I'm A Mudblood, He's A Pure O...

By valmartinez_7

288K 6.5K 1.7K

You've always wanted to see the story from the villain's point of view. What if you see it from the point of... More

We Crossed Paths
Insufferable Know It All
I'll Always Be A Mudblood And You'll Always Be A Jerk
Annoying Little Game
Cursing Innocent People
Having a Nice Midnight Walk
Crashing a Party?
An unbreakable vow
A Vanishing Cabinet
Death Eater
By the side of light
Happy Birthday Harry Potter!!!
Author's Note
Odd Feelings
Emerald Necklace and The Dark Lord
The Sword of Gryffindor
Author's Note
A Soul Eater
Author's Note
New Year Problems
Author's Note
Dedication to one of you
Back to Hogwarts
Author's Note
Guess what?
Lighting Has Struck
Author's Note
New Cover
A Pig for Slaughter
Authors note
Kill The Snake
Author's Note: Pandemia
You Ruined Everything, You Saved Me
Author's Note
A Proud Muggleborn
Weasley & Weasley
Author's note
Can I trust you with a secret?
Author's Note
A Red Ball


7.5K 218 33
By valmartinez_7

Oh hey guys! So this update has a surprise and it's a Draco POV. I wanted to do this for a long time now but I wanted to portray really good the complex character of Draco. One never knows what he is thinking! Hope you enjoy!!

Hailee's POV

"Draco?" I stood on a big house, a mansion must I say. He stood there, eyes bloodshot, bags under his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. He looked awful.

"Hailee", he breathed, "Hailee, I'm sorry. Hailee I need you."

"Draco I can't, you know I can't. I will never join him. I can't forgive you for this" I sobbed.

He walked closer to me, his hand flew up to my cheek caressing it, "Shh, don't cry, love. It's okay."

"Why do you look like this? What are they doing to you?" I sobbed harder. His eyes looked at his feet as he breathed heavily.

"Dracooooo" a venomous voice was heard. The voice of Bellatrix. His eyes widened as he backed away from me.

"Draco, no. Come back! Draco" I shouted.

"I love you" he whispered. I shouted even harder, "Draco come back! Draco please! Draco!!"

My body jolted awake, I was sweating. It was freezing but I was sweating. I must have shouted because in a minute Hermione threw my door open and pointing her wand up front.

"Are you okay? I heard screaming", her eyes looked at me filled with worry as she sat on my bed. "I had a bad dream" I cleaned my forehead.

"About Draco wasn't it?" She asked. I nodded, "Ever since his patronous showed up in my bedroom, his voice still lingers in my ears. I'm sorry, I can't get him out of my head Hermione, I'm so sorry."

"We don't choose who we love Hailee, is not something you should be sorry for", she took my hand. "I love the enemy Hermione, I can't love the enemy" I sighed tears falling.

"He is not the enemy for you, Hailee. As much as I dislike Draco, he didn't let the others know your presence that night in the astronomy tower and he saved you from Bellatrix too. I can see that he cares for you" she hugged me.

"I don't know how to tell my heart to forget him. He hurt me, Hermione, he lied to me, I can't forgive him for almost killing Dumbledore and now for helping to trying to kill Harry" I hugged her harder. "I want to help, I told Harry I wanted to go with you guys, whatever it is you have to do, I'm going to help" I said. "Hailee, I don't know" she sighed.

"Hermione, there's no way you can keep me from going. Summer it's almost over, I know you guys are not going back to Hogwarts. I'll come with you. You can't leave alone with my thoughts, I'll go mad" I said.

"If you are so stubborn about it then fine" she mumbled. "Yeah, don't I remind you of someone" I chuckled. "Me" she giggled. We laughed for a bit and then her smile turned to a frown. "You know what I have to do right?" She looked to the floor.

"I can't believe we have to erase their memories of us" I looked to the floor too.
"It's the only way to keep them safe. I just hope that when it comes to bringing them back, the spell goes correctly", tears were forming in her eyes now.

"We should pass these few days like nothing is happening. Be with them and not worry about hell going lose after that" I said to her and she nodded.

Three days passed. There were three of the best days we've shared with mom and dad, they will go in my memory forever. It was morning now, Hermione had packed everything in a small bag with a brilliant extensive incantation. After all, she was the brightest witch of her age.
"Hermione, Hailee, tea is ready darlings!" Mom shouted from downstairs.

"Coming mom!" Hermione's voice cracked. "Are you ready?" She whispered. "I'll never be ready for this" my eyes watered. She took my hand in her and we walked downstairs.
Mom and Dad were watching the news as we entered quietly the living room. They didn't notice us, it was the perfect time to do it. Hermione's wand rose in her hand as she whispered, "Obliviate"

Suddenly, all the photos of us started fading our image. Now all the pictures were them alone or just blank picture frames. Everything about us was gone for them. I quietly hiccuped, trying to retain my sobs as Hermione pulled me out of the house her crying as well. We walked down the street hand in hand wishing it was all a dream. Hermione took my hand and we disaperated into a hotel.

