'Your Love Consumes Me' A Dam...

By ElleMiglioranza

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The 4th book in the series of the Epic Love Saga Things have taken a turn for the worse for Siena where she... More

I Miss Her.....
Addicted To.....
Answer Me This.....
Reality Sinks In.....
Share A Thought.....
Fight For This Love.....
Need A Little Help From A Friend.....
Vengeance And Bloodshed.....Family Ties.....
The Truth Behind It All.....
The Errors Of My Ways.....
The House Of Capulet And Montague.....
The Harder We Fall.....The Harder We Try.....
Unfortunate Turn Of Events.....
What It Feels To Be Alive.....
Do My Eyes Deceive Me......
There Maybe Hope.....
Is It Truly Over.....
Some Actions Are Unforgivable.....
Dark Secrets Unfold Part 1.....
Dark Secret Unfold Part 2.....
Sometimes You Can't Follow Your Heart.....
To Have Loved.....
Return To Thee.....

For Your Protection.....

3.8K 143 61
By ElleMiglioranza

Siena P.O.V

Today didn't turn out the way I wanted it to I mean the plan in my head sounded perfect I was going to take Silas and Tessa down once and for all. Nope that not what happen I didn't expect for Elena to end up at Tessa cabin and inflicting pain on her, also the fact that I underestimated how powerful Tessa to actually inflict pain on me being so far from her. Then there was Silas acting like a jackass all day thinking that he was going to have his victory. That backfired on me too when I saw him with Amara see a side to him that I thought weren't physically possible. Well I let me guard down for a few moment that little bitch Amara messed me up, stabbing me with a piece of glass I knew it couldn't kill me but it was in deep and I couldn't get it out. So basically today my plan was all a bust and now Damon and I are in a fight, which was the last thing I wanted right now.

So I showed Elena the anchor Amara the original Petrova. Tessa was pretty smart to turn the one thing that she knew that Silas wouldn't destroy, god she so twisted in the head how the hell I'm even related to that? Even though we had the one thing that was keep the other side up Amara weren't immortal anymore, she was human so we needed to make sure that nothing happened to her before we figure out a way to bring Bonnie back. Which looks like it going to be the spell that Tia Dalma told me about now, well I was willing to do whatever it took to bring Bonnie back. I'm meant to be this all powerful being I will do this. I had told Elena I will bring Bonnie back and she had total faith in me that I will do this, it crazy to think that weeks ago we were at each other throats with hatred and one thing I did changed that. I accidently compelled her to stop having feeling for Damon that was the one thing that tore our relationship apart her feeling for my husband.

I made my way back into the parlour and I saw Damon pacing he really was pissed after what happened today and I knew it had a lot to do with the fact I kept it all from him.

"So what are you planning Siena" He turned around looking very pissed "Offer yourself up like you planned originally?" He raised his voice again at me I shook my head he really weren't getting any of this "You know Tia Dalma said the odds were against you if you didn't that. You know that don't you?" Once again he spoke loudly I was getting tired of all of this he had no faith in me what so ever.

"Do you want to shout any louder?" Suddenly he was in front of me with his jaw clench and his eyes widen "Damon I made this mess and I'm going to fix it" Then the doorbell went Damon and I stared at each other for a moment neither of us were going to back down from this "I'll get the door then" I turned away from him and walked over to the door. I opened the door and a woman stood there she was slender with dark brown hair and amazing blue eyes she appeared to be in her late 20's I didn't have a clue of who she was "Hello can I help you?" She looked at me a little confused.

"Is this the Salvatore residents?" She questioned.

"Yes it is.... how can I help you?" She began to smile widely at me. Who the hell was she?

"I'm Natalia is Damon or Stefan here?" I turned around to call Damon but he was standing a foot away from me with speechless look on this face and he looked pale.... paler than usual. I turned back to the woman and she looked back at him the same way what going on here I turned back to Damon.

"Damon?" He didn't tare his eyes away from this woman. Who the hell was this woman for him to act like this?

"Mother" The words came out slowly as he spoke, did I hear him correctly he called her mom? I looked between the both of them as they both stood there looking at each other.

"Hello Damon" Her eyes soften as they began to glaze as she spoke to him. Damon or Stefan hardly ever spoke about the mom and if they did it was very limited words. I gestured to her come in and smiled and walked in "Thank you" Damon hadn't said a word he literally looked speechless "Damon I know this may all be a little too much seeing me after 160 years but please let me explain" she pleaded to him Damon approached her he stood there looking at her with his face filled with a million emotions.

"It's really you...but how...why?" Damon spoke with so much confusion in his voice I don't know what was running through his mind right now, but I'm pretty sure his freaking out right now.

"My beautiful boy" She touched his cheek "This weren't the fate I wanted for you and Stefan" He moved away from her and walked into the parlour she turned me "You must be Siena" How the hell did she even know me? I was about to talk "Your wondering why I knew that" I nodded my head I mean I think I was going into a state of shock right now.

"Yeah well... I think we all are going to need a drink for this" I walked into the parlour and went straight over to pour three well needed drink. I mean she turned up out of the blue after all this time she can't be human I sense that. Why is she here why now? With the look that on Damon face I think his thinking the same. I walked over and handed them both there drinks Damon drained his then walked back over to pour another.

"Damon I need to talk to you" She began to look around the room "Where Stefan?" I really didn't know how Stefan going to take to the fact that his mom turn up out of the blue. With his memories gone right now he struggling with that now to deal with this I think it might send him over the edge.

