Chapter 15

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I snuck through the window two hours later with Tucker again, who seemed more prepared for the journey recognizing the path we took. I didn't hide when I got there this time, since we both didn't have weapons and came alone I didn't see a point. I wasn't worried that Parker would come here with someone. He seemed to be the kind of person who stuck to his word. And if I didn't show I trusted them how could they trust me? I arrived last this time, he stood leaning against the wall and I finally got a really good look at his physique. With the moonlight shining and me having the time to notice, I realized that even though Parker was skinny he definitely wasn't scrawny. His lean muscles showed in the moonlight and his hair was darker than ink, I immediately was grateful for the dark of night to hide my reddening cheeks.

"No weapons?" He asked pushing himself off the wall. I nodded and to prove it to him I pulled the fabric out of my pockets. He did the same.

"I just found out some pretty useful information." I said, horrified I was about to tell him about Cole. But I had to or everything I was risking would be for nothing.

"That sounds very interesting, but our two groups have barely begun to come together. Now that we know we can trust each other don't you think we should slow down and get to know each other?" I paused not understanding what he meant.

He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm going to tell you all about the rebels and you're going to tell me all about you and Adam, no secrets." I took a step back.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea. Although I have told you about my intentions you still don't know much about me."

"Exactly why we're meeting tonight. I told you we can exchange information in other meetings."

"Alright fine, you'll ask a question, I'll answer then ask you something and so one agreed?" Parker smiled his quirky smile again.

"Wouldn't have it any other way. Who made you?"

"Cole, I bet you've heard of him. He's the lead scientist in this place." I crossed my arms already uncomfortable. "Are the people that attacked me the other day alright?" Parker's smile vanished.

"Still in our infirmary, thanks for reminding me of what you two did."

"That was after they attacked us, it was self defense and you know it. Ask you're next question."

"Who made Adam?"

"He was an accident started by Cole but finished by the superiors. He is sometimes unstable and is purely artificial not made of a real human like me, who is basically a walking corpse by you're definition. My question, Who were the people who attacked me, all of them, the first and second time? I know three names does Colin, Joan, and Drew ring a bell?"

"One question at a time Mrs. Perfect." He huffed  "Colin is the leader of the rebels, Joan and Drew were just volunteers to go and capture you, the first time around we had no intention of hurting you."

"Good job letting me know. I probably would have just come with you if you hadn't scared me half to death. What about the others?" I left out the fact that Colin had told his lackies to kick and do other thing s that did cause me harm, he didn't seem to know about it anyway.

"Charlie was also there on the first mission, he's Colin's right hand man,  and they don't go anywhere without the other kind of like you and you're boyfriends."

"I don't know what boyfriends are, but from the way you put it makes me want to throw up. Whatever they are I don't have one or two so stop." Tucker tugged on his leash trying to get closer to Parker, I stretched my arm out so he could sniff his pant leg. "The two men the second time was Charlie and a man named Rex. Rex and Charlie are brothers and I'm surprised you and Adam were able to take them down. My question, how exactly were you created?"

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