Tainted Wings

By SharkFace97

10.4K 146 11

[Written in 2009] Skylar was born with wings, which was a plus, until she was kidnapped by Christopher, a sci... More

Tainted Wings
Chap. 1: Skylar
Chap. 2: Kadaj
Chap. 3: Skylar
Chap. 4: Kadaj
Chap. 5: Skylar
Chap. 6: Kadaj
Chap. 7: Skylar
Chap. 8: Kadaj
Chap. 9: Skylar
Chap. 10: Axel
Chap. 11: Kei
Chap. 12: Skylar
Chap. 13: Kadaj
Chap. 14: Jayias
Chap. 15: Kadaj
Chap. 17: Kadaj
Chap. 18: Kei
Chap. 19: Skylar
Chap. 20: Kei
Chap. 21: Skylar
Chap. 22: Kadaj
Chap. 23: Max
Chap. 24: Axel
Chap. 25: Kadaj
Chap. 26: Skylar
Chap. 27: Kadaj
Chap. 28: Skylar
Chap. 29: Dan
Chap. 30: Kadaj
Chap. 31: Skylar
Chap. 32: Leo
Chap. 33: Kadaj
Chap. 34: Kiera
Chap. 35: Alice
Chap. 36: Skylar
Chap. 37: Akaito
Chap. 38: Kei
Chap. 39: Jasmine
Chap. 40: Alice
Chap. 41: Kiera
Chap. 42: Skylar

Chap. 16: Skylar

189 3 0
By SharkFace97

It’s been a while since we finally found the town Kei was looking for. It’s a freaking city. Cars zooming down the road, police sirens filling the air, and everything a city normally has.

“So why are we here exactly? I mean we have no money for food or anything.” We’re ducked down, hiding in the bushes just a few yards from the town. 

“Don’t worry I know someone who lives here. We have to find a pace to hide Kiara and Hikaru first.”  I look back to the creatures. Along the way here, I have actually started to create a relationship with them, like they were my own pets. Sure, they aren’t the most beautiful animals, but they are pretty amazing. “You guys just stay here in the woods, close to the town though, and when we reach out destination, I’ll summon you and we should have enough room for you there. But if you get too hungry you can always go catch something as well.”

Yes master. They both say with a bow. I wonder why they act like this. I guess I understand since he’s the one who gave them life and everything.

“OK, Sky, I need you to hide your wings.” I keep looking at him when my wings disappear into a dust and dissolve into my body. He looks awestruck. 

“It’s really not that amazing.” I say.

“For you it isn’t. Anyway, we need to get going, so follow me.” He bursts out of the foliage and I follow behind him. We run to the sidewalk and then just stroll down it like we’ve lived here for our whole lives. People are crowding the sidewalk making it hard to keep up. This place seems all too familiar for some odd reason, I feel like I’ve been down this road before. 

After what seems like an eternity of walking, we finally reach an off part of town. The surrounding starts to turn into beautiful scenery. The sidewalk weathers into a dirt path, and trees are standing guard on both sides. I close my eyes as I walk, enjoying all the sounds of nature. The gentle breeze blowing rustling the leaves, and the birds chirping. I’m so glad I get to see such a gorgeous place at the beginning of spring.

“We’re here.” Kei says. I open my eyes and find an amazing house. It looks like a traditional Japanese home, one with the paper screens and all. The Cherry Blossom trees just add to it, as well as the rose bushes. How I remember these, I have no clue. I can only see a small portion of a pond from the back, but it looks so amazing.

“This isn’t a dream is it?” Kei giggles and I look at him offended. “Is it really that funny that I admire its beauty?”

“No, no. It’s just, that’s what you said the very time you saw it. Before you lost your memory that is.” I cock my head to the side. “I expected that look.” He laughs again and starts down the trail.

“Some friend you are.” I mutter under my breath. I hurry to catch up. 

The inside of the house matches the outside perfectly. Kotatsus and everything. Or so that’s what Kei told me they were. The beds are normal beds though. I run around to observe everything up close and touch it. Kei just stands there and watches me. 

I find the back door and dash into the backyard. It looks even better than what I would’ve imagined. roses everywhere, along with many other Japanese flowers and plants. The pond is as big as I assumed, and right next to it is a granite bench. I walk over to it and I’m about to sit on it, until I hear someone yell.

“What on earth do you think you’re doing and who the heck are you?!” I turn around wide eyed to find a stout elderly lady with a shovel in hand. Her eyes are filled with alarm and fear, but she seems somewhat calm. She stares at me for a few moments, and then her weapon lowers slowly. “Sky? Is that really you?”

“Yeah, my name is Skylar, but-” Before I can finish my sentence, she’s already got her arms wrapped around me.

“I can’t believe my little Angel has come back! You must have been through so much!” I put my arms around her. I feel horrible, she missed me this much, and I have no clue who she is. She backs off but keeps her hands on my arms. “Are either of the boys here with you?”

