Teenage Dirtbag ✖ ((Harry Sty...

By hipstaprincess

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"There's a boy, lost his way, looking for someone to play There's a girl in the window tears rolling down her... More

Teenage Dirtbag ✖ ((Harry Styles/Selena Gomez))
01. Mine
03. Blue
04. I Hate You
05. Little Black Dress
06. Into Your Arms
07. Think Twice
08. Wanted
09. Midnight Memories
10. Could You Be Loved
11. Not So Bad
12. Just That
13. Stay With Me
14. Wanna Believe in You and Me
15. Somebody To You
16. Luck
17. Risk It All
18. Let's Love
19. Misery Business
20. Enough
21. Flowers
22. Fireproof
23. She Belongs to Me
24. Wrapped Up In You
25. Tell Her
26. Jealous
27. Give What I Got
28. You With Me
29. Gotta Love Me Harder
30. Take My Hand
31. A Night To Remember
32. Be Ok
33. You're Beautiful
34. Styles
35. Together Again
36. Big Girls Don't Cry
37. Wicked Games
38. Avalanche
39. Alive
40. Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart
41. Forever
42. You and Me
43. Epilogue [The End]

02. New Girl

23.5K 520 160
By hipstaprincess


and sorry this has been boring or anything, i'm just getting started! sorry for being vague, but you'll learn more about later on c: and also, sorry for being like angsty in this, but i'm trying to experiment a darker type of writing. :b 

and thanks for reading as usual! your support still amazes me (':


Harry's POV: 

I grin as I step back and admire the lovebite I left on Selena's neck; although it appears as if I had mar her beautiful, porcelain skin, in a way to me, it is perfect. 

"What the hell did you just do?!" she exclaims in horror as her hand shoots up to touch the now raw area.

"Don't even bother to cover it up or I'll just make it more prominent next time. Though, I wouldn't mind that," I smirk at her as her breathing gets even more unsteady. 

"Let's go, sweetheart," I grasp onto her, ignoring her desperate pleas for an answer, as she struggles to pull away, fidgeting in my grip.

"I'm not going anywhere with you! You-you're sick!," she venomously spits at me as I grit my teeth, tightening my hold on her wrist. 

Okay, she is not the innocent, naive girl I envisioned her to be.

"Dude, let go!" 

Totally not. 

I completely set aside her complaints as I drag her out the room and into the crowded hallway as other students are pulling out things from their lockers. Instantly, the loud chatter dies down once my presence is sensed and everyone's eyes widen when they notice Selena by my side. 

"Cafeteria, now," I demand and before I know it, people's feet are immediately scurrying to the lunch hall. 

"You're terrible," she scoffs as I clench my jaw, trying not to lash out at her in anger. She's unlike other girls, who I would do anything I want to them without a second thought. She's someone I want, to accept me, even if she shouldn't.

"Come on," I instruct and pull her into my side before whispering into her ear, "there's no point in trying to escape, darling."

Selena's POV: 

What the hell am I involved in?

As soon as we enter the cafeteria, everyone remains quiet and I can sense feelings of pity directed toward me. My eyes move towards a particular table to the left where Eleanor and Danielle express true sympathy as they worriedly try to silently communicate with me through soundless lips. Dylan has his hand over his forehead with his eyes shut, looking distraught, as he pulls Eleanor closer to him for comfort whilst Tyler's fist is closed tightly, anger clearly pulsing through him.

When he notices me staring at the first four people who I call friends in this high school, Harry immediately pulls me deeper into the crevice his right arm makes, placing a hand against my hair as my face is pressed into his t-shirt clothed chest, preventing me from making any eye contact with anyone. Shortly after, he releases me to my surprise; however, in less than a minute, Louis and Zayn stand beside me, each on one side, supervising me. 

My eyes widen when I notice Harry step up onto the nearest table, also kicking someone's lunch off without a care in the process. He clears his throat and just like that, everyone's attention is on him.

"Listen closely," his eyes narrow as he glances around at everyone, "Selena Gomez is mine. I don't want anyone touching her, looking at her, or even thinking about her. If you even dare to try to test my word, I'm not going to hold back at all in ruining your life. Am I clear?" 

What?! Who does he think he is?! 

The room is silent as everyone mindlessly nod, too paralyzed to even have a different reaction. 

"I object!" I shout out, causing every single person in the room to stare at me with widened eyes. Louis immediately covers my mouth as I struggle to break free from Zayn's now tightening grasp. 

"Anyway, you will stay away from her if you want to live," he grits his teeth as he jumps off the table, creating a ruckus. I notice Tyler about to stand up and say something but I shoot him a warning look telling him just to drop it and once he sees my signal, he sighs and sits back down. Before I can exchange another look with him, the bell rings and suddenly the student body is rushing past me towards class avoiding eye contact of all sorts. 