"Why don't we leave Stefan out of this and you tell me where the hell you have been for the last 160 year!" Damon raised his voice slightly then gave her apologetic look I knew even though he was pissed at his mom for only showing up right now it was still his mom he loves her but he feels hurt right now.

"For 158 years I've been.... how can I put this asleep" I glanced over at Damon he really looked like he was going to explode any moment.

"Asleep! What the hell that meant to mean? And what the hell are you?" He raised his voice once again this time he really didn't give a dam.

"Natalia you got to understand Damon upset here....." She raised her hand to stop me from talking.

"I will explain everything, when I mean I was a sleep I mean I was put under a spell by a witch called Sebastian. I turned into a vampire after dying of pulmonary tuberculosis. I did something terrible and he saw putting me in a deep slumber while watching over my children turning into ther the one thing I never want for them" She appeared to be getting upset. I glanced over at Damon and for the first time ever I didn't know what the hell he was thinking.

"Who turned you?" He demanded Natalia looked a little taken back with Damon attitude but really could anyone blame him for reacting in this way?

"It all started in 1839"

Flash Back

My family moved into Mystic Falls of the summer of 1839 due to the strange occurrences that were happening in the small town called Clinton where we came from after moving to America, people were getting attacked by wild animal having their throats ripped out. My father feared for our safely it was only myself and my mother and our neighbours had been attack, he didn't want anything to happen to us.

So we moved to a town where my father was told was safe and it was a tight nit community and safe from any of the horridness that we had experience. When we arrived at Mystic Fall to our new home we were greeted by our fellow neighbours.

"Good day to you sir. Stefano Salvatore" He shook my father hand "This is my wife Caterina. We would like welcome you our town" The friendly gentleman told my father, they seemed friendly enough but I missed everyone from back home I didn't want to move and not to the other side of the country.

"God day to you too sir, I'm Damon Berlioz this is my wife Alexandria and my daughter Natalia" My father greet back him this was all I needed right now if I had my choice I would be making my way back to be with my friends that I grew up with.

"Giuseppe, come" The man called out I turned around and saw a handsome young man approaching us. The one thing that caught my eye was his smile, I could feel my cheek heating up as our eyes locked.

"Sorry father" He stood between his mother and father.

"This is my son Giuseppe, he going to be taken over our family business very soon" He spoke so proudly of his son. I watched as Giuseppe didn't seem very happy about his father announcement "Why don't you come over to our home for supper. Anna our cook very nice roast beef" I glance over at my father who was contemplating at the offer.

"We would be honour to be your guest" My father responded with a smile.

"What the does meeting father got to do with all of this? How are you a vampire?" Damon growled he really was about to lose it I could see it in his eyes.

"Damon give her a chance" He looked over at me still looking with anger in his eyes; I approached him with caution "Baby please" I place my hand on his shoulder and he nodded solemnly.

"Thank you Damon, I want to give you the whole story. The night when we went to your grandparents home that when it all began. That when I met him" She spoke with sorrow in her voice who ever him was it had left some kind of impact on her.

Flash Back

We spent a lovely evening in the Salvatore home Mr and Mrs Salvatore were extremely hospitable the supper appeared to me more of a banquet, with various meat and vegetables it all smelt delicious. The whole evening was very pleasant I overheard talks between my father and Mr Salvatore about myself that I was of age to be married, which infuriated me as I didn't want to be married a young age and the fact I had moved to a strange town I didn't want a suitor I didn't know. Of course I couldn't argue with my father about matter such as this in the 1800 it was common for one's father to arrange a marriage, and from the conversation I was listening to my father thought that Giuseppe Salvatore would be an excellent suitor for me.

The evening ending and we went back to our new home there was something about this new house that I didn't like. I had eerie feeling in house like I was being watched. I went into my room and got undressed and changed into my nightwear. I heard a noise from outside I walked over to the window and looked out. The garden was filled with darkness apart from a few lantern hanging. I looked around and nothing appeared to be out there so I climbed into my bed and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up a few times during the course of the night I didn't feel settled I felt like I was being watched I kept looking around the room and I couldn't see anything. My throat felt dry so I lit a candle picked up the candle stick and made my way down the stairs into the kitchen. I still had that feeling that I felt early like I was being watched or something, I went into the kitchen pantry and poured myself some milk into a glass I began to drink from it. I heard the noise again it sounded pretty close part of me wanted scream but that would wake my mother and father. I walked to the back door and looked through the glass pane. I opened the door to see if it maybe something that was rattling against the wooden panel of the house. I walked cautiously using the candle light as a beacon I looked around and there was nothing I turned around and there stood a man in front of me. I dropped the candle I wanted to scream that would have been the natural reaction but he grabbed hold of my shoulders.

"You will not scream or move" I felt that I had to obey to his command, when inside I was screaming for my life "I've been looking for you for such a long time" I felt fear overcome me I wanted to run I wanted to scream. Suddenly he lunges for my throat I felt his teeth pierce my skin every part of me wanted to scream but I couldn't.

That was the first of many night the stranger came to visit me....

I stood there trying to take in everything that Natalia was telling us from the sounds of it all a vampire was feeding from her. What did any of that have to do with why she hear right now? I glance over at Damon and he seemed a little disturbed hearing all of this I don't think he liked the idea of a vampire feeding off her, due to the fact Damon weren't the saintly of vampires in the past I'm pretty sure he done the same or worse to innocent girls.

"I'm not going to sit here and listen about your vampire rendezvous" Damon got up I wanted to stop him but to be honest if I was in his shoes I would be feeling the same to. He walked out of the house slamming the door behind him.