“Kei is.” I stutter. Her hazel eyes sparkle even more. I hate to ruin it for her, but I have to tell her I don’t remember anything. “I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t remember anything from my past. They wiped my memory clean, so I have no clue who you are.” Disappointment haunts her eyes. Tears start to form as well.

“Poor child, I knew you were doomed from the day I met you. But we all love you anyway.” She squeezes me once more. “Uh, Kei remembers doesn’t he?”

“Everyone else remember everything except for me.” Her excitement is back in an instant.

“Where is he? Where is my precious grandson?” I tilt my head towards the house, being that I have no free arms. She scurries off into the house and I stand there with a smile. I don’t know who she is, she’s a pretty good women. Even if I don’t remember her, she welcomes me with open arms.

We all sit around the Kotatsu, sipping tea. They both discuss so much, and all I do is sit here and listen. I’m scared to interrupt as they reminisce. 

“Do you remember that?” She asks every once in a while. I would deny, but she’d go back about her conversation with Kei. From listening to them, I learned that she is Kei and Kadaj’s grandmother. Her name is Fostoria too. I apparently was raised by her as well when they found me roaming the streets one day in just t-shirt and shorts.

“Well those clothes are filthy. Would you like me to take you shopping for some new ones?” My hopes are heightened. Shopping was something I’ve wanted to try since I’ve escaped. It was an important component in my idea for a normal life.

“You’d really do that!?” I ask the cup almost slipping out of my hands. 

“Of course. You are my little angel after all, and I was put in charge of taking care of you. It’s something I can do for being a horrible guardian and letting those people take you.”

“Grandma, it wasn’t your fault you couldn’t have done anything about it, but you two can go shopping. I have to stay here and take care of the beasts.” He jabs his thumb in the direction of the open backdoor. We can see Kiara and Hikaru both jumping and splashing into the pond. We all laugh.

“Well OK. Be careful, if anything happens, you know where we’ll be.” Kei nods and heads out back. “OK my little angel, let’s head out.”

“Let’s do this.” I say as I stand.

Fostoria’s car is a bit odd. It’s a small two person car that runs on water. I respect her love for the environment, but the car could use some renovations. We reach a high-style clothing store when she stops.  I look at the window at all the mannequins in the window. They’re all wearing such high-class spring outfits. They’re all so pretty.

“Are you sure we can afford clothes from here?” Fostoria chuckles as we both get out of the car.

“Of course little angel, I’m a millionaire, I’m the one who owns this boutique.” 

“Wow . . .” I say absolutely breathless. I can’t believe that I can’t remember living here when life seemed to be so amazing.

“Enter my office.” She opens the door allowing me to wander in. One wall there is hair stylists with their stations there, the other side there are makeup artists, and in the back there are millions racks of clothes.

“This is so stunning!” I say. She stands there proud as I stand here in awe looking at this breathtaking sight. “Today is the best day of my life.” 

“I thought you might like it. I mean you did back then too. You use to come in here every day and play the violin for all the customers.”

“I did?!” 

“Mhm, you and Kadaj.” The mention of him lowers the mood.

“About Kadaj, who is he exactly? I’ve met him only once and I was barely conscious.” She sighs. But then she looks at me with a smile.

“Let me explain while I trim up your hair.” She sits me in a seat that is the best station here. It corresponds with her house, so I’m guessing she’s from Japan, or just really likes the style. She sits me back, wets down my auburn hair and takes a deep breath.

“The story begins when we found you walking down the road, in nothing but a t-shirt, and shorts, which were way too small for you. When we brought you in, you wouldn’t talk at all. You were so shy, but Kadaj finally got you to talk, and we were surprised when you did because of the accent of yours. We thought it was quite strange because we live here in America, you were such a small thing, and said you didn’t know who your parents were. We took you in though and I raised you with my other two grandsons, Kadaj and Kei. You guys were the best of friends. Kadaj was learning the violin at this time, and you just picked up his violin, perfect posture and everything, and played anything we could name. We were so amazed at how talented you were, especially your singing voice. Kadaj was so impressed he wanted to be as good as you, so you started teaching him. You guys were so cute together. All the people close enough to us noticed you as a duo. Kei was there sometimes, but he mostly just watched and listened.”

“I have a lot to catch up on.” I say with a laugh.

“Yes you certainly do.” 

“But isn’t America divided up differently now?” 

“Actually it is. Instead of states now we have regions. We have Fyore Region, Alhyla Region, Kiliko Region and three others. Inside the six regions there are small towns and cities. That’s about it. It changed when the war started, no one really knows why though. The President just split it up like that. The next region over from us, Jushi Region, is just for government use and no one knows what’s over there. There are rumors that there are strange creatures they made to protect it. Most of the creatures are kind hearted though, some of them even made their way over into ours. Put all the regions together and you get Altra.”

“What region are we in?” I ask. This is all just so confusing.