"I'll walk you to your next class," Harry lowly states as he tugs on my hand, leading me to Spanish.

"Sit next to Niall," he whispers in my ear before finally leaving me alone, not only hungry since I had no lunch but also traumatized. 

"Ey love, I'm over here," he beckons me over and despite him being apart of the darkest gang I've encountered, I somewhat find him welcoming. Unlike the other boys, Niall's a huge contrast, having no tattoos and a bright smile. He looks...a bit pure and I question how he could have gotten intertwined with the group. 

"Harry was quick with you," he chuckles as he opens his textbook, revealing the first page full of review from fundamental Spanish we should have learned before.

"What does that mean?" I furrow my eyebrows at his slightly offensive comment.

"I mean, he targets his territory rather fast, but I mean with you, he's like more on edge. Like, there's a sense of desperate urgency in getting you," the kid who I soon learned was Irish, ponders aloud. 

"Well, that's great," I sigh as the teacher suddenly calls for our attention.

"Okay, everybody, practice the basic greetings with your partner! Make sure to review because I'm going to speak in all Spanish starting from tomorrow," she smiles as the classroom echoes in "Si, Senora Rubio."

Niall's POV: 

Normally, I wouldn't even bother to do the practices since I always had no partner but now that I have Harry's girl, I think I'll actually try. The whole new girl being thrown straight into our world, especially with the most possesive threatening gang member known as Harry is obviously not something people adjust to easily and I honestly feel sad for the poor girl. I did wanted her first, but as usual Harry always gets the girl. I know if I try anything, Harry will probably kill me, literally so the least I can do is be normal and try to reassure her. 

"Um, coma estas?" I offer lamely, reading the printed text.

"Estoy bitchin'," she rolls her eyes as a loud, warm laugh erupts from me, filling the room. Automatically, everyone turns silent to watch us in complete surprise, knowing that I usually am dead quiet and angry looking. 

"Look away," I quickly snap back and they all duck back, hovering over their books.

I watch Selena raise an eyebrow at me before turning the cold shoulder to me for being so rude.

Well, fuck. 

Selena's POV: 

The minute I step out the door, I'm greeted by Harry who looks like he has been standing there forever.

"Did you not go to class?" I roll my eyes as he holds my hand which I hate to admit is slowly getting warm. 

"Doesn't matter," he brushes me off and brings me inside my psychology class which to no surprise, he's in as well.

"Did Niall touch you?" he questions immediately as I take a seat.

"You're not in charge of me," I huff but his deadly stare tells me to shut up.

"Did he?"



Psychology passed by pretty quick minus Harry's eyes burning a hole into my side, and I can honestly say right after English, Psychology is my second favorite class. The only down side to both is that they are the classes I have with Harry. Mr. Sharman seems incredibly kind and insightful; his teaching personality from the first day already impresses me. When the bell rings signaling the end of the day, I stand up and head towards the door with Harry's unwanted arm hovering around my waist. 

"Ms. Gomez?"

I turn at the sound of my, not going to lie, attractive teacher's voice as I tilt my head to the side.

"Yeah, Mr. Sharman?"

"It was nice meeting you," he smiles and I blush a little before Harry roughly pulls me out of the room.

"What the hell was that?" he grits his teeth and leans his weight on me, his arms caging me to the wall so my back is against the lockers.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I stare at him confused. 

"You shouldn't talk to Mr. Sharman," he warns, his eyes darkening.

"He's my teacher," I scoff.

"Mine too but you don't see me talking to him," his gaze is almost piercing and I'm forced to glance away. I watch his unsteady breath slowly try to calm itself down, his chest heaving erratically, his arms tensing.

"Okay, let's just go home," his arm securely finds my middle but I push him back.


"Yeah, my house."

"Your house is most definitely not my home. Plus, I have work. My shift starts today," I adjust my backpack against my shoulder, heaving it once more.

"Where the bloody hell can you work if you just moved here?"


"The one a block away from the gym?"

"Yes," I nervously shift my feet, balancing myself.

"Okay, I'll wait for you," he continues to tug me to his car which happens to be a black, slick Range Rover.

"Get in the car," he commands.

"And if I don't?"

"Don't make me," he raises an eyebrow and by the serious look in his face, I know he has no boundaries. Immediately opening the door, I buckle myself in and wait for him to settle himself and start the engine. Once he pulls out the school parking lot, he automatically turns on the radio to some metallic station I absolutely cannot stand.

"You listen to terrible music," I comment.

"Too bad, I like it," he snaps. 

"When does your shift end?" his clears his throat, his deep voice prying into my business as usual.


"Okay," he soon parallel parks along the curb of the street and unlocks the doors. I jump out and rush inside, afraid of being late due to Harry.