"I didn't want to upset him. But he had to know the truth. I miss him and Stefan so. much" Her eyes began to get teary then Natalia breaks down and cries "I'm sorry, Siena. I should go" I don't know what she expected coming here I mean did she think after all this time Damon was going to let her in with open arms.

"Yeah but you turned up after 160 years Natalia, how did you think he was going to react, look let me talk to him wait here" I didn't want her to leave Damon and Stefan have spent the whole lives think there mom was dead and she wasn't. I mean if somehow they can overcome this they could be a proper family. I went after Damon I'm just hoping that I could reason with him about all of this. "Damon.... Please wait" I called out and Damon stopped as he was about to climb in the car "Damon, don't go. Please" I pleaded to him looking at Damon right now with his face filled with many emotions I couldn't help but listen to this thoughts 'How could she do this to me? How can she expect me to listen to any of that!' even in his thought it was filled with anger.

"Siena you really think I want to listen to all of that!" He raised his voice I knew he weren't angry at me but he need to calm down and look at all of this rationally.

"I know that you are upset, but she is your mother" I mean it is his mom he gotta hear her out and forgive her, I know him and his dad didn't get on but he never spoke badly of his mom.

"160 years Siena and now she turned up out of the blue with some bullshit story! Mother......! My mother dies when I was 12 Siena" His eyes were filled with anger he really wasn't taking any of this well at all. Right now I'm glad that Stefan didn't witness any of this.

"Will you at least hear her out? Please for me" I asked as he climbs into the car and looked up at me giving me a small smile.

"You know I would do anything for you Bella but I'm sorry I can't sit there and listen to that. My world was torn apart when she died Stefan and I didn't deal with losing her well. And this whole time she weren't even dead. I'm sorry bella I can't" I watched as tear escaped from his eye as he spoke, I went closer to him and caresses his face and kisses him gently

"I understand. I will ask her to leave" That was the only option right now if Damon didn't want her here then she had to go I won't let him be upset.

"I just need a little time alone" He moved my hand from his face "Just make sure she gone before Stefan comes down he had enough to deal with already, I don't want him having to deal with the fact she turned up too" I knew he needed time to himself but what worried me is the fact when Damon emotional he tends to do crazy stuff.

"Damon, promise me that you won't do anything stupid. I will tell her to leave" He began to chuckled lightly.

"I've not done anything stupid for a long time Bella" He spoke with sarcasm and closes the car door.

"I love you, Salvatore" He looked out of his side window and smiled at me part of me believed him that he wouldn't do anything stupid, but then part of me thinking Damon not great with his emotions. I turned to the house I know he don't want her here but I need to know why she here why after all this time. He may not want to hear her out but I do I just hope he don't get mad at me about it.

Natalia P.O.V

For 158 years I was frozen mummified rotting away in abandon cellar in the middle of Montgomery Alabama all because of Sebastian, because I got caught how stupid was I even to of gotten caught. You're probably wondering why the witch Sebastian did this to me well it a very long story and the one thing I've learnt is you really shouldn't mess with travellers. Even though I was frozen and not able to move in my true form my spirit was roaming in limbo I watched my two beautiful sons from afar. The things I had witness with the both of them do broke my heart.

From watching them both getting manipulated by the one and only Katrina Petrova or as she is known now as Katherine Pierce. I watched her tear apart the bond that my son held with each other. They let a woman come between family well there father didn't bring them up too well, Giuseppe the man who never knew how to show no emotion and treated my poor Damon differently to Stefan. Those two boys were doom from the moment I 'died' but Giuseppe made sure I could never see them both again; I despise that man I'm sure he is rotting in hell right now.

Over the last 145 years I watched my sons go through hardship Stefan with his uncontrollable desire for human blood which turned him into a ripper, so many lives I had witness my baby Stefan take with no remorse. I was thankful for when that very sweet girl Lexi came into his life and helped him overcome it and it worked for a while, then I would see him spiralling out of control again. I notice it was kind of a pattern whenever my two boys would reunite somehow, Stefan would fall off the wagon again I knew it was because of the guilt of making Damon turn. Decades after decades I watched until the moment when I finally saw my Stefan happy with Elena. Granted she looked like Katherine but that young girl was nothing like her she was sweet and kind and I could see that she really did love my son.

Watching Damon broke my heart more the way Giuseppe treated him then to watch him wait for that Katherine who all along wasn't in that tomb, as much as I screamed and shouted at my son it was no use he couldn't hear me no one could hear me from where I was. I watched over him as I did with Stefan some of the things I have seen Damon go through would make your stomach turn. I still don't know how he got through it all. Yes I did he turned off his humanity Damon was never one to deal with his emotions after he thought he lost me. From 12 years old he bottled it all up because he had to be 'a man' as quoted by Giuseppe.

The one thing happened to Damon that I really thought wasn't possible he actually found true love, a girl called Siena I mean I could see it from the moment they met each other the spark that was between them. She couldn't have come at a better time I was concerned with the fact that Damon was falling for Stefan girlfriend Elena, but from the moment he laid eyes on her it was like love at first sight. I watched him fall madly in love and even marry her I was there on the day of course no one could see me, but I witness my eldest child making a comment in front of family and friends. I could see in both of their eyes how much they truly loved each other.

After witnessing all of that I backed away I didn't overlook the both of them as much as for once in 146 years I saw my two beautiful boys happy, I felt at peace even though I was stuck in limbo I began to try and enjoy the possibility I had here. I moved around in the world as a spirit visiting places I've dreamed of, but it was lonely not be able to talk to anyone not able to do anything people walking right through me. Until the day I was finally woken I couldn't believe after all of these years my eyes were finally opened. Ayoung lady woken me and she had her reason for waking me.

