Child Of Chaos

By SarcasticDouchebag

607 27 1

Electra, or Ellie, Collins was abandoned by her mother when she was one and has lived with her dad ever sinc... More

Electra Collins
Meet the King of the Dead
Another Run in With the King of the Dead
Camp Halfblood
Birthday Princess
Deadly Little Girls
Moving On
Forgive Yes Forget Never
Cow-aturs and Prophecies
I can hear bells

Principals are the Worst

61 2 0
By SarcasticDouchebag

The halls were almost completely deserted except for a few kids that were ditching class making out at their lockers. With every step I grew more and more anxious. I rarely ever get in trouble. I mean sure I get in trouble sometimes but not recently! Oh! I bet it'll be about papa or my grades or, or, I don't know!

When I had finally made it to the office my hands were shaking. "Have a seat Electra. Mr. Drak will see you in a moment." Mr. Ladon, the secretary, said. Not a minute after did he say that did Mr. Drak's dark voice boom, "Send Miss. Collins in." I practically jumped when he said my name.

I took the seat across from his desk, fidgeting with my skirt. "Miss. Collins, your father has left a, 'dog' in your keep when he is unable to care for it?" That was a fancy way of saying it but I nodded anyways. "Then Miss. Collins your dog has been place in your dorm room. I should advise you to go now and pick it up."

"Yes sir." I started to get up but Mr. Drak stopped me. "And Miss Collins, I hope your father feels better. You are now dismissed." He didn't have to tell me twice.

When I had finally made it up the three flights of stairs(Yes we don't have elevators) I flung open my door only to have a small saint bernard tackle me to the ground. "Shady! Stop it!" I laughed. "Let's get you all leashed up so I can get back to class." I started rummaging through my things and finally found the black collar/leash that came with him. "Come on Shady! I have some friends for you to meet!" I say as I slip on the collar. But just before I left I noticed a small, shiny box. "What's this?" There was I note attached. It read: 'My sweet little darling. For you I give the most important thing you'll need. Use it well. ♥- Mom' I was so happy. Mom has always given me a birthday present but It's never been sent to my room. I open the box. Inside the box was a ring made of some sort of black metal (Stygian Iron) with a blood red ruby at either side and a golden apple in the middle. It was so beautiful. I slipped it on my right ring finger and left my dorm.

***Nico's POV***

"Grover. What do you think she was called in for? Do you think Drak and Ladon have made their move?" I said as we walked down the steps. "Nah. I think they're just trying to spook us. Keep us on edge. Besides, I think we both know why you're freaking out."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh don't play dumb. I know you like her." He gave a smirk, and when I opened my mouth to give a few choice words I heard someone yell, "Shady! Come back!" When I turned to see just who Shady was I was smacked to the ground by something big and slobbery. "Nico! Nico, are you okay?!" With my head throbbing I opened my eyes to see a saint bernard puppy on top of me. Once I had gotten him off I said. "I take that that's Shady?" Electra blushed. "Yeah, sorry about that. I guess he saw Grover and you and just bolted." She picked up the puppy and bounced him, as if he were a baby. "Well I gotta go. Oh and Happy Birthday!" Gover said, as he walked away. "Thanks!" Electra shouted.

When she turned to me she was smiling ear to ear. "Nico would you like to co-"

"Well, look what the dog dragged in." Electra's face fell as we turned to see three girls coming our way. They were all blond, thin, and wore their uniforms differently(Like in the movies). "Hello Maya." Electra's voice was bitter and cold. "Say whos the eye candy here?" Maya turned to me. "Are you new? Because you must be if you're walking around with that. How bout you ditch the geek and come with us?" Electra's eyes were wide. She looked at me. "Nico you're not go-" Maya pushed her down. "Oh shut up." I leaned down to help her. I almost didn't because there was a reddish tint in her blue eyes. Her hands tightened on the leash. Then she muttered under her breath, "SIC em αγόρι." (Sic em boy). Uh oh.

