Random Stuff I Think Of At 1AM

By dshades293

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Just me being random :3 More

Meow Mix Parody
Quotes From My French Class (Entry 1)
My First Conversation with Cleverbot
Quotes from School (2)
Doctor Who Poem
How I Want MY Funeral
What if...(1)
Doctor Who Quotes (1)
Tsundere Meter..?
Quotes From School (4)
Admin Stuff
New Face
Random Question (1)
My Favorite Teacher
It's FATE!!!!!!!
New Obsession
New Year's Resolutions!
Venting My Feelings
My Personal Ships
Whoa, just whoa
Mario Kart Wii
During the Olympics...
More Olympics
US vs Russia Women's Soccer
I dont even...
I have a condition!
Suck it up bitches
The Dance
*dies of happiness*

Quotes from school (3)

127 4 0
By dshades293

Situation: we're doing a mock land lottery tomorrow (now today, but whatever!)

Teacher: You could win some land in the most beautiful country in the world!

Random guy student: Mexico?

Teacher: um...no.

Different guy student: USSR?

Me: That doesn't even exist anymore!! *mumbles* sorry Ivan...

Teacher: no -.- Wilsonia! *dramatic hand movement* (his last name is Wilson)

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just a vent.
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