"Here" she gave a an odd bag filled with red liquid I frowned at her "It's blood I've given you a little already but this should bring you back to full health" I hesitantly took it from her I bit into it and let the cool liquid trickle down my throat I forgot how it felt to have this taste go down my throat "Well there things we need to talk about" I moved the bag of blood away from my lips.

"What do you want with me?" I demanded she had to be a witch of some form to break the curse that Sebastian had put on me.

"Let me introduce myself I'm Margherita Garcia and I'm going to be needing your help" She spoke with seriousness in her voice I didn't know who this girl was but she took the time and effort to wake me. Whatever it was she needed my assistant with I would do anything to help as I'm grateful for her waking me.

I sat there and listen to every little detail she told me I felt speechless with the news and all I knew what I had to do right now is go and find my two sons, and warn them of what about to come. Margherita gave me change of clothes from this century I notice women of these days expose lot of their body, well I was grateful to be rid of that dam corset. From Alabama I made my way to Virginia on public transportation, Margherita had given me a few blood bags to keep my urges under control but I have never taken a human life since I've turned. I only fed on animal I couldn't bring myself to attack someone mother or father even son or daughter, it was something I couldn't do. I didn't know if it was the fact I was a mother myself but I couldn't bring myself to harm a human again.

I had finally arrived in Mystic Falls I couldn't believe how much it had changed in the last 158 years walking around here in limbo I didn't take in all in, but physically walking through it all was so surreal. I made my way to the Salvatore family home as I approached the manor I could feel my stomach turning knowing the fact that any moment I will be coming face to face with my beautiful boys.

Well I came face to face with my first born and it didn't go down to well I knew he wasn't going to take to my coming back well, but I needed for him to know everything I couldn't tell him half a story. Siena his wife was trying to comfort him I couldn't help but smile I could see that she loved my son a great deal and I'm truly grateful he found happiness. I could see in her eyes and the way she looked at him that she adore him more than anything. I began to tell them both my story but when I told them about the man or shall I say the vampire who uses to come and see me. I watched my son look horrified at the fact of hearing this news. Part of me knew it was too much to tell him in one go but I need to explain the reason why I stayed away what their father did, to make sure of that I didn't come in any contact with them.

Damon walked away I wanted to leave Siena insisted for me to stay while she went to speak to him. She was a good person I could sense that pure of heart. After a while she walked back in she looked a little frustrated I hope her and Damon haven't argue over me coming here, the last thing I want to do is cause problems because of my present being here. But I need to tell them what Margherita had informed me they need to know what they are going to face in the possible future.

"I'm sorry about Damon" Siena broke me out of my thoughts; I looked up at her she didn't need to apologies neither of them need to do that.

"Siena you have nothing to apologise for it should be me" She gave me a small smile and brought over two glasses and a bottle of what appeared to be scotch of some sort.

"I think we are both going to need this" She sat down next to me and poured two glasses, then handed one to me "So will you continue with your story" She gave me a warm smile she wanted to know the reason why I'm here and she had every right to ask.

"I honestly didn't come here to cause trouble" I drained my drink and placed it on the coffee table.

"I know Natalia your intension aren't bad, but I need to know what happened to you. Why after all this time you're here?" I nodded my head she was right she had as much right to hear everything as much as my son's did.

Flash Back

I had been living in Mystic Falls for six months now during these six months I began to court Giuseppe Salvatore. Also for six months I had the mysterious man come to my room ever night to drink from me. He never told me his name there wasn't much of a conversation between us from what I recalled, it was repetitive every evening I did the same thing without questioning myself. I would open my window even in the coldest weather and wait for the dark handsome stranger to come, as the days and weeks went on I felt myself having feeling for this stranger. I didn't know if it had anything to do with him coming and doing something so sinful to me, a demon drinking from me that it was something that would have been frown upon. But it gave me a rush of excitement this man in my room alone with me while my parents where only down the hallway.

Giuseppe had proposed to me when he asked the question it was in front of my family of course he asked my father for my hand in marriage, and my father approved of Giuseppe. He saw that he would be the perfect husband to me. In my mind I thought otherwise but I had to accept his proposal to make both of our families happy, even if I wasn't I couldn't bring shame upon my family and tell them that my heart belong to another a demon at that.

The night before our wedding I did the same routine then I opened the window and waited for my prince to come, I felt excitement and sorrow at the same time as I knew that tonight would be the last night we could do this. As from tomorrow on wards I will be a married woman and lying beside my new husband a man who I didn't love. A man who I'm marrying to make everyone else happy apart from myself.

This one evening I couldn't sleep I didn't know if it was due to my nerves of getting married or the fact that I would never see my handsome stranger, many emotions over filled me mainly sadness. I heard a sound and I sat up in my bed I looked before me and saw my handsome stranger wearing a tradition suit his hair perfectly fell. He looked a little startled to see me awake he had been used to me being asleep when he came.

"Natalia, I thought you would have been a sleep" His voice stirred so many emotion within me one thing I loved about my handsome stranger was his British accent.

"I'm sorry..I-I just" I felt nervous speaking to him knowing it will be my last "I'm due to be married tomorrow I couldn't sleep" He walked over closer to my bed I looked at his beautiful face I hadn't seen such beauty in my life. Giuseppe didn't come close to the beauty that my stranger had.