***Electra's POV***

After Maya had pushed me down I felt a surge of rage and power. I had felt this way before. It happens when I'm angry. Like really, REALLY angry. My grip tightened on the leash and said, "SIC em αγόρι." That's when Shady latched on to Maya's leg. "Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get you mangy mutt off of me!" I stood. "Sorry, I guess he just doesn't like people who mistreat his owner." I smiled devilishly. "Miss. Collins!" Mr. Drak's voice boomed. Oh great. "Miss Collins! You are to report back to my office immediately!" I looked back at Nico. 'I'll wait.' he mouthed. I sighed. I could hear the three witches laugh as I trudged away.

"This is the third time this week you've caused a havek! This behavior must stop!" I squirmed in my chair. "I know sir. I'll try harder."

"No. No more trying. You're going to blow my cover. I'm afraid you'll have to die." My eyes went wide and I fell backwards in my chair. When I opened then I was face to... well scaly face with Mr. Ladon. I screamed.

"Now, now. Ssstay quiet. We don't want your little boyfriend to hear." He hissed.

I was so scared. I just started screaming again. "Nico! Nico! Nico! Nico help me!" Drak clamped his scaly hand. "What are you?" I managed to say. "We are Draco Ladon's(A/N I'm not sure if that's really what it is, that's just what it said in the english version of the words). We are only two of the hundred heads."

None of this made since. Half dragon men were running my school and I never noticed? I need to get out more.

"Electra!" It was Nico voice. Suddenly I was half awake in Grover's arms. "Electra get up. Come on!" I groaned. When my eyes fully adjusted I jumped to my feet.

Nico was fighting the a two headed dragon. "Nico!" I yelled. "Stay back Electra!" 'How am I going to help him' I thought. 'Use the ring.' I heard a female voice say. I looked down at my ring. How was an insignificant thing like a ring help me here?

When I took it off to examine it I accidentally pushed the golden apple. Before I knew it I was holding a black sword with a ruby studded handle and a golden apple in the middle. "Woah. Thank you mom." When I looked at the sword I felt that feeling again only it was not anger but adrenalin that coursed through my veins. "Let's dance dragon man." I said as I charged the beast. Leting this power consume me. That's when I felt like another person. A new me. I had never felt like this before.

***Nico's POV***

I don't know what happened. One moment she's lying almost unconscious the next she has a sword in her hands charging the beast! It must have something to do with her godly parent. Seems to that everyone knows who it is but me. I've tried to get it out of my dad but he won't give in. I just hope she's not my sister. That would suck.

She was really good. I just kinda stood there. dumbfounded at her strength.

She was standing atop the dead body of her former principal/vice principal. Her once blue eyes were stained with red. "Electra?" I said, cautiously walking toward her. Her head whipped around to look at me. She raised her sword to attack but collapsed in my arms. Her sword wrapped around her right ring finger and turned into a ring. "Grover. Go get Percy and Chiron." I said, as I picked Electra up bridal style. "I'm going to take Electra home."

"Do you even know where she lives?"

"Of course I do. I was given every piece of information I could get my hands on." I paused. "That's creepy isn't it?"

As we exited the school grounds Percy was waiting with Chiron and Shady(we could have anything happen to him. Electra would kill us!). "I'll meet up with you guys later." I said. "Don't wait up." I laughed.

***Electra's POV***

When I finally came to my head hurt and I was moving. But my feet weren't. I was being carried by something nice and warm.

I nuzzled my head into the surface. "Electra," I voice whispered, "Are you awake?" My eyes shot open. I was being carried by Nico. I looked up at his warm loving face. I felt a small blush crawl into my cheeks. "Hi, Nico." I said softly. "Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you home. I think you should see your dad before we take you to camp." I was about to open my mouth to ask what camp but then he said, "Here we are." He reluctantly put me down, and I wish he hadn't. He made me feel so safe and... fluttery. When I opened the door my father was sleeping on the couch so we walked in quietly, slowly shutting the door behind us. I lightly nudged my dad. "Papa. Wake up." His eyes slowly opened. "Ellie? Is that you?"

"Yes papa. It's me." He slowly got up. "Happy birthday my Golden Apple." he smiled. "Thank you daddy." I heard Nico cleared his throat. "Papa, this is my friend Nico di Angelo."

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir." He extended his hand. "As you. Ellie never brings friends home."

"Papa!" I whined. Nico cleared his throat again. "Mr. Collins. My associate and I will be needing to take your daughter to a safer place for the time being." My fathers face fell and I was in total shock. "This is about her mother, isn't it?" My mother? I gasped. The ring. "What's going on? What's got this to do with my mom. I haven't seen her since I was I baby!"

