Naruto's One Shots

By _lR_V_Rl_

45.9K 535 120

Naruto One Shot/ Lemons These are little story's I have been writing for my tumbler blog so hope you like i... More

First Kiss
Sorry Im Late
Hello Beautiful
First Date
The Moon And Sun
Sakura's Story
The Land Of Lightning
Temari's Story
The Heartless King

Happy Birthday Lazy Ass

5.5K 74 23
By _lR_V_Rl_

🎉🎉🎉🍾🍾Ok everyone 2day is Shika Birthday 🍾🍾🎉🎉🎉 so I'm celebrating it with a Shikatema Special, so it's a lemon the first lemon of this one-shot so far and the first of many 😊😊 so hope you guys like it and Happy Birthday Lazy Ass🍾🍾🎉🎉🎉


It was a nice day in the Leaf, kids were out playing ninja and the smell of food covered the streets. the sun was high up in the sky dancing around the village gently kissing the land and the people walking around, it was truly perfect at least for everyone else. Shikamaru was pissed off, Temari and her brothers once again found a way to mess with him on his day off. Walking into the Hokage tower he knock on the door and waited "come in" he heard his Hokage say in amused tune. Walking in he saw Garra and Kankuro standing before the Hokage with a worried look on their faces "please Hokage this isn't a laughing matter" garra said tring to get something from Kakashi's hand making him turn.

(Damn where the hell is that troublesome women don't tell me I'm stuck with only them) Shikamaru though to himself as he looked at the three men in the room.

Shikamaru bowed before the kages "hello Lord kazekage" Garra turned to Shikamaru and sighed in relief "please tell you Hokage that playing with Temari will get him hurt"
(Temari?) Shikamaru question himself "Lord seventh please listen to the kazekage Temari isn't one to be play with, she vicious and cruel and Hokage or not she will get even" Shikamaru look at Kakashi but he didn't move, his chair was turn so he was facing the window and all Shikamaru could see was his shoulder moving in amusement. (What the hell is going on)
"Ahh damn it" Kakashi yelled out and turn his chair with his finger in his mouth "fine here have your sister back she isn't any fun anyways" he placed something really small on the table and it ran to Garra. Shikamaru watch as Garra picked it up and held it with much care. "we came here for help not so you can play with me!!" Shikamaru didn't believe it that small thing was Temari and she was mad. Walking over to Garra Shikamaru kneeled down so he was face to face with her "what the hell are you looking at Nara!!" By the sound of her voice he could tell she was yelling but it sounded like talking instead. "What happen" he asked her. "I don't know we had just finished a mission and we were on our way home when we stop to eat and next thing I know Kankuro almost crushes me" (damn she so cute) Shikamaru extend his hand so Temari could come to him and she did. He watch as she walk from Garra's hands to his tripping over his finger falling face first. She was so small and fragile he wanted to hug her but he was scared he might accidentally crush her. Letting out a sigh he held her up to his face "you look cute" he told her and she begain to blush. "What the hell Nara!!" Getting up and pulling out her fan she began to swing it back and fourth. Shikamaru flinched readying himself for the impact but do to her size it was a small breeze and not the strong gust of wind that could easily kill at this distance. "That was refreshing" he smirked at her making her even more angry "damn this all forget it let go home Garra we'll find a way to fix this ourself" Temari yelled out and her brothers look at her in shock as she jumped on her little fan and went on her way (alone) "damn it Temari someone could step on you!" Kankuro yelled running after his very small sister. Shikamaru stood their amused "leave her Kankuro how is she suppose To opened the door" and at the moment Temari reached the door Naruto came in hitting Kankuro in the face and letting Temari out "AHHHH!!" They all yelled as Naruto closed the door with a dumb look on his face "what's with the face guys" Garra and Shikamaru quickly jumping into action. Garra send out his sand running out the door behind Shikamaru. "Damn it Temari came back!!" they yelled as they ran out the room. Kakashi too ran out the room but head a different direction "get Kankuro up and send him out to look for Temari!!" He yelled running down the hall "huh" was all Naruto said before looking at Kankuro who was still on the ground.

