Tainted Wings

By SharkFace97

10.4K 146 11

[Written in 2009] Skylar was born with wings, which was a plus, until she was kidnapped by Christopher, a sci... More

Tainted Wings
Chap. 1: Skylar
Chap. 2: Kadaj
Chap. 3: Skylar
Chap. 4: Kadaj
Chap. 5: Skylar
Chap. 6: Kadaj
Chap. 7: Skylar
Chap. 8: Kadaj
Chap. 9: Skylar
Chap. 10: Axel
Chap. 11: Kei
Chap. 12: Skylar
Chap. 13: Kadaj
Chap. 14: Jayias
Chap. 15: Kadaj
Chap. 16: Skylar
Chap. 17: Kadaj
Chap. 18: Kei
Chap. 19: Skylar
Chap. 20: Kei
Chap. 21: Skylar
Chap. 22: Kadaj
Chap. 23: Max
Chap. 24: Axel
Chap. 25: Kadaj
Chap. 26: Skylar
Chap. 27: Kadaj
Chap. 28: Skylar
Chap. 29: Dan
Chap. 30: Kadaj
Chap. 31: Skylar
Chap. 32: Leo
Chap. 33: Kadaj
Chap. 34: Kiera
Chap. 35: Alice
Chap. 36: Skylar
Chap. 37: Akaito
Chap. 38: Kei
Chap. 39: Jasmine
Chap. 40: Alice
Chap. 42: Skylar

Chap. 41: Kiera

165 3 0
By SharkFace97

As we were running up the stairs, we heard series of gun fires. Skylar and I wanted to run back and help them, but the guys wouldn’t let us. 

“I’m really scared.” Skylar says. I can hear that she’s on the verge of tears, and I’m right there with her. I just want to curl up and hide in a corner and wait for all this to disappear, but I know it won’t unless I do something about it. 

“Man up Lync.” Kadaj says from behind us all. I look back at him and grin.

“You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew his secret.” I tease. Skylar looks at me likes she’s going to kill me. “What you have to tell him sometime.”

“Tell me what?” He says his voice stern. “I don’t want any games.”

“You won’t get any.” Skylar replies just as stern. “I’ll tell you when the time is right. Don’t worry about it now, and Kiera drop it.” 

We begin to reach the top, and the temperature begins to rise. It’s not a good thing for me either, considering I get really weak in high temperatures. Leo places his hand on my shoulder as if to reassure me. We walk into the room, and I hold my arm up to block out the intense rays. 

“Where the hell are we?” I say trying to look around. What I can make out of it is a garden. There are flowers, trees and bushes everywhere, there’s a fountain in every corner. There are a few tables with umbrellas over them, and a hammock off to the side. I think this might be my most favorite room, considering the first two had no windows at all and this one is full of them, letting the sun flow in.

“I don’t know but right now this is paradise!” Leo practically skips over to the hammock and relaxes. He throws his hands behind his head, and closes his eyes. “I could really just stay like this.” I stride across the room to where he is, and flip the hammock causing him to crash onto the tile floor.

“We have to be serious about this. We need to find our opponent so we can get this over with.” I bend down so I level with him. I place my hand on his head. “Besides, there isn’t enough room for both of us on that thing.” He grins at me and puts his hand on my head.

“I would’ve made room just for you.” I smile back at him, but our moment is soon interrupted.

“You two would’ve broken my precious hammock.” I look over to a patch of flowers and find that there’s a girl tending to them. She’s dressed in a flowery dress with an apron overtop, she also wears thick brown gloves on her hands that hold a watering can. She brushes her white-blond hair out of face as she turns to glare at us with her shimmering pink eyes. “I spent forever making that.”

“But you could spend less time making another one after it breaks because you already know how to make one.” Leo exclaims. I shoot him a look letting him know that it wasn’t the right thing to say.

“Sorry, don’t mind him. He might say smart ass things like that, but he doesn’t mean it like that. He’s really just that stupid.” I look back smiling at the girl.

