Do I Love Him?

By SarcasmRocks

29.8K 351 163

I have always hated my best friend's brother with all my guts. He annoyed me to no end. Well, I thought I hat... More

Do I Love Him?
Chapter 1~ That idiot!
I'm not a stalker! Am I?
And the neverending sleepover begins...
Date with Jeremy
Truth or dare?
And The Fun Begins...
Just Another Bad Day
The Break Up
We're Not Friends
A little bit of Jealousy can be Good: Part 1
A little bit of Jealousy can be Good: Part 2
The Time Has Come
Admitting the Truth
Confessions Part 2

Sad news! :(

1.8K 18 2
By SarcasmRocks


He was staring into my eyes and so was I. I put my arms around his neck we were leaning closer then




I felt as if I could strangle Nylon. Why, oh why did he have to call me now.

"Jordi! Time to eat!" Nylon's facial expression was really amusing. I think it was a grimace but he was also trying to smile. 

What got up his butt?

Jer and I came out of the water to eat. 

"Where's Donna?" I questioned.

"Still in the bathroom."

He has got to be real dumb if he hadn't figired out what was going on between Donna and Chris.

"What do y'all want to eat. We brought sandwiches and ice cream."

"Ice cream." Jeremy said.

"Sandwich." Nylon said.

There was an awkward silence when we began eating, even though we were at the beach, so I tried to start a conversation about football.


They began arguing about their favourite teams and they were talking about stuff I had bo clue about.

I was getting bored so I went to join a volleyball game. I doubt they'd realise if I leave. I was right because they just continued talking. That's guys for you.

I went up to a guy and asked to play and then we were playing. My team currently had six points while the other team had eight. This was the last round so we were either going to tie or the other team would win. We HAD to win!

The ball was coming toward me but I guessed the guy next to me also thought the same thing. We both dived for the ball and the outcome was not nice.

We both missed and our heads banged together.

Damn! It hurt BAD!

"Are you OK?" he asked, actually sounding sincere.

"Yeah. I'm OK."

"Are you sure? We can go get ice cream. Would that make you feel better?"

I have to admit, he was smooth.

I never refuse free stuff so I just had to say yes.

We walked to the closest ice cream man and he bought ice cream for me.

I didn't mention once that I already had ice cream.

"What's your name?"

"Jordi. You?"



"That's my name. Guy."

"Oh. That's a unique name."

"If by unique, you mean freak then yes. Yes, it is."

I guessed he hated his name. It was a bit unusual. Not everyday you meet someone named Guy.

"Well Guy, I'm going back to my friends. Thanks for the ice cream."

"OK. Catch you later!"

He actually seemed like a nice guy. No pun intended. Ok, yes, pun is intended.

When I returned, everyone was back- Luis, Chris and Donna. They were lying down on the chair thing and relaxing. 

I walked over to one of the chairs and relaxed.

What a great morning was the last thought I thought before I drifted into sleep.


I was akoken by someone roughly shaking my shoulder. 

"What do you want? Leave me alone! Can't you see I'm taking a freaking nap!"

"Jordi, there's a small situation."

"What situation!"

"The car has no gas and I called Triple A and they said they won't be here until next three hours."

"What?!? I have to go to dance practice!"

"I know. So Nylon's gonna drop you while I wait."

"Why can't I go with one of his friends instead?" I whined,

"Because Luis and Chris left and Jeremy didn't come with his car, he came with a cab or something."

"OK. I'll go. Is he ready?"

"NYLON!" she bellowed even though he was like ten feet away from us. (A.N. I have no idea how long/short ten feet is)

"Yeah. You ready, Jordi?"

"Yep. Let's go."

"Jeremy, let's go dude."

"He's coming with us?"

"No. I'm just calling him to follow me everywhere I go because he's my puppet."

"No need for the sarcasm. I get it."

He actually looked kinda guilty when I said that. "Sorry."

