Tainted Wings

By SharkFace97

10.5K 146 11

[Written in 2009] Skylar was born with wings, which was a plus, until she was kidnapped by Christopher, a sci... More

Tainted Wings
Chap. 1: Skylar
Chap. 2: Kadaj
Chap. 3: Skylar
Chap. 4: Kadaj
Chap. 5: Skylar
Chap. 6: Kadaj
Chap. 7: Skylar
Chap. 8: Kadaj
Chap. 9: Skylar
Chap. 10: Axel
Chap. 11: Kei
Chap. 13: Kadaj
Chap. 14: Jayias
Chap. 15: Kadaj
Chap. 16: Skylar
Chap. 17: Kadaj
Chap. 18: Kei
Chap. 19: Skylar
Chap. 20: Kei
Chap. 21: Skylar
Chap. 22: Kadaj
Chap. 23: Max
Chap. 24: Axel
Chap. 25: Kadaj
Chap. 26: Skylar
Chap. 27: Kadaj
Chap. 28: Skylar
Chap. 29: Dan
Chap. 30: Kadaj
Chap. 31: Skylar
Chap. 32: Leo
Chap. 33: Kadaj
Chap. 34: Kiera
Chap. 35: Alice
Chap. 36: Skylar
Chap. 37: Akaito
Chap. 38: Kei
Chap. 39: Jasmine
Chap. 40: Alice
Chap. 41: Kiera
Chap. 42: Skylar

Chap. 12: Skylar

213 4 0
By SharkFace97

I'm actually really close to finishing this. I'm working on the last chapter right now, but I'm taking my time to post them so you don't like have BAM! fourty chapters to read, so I'm doing like five or four a day so you aren't overwhelmed...hope you like it! Vote, comment, and mabye fan. 

For some reason, I feel safe with this boy. He looks trustworthy. The thing that frightens me is the strange creatures he has following him, and the fact that he acts like he knows me.

His jet-black curls bounce with each step that he takes. I’m so tempted to reach out and tug on one. He doesn’t wear a uniform like me, it’s the same outfit, but black, so I know he’s not from the facility, but the creatures following him say he’s defiantly a Haldrin. 

“I have food cooking, Sky. It smells good doesn’t it?” I take a quick whiff of the air and I find that it smells like perfectly cooked meat. 

“Can I ask a question?” I warily ask. He peaks back at me and nods his head. “Who are you?”

“I’m Keith Deltry, everyone calls me Kei though. The rest isn’t important right now, but we have met before this.” So I did know him once.

“How long have I known you for?”

“Ever since I was seven so maybe about four years. We had so much fun. Me, Kadaj . . . and you.”  He looks back as he mentions me. I feel as if I should remember, but I don’t. I don’t remember anything for some reason.

“I’m sorry I can’t reminisce with you.” I really do feel sorry. I want to feel the happiness I once experienced with him. With Kadaj too. Although I’m still not sure who he is.

“I didn’t expect you to. I knew you were going to be different after what happened.” He speaks like I’m not even here. Like he’s just saying his thoughts out loud.

“What happened?” I wait a few moments for him to reply, but he doesn’t answer. “Sorry if I just brought back bad memories.”

“It’s OK. I’m just happy that you’re here now Sky.” He turns around and hugs me. I’m not sure what to do. Should I hug him back? I would feel bad if I didn’t, so I do. “You’ll remember soon enough, but just be happy for now. Promise?” I feel droplet roll down my cheek, and my words are cracked.

“I promise.”

Kei and I sit around the fire, while devouring our food. I forgot that I haven’t eaten in days, and now I feel like a savage. As I tear into the meat, Kei tells me stories about our childhood. 

He tells that Kadaj found me on the streets on his home form from school. He then explains how his grandmother always went on and on about how much I was hers. How much she loved me as I was her own. He also tells me how I played violin. He says that I was the best he’s ever heard, that I played everyone in town. How I would always stand outside the music store playing to earn some extra money, and I always got some.

“Wow. I really wish I can remember.” I can only imagine experiencing these things. 

“Yeah life was pretty good . . . until they came and ruined everything.” I assume he’s referring to the government. These days they’re the cause of everything bad, according to Kei. “Well we know Sky can fly, let’s try . . . “ He closes his eyes, and mumbles to himself.

Master! I swirl around to look at the creature, where the voice seemed to come from. White wings are now attached to the white creature and black on the other. 

“It worked!” He yelps as he rushes over to hug them. I sit there observe them while they check out their new wings. I look at theirs than look at mine, they somehow look different besides the colors. The white creature, realized that I’m sitting here trying to find the difference between them. She walks over and bows to me.

G’day my young Mistress. I am Kiara. Sorry for pouncing you earlier, but I cannot let you leave Master without human company. 

“If you hadn’t noticed, I’m not technically human.” I say spreading out my own wings. 

Naturally made company then. She says with an arrogant tone to her voice. I try to hold back the urge I have to make a face at her.

“OK, well we need to get going and look for civilization. Maybe we can go to the town by the Government grounds. Then we can be closer if anything happens, but it might be dangerous for Sky.” He plops down on the ground and thinks for a minute. “Aha! There’s a nice town two towns over, it has a school and everything. Let’s go there.” He stands up and boards the black creature, that’s name I still have to learn. “You can just follow us Sky, I know where it is.” With that he takes off, and so does Kiara right behind them.

I stretch out my rickety wings for the first time in a while. It felt so good to get the tension out of them. I shoot up into the sky with one flap of my giant wings. Once I’m up in the air again, it feels like I’m finally free. Like no feeling I’d ever felt, even the first time I’ve been up here. 

“Sky! This way!” I swerve around and find Kei waving his arms. I turned around and start in their direction. It’s time to start yet another adventure.

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