she broke the kiss. 

Me: What's wrong?

Keith: Nohing. It's just...making out in the park with full of people is kinda weird. 

Me: Oh...I'm really sorry about that.

Keith: (giggles) It's okay...I-I kinda like it. (blushes)

Me: (blushes hard) M-Me too..

There was a long awkward silence...I slowly held her hand which she gripped tight. We just spend the afternoon watching people as they pass by. I'm really happy she's my girlfriend.I hope this would last forever.


Cody's P.O.V

I knew something was up. I kept on pacing back and forth. My head's getting sweaty and my palms are shaking. I wonder why. I tried to calm myself, but I can't...I kept on moving and my feet's geting impatient all the time.

I checked on the clock. Hmm...3: 30 p.m. I guess it's too early. What's the matter with me? I feel like the world's gonna end. Am I going crazy? 

Alli and Christian left the house earlier. They said they need to spend some time alone. I don't get couples really. I mean...Bella's my girlfriend but...I feel like it's just nothing. I flirt with other girls yeah..but I never kissed any one of them...ever. They tried, but I just push them away.

I grabbed my phone and decided to call Keith...come on pick up....

Hey, this is Keith speaking...If I didn't pick up means that I'm eating waffles right now...and no I'm not sharing so BYE!!

I sighed...just a voice mail. I throwed my phone to the sofa and let it rest there. I was startled by the doorbell. Now who's that?! I slowly opened the door. My jaws dropped unexpectedly.

??: Hey, babe (smiles)

Me: B-Bella?

Bella: Miss me?

Me: (whispers) No...(scratches head)

Bella: Hmm?

Me: Yes, so much..(hugs her)

Bella: Aww, I miss you too. (hugs back)

Me:'s California?

Bella: Fine. But now that I'm with you...I'm better.

She pulled me into a kiss which I kissed back. Honestly, I felt sparks. But just a little, Keith's better. I slowly broke the kiss which made her pretty confused. I just shook my head and grab her waist to avoid suspection.

Me: Let's go inside.(smiles)

Bella: Gladly (smiles)

We both sat on the sofa where my phone rested. She held my hand and beamed at me. The feeling whenever I'm with Zendaya? Yup...I'm feeling it right now. It's odd and very awkward. It kinda creeps me out.

Bella: Cody?

Me: (snaps back to reality) Oh...huh? 

Bella: Were you listening?

Me: UH what again?

Bella: I said I'll be staying here for 2 months. is it okay?

Me: W-What?! I-I mean...Yeah...sure.

Bella: Great (smiles) I love you, babe (kisses my cheek)

Me: Y-Yeah...I love you too. (fake smiles)

Oh gosh...I wish this was all a crazy dream..


Keith's P.O.V

I was sitting in the park with Greyson when my phone just vibrated.Then it stopped. 

Greyson: Who was that?

It's Cody? I think he just called me. It'd be rude if I didn't call back. But what about Greyson?

Me: I-It's just Mom...I'll just call her. Wait here.

Greyson: Okay. (smiles) Be quick or I'll miss you

Me: (giggles) Yeah right.

Isn't he sweet? but I'm still confused. Big Time. Greyson's my boyfriend and I like him but I still don't know if I love him or am I in love with him. GAHH!! Right now I'll just call Cody.

The phone was ringing....come on Cody...pick up

Yo there...Cody here. Just leave a message and I'll call you later. 

Me: Cody? It's umm...Keith. I don't know why you called but umm...I want to talk to you. Maybe later.I'll just meet you at your hiding place. 'kay.

I was slightly dissapointed when Cody didn't pick up...Maybe he was busy catching up with Bella.I could feel my chest hurt and body shrieking with agony. Now this is weird. I went back to Greyson. He was just sitting like an angel waiting for me. He spotted me and flashed an amazing smile that made my heart skip a beat. Okay, now I'm confused. A minute ago, my chest was very painful and now I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks...

Greyson: I miss you (kisses my cheek)

Me: Already? (giggles)

Greyson: Yup..

He holds my hand and lock his fingers to mine. See? Now I'm totally confused. Am I really going crazy? 

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