“Hey!” Leo whines, but I just ignore it. The girl stands up, dusting off her apron. She does in the most ignorant way I’ve ever seen.

“Well let’s get this over with.” We both look at her with confused looks. She rolls her eyes at us, which starts to piss me off. “We’re supposed to battle here. I have to try my best to keep you from proceeding up.” I grin at her, causing some of her confidence disappear. “What you think I can’t do it?” I stand up and put my hands on my hips.

“Oh I know you can’t do it, because if you haven’t noticed, out friends have already made their way through the door and up to the next level.” I jab my thumb in the direction of the door. Her eyes flash from me to the door and back.

“Good job distracting me.” Leo stands up now.

“Actually we weren’t even trying.” He says rubbing the back of his head. “Thanks for giving us credit though!” He smiles as if he just won a million bucks or something. I shake my head at him, and anger boils up in the girls eyes. “Anyway, my name is Leo.” He holds out a hand in greeting. “And yours is?”

“Clover.” She says not even attempting to reach for his hand. “But we aren’t here to be friends, now are we?” Leo shrugs his shoulders.

“Now that depends on you, doesn’t it?” The girl tenses. I have to admit, I find it amusing how Leo is handling this.

“Dear Leonidas.” She says freeing her muscles from the stiffness. She shakes her head as she speaks the next sentence, “You sure do have the humor, but it’s too bad you decided to go against the government. They could have made so much more out of you than what you are now.”

At first I think it’s going to piss him off, cause I know it got me fuming. WhenI look at him though, he doesn’t seem the least bit phased, He actually seems to not even paying attention to her. Instead he’s focusing on something behind her. I prepare to tell her off, but when I look at her, I notice something else.

One of the heavy ornate flower pots behind has begun to float. Of course I know what’s coming and I want to laugh, but I can’t give away the lovely surprise.

She stares at us like we’re the strangest things on this earth. I wouldn’t blame her either, we are quite an odd couple. I have to keep her busy though, he was the best telekinetic ever, so I know it will take him a bit to get done what he wants to do.

“So what made you stick with the government?” She rolls her eyes at me, and I just want to maul her at this point. Was she really thinking that she’s better than us because she’s working for the government?

“I don’t have to tell you, smart ass bi-” Just then she’s slammed to the ground, and pieces of the vase have found their places in her back. Dirt also is shot out everywhere. I block my eyes by holding up my arm as it flies, and when I look back at the girl, she’s already making her way to her feet. I can practically see the steam rising off the top of her head as she scowls at us.

“How rude of you Leo!” I say smacking him in the arm. “Here let me clean you off.” I flick my wrist and pick up a stream of water with it from the fountain behind her. She’s completely clueless until she’s drenched from head to toe. 

Once she catches her breath and it done wiping her face, she finally speaks, “Oh you just messed with the wrong girl.” She bends at her knees and outstretches her arms. She straightens her right leg while her other rises off the ground. As she rises, so do vines that only a few seconds ago rested on the ground. They’re covered in thorns which creates the idea that they’re menacing. 

Leo walks in front of me putting his arm out, “If you hurt anyone it’s going to be me.”

“Fine with me.” In a sudden movement her raised leg hits the ground and she’s in a lunge, the vines follow as well whipping Leo and leaving immense gashes on his arms and face. All he does is stand there, so I take action and push myself in front of him. Just then she decides to grip me with the vines. They wrap themselves around me, digging into my skin and lifting me off the ground. I clench my teeth dealing with the pain, trying not to give out any screams. I can feel them coiling tighter, and the thorns permeate my skin. I can feel blood trickle down my legs.

“Let her go or I’ll tear you to pieces!” I can hear Leo threaten her below me. Despite the pain, I let out a small hurting laugh. He knows he can’t do anything, and so do I.

