My New Teacher [Larry - Stude...

By 1DLarry123

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Louis Tomlinson is a student in the 12th grade. He's not really good in school and he has already repeated tw... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 *Smut*
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Important Author's Note
Character Ask Answers
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 37

19.5K 546 766
By 1DLarry123

I wake up to Harry sleeping next to me. I can't wait for this day

"Hey baby, know what today is?" I whisper into his ear.

"Friday?" he asks smirking.

"It's a special friday." I say, smirking as well.

Harry turns around and looks at me.

"What friday?" he asks smirking.

"The last day of school." I say.

"I know." Harry nods and pulls me in.

He presses his lips to mine in a loving kiss. I kiss back and wrap my arms around him tightly.

He pulls away and looks at me smiling. "Shall we get ready?"

I nod and sit up while Harry already stands up.

"Can you give me something to wear?" I ask and he nods smiling.

He picks black jeans and one of his t shirts and gives it to me.

"Thanks darling." I say smiling and put the clothes on.

I go into the bathroom and do my hair.

Harry is already downstairs making breakfast and I go there as well and set the table. We eat quickly and brush our teeth afterward.

"Last day in the closet." Harry says smiling , standing in front of the door.

"Yep." I chuckle.

"I love you." he says and pulls me closer by the waist, kissing me.

I cup his cheek and then pull away.

"Let's go." I say and we sit in the car.

We park in front of the school and enter the building.

"Two hours." Harry says and I nod.

We enter the classroom and I sit down next to Zayn.

"Hey!" he and Perrie say excited.

"Hey." I chuckle.

"Aren't you nervous?" Perrie asks.

"I'm extremly nervous!" I laugh.

"You don't look like you're nervous." she says.

"Perrie I'm waiting for this so long. The only thing I'm nervous about is my school report. I don't even care what the other students will say. This is my last day here." I say.

"I would be nervous." she says and I smile.

"Ok, I'm a bit nervous but the excitement is bigger." I say and shes smiles.

"Guys." Harry says, standing in front of the class.

"I want to tell y'all something. The year with you was amazing. You were a really great class, one of my faveourites and it was always nice being here. I'm happy that you accepted me as your teacher even thought I'm only a few years older than most of you! I also found some really good friends in this class and I just want to thank all of you for this amazing year!" he says and everyone starts clapping and smiling.

He looks at me and I wink at him, smiling big.

"You can do what you want until you get your school reports." Harry says and goes over to us.

"I loved the speech." I say and he chuckles.

"I thought I should say something because this class was really great for me. It brought us together." he says and I take his hand under the table, stroking it with my thumb.

He smiles and we just talk about random things the whole time.

After a while Harry looks at the time and goes back to the front of the classroom.

"Ok guys, be quiet. It's time for the school reports." Harry says and now I'm really getting nervous.

He stands in front of the class with the school reports in his hand and calls the name of every student. He told me before that mine will be the last one so we can make a dramatic outing scene. He calls the names of everyone and they stand up and go to the front to get their school reports. Then he shakes their hands and says something to each of them individually and hands them their school report.

"Zayn Malik." he says and Zayn gets up.

Harry says something to him and hugs him. Then he hands Zayn his school report. He sits back down and we all look at it.

"It's good mate!" I say smiling and he nods proudly.

"Perrie Edwards."

"Eleanor Calder."

They both got their school reports and it's time for the last, for me.

"Louis..." he looks at me smiling "Styles."

I bite my lip and start grinning like an idiot while everyone starts mumbling but I don't care. I get up and walk to the front of the classroom, Harry smiling just as big as me.

"You were doing so great this year." he whispers and hands me my school report.

"Thank you." I mumble and he looks into my eyes.

I nod and he cups my cheek, leaning in. And then I feel his lips on mine. The whole room is quiet and it's like nobody's here but us. All I can think of is his lips on mine and the fact that we're standing in front of the whole class is gone. I wrap my arms around his neck and stand on my tippy toes so he doesn't have to bend down so much. I slowly pull away, biting my lip and look at the class.

Everyone's jaw is dropped and Perrie, Zayn, El and Jim are smiling.

"You wanted to know who I'm going to marry. Here he is." Harry says smiling, putting his arm around my waist.

Suddenly everyone stands up and starts clapping, smiling really big. I look at them, completely overwhelemed and I feel my eyes fill with tears. Harry pecks my forehead and everyone comes over to us and hugs us.

"You're really brave!" a girl says and I smile even bigger.

"Thank you so much guys." I say, wiping a tear away.

"Since when are you dating?" someone asks.

"About a half year." Harry says and I nod.

"How did that happen?" someone else asks.

"He gave me tutoring." I chuckle.

"So you have kids?" someone asks and I nod.

"It was an accident but a good one." I say, laughing a bit.

Harry follows me to my seat and Perrie, Zayn and El hug us tightly. Then he goes back to the front to make his last speech.

"I'm really proud of you guys! You all graduated and you're all going to fid good jobs, I know that. I loved this year and I'm really happy that all of you made it. So go home or whatever you want to do now. You're free!" Harry says and everyone starts cheering, running out of the classroom.

I go to Harry and take his hand in mine.

"Shall we go?" I ask and he nods.

We go out of the classroom and want to leave the school when we're suddenly stopped.

"Styles, Tomlinson!" Owens shouts, sounding anygry.

"It's actually Styles and Styles." Harry says while we're turning around.

Owens comes over to us, still looking angry but then a smile appears on his face,

"Good luck." he says, hugging both of us.

"Thank you." we say and leave the school.

"We did it." I say when we sit in the car and Harry nods.

"I love you so much." he says and kisses my cheek.

"I love you too." I say smiling.

I take my phone out to text Zayn.

From: Louis
To: Zayn
We'll be at yours later.

From: Zayn
To: Louis

From: Louis
To: Zayn
'Cause we'll be there later. :D

From: Zayn
To: Louis
Ok but hurry up!

From: Louis
To: Zayn
Of course.

"What did you write?" Harry asks.

"I told Zayn that we'll be there later." I say.

"Why?" Harry asks.

"Because I want to go home for a bit first." I say and Harry smiles, nodding.

We enter the house and see my mom and Mark sitting on the couch with the babies.

"And?" Jay asks excited when she sees us.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Did you come out?" my mom asks and I laugh.

"I thought you're more interested in my grades, but yeah we did and they were all really accepting." I say and she hugs us.

"I'm so proud. Hopefully you gave my baby good grades." my mom says smirking, taking