Reverse!Bill Cipher (Will Cip...

By KK-Shadows-Within

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You - as the reader - were a little unsure when your two cousins, Dipper and Mabel, accepted your request to... More

Nice To Meet You... I Think
Something's A Little Strange
A Day Out
Let Me Help
Chapter 6: Say What?
Chapter 8: Confrontation
Chapter 9: Of Course There's A Catch
Chapter 10: Betrayl
Chapter 11: Not Dipper...?
Chapter 12: A New Gravity Falls
Chapter 13: This Is Not Meant To Happen
Chapter 14: Blood
Chapter 15: Me?
Chapter 16: Back To The Reverse
Chapter 17: Helpless

Chapter 7: Unexpected But Not Unwelcome

418 15 11
By KK-Shadows-Within

You had been hoping that the walk back to the mansion would be enough time to wrap your head around what you had been told. You had figured that by the time you arrived back, there would be a clear solution in your mind about what to do. Unfortunately, it seemed the walk back had grown shorter and before you knew it, you were standing in front of the huge doors.

You hesitated. Did you honestly want to go back inside? The idea was growing less appealing by the minute. Why would you want to go into the home of people who enslaved the entire town? Pacifica had offered to let you stay at the Mystery Shack so it wasn't as though you wouldn't have a place to stay.

But you needed to find out what was going on from Will.

Taking a deep breath, you pushed the doors open. You walked into the mansion and the unsettling silence that always filled it. You supposed it was to be expected with only four people in such a huge house but you didn't like it either way.

As you stepped into the hall, you came to the realization that the only three places in the mansion you spent time in were the kitchen, living room, and the guest bedroom. You had no idea where to find Will.

Without letting it bother you too much, you started walking in the opposite direction of your bedroom, taking note of how many doors were closed. You tried a few handles but they were all locked.

The more you walked, the worse the idea started to sound. Pacifica had warned you that it probably wasn't something you were meant to know about. Before your mind was finished telling you to run, you walked into Dipper.

"What are you doing here?" Dipper asked in that cool monotone of his. He always spoke like that but it sounded more intimidating than usual at the moment.

"Uh... you invited me to stay – "

"Don't try and act like an idiot!" Dipper snapped. "Obviously I know why you came to visit. Why would I possibly be asking you about that."

Forcing a carefree grin onto your face, you answered as well as you could without your voice breaking. "I wanted to explore the rest of the house," you explained. "See if there's anything cool around here like Mabel's amulet."

Dipper's eyes narrowed. "Mabel told you about her amulet?" he asked.

You nodded slowly. "Uh... yeah. She did. She showed me some of what it could do also but apparently it needs to be charged." Your eyes fell on the one around his neck. "You have one also."

Dipper glared at you. "Whatever you're looking for, I wouldn't go that way," he said, indicating the direction you were heading. "Mabel's in a bit of a bad mood and she might end up setting Waddles on you. While it may be entertaining or me, I doubt you'd enjoy it."

At the mention of Mabel's demonic pig, a shiver ran down your spine. "You know what, I've lost the urge to explore rather suddenly."

"Understandable," Dipper said smugly. "Why don't you go read or something? You like to do that, right?" He took a step closer to you. "A word of advice, don't go messing around with strange things. You'll only end up getting hurt."

Before you had the chance to answer, he brushed past you and continued down the hall. He unlocked one of the closed doors, went through it and shut it very firmly behind him. The click of the lock sounded through the hall.

You looked towards where Dipper had said Mabel was, gulped, and went as quickly as you could in the opposite direction. It may come across as cowardly but when faced with Waddles, you were fine with being accused of that.

You headed through one of the backdoors and continued on past the pool. The forest was the best place to take a walk and calm down. Pacifica had given you enough tips that you felt perfectly safe being there alone. She had shown you how to both detect and escape most dangers in there.

A small path that looked like it hadn't been walked on for ages ran nearly parallel to the property border and you stuck to it. It wouldn't be good for anybody to get lost in there.

While you walked, your mind wandered and you didn't realize how far you were going until you passed a certain point.

The moment you did, a shiver ran up your spine. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up and the world around you became... clearer. It felt like something had been lifted from your shoulders but at the same time, you could sense something watching you.

"And who might you be?" the voice didn't come from a specific location. It sounded disembodied, like it was bouncing around in your head.

You spun around rapidly, looking for the source.

"You're not going to find me like that," the voice reassured you. "I don't have a physical form you see. A least, I don't have one in your reality. I don't even have a two-dimensional form here. I guess it's what happens when you're not from this dimension or any of the ones surrounding it."

"If you're you not from our dimension, why are you here?" you asked, focusing your attention on a tree. It was easier than glancing around wildly, even if you did feel crazy. "Why are you talking to me?"

The voice laughed and gave a dramatic sigh immediately after. Talk about a mood swing. "Unfortunately, my options are rather limited here. I can't really get through the barrier around this town. Normally I'm stuck inside it. It's strange being on the other side."

"The barrier I just passed through," you summarized, looking over your shoulder. There was nothing there that you could see.

"Bingo!" the voice said loudly. "I'm having a bit of a problem lately. I was banished from my dimension and the world adjacent to it. Pretty horrible, right? I'm quite literally stuck in this limbo-like state until I find a way out and in every other dimension I've been to, I've had to deal with another version of me. Except in this one."

"Why not?" you asked. There was something in the back of the mind that was warning you against continuing the conversation but you chose to ignore it.

"Let's just say that the me in this dimension it otherwise occupied," it explained. "That's all very complicated but it means that I've been able to hang around until I find a human, like you, to help me out."

Your eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What do you want me to do? I don't have to do anything."

"You don't but what I want is simple enough," it said. "Help me regain a physical form so I can get back to my dimension. No strings attached. I have infinite knowledge at my disposal. Do this for me and I'll tell you anything you want about other demons."

"Other demons?" you asked. "Are you saying you're one?"

"More or less," it answered. "I'm not much more than a voice at the moment. Come on human, don't you think this is a good deal?"

"If you were banished from your dimension, why would you want to go back?" you asked.

It sighed. "Because it's safer. I also have some revenge to deal out there. I have quite a few enemies back home that have been causing me trouble. It a win-win scenario for you to help me."

You considered it before asking quietly. "What's your name?"

It chuckled. "I don't exactly have a name but you can call me Bill. Bill Cipher."

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