Gaara and Shikamaru looked everywhere in the building and she was no where to be seen, the only places they could had though that she would had gone was the main door to go out but they prayed she didn't because looking for her in a building was a one this but a whole village. "Attention everyone This is an emergency everyone is to remain in their homes and not go out I repeat this is an emergency all jounin and Chunin please report to the main gates now!!" They heard Kakashi speak to the village and looking out one of the Windows they saw that the people of the village indeed ran to their homes "Shikamaru if she reach the ground someone could crush her" Shikamaru nodded before running up to were Kakashi was. "Their running in panic sensei if she on the ground they'll crush her and if she's still in the air they might knock her off her fan" Kakashi nodded his head before speaking to the villagers again.

"Attention everyone stop please stop moving I repeat stop moving I want every villager to stop in the place they are at..... I'll be down shortly to send you home"

once again looking out the window they saw that the villager indeed stop. Garra and Shikamaru sigh "thank you Kakashi" was all Garra she before running down and out the front door with Shikamaru "we have to meet with the other ninja at the main gates, come on"

"Damn now I'm lost!!! This damn village!!" Temari yelled as she flew out the door she had heard Kakashi's announcement and knew it's was for her safety but she didn't want his help at least not after humiliating her the way he did and Shikamaru, her so called boyfriend too humiliated her "cute what the hell was he thinking, I'm the most feared kunoichi of the sand, the former kazekage's daughter and the resent kazekage 's sister. The greates wind kunoichi in the sand and he has the nerve to call me cute!.......But than again maybe I overreacted" Temari had lost her patients in the Hokage's office and she knew that she had and it was do to Shikamaru's comment. but she didn't have enough chakra left to go back looking up, none of the building look familiar to her. And she knew it was do to her size "if I was my right size I would had knew were I was at" finally running out of chakra she landed on a bench. Looking around she knew she was in a residential area, there were no stores or any people. Temari just sat back hoping no one would come along. Looking up at the sky she saw a pineapple shape cloud and sighed "it's Shikamaru birthdayday tomorrow. And I wanted to do something fun with him. Hum with my size there'll be no fun"

"Lady Nara please we were told not to move"

"That voice!"

Temari turn to look in the direction the voice was coming from and to her luck it was just who she thought it would be. "Like I care Kakashi is getting old and crazy telling us to go home than to not move who the hell dose he think he is" (Ok how do I get their attention) she though as they walked closer and the first thing that pop in her little head was to start yelling.
"Akamaru!!!! Akamaru here boy akamaru!!!" She yell over and over finally getting the big dogs attention. She watch at his ears lifted slightly and his head turned to where she was, walking over he began to bark.
*bark bark*

*bark bark*

Kiba turned to see what Akamaru was barking at but than ignored him when he saw a small toy on the bench "come on Akamaru we don't have time for games"
Akamaru begain wining when Kiba ignored him and just turned to Temari he could see the hope in her eyes slowly fadeding away with every step they took. But Akamaru is kind and knew he needed to help her, so running over to Kiba, Akamaru bite his sleeve and pulled him to the bench. Mrs. Nara not one bit happy that all her things had hit the floor to followed after the man and his canine friend "damn it Akamaru we don't have time for games" kiba said finally getting closer to Temari. (This is my chance)
"Kiba!!! Kiba hey down here!!" Quickly pulling out her fan she began swinging it back-and-forth hoping to get his attention which it did "what!! Tem..Temari is that you" Kiba asked kneeling down by the bench to face her. "It's a long story, where are you headed"

"Well me and Mrs. Nara were going to go drop a couple of things off at Shikamaru apartment before..."
"His birthday" she cut him off and he nodded his head.

"Come on let's go your coming with us" he said placing his hand down on the bench and Temari walk to it "I hope you don't mind but I need to Carry all Mrs Nara's thing for her so you'll be ridding Akamaru" she nodded and off they went.

The whole day went by and Temari was no where in sight "do you think she went out of the village" Kankuro asked his brother and Gaara just shook his head. They were at the main gates along side Shikamaru. By orders of the Hokage's every Shinobi in the leaf was out on patrol if they weren't already on a mission, they where to look for Temari.
"Damn Temari I swear when we find her I'm going to put her in a jar!!" Kankuro yelled
"As if I'll let that happen" Shikamaru said glaring at Kankuro.
"That enough, what if Kankuro is right and she left the village" Gaara asked as he faced the forest beyond the leaf village. "Than we'll go looking for her, I'll be back I'll go tell the Hokage than I'll go get some supplies " Shikamaru said as he ran off.