“I’d like to see you try!” She shouts back. It’s silent for a long moment, then I hear her starting to cry out. Her voice is straining and I can tell that he is actually doing something to hurt her. I can feel her control on the vines weaken, and I’m able to get free from them. Although it’s tearing apart my skin, I can’t just not do anything.

I hurdle towards the ground preparing for impact, fortunately I land on a soft cushion that was taken from on of the chairs. I wonder how it even got there. 

I observe the scene. Leo isn’t too far from me, and his eyes are not leaving the girl no matter what. When I peer over at her she’s lifted a ways off the ground with her limbs all sprawled out. At first I have no clue what is going on, I don’t see how it can be hurting her. Then I hear a pop. Not just like a balloon pop either, like a bone pulling out a socket pop.

I cringe at the sound of it, making my way to my feet. I hear a few more pops before she lands hard on the ground. It’s al over now, she can’t even move. 

Leo walks over to me and looks over my arms, “Are you alright?”

“I should be, it wasn’t that bad.” He grabs my shoulders and pulls me in close. It honestly stings by the force of it, but I don’t say anything.

“I’m glad.”

“Don’t get all lovey dovey just yet.” We both look over at the girl, and she’s watching us intently with her pink eyes. It’s very creepy if you ask me considering the position she had landed in. “I’m not that easy to get rid of.” Her body starts to levitate off the ground, and it seems like her limbs are just molding back into place.

Leo pushes me out of his arms towards the other side of the room, “Get out of here. I’ll take care of her.” Before I can even object, his expression changes. This time I do scream.

While he was trying to make sure I was safe, the girl went ahead and stabbed him with one of the vines. It entered in through his stomach, and out his back. Blood splatters out across the wall, and he tumbles to the ground as she pulls it back out of him.

I begin to move towards his limp body but Clover interrupts, “That was easy, and now it’s your-”

“Shut up!” I shout as I control balls of water to rise out of the fountains. I force them all together around her head, cutting off her oxygen. It’s just like she’s drowned, but she’ll be on land. As long as she’s dies though I’m fine. She probably just killed the only guy I ever had feelings for, and she is defiantly going to pay for it.

She wiggles around trying her best to get air. She even grabs at the water trying to get it off her head, but I know it’s no use and in well amount of time, she’d be dead. Her arms go back down to her side, and I smile. She’s finally going to pass on.

I stare into her eyes, let her know of her mistake. She was stupid to do what she did. Little did I notice though, the small movements she’s been doing with her hands, but before I can even do anything, I feel something pierce my back. I ignore it best I can and keep the water surrounding her head.

I can’t let go until she’s gone. I can feel her determination as well. She won’t die until I do, so we are at a stalemate. The vine she has in my back is ramming farther into my body, but I try to fight against it. My vision is getting blurry, and I can feel a sticky substance starting to fall from the corner of my mouth as I cough. The agony is getting worse and worse, but I need to resist.

I can she is getting weaker as well, that she’s on the very verge of death that I’m on. Too bad we’re too stubborn to both just die and be done with it. No, we both had to have the other dead before we could move on.

She falls to her knees, and I notice her face color becoming closer to a light purple. Then next thing I know her eyes roll in the back of her head and she topples over. I hold the water in place a bit longer just to make sure she’s gone, but not as long as I wanted to.

I fall to my knees myself, and the water splashes on the floor. I face Leo, and he’s still alive as well. We stare at each other, not saying a word. We both know what we would say anyway. I shuffle on my knees, and make my way towards him. If I had to die, I want to die with him.

I lie down next to him, but on my stomach. He reaches for my hand and t let it slip into mine. His is so warm compared to mine. I close my eyes, and listen to his breathing, it’s soothing.

“Hey, do you think my Pokémon collection will go to a good owner?” Even on his death bed, he’s as simpleminded as always.

“Just . . . shut up.” I say with a giant breath in between. He gives a small laugh.

“I love you Kiera. In this life and the next. Don’t forget it alright?” I squeeze his hand tight.

“Never.” I mutter with my last breath.

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