"A room for two please" she said to the cashier which gave her a key to the room.
"We'll stay until tomorrow afternoon, at night we are moving Harry, we are waiting for his trace to turn off. The plan is for seven of us to turn into Harry, so they don't know which one is the real one. Madeye's idea. You can't come though, we've already established that I'll send you to the burrow with Ginny and Mrs. Weasley via flu powder. They'll wait for us to come back" she explained entering the room.

"Harry won't agree to this. I know him to damn well" I said.
"He will have to cope, I know too he won't agree to it. We should rest, tomorrow is going to be awful" she said and I nodded resting on my pillow but really couldn't sleep.


Traveling via flu powder its horrible. I've always hated it. But here I was flying out if the Weasley's chimney.
"Thank Merlin, you made it safely" Ginny hurried to help me up and hugged me.

"Why wouldn't I?" I chuckled.
"The ministry is horrible these days. And you are underage" she explained. "Right" I nodded.

"Oh beautiful, you made it! You want to eat something dear?" Mrs. Weasley appeared.

"Sure. Mrs. Weasley, I'm starving" I said going to the kitchen with her.
Night came and I found myself having my stomach uneasy. "They should be back now. Why aren't they back?" I stressed.

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling about this" Ginny mumbled. That's when we heard a splash. We ran outside to see Harry and Hagrid come. Ginny ran to hug Harry and after that I did too.

"Where are the others?" I asked.
"They haven't come back yet?" He asked.
"They were supposed to come before you" Ginny said trembling. There was another splash, George and Lupin walked in front of us George bleeding.

Lupin pinned Harry and made him answer some question to check if he was an impostor. More splashes were heard Hermione had come back, followed by Ron. Harry saw both of them and went to hug them. Hermione saw me behind and ran to me hugging me tightly.

"You are never doing anything without me okay? You scared me to death", I sobbed into the hug. "Madeye's dead, Mundongous took one look at Voldemort and disaparated" Bill said. We all felt silent. Hermione's hand found mine and led me to the kitchen.

"I saw him, Hailee. He was looking for you" she said.
"Who Hermione?" I trembled. "Draco"...

Draco's POV

*Two days before*

I sat in the dinner table at my house, looking at the body of my teacher. Lifeless, I wanted to puke the instant the snake started eating her. Snape and I, we sat there and watched, we were the only ones who knew her. I was never the one to like her class because of my parents beliefs, still it sickened me how she had to die. I knew it sickened Snape too, I was the only one who could see right through him. I didn't want to be this person, I had no choice. My parents and I would be dead if I didn't.

I missed her, I miss her fights, her curiosity, her willingness, her good heart, her innocence. I missed her smile, her hair, her eyes, I mostly missed her sweet lips. I'm drowned in misery, she was the only one who saved me from depression. Now? I can't pass a day without crying. It was dumb of me to send that patronous. My mom had helped me do it, she knew. At first she didn't like it but, I guess she loves me and quite understood. My father can never know. My father will never agree for me to damage the pureblood chain. Yes, I wanted for her to be with me forever. She must hate my guts, I knew she wouldn't answer the patronous, it was too risky too. I'm the enemy for her, I almost became a murderer. It was stupid of me to ask her to come with me that night, incredibly selfish and dangerous. I wasn't thinking. She could put one step in this house say her name and be killed instantly. I couldn't live with myself if that ever happened. I love her, all I wanted to do ever was to protect her. My beautiful, stubborn, know-it all. The only way I could get through the day, is remembering her, her kisses and her smiles and knowing she is safe. Even if is with the people that hate me, she is definitely safe. I know Harry won't let anybody touch her or his friends. I needed to see her.

"Draco" Voldemort voice snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Yes, my Lord" my voice shakes.

"You do look like you are enjoying yourself", he smiles evilly, "take the body. Nagini is finished" he says. Not this again, I wont be able to sleep either tonight. I have to comply, for my family's sake. I nod shakily getting up. I wont touch the body that would be even worse.
"Wingardium Leviosa" I whisper and take the body with me.

*** Present Night**

"Draco, you know him. We can easily find him with you" my father and Bellatrix said. We were meeting were supposedly Harry was being moved. I was being forced to help and I couldn't help but think about the chance of seeing her. I wasn't paying much attention until it was time to leave. We flew in the broomsticks until we found them. And it wasn't going to be easy for Voldemort, there were 7 Harry's, clever idea. Must have been Granger. Where is she?

My broomstick stopped when I saw one of the Harry's he was with Kingsley but, he acted nothing like the real one. I knew he couldn't be him. "Stupefy!" It shouted. Her voice, I heard it clear because I was too near. This Harry wasn't startled by me and neither attempted to fight me while he was fighting the others. I knew the voice. Granger? She looked at me through Harry's glasses.

"She's okay. Safe" she mouthed and I nodded throwing a horrible attempt of spell which she dodged easily, so they wouldn't suspect anything.

She was safe, my Hailee is safe and I'll take it even if I was a mess.

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