After leaving the Hokage's office Shikamaru went to his aprtment to get ready to look for Temari. Walking into his room and turning on the light the first thing he went for was some clothes. He packed for at least a week or two and his tent although he was sure he wouldn't get any sleep until they found her. Once done he sat down on his bed, he begain to think about to the time he asked Temari out on a date. He laugh at her simple response which was "how troublesome" his laughter so turned into tears as he though of many things that could had possibly happens to Temari. That quickly changed as his sadness turned into anger, anger towards her for being so stubborn and stupid because that what her decision was stupid. She though herself invincible, but in her current state she would easily fall victim to anyone and anything.

She was asleep when the lights came on. She looked to see whow it was and to her luck it was the owner of the apartment. She watched as he packed but didn't say a word at least not until he began to cry. She felt guilt rushing over, was this how her brothers were felling at this moment. And why was he packing she though to herself. She walked off the pillow and up to his lap and pulled on his shirt hoping he would feel it. She waited to see if she got any response from him but none came. She watched as he laid down his feet still off the bed, turning to the clock she too laid down "any second now " she said to herself and looked up at him "happy birthday last ass" she said at the same time the clock hit midnight.

He was laying down on his back when he remember that he had to leave but the moment he tried getting up he was just pushed back down by a sudden pressure on his chest. Looking down his eyes met a pair of teal colored ones, her cheeks were as red as an apple and his eyes began to water again. "Temari" he whispered and wrapped his arms around her waist. The moment his hand made contacted with her he understood why her cheeks were that red and begain to laugh "it's not funny Shikamaru" she said pressing her chest on him "we'll see this is what you get, I mean if you would had stood still we wouldn't be in this position now would we. And anyways Kankuro has all your cloths" at that she turned her head before burying her face into his chest. "I have cloths you can use I'll close my eyes while you get dressed" she look up at him and his eyes were already closed (damn no) "it's can open your eyes" she said but he just gave her a dumb look with his eyes still closed "w..what are you talking about dressed!" He yelled as he shut his eyes even tighter, his face turning a dark shade of red. She noticed this and sat up pulling him with her now he was seated and she was on him, her naked form pressed agents him "Temari sto....." She didn't hear what he had said because she silenced him with her lips. At that his tenses form calmed and he too kissed back.

Her hands Snaked their way down his chest to the bottom of his shirt, she slowly lifted his shirt over his head. Once gone she pressed her bare chest to his, she could feel his breathing becoming unsteady and his body temper rising, she also notice that she too was losing control of her breathing as She felt his hand grab on to her waist turn her over.

Now she was on the bed with her legs on either side of him. His feet firmly on the ground and his eyes still shut. Taking in a couple of breaths he hesitantly open his eyes. Once opened he look at her ever inch of her, she was beautiful but she look innocently fragile nothing like the Temari he was a custom to. Lowering is head He began tracing unknown shapes on her stomach with his lips causing a little squeal to escape her throat. Amused but the sound he opened his mouth allowing his tongue to fill in those unknown shapes. Another squeal escape her throat but this one was a little louder, delighted with the out come his began sicken on her gently nibbling on her skin as it entered his mouth. Making his way up he used his hand to make a mental map of her body, every indention, every curve he jotted down in his map knowing it would be useful later on. Finally reaching her neck he whispered "are you enjoying yourself" To this She didn't say a word and just tilted her head to the side allowing him easy access to her neck which was an easily readable answer to him. Giving her what she wanted he first started licking her neck than slightly sucking on it, leaving little raspberry colored marks on her.

She release a quick moan as he sucked on her neck but that wasn't enough she could feel herself becoming wet in her lower region "stop" she said and he quickly got up "what wrong" he asked a little disappointed which was clear to her. She smiled at him pulling him down she whisper "you have to move a little faster shika" he looked at her and gave her a smile, going back down to her neck he took a hold of her breast. He began licking downwards stoping at her breast, taking one into his mouth. Pulling and biting on it, she let out a moan.
Felling the movement that she was doing with her hips he finally understood what she really meant when she said to move faster. (Damn, if that perverted book is right) he moved down her body tasting every bit on his way down, getting on his knees he was now face to face with her more private lips. (She Would like this) grabbing her legs he placed a kiss on her inner thigh.