"Yes we spoke of this..." He spoke with broken words I heard a little sorrow in his voice "But tonight has to be the last night I see you Natalia" He turned away from me as he spoke those words I felt my heart shatter knowing that this will be the last time I see him.

"I don't want it to be" I whispered he turned to me as if he heard every word.

"Your new husband won't be please if another man come to see you every night" He spoke with amusement in his voice, he was right how was I meant to have my moment of pleasure with my stranger with Giuseppe beside me.

"You do not need to come to my room, I could meet you on the grounds" I spoke with hope in my voice hoping that he would agree to my terms. He turned to face me and began to cress my cheek for a moment he looked at me a little different not as the girl who was letting him fulfil his desire for bloodlust.

"Natalia you are an interesting creature" He spoke with a little amusement in in voice I could feel my cheeks burning up as I realised I sounded far too desperate to see him again. I didn't know if I could continue my life with him not being there "I agree to your terms, we shall meet on the Salvatore grounds during witching hour" I couldn't help but smile knowing that maybe he couldn't be without me as much as I couldn't be without him. He was about to lean towards my neck to get the taste of my blood.

"I'm sorry" I moved back and he looked at me with a confused look "Would it be possible to have a name? I mean you've come to visit me every night for the last six months and I still do not know your name" A tiny smile appeared on his face as he knew I was right.

"How rude of me Natalia, My name is Elijah.....Elijah Mikaelson"

I looked at Siena face and her jaw dropped to hearing of the name of the man who I fell in love with. Elijah Mikaelson the man who stole my heart the man who would always have my heart.

"Did you just say Elijah....as Mikaelson as in the original family of vampires?" Siena spoke stunned I nodded my head, Elijah had told me about his siblings and how they all became what they were "So you....and Elijah" Siena spoke with broken words I think she weren't taking the news too well and she hadn't heard the half of it yet.

"I know it may be a shock to you...." Siena looked at me wide eyed I think shocked may have been an understatement.

"Ermmm Yeah" She shook her head and grabbed the bottle and drank from it, she pulled it away "I really don't know how Damon going to react to this...Oh god and Stefan" she spoke with a little panic in her voice it was nice to see that she cared for both of my boys.

"You can't help who you fall for...." She looked at me it was the truth I never planned to fall in love with Elijah

Flash Back

Giuseppe and I had gotten married most women would of consider it to the best day of there lives, were as I saw it as the worse day. Giuseppe was a man of two faces he had once face which would appear when we were in front of family and guest, but behind closed doors he was a different man he would lose his temper with me and at times hit me for no reason. One time he hit me for using the wrong cutlery I couldn't believe it. The only thing that was keeping me going was the fact that every evening I would meet Elijah during witching hour.

Giuseppe was smart enough not to mark me in places that people would see but it didn't matter as every night when Elijah would drink from me, he would give me his blood to heal me and it would heal any of the marks that Giuseppe gave me. After two months of marriage I found out that I was with child a stir of emotions came over me I didn't want to be carrying my husband child, but this baby was as much a part of me and I would love him or her till my dying breath. When I inform Elijah of the news that I was with child he insisted that we couldn't continue the way we were which upset me. I couldn't go months without seeing him it would hurt too much. He could see I was clearly upset and assured me we would still meet and that he will not drink from me not while I'm with child. This pleased me know that I wasn't just his food source that maybe I was something else to him.

I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy I named him Damon after my father which didn't please Giuseppe at first but it was tradition in my family that the first born son is named after grandfather. My little precious Damon he brought a smile to my face even in my darkest of days all I had to do is look into his beautiful blue eyes, and all the fear the anxiety I would be feeling fluttered away. My night were still filled with my meets with Elijah but even after I had Damon he didn't drink from me he began to talk to me about all the wonders of the world. All the amazing places he had been to all the different centuries he had experience I felt that we were becoming closer.

Several years later I was expecting once again and I had another son Stefan we named him after Giuseppe father Stefano who not long after Stefan was born passed away. Giuseppe was devastated I tried to be the comforting wife towards him but I found it hard I didn't feel any emotions towards him not with the way he had treated me over the last seven years.

The years went on and I watched my two gorgeous boys grown I had taught Damon French and Italian and he picked it up pretty well. I tried to speak to the both of them in either language as I thought it would be good for them to hold their heritage of where there family came from. Giuseppe would lose his temper very quick with Damon on may occasion I had to intervene from him beating Damon for the silliest of things. I would rather him strike me than touch a hair on my beautiful boy head. I began to tell Elijah about the horrid stories of my marriage he felt hurt that I hadn't told him before but I felt ashame of speaking such things. He wanted to murder Giuseppe for all the things he had done to me and to my boys not so much Stefan as Giuseppe seem to of favoured him. I had to stop Elijah from doing anything I pleaded to him not to hurt Giuseppe as he would always be my children father and couldn't bear the thought that I would be the reason there father had been murdered.

The summer of 1852 I had been dialogised with pulmonary tuberculosis it had over taken my body rapidly within couple of days, I had deteriorated for three nights I hadn't seen my Elijah I weren't able to move from my bed. Giuseppe had placed me in a guest room as he didn't want me to disturb him while he slept. Damon and Stefan would come to see me and ask me if I would get better with their voices filled with hope. I had to look at my two little angle and lie tell them that there momma would get better soon, it broke my heart as I knew I had a short space of time with them both and I feared how Giuseppe would raise the both of them.