We all hoppen in the car. Me- the back seat, Jeremy- the passenger seat and of course Nylon- the driveer's seat.

Nylon out on the stereo and a rap CD was playing.

I sang along- well, rapped.

"You know this song?" Jeremy asked incredulously.

"Yeah. It's my ringtone."

"Really? No, I don't believe you."

"Call me. You'll see."

"I'd have to have your number to call you now would I?" he asked slyly.

"That would be stupid for you to not have my number. It's 5911135."

"Before Jeremy could call me, Nylon pulled up to his house so he had to leave.

"Don't forget to call me!" I told Jeremy when he was leaving.

"I'd have to be a fool to forget."

I laughed and Nylon snorted.

"What?" I asked him.

"Well, I was just hoping you two would stop flirting so I could drive you to dance practice!"

He sounded angry for some reason. I don't tell him anything when he's flirting with random girls so he shouldn't tell me anything!

"You know what Nylon, you are an ass, OK! Just drive!"

By now, Jeremy was already inside his house and we were in his driveway quarrelling like old people.


Nylon waited for me while I was dance practice. I couldn't help but fall even more in love with him! He can be so sweet sometimes but other times he's an arrogant prick! I was supposed to be ignoring these feelings though so I have to stop thinking about him. I HAVE TO!!!

After two hours of torture in dance practice, I hopped into Nylon's car and we went home- his home AKA Donna's home. I say torture because we had to do a LOT of crunches and my feet and thigh were sore! When we arrived, Donna came running to meet me. She stifled me in a bear hug and began crying.

"What's wrong, Donna? I haven't been gone for that long! You missed me so much?"

"It's not that. I have something to tell you."

Nylon had gone inside so it was just us two outside.

"What happened?"


"Spit it out already!"

"Well, my dad's in the hospital!" With that, she bursted out crying again.

"Oh my gosh! Is he OK?"

"The doctors don't know if he'll live! He was in a bad car accident."

All I could think right now was, "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my GOD!"

"Are you gonna be OK living here by yourself while he's in the hospital?"

"Actually, can I stay with you?"

"Sure, I don't mind. It'll be fun!"

I lived by myself because my parents love me so much! That was sarcasm, by the way.

One day, my mother caught me making out with my boyfriend (at that time) and she freaked! We weren't  going to do what she thought we were going to do but she couldn't be convinced. She told my father and he wanted to kill the poor boy. I argued with them about privacy and my father gave the same ol' speech saying it's his house so I had to comply by his rules. I was so fed up of that line so I told him that I'd move out of his house so I won't have to comply by his rules anymore. They told me, "OK. We'll buy a house and we'll purchase grocery so you don't have to pay for anything." I was reluctant to take the offer because of their sudden change of heart but I did not want to work so I accepted. Even though my house is smaller than the mansion I lived in, I love it! 

"Hello? You in there, Jordi?"

I completely forgot about Donna!

"Sorry. I kinda zoned out for a minute there. What were you saying?"

"I was asking if you Nylon could come too. I don't want to leave him in that big house by himself."

Donna's mother had left them when she was just five years old. Her mother was cheating on her father so she had to get the hell outta there!

"Why can't he stay by himself? He's a big boy."

"Yeah, a TEENAGE boy. I don't want any nieces or nephews, you know! If I leave, he'll let himself go like last year."

Last year, Donna and I had gone to Paris for vacation and Nylon was alone because his dad went on vacay too. He had a new girl every day and it was horrible. His eyes had turned dark, looking like there were no light in it. We still don't know why he always does that when he's alone but we know we don't like it.

"OK, but I don't want him near me. He's so irritating!"

"Thanks so much, Jordi!"

"Yeah yeah. I know, I'm awesome!"

We headed inside and packed her stuff. I couldn't wait! It'll be like a neverending sleepover!


A.N. I am soo sorry for taking so long to upload but I DID IT! FINALLY!

Thanks for reading!

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