At that Temari began to shake and moan, and the movement in her hips had returned . He made his way up her thigh reaching her lips, biting on them, she let out a high pitched moan causing shiver to go down his spine. He couldn't hold back anymore and smashed his face to her, not giving her time to prepare herself. His tongue slid into her going around in a circular motion causing her to grab a hold of the bed sheets on either side of her as she screamed in pleasure. "SHIKAAAHHH!!" He easily felt himself losing it with that moan. Removing his tongue and focusing it on her clit he inserted two fingers into her gaining him anther scream . "AHHHH SHIKAMARU!!" He smirked as he looked up at her, her breast looked so lonely in his eyes and he decided to give them some attention too. Taking ahold of her right breast he used his thumb to play with her nipple occasionally bringing it back down so he could lick it getting it wet enough to places it right back at her nipple.

Temari lifting herself upright, holding that position with just the elbows against the bed. She placed one of her legs over Shikamaru shoulder and grabbed onto his hair "I ....I can.... Shikamaru ......stop... I.....CANT!!!" She screamed as she released herself into him.

Looking up he enjoyed the view. Her teal eyes head darken and her face was no longer it's normal color. Pulling out his finger, one found a new places within his mouth as he tried to suck off all of her juice. He watched as she licked her lips and so once he was done sucking the juice off his finger the other found its way up to Temari's lips. He trace her lips with his finger leaving them moist with the liquid that had come from her.

Placating a kiss on the tip of his finger the movement stop and she took a bit of it into her mouth sucking off her juice. Opening her mouth one last time to take a deep breath she stuck his whole finger into her mouth. His finger touched the far end of her throat activating her gaging reflect but she didn't care about that and kept on sucking on it. After a couple of minute she need air, pulling away a long line of saliva traveled away from his finger to her mouth. Looking down she used her foot to rub the budge of his pants until he understood that she wanted them gone.

Putting down his paints and boxers he kick them to the side. Getting up in an almost sitting position she took ahold of his manhood she stroked it before aligning it at her entrance.
"Are you ready Temari" he asked and she smiled at him "of course" was all she said before she let herself fall back down on the bed. Taking in a deep breath he pushed himself into her. "AHHHHHH! She screamed in pain causeingg him to look up. She had tears going down either side of her face and her eyes were shut tight "Temari are you ok" he asked a little worried but she just smiled at him letting out little laughs "it hurts" she said placing her hands on his cheeks and pulling him down and kissing him. "But I can take it, please continue" she said reconnecting their lips. She held onto him as he thrusted into her, her arms locked behind his head, his lips pressed to her. They stayed like this until he reached his climax pulling out he release himself on the floor.

They both began gasping for air "that was amazing" Temari said as she looked up at her lover and he smiled "ya it was" he said between breaths. Getting ahold of his chin she pulled him down to her level "I wanna go again" she said placing a tap on his lips and he couldn't deny what she wanted. "Anything you ask I'll do" damn at this moment he felt hypnotize by her, she had total control of him. Getting up on the bed he held her to side before laying down next to her. He inserted himself into her and began thrusting in a quicker and harder paste them before. Placating his hand around her neck he forcefully turned her to kiss him, holding her legs up with his other hand

She began to moan within his mouth causing a rush of pleasure to shot though his body. At this moment he knew that he wouldn't last longer he could feeling himself getting closer, once reaching it he tried pulling out to prevent any mistakes. Temari clearly not caring smashed herself back into him, she could feel him filling her and she enjoyed it, holding that position for a couple of seconds she finally pulled off him practically lifeless on the bed. Shikamaru still had his hand on her leg and slowly released it "damn Temari what if you get pregnant" he said in between breaths
"Well than we have a kid what's the big problem" he was a little shocked about her care free attitude right now but just smile and pulled her closer to him "well than we'll have a kid in ten mouths tops" he said a little proud of himself. "Hey I didn't tell you this before, well I did but you were too busy crying to hear me" she teased and he rolled his eyes "what is it"
"Happy Birthday Lazy ass" she said as she gave him a closed eye smile. "Thanks.......hey"
"I feel like I forgot something important but I can't remember what it was"


"Team ten, seven any sighting yet?"
"No sir nothing yet but we will try our best"
"No nothing in my end"
"Damn were the hell could she be"

~Main Gate~
"It's been four hours I think he forgot about us"
"That nonsense Kankuro, Shikamaru is probably still talking to the Hokage before we leave"

"It's you we're talking about it must not be really important if you don't remember"
"You think"
"Yes now.... I want another go"
"Damn women you going to kill me!!"

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