The Perfect Human

By mojomystery

82 3 13

This book is is written in the far future were war is raging throughout the world permanently halting all inn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

3 0 0
By mojomystery

The next morning everyone was packing left over things for the mission, including Parker who was silent whenever he was around me. But when there was a couple people between us I saw that he went to his normal self which hurt but I didn't blame him. I ruined everything last night because I don't know anything. At some point I'll change that and I'll have an answer for him, the only problem was that he didn't know he could trust my feelings right? All I have to do is prove it to him, although I thought I already had.

 I caught him staring at me again at lunch later that day across the room, he looked remorseful as if he regretted what he said last night. Well if he did he should just come over to sit with me. I sat at a table with Lizzie and a few other people eating and every now and then adding a little to the conversation. No one talked to me directly but Lizzie, and that was fine at least they actually were brave enough to sit with me. 

"So what were you and Parker doing last night?" Lizzie asked before biting off the bit of roast on her fork. 

"He just came out to sit with me until I was ready to come inside." I honestly wished that was all it was but what he said really hurt me. Will he ever be able to trust me, even after he rescued and watched over me while I cried the whole way here? I felt betrayed, I showed my weaknesses to him, left my home and now he can't decide if he cares or doesn't. 

"He doesn't seem happy, did something happen?" She turned and looked at him, he saw and quickly looked away. 

"Yes, he said I wasn't real." My eyes teared up again but I wiped them away before they fell. "I thought he was my friend, but I was wrong."

"Oh, uh." She was obviously uncomfortable talking about my realness. Great I said something I shouldn't have again. "Look, Parker's an idiot and he questions everything. It's what he does, if there is something he doesn't fully understand he questions it and digs until he finds what he wants. He's also very opinionated and stubborn, don't take it to personally, he's probably just trying to figure out what makes you tick." That doesn't help it makes it sound like I'm his new toy to take apart to see its inner workings. I swallowed and wiped my eyes again. 

"I don't want to talk about it." I chocked out and started eating again to try and signal that that was the end of the conversation. She huffed and turned back to her other friends around the table leaving me to struggle to keep my tears in. I looked up and Parker was staring at me again, I did my best to glare but I could tell it didn't have the right effect. He turned red and the corners of his lips turned down. Flustered I picked up my plate and left the table without saying goodbye to Lizzie. 

The rest of the day was spent going over the detailed plan; me and a few other people would ease our way back into the compound. I was given a fake ID and Lizzie was going to get me a disguise later. Once we are inside I would show the group were the lab is inconspicuously, then we would find where all the video cameras are throughout the day and message to Lucas were they are so they could be deactivated. Then the hard part would begin, we had to find a way to break into the lab download everything off the computers open any windows inside and throw as much equipment as possible outside then we would smash the rest all before five o'clock in the morning. 

Soberly I put on the backpack that was filled with hacking equipment and some other tools to break into the lab. Everyone decided I should carry it for some unknown reason, the rest of my group carried tools like hammers to smash everything to bits and energy drinks since we'll be awake the entire night doing lots of heavy lifting. Parker helped me into the back of a truck after we had gone over the plan once more and once I was in my costume. I wore a hoody to big for me and had a circular pillow wrapped around my middle and contacts making my brownish purple eyes blue. He watched me as I settled in the back of the truck for the two hour long road trip back to the compound. 

"Wait a minute." He said and pulled something out of his coat pocket. "Wear these glasses, your face is still very recognizable and I really don't want you getting caught." I just stared at him, he admitted he cared or at least that he did a little. He huffed and his face flushed as he tossed the glasses on my lap. "Come back in one piece?" He watched me again as I placed the delicate frame over my nose. 

"I'll try." I purposely deadpanned my voice, his sudden concern continued to infuriate and confuse me all at once and I made the decision to just act like I didn't care. The rest of the group got in the car and we sped off down the road leaving Parker and the farmhouse that sat on a hill covered in poppies.

It felt like forever when we finally stopped, I had pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my head on them and now my neck ached and I had a bruise on my back were it pressed on something hard on the side of the truck. I looked up to see the other's crouching in the back hiding from something in front of the truck, I crouched to worried about what could possibly be in front of the truck. 

"Are you rebels from the compound?" A loud voice rang out from in front of the truck barely familiar, the loud bark of a dog sounded after it making goose bumps rise along my arms. Tucker was here that only meant- "EVE! Are you there? If you don't want me to shoot these people and I know you don't I suggest you get out here right now!" I recognized the voice now, I knew that low guttural sound that came with any g's he spoke. Adam had found me, oh shit.

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