On the night of June 23rd 1852 the night before Damon 12th birthday I was told by the doctor that I had hours left to live. I knew within myself I was slowly slipping away but I wanted to hold on to see into a new day and to witness one more birthday. Marianna my hand maid tried to make everything as comfortable as possible for me, we had become very close over the 12 years I may have considered her as a sister in some ways rather than hired help. She was making sure that everything was okay I could see the sorrow in her eyes while she fixed my sheets.

"Marianna will you make sure my boys will be okay" I spoke weakly her she gave me a small smile.

"Of course Madam, I will look after master Damon and master Stefan as if there were my own" She tried to keep her voice steady as she spoke, I tried to smile but it hurt to do anything right now, she was about to leave the room.

"Marianna would you mind opening the window" She turned to face me looking a little confused.

"But Madam of course" she walked over and opened the window at the foot of my bed and opened the curtain so I could see the moonlit sky; she turned to me and gave me another look of sorrow and left the room. I could feel that it began to get a little difficult to breathe that my time was coming soon to an end. I closed my eyes all I wanted right now is to beat this just for a few more hours I felt something touch my cheek. I opened my eyes and I saw Elijah sitting beside me. I felt joy in my heart that my time was coming to an end but I got to see that angelic face one more time. Crazy to think I use to think of him as a demon but now I saw him as my saviour he help me through all the horror of my life in the last 12 years.

"Natalia what has become of you?" He spoke with fear in his voice while he stroked my cheek his touch felt warm to me, every time he had touched me before it felt cold. With my body shutting down I was the same temperature at he.

"I'm dying my love" My voice was barely a whisper I had never called Elijah my love but with this being my final moment on this earth I wanted him to know how I truly felt for him "I...Love you" I spoke to words that I had been saying in my mind for the last 12 years. I never let those three words pass my lips in fear of his reaction.

"I love you too Natalia" He bit into hit wrist "but you shall not die today" He place his wrist over my mouth I tried to protest due to the fact that if I appeared normal in the morning people will question, the lord saw this as my time was over on this earth. It was too late I felt Elijah blood fall into my mouth and slowly going down my throat. I felt myself regain strength in moments I was able to move I held Elijah wrist firmly to my mouth while I drank his sweet blood. After a few minutes he moved it away from my mouth I sat up I felt perfectly fine better than fine I never felt more alive.

"You saved my life..." I lunged to him wrapping my arms round his neck and kissed him this took Elijah by surprise but he responded in moment. Who would of thought my demon who would be my knight in shining armour. I didn't want this moment to never end but we broke apart due to a noise Elijah left my room like a ghost. I turned my head to see my husband standing there with anger upon his face.

"You harlot" He screamed the next thing I knew Giuseppe hands were around my throat, I tried to fight him off but I couldn't. I couldn't breathe I was choking grasping for air the last image I saw was the face of hatred on my husband face.

I looked over at Siena and she sat there looking horrified by the story even recited the story to her it frighten me too. The life I lived with a man who was the true demon who treated his wife with no respected and his children too I lived a nightmare of a life.

"I'm sorry" Siena spoke with sorrow in her voice, I held her hand and gave her a small smile.

"Thank you but I haven't told you the worst part yet" Her eyes widen I thought Giuseppe couldn't go any lower than the night where he murdered me with his bare hands but he showed his true colours.

"It gets worse" Siena spoke with a little fear in her voice I nodded my head.

Flash back

I woke up in darkness I tried to move but I was in a confined space I realised that I was in a coffin that Giuseppe had actually murdered me. I began to bang away at the wooden lid that confined me the more I banged the more the earth began to seep into the casket. I didn't know how I did it but will all my might I dragged myself out of the grave, it felt like a life time will I got to the surface. When I finally did and I took in the clear fresh air to be able to breathe again. It was night time and I was in the middle of the Fells church cemetery, I began to make my way towards my home I rushed through the woods for my life I wanted to see my two precious boys.

I finally arrived at our family home all the lights were out apart from one which was in Giuseppe study. I opened the front door and walked in I could feel my heart accelerating in fear that I would get caught. I wanted to grab my two boys and run get as far from here as possible and start a new life. I was brought back to life for a reason maybe it wasn't my time to die that I need to break my children away from all of this too. I began to approach the stairs with caution I took the first two steps and I heard the sound of a cock of a gun, my heart began to beat even faster I turned slowly and I saw Giuseppe standing there with a rifle in his hand.

"You are dead!" He spoke with anger in his voice I wanted to speak but I felt that I had no voice "It true then?" I didn't know what he was talking about "That demon that been drinking from you did this to you?" He spoke with bitterness in his voice how did he even know that I was seeing Elijah. What did Elijah have to do with me returning from the grave?

"H-how..." I couldn't even speak as I watched Giuseppe aiming the gun at me.

"I knew for a while didn't you think you would be seen" He raised his voice "You've have been associating with a vampire" I felt myself grasp hearing him saying that "That why you returned from the dead he turned you, I thought I saw the last of your whore face" I couldn't let him kill me I had to get Damon and Stefan and I weren't leaving here till I had them both in my arms.

"I will leave once I have my sons" I turned to walk up the stairs waiting to feel the impact of a gunshot.

"You will not take them" I stopped and turned to him "Don't you take another step or go near any of those boys and if you do not leave I will put a bullet to their heads" I stood there looked at Giuseppe meant every word he said he was sick and unhinged to do something like that "I swear to god Natalia I would kill both of them boys before I let you take them" He screamed I came down the stairs and took one final look at the devil and walked away. I kept running as the tears streamed down my cheeks I would never be able to see my two little angels again.