"Honey. Your mother wasn't just a special person. She was a goddess."

"What's that mean?"

"It means," Nico said, "That you're a demigod." My eyes grew wide. Those few words made my whole world grow a little clearer. It explained the vast understanding of the greek language, the stories that dad always read to me before I went to bed as a kid!

I felt faint. "Electa? You okay? You look a little pale." Nico asked. I nodded. "I'm fine. But earlier you said that you were going to take me away someplace. Where am I going."

"Ellie. There is a place called Camp Half-Blood. It's where you'll be safe. Now you should go pack. Mr. di Angelo go help her. I have some work to do before you go." He grabbed his cane and staggered into the other room. "Come on Nico. My rooms this way."

"What about your dorm?"

"Most of my things are here. Just in case I could live with him, off campus." When I opened the door to my room I opened the closet to look for my red suitcase with black roses on it, it never seemed to seem full(also given to me by my mother). "Can you start by taking the pictures off my dresser?" Nico nodded.

Let's see. I've got my t-shirts, pants, underwear, bras, IPod, dresses, shoes, and-

"Who's this?" Nico said, I turned to see him holding a picture of me and my mother when I was only 8 months old. "That's me mom when I was little. It's the only picture I have of her." I rested my head on his shoulder. "She looks like you." He said looking down at me, "Same beautiful blue eyes. Like an ocean." I blushed. "Thank you. I you look like your dad." He seemed totally shocked. "Same black eyes. But yours are bright black holes that seem to draw me in." And right when I thought we were going to kiss he asked, "How do you know about my dad?" I turned. "I had a dream about you. You were in the underworld, with Hades. And since you called him father. I guessed he was your dad." He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. "So you know that I'm the son of Death and you still wanted to talk to me?" I turned to look at his face. "Of course. You're a great guy Nico and I, I think I..." We leaned in a little more. Just centimeters apart. "Electra." Nico whispered. His warm breath tickled my lips, and just as our lips grazed, "Electra! Are you done packing?" My dad yelled. Nico pulled away and with a shaky voice I said, "Yes Papa. Just a few more things to shove in."

"Alright!" I picked up the last few things and zipped up my bag. When my dad opened the door he pulled me into a hug. "I have something to give to you a little something before you go." He fished in his pocket for a small black box. When I opened it. I gasped. "Oh papa." It was a silver charm bracelet. It already had 3 charms on it. A golden apple, a tornado, and a pair of angel wings. "Thank you so much." I hadn't even noticed I was crying till papa wiped them away. "Be safe." His gaze shifted and landed on Nico. "And you. Keep her safe." Nico nodded. "Of course, sir." A big black SUV pulled up and honked. "And there's our ride. I'll go wait at the car. You come when you're ready." We heard some barking. "Shady'll wait to." He smiled as he jogged to the car. "Papa I'll miss you so much. I promise I'll come back someday." I gave him one last huge. "Ellie. I don't care if I'll ever see you again. As long you're safe I'm happy." The tears that I had tried to hold back came flooding out. "Good bye. I'll try and contact you some way. So-so don't talk like that."

"All right. Now go. You don't want to keep them waiting." I nodded, and jogged away before I could change my mind.

When I opened the sliding door I noticed two things. 1. That the Percy person from earlier was driving and 2. My precious Shady was in a pet carrier cage. I let out a shriek of shock. "What is my little angel doing in a cage?!" I yelled at Percy. "He was growling and biting me! What was I supposed to do?" he yelled back. I opened the cage and cradled him in my arms. "Maybe he doesn't like you." Nico slid in next to me. Shady started licking his face. "See. He likes Nico. Maybe he'd like you better if you were more like him." He glared at me from the front mirror. I just smiled. "Be nice Electra." I jumped. I hadn't even noticed that Mr. B was in the car till he had spoken. "Fine." I said, looking out the window. "Where are we going anyways?"

"New York, New York." Percy said. My eyes went wide. "But that's like 2 hours away!"

"Yep." I smiled mockingly. "I hope you have something to pass the time with." I groaned.

Good bye Hartford, CT. Hello New York, NY.

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