“We live in the Fyore region.”

“Wow it’s really changes since I last remember. Not that I do remember.” I laugh. She laughs too, but in the mirror I can see tears starting to form. 

“But then that day came. You were up late playing your violin out by the pond. Kadaj heard you of course, so he came running with his violin to join you. Together it was the most mellifluous sound I’ve ever heard. Kei and I sat at the door watching and listening. It was a good night, but right after you two finished, government agents came spiraling from every direction. First they grabbed you, then Kadaj. I was so scared I wasn’t able to move fast enough to save you two, so I did my best to try and save Kei. That didn’t work well either. I picked him up and ran all the house trying to get them confused on which way I went, but they were so fast and skilled, that they caught me. I wouldn’t give up Kei, so they knocked me unconscious and when I awoke, all of you were gone. I cried for so many days.” Tear falls on top my head.

“It’s OK Fostoria, I’m back. Soon Kadaj will be too, and things can be almost like they were.” She sniffles more, but it soon stops.

“Thank you, my little angel.” She dries her tears on her sleeve. “There your hair is now finished.” She spins me around and I barely notice the person in the mirror. My hair use to come down to my thighs, and now it falls to my mid-back. My bangs use to blend in with the rest of my hair, and now I have them across my forehead, right above my aqua eyes. Not to mention she had also changed the fiery auburn into a lively caramel color. I look like a whole different person in a way.

“I look so pretty!” I say as I lean in closer to get a better look. “And it didn’t even take you that long.”

“Thanks angel. This is how your hair looked before you were taken, much shorter of course, but quite similar.” She takes me by the hand and walks me to the back. 

“So why did I look different when I escaped?”

“I’m assuming the government changed your look hoping that not many people would recognize you.” I guess it kind of makes sense. I know they don’t want anyone knowing who I am, so I can understand why they would do that.

She has me try on so many different styles and outfits. Camouflage pants, skinny jeans, skirts, plain t-shirts, big fitting shirts, sweaters, tank tops, and everything. I finally walk out in a flowing, white sundress that comes to my shin with black cowboy boots.

“I love it, so much.” I exclaim as I run over and hug her. “You’re amazing at this. I’m so glad you decided to open up the Garden.” She smiles and hugs me back.

“I’m happy it pleases you. It’s all for you.” She pulls away from the hug with a confused look on her face. “I think I forgot something for you.” She walks over to her purse, shuffles through it and sighs. I look around the salon, everyone one else has already left. I look out the window, and I figure it’s around six in the afternoon. “Well angel, I forgot your gift at home, it’s something I got you before those men kidnapped you and the boys. You stay here, watch the salon for me, and I’ll be right back.” 

“OK, I’ll be here.” I wave to her as she walks out the door. I watch her get into the compact car and speed away. I walk over and browse through the clothes. I grab up a few items to take home, I’m guessing Fostoria won’t mind that much. 

I pile the articles on the counter in Fostoria’s station. A black sundress, similar to the one I have on, another white dress, but this one is strapless and shorter. It has a bow on the bodice, and it puffs out at the bottom. It comes down to the middle of my thigh. A blue strapless that’s fairly short, so I plan on wearing it with jeans and a t-shirt under it. I grab a pair of silver Gladiator sandals, four pairs of skinny jeans and a couple of shirts.

I figure I’ve piled up enough, and go to look out the window. I look up at the sky, and instead of the bright blue I saw a few minutes ago, it was a deep gray. I guess it took me longer than I thought with the clothes. I walk out the door, hearing the bell ring behind me. I stretch out my hand and feel a few raindrops. I stand there and stare at them. The little drops penetrating my skin. 

Then a big flash interrupts my thoughts. I look up to see a crack across the sky. My eyes grow wide, and then a loud boom scares me so much my knees buckle and I put my hands over my ears. I stare at the sidewalk. The rain decorates it as something flashes in my head.

A little girl is in an alleyway. Her short hair crazy messy, her clothes are tattered. She’s rocking back and forth on her feet as she’s crouched down, hands over her ears, tears streaming from her bright, gleaming aqua eyes. She clenches them shut as she mutters something, “Make it stop, please make it stop.” Then a strange man walks up to her. Tells her he can make it stop, but as she looks up, he pulls a knife out. He starts getting closer making his brown eye visible. They look just like Dan’s. Her eyes grow wider, she screams at the top of her lungs.

Another crack brings me back to the now soaking wet sidewalk. “That was me.” I whisper to myself, my hands slowly fall from my ears. “I remember. I can remember.” Thunder strikes again, sending me dashing into the alley next to the Garden trying to find some shelter. I wasn’t smart enough to try and go back into the boutique, and the alley was closer. I crouch on my feet and begin to rock back and forth. My hands cover my ears. “Make it stop, please.”” I mutter.

I can’t believe the only thing I can remember, brings horrible thoughts. Horrible memories, maybe that’s all I’ll ever be able to remember.

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