I fell asleep in the woods and I woke up to the bright sunlight it hurt my eyes I felt disoriented, I got up from the ground and thought about the events the night before could I let Giuseppe win? I had to see my boys even if it was one last time I began to make my way towards the manor. When I arrived I saw Damon and Stefan joy filled my heart seeing them. I didn't want them to see me as I didn't want to make them upset or the fact that Giuseppe would actually do what he told me, I hid amongst the trees and I could see Damon hugging Stefan.

"I want momma" Stefan cried my heart shattered hearing my baby like that; Damon embraced his brother while soothing his back.

"Stefan.... momma gone she with the angles now" I felt like someone had put their hand in my chest and tore my heart out. I couldn't watch any longer I turned away and ran off I had to leave my two precious angles behind. I kept running through the woods but something stopped me I could smell something that smelt delicious. I began to follow the sent till I came to a clearing where I saw a man by tree cursing in pain. I approached him with caution he looked up and smiled.

"Dear lady could you please help me I tripped and fell and I hurt my leg" I looked at his leg and I could see all the blood seeping through the fabric. Then I felt a strange sensation in my gums "Dear lady please" The man pleaded I looked at him and nodded, crouched down to help him up but the smell of the blood was arousing something with in me I felt my face feel slightly strange "Oh my god what are you" The man scream I all I could see was the vein on his neck call me humming a beat I tried to pull back but I couldn't I bit into his throat as the ruby red liquid went down my throat I felt complete.

"That was the first and last time I took a human life" I said turned to Siena I notice that she had been crying as she was wiping away her tears.

"I can't imagine how you felt... God I'm sorry" She wiped away her tears and got up, I felt a little guilty telling her all of that but someone needed to hear my story. The front door opened and we both turned to see Damon walk in he looked between the both of us. My darling Damon face was filled with many emotions he walked into the parlour straight to his collection of scotch and poured a drink for himself. Siena stood there in silence as she observed my son he looked at her curiously then he turned me to me.

"I want to know why after all this time you've turned up? I'm pretty sure it not to make up for all the birthdays you've missed" He spoke bitterly I didn't blame him I mean if I was in his shoes I would be feeling the same.

"I came back to make amends with you and Stefan, but your right there another reason why I'm here" I looked between my son and his wife "I'm here because of your son Nico" I didn't know how Damon or Siena were going to react to my news but they need to know, what path lays ahead for their son my grandson.

Damon P.O.V

Today didn't go to plan what so ever the whole trip to New Jersey was a bust I was so mad at Siena for hiding her plan from me, I know she not a fragile human actually she never been that but we are meant to be a team not hid things from each other. God she makes me so angry at times I want to scream and shout at her, but this is Siena the love of my life I can't be like that with her. When I overheard her talking to Elena still determined to bring Bonnie back I felt like I was going to exploded. What part didn't she understand that if she did this she might not come back.

Siena and I were having a full blown argument she was adamant to still do this but I refuse for her do it, our argument got broken by the doorbell. When Siena opened the door and I saw her standing there I felt like I was seeing things, then I heard that familiar voice the voice I hadn't heard for 160 years the voice of my mother. We all stood there looking at each other she hadn't changed one bit she looked still as beautiful as I remember when I was a child. Her long dark brown hair and her big blue eyes I used to look into for comfort. She was here in the flesh and part of my felt like it was a dream but I knew it wasn't, for some unknown reason my mother was here and back from the dead I didn't know what she was but she touched my cheek. I couldn't believe it was really her all I felt right now was overwhelmed with emotions.

After the awkward introductions my mom began to explain what had happened she was telling us the story but I weren't listening, all I kept repeating in my head 'it's really her she really here' I couldn't get over the fact that she was here. One thing snapped me out of my thoughts when she told us that she was attacked by a stranger who drank from her, basically a vampire. I couldn't believe my mother had been through something like that then to tell us it weren't the first time.

I couldn't take it anymore I couldn't listen to any of this anymore I didn't care why she was here she was 160 years too late. I didn't care that she was in some kind of slumber I didn't care about anything she abandon Stefan and I. Siena tried to reason with me but there wasn't anything or anyone could really say to let me be in the same room as her and listen to her story. I loved my mother more than anything in this world and on June 23rd 1852 my world was shattered by her death. Life for me became a lot harder especially with my father he didn't like me much when my mother was around, in her death he hated me more. I didn't know if it was to do with the fact I looked like her.

I drove off as I heard Siena telling me she loved me all that anger I had towards her melted away, right now I probably needed her more than ever. With my mother turning up like this it had brought 160 years of emotions to the surface, emotions that I thought were long gone. How could one woman do this to me? I kept driving I was debating about going on a murderous blood spree but Siena did asked me not to. God I'm whipped so I drove down to the grill maybe a large consumption of bourbon will do the trick.

I stayed down the grill for an hour my mind kept on going back to the fact that my mother was at my house she was really here, part of me wanted to forget the fact she turned up at my doorstep but this is my mother the woman who I adore more than anything. I wanted to know why she was here and why now?

I got in my car and began to drive back to the house I couldn't leave it like this I needed to know why she here. I'm just hoping that Siena didn't kick her out when I left. I got home and I parked up I got out of the car and began to make my way to the front door. A whirl of emotions were going through me right now I wanted to know what my mother deal was then part didn't. I opened the front door and walked in I looked and she was still here why did all of this seem easier in my head. I walked over and pour myself a drink I looked up and saw Siena she looked like she had been crying. What the hell had been going on?

"I want to know why after all this time you've turned up, I'm pretty sure it not to make up for all the birthdays you've missed" I still remember my 12th birthday morning over my mother death when all along she was alive.