"Hey," Miley, my manager and co-worker greets me with a warm, smile that made me feel more assured. The place didn't attract many eager employees mostly due to the fact that Harry Styles and his gang come around a bit too often according to Miley's explanation yesterday, so they are desperate for help. Miley even works three jobs at the place just to help run it due to the lack of people wanting to be hired.

"Hey," I reply as I slip on my green apron and attach my plaque name tag, and get behind the counter.

"So, this is Hayley, and she's working along us. If you have any questions, feel free to ask either of us," she nods toward an orange-haired girl who I can say is equally frightening to me.

"I see Styles outside," her eyes dart to the dark figure standing right outside. 

What a creep.

"I'm really sorry but he's been following me around and I barely know who the hell he is," I sigh in frustration as I help refill the hot water filter.

"Ah, so you're his new target huh? Have fun, he's great in bed," she winks as my face crinkles.


"We had a small thing, though it didn't work out considering I needed more and he doesn't date. So, I got my own guy now," she beams, almost proud.

"You what?" I still stare at her in complete shock. 

"What? Come on, you can't deny that he's gorgeous," she shrugs as she opens a new pack of coffee beans imported from Seattle.

"That's sickening," I shake my head as I notice the lack of business today.

"You say that now, wait till' you get some," Haley whips me with a towel playfully as I just continue to shoot her a look of utter disgust.

"Speaking of that, looks like it'll be sooner than you expect," she smirks as I look at her confused.

"What do you mea--" 


I close my eyes shut once the familiar low voice calls out my name.

"Yes?" I slowly turn around to meet his bright green eyes, almost sparkling in humor.

"May I have a tall mocha? Don't add any shit in it," he raises an eyebrow at me almost accusingly like he expects me to mess up. 

"Sure," I evenly reply though I know he's purposely wracking my nerves.

This repeats for the next fucking 3 hours. 

After the fifth drink he has requested me to make, I'm just about to lose it.

"Damn it Harry, why don't you just order a venti to save yourself the breath?!" I slam the small cup down on the counter, his sixth order.

"Now, is that a way to treat a customer?" his eyes even twinkle with amusement as I huff and walk towards the back of the room to take off my apron.

"I think you should fire her," he directs his message to Hayley who giggles.

"Stop being such an ass to her, Styles. She's new and you're already making it hard on her," she rolls her eyes. 

Harry's POV: 

Hayley is the only girl who doesn't hate me even though I ruined a bit of her life too. She's free-spirited and a bit like me, just the female version so I strangely don't hate her. Although she can be so annoying almost all the time, she breaks things into reality for me. She's the one who told me I will never find love after she started dating that band member of hers and seeing her being committed after being single and just messing around for so long struck me a bit. Will I ever settle? I don't think I ever want to but I just want someone I know I can fall back on if I ever do decide that. 

"Whatever, she likes it," I tease.

"No, I frankly don't," she rolls her eyes and picks up her stuff as the manager thanks her for coming today. Impatient, I storm over and cut her manager off, tugging her out of the coffee store with me.

"You've been working forever," I complain as she still tries to escape my touches.

"Three hours isn't forever. You didn't have to stay," she folds her arms across her chest as I ignore her actions and bring her closer into my body.

"Take me home," she frowns as she notices me pulling her towards the gym.


"Not like that. I mean, drop me off back at my house," she shakes her head in disbelief.

"Later," I continue to lead her inside until I reach the sign in office where Tom and Lou work.

"I see you're back, Harry," Lou smiles and I briefly smile back. Tom, Lou, and Lux were like my hidden family. Despite hating children, I am only somewhat decent around Lux, only because she's the treasure of two adults who I strangely respect. They always offered me food when I was alone and a place to go during the holidays so I wouldn't be sickeningly lonely. Although I rejected them often, they never stopped and honestly, I secretly enjoyed that. That and they were just cool people in general, having a few tattoos themselves.

"Hey, Selena's back too!" Tom cheers as my eyes narrow.

"You guys know Selena?"

"She's been here two days ago to work out," Lou explains as I turn my head to the fragile girl next to me.

Selena...works out?? 

"Really?" my eyes scan her arms and legs.

"Really," Lou confirms, "she's a tough one too."

By now, Selena's blushing and avoiding all eye contact which makes me curious. I was here two days ago. Shaking out of it, I say goodbye to the couple and bring the girl down to the basement with me where my trainer Ed awaits.

"Hey mate," he acknowledges my presence before taking in the brunette beauty beside me.

"New girl?"

"Yeah," I let go of her arm and instruct Selena to sit a few feet away. Pulling off my shirt, I throw it to the side as Ed begins training me on each machine. I smirk when I feel Selena's eyes widening and trying to look away. I chuckle and continue lifting the heavy weight, as I can sense Selena getting flustered being in the same room as me.

Oh, yeah. She's so mine.  

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