"I came back to make amends with you and Stefan, but your right there another reason why I'm here" She looked between Siena and I "I'm here because of your son Nico" How the hell did she even know about Nico?

"How do you know about our son?" I demanded I hated the fact I was shouting at her she was my mother but I can't forgive her for walking away from us.

"Are you willing to listen?" She asked calmly I glance at Siena and she gave me a small smile, I looked back at her.

"Ok I'll listen but I don't want to hear about your vampire lover" She looked a little hurt by that comment that something I never wanted to do hurt my mother but what else did she expect from me?

"Damon....." Siena half shouted I shook my head and sat in the arm chair.

Flash Back

After leaving Mystic Falls in 1852 after I brutally attacked that man and Elijah not being anywhere in sight I made my way to Europe. If I wasn't allowed to be with my boys, then I need to be as far as possible it was the only way I could deal with it. I travelled to a few countries throughout the months I quenched my thirst with animal blood rabbit, deer's, foxes whatever I could get my hands on. I made my way to Paris that where my family came from before we moved to America I thought maybe being back in familiar surrounding might help. I walked the streets and everything seem different I had no money nothing. I stopped in a tavern I thought I may be able to find some work well it didn't work out like that; it was difficult for a woman to find work it weren't really known for. So I slept on the street and any source of blood I could get was from rats they didn't taste pleasant but it controlled my urge from hurting a human.

Weeks and months went by I lived like that until a day when a stranger approached me his name was Vincent he was a vampire to, he offered me shelter in his home he offered me a human to feed on but I refused which surprised him. But Vincent accept my way of life he began to teach me the many thing that a vampire was capable of, unfortunately because I drank animal blood some of the ability I couldn't do. Vincent could see that I was unhappy with the life I was leading all I kept thinking about where my two little angels, from when my eyes opened till they closed I thought of my Damon and Stefan.

I lived with Vincent for over a year he was friendly but I didn't like the way he treated humans they would be dead body all over the place, then he could compel other humans to clear up his mess. One evening he asked me an odd question that if there was a cure for vampirism would I take it? Well I responded that I would in a heartbeat to not have these craving and be immortal and live a miserable life of course I would. He told me about a myth about a man called Silas that he betrayed his friend for the elixir of immortally, so that he and his true love could be together forever sounded very romantic. The friend Qetsiyah was in love with him and when she found out about the betrayal she made supernatural purgatory so that when he does die he wouldn't be with his true love, she fossil him with the cure of immortally.

After hearing the story and knowing that there could be a cure for me I was determined to look for it and Vincent was willing to help me. We began are search which lead us to Bulgaria where we found a group of followers of Silas. That when I met Sebastian the witch we need to gather more information on the location of Silas, Vincent and I thought we were rather clever but we underestimated Sebastian he knew what we were after and he would do at anything to stop either of us from finding it.

I remember that night so clearly when the followers turned on us at Sebastian command I watched as they burnt Vincent in the middle of their town, all I could do was cry as I watched. Sebastian has cast a spell on me to not make me move. Once they made an example of Vincent all eyes went on me I knew my death was coming and Sebastian kept on looking at me curiously.

"I see that your blood line will create sanguinis nexus" He spoke a little intrigued I didn't know what he meant "One of your children will create a that bloodline the most powerful line to walk this earth" He began to smirk "Human will bow for sanguinis nexus..... but you and your friend came here to find the cure and unfortunately I can't let you have that" He spoke and little darkly as he came closer to me "You will be the grandmother of sanguinis nexus unfortunately for me i can't kill you" I felt relief but I didn't like the sounds of future for my future grandchild, suddenly he put his hand into my chest I felt his hand around my heart I began to grasp for air "I think I know just were to put you for your betrayal" I felt my heart slowing down and my vision began to become impaired I tried to keep my eyes opened but I couldn't then I fell into an obelisk of darkness.

I looked at my mother I didn't know that she went through such a hard time no I'm not feeling guilty for her I don't even know the reason why she left Stefan and I with that bastard father of ours. Did I hear her correctly about Elijah?

"Hold on a second you said the name Elijah......" then Siena cut me off

"Out of all of that you want to know about Elijah" Wow she sounded pissed "Damon remember what Connor called Nico when I was carrying him" I began to frown how was I mean to remember that far back with everything that gone on "Ge called our baby sanguinis nexus" Siena spoke with a little panic in her voice I glance over at my mother who had an even more worrisome look upon her face.

"So that what she meant" she mumbled to herself Siena turned to her.

"Who meant what?" I went over to Siena and wrapped my arm around her to comfort her I could see her freaking out.

"The witch who woke me from Sebastian spell told me that I need to help Nico" I watched as she began to frown and looked at Siena stunned "If Nico is the sanguinis nexus that would mean you're the dimidium sanguinis" My mother spoke stunned of the fact that Siena was what she was.

"Look what do you know about any of this?" I tried to keep my voice calm and steady as I spoke, she looked like she was in a trance of some sort then she looked at me wide eyed.

"They have spoken a lot over the last hundred years of the dimidium sanguinis that she will have a child" She began to pace I knew that my mother did that when she was nervous I recalled it from when I was a child.

"Ok she meant to have a baby, well news flash we had a son together now tell me what you know about our son?!" I demanded I felt Siena tense up beside me and my mother stopped pacing, she looked at the both of us with slight sorrow in her eyes.

"The child of the dimidium sanguinis is half demon and half human but his far more powerful than either. Other creatures call this Hybrid cambion or katako. You may know him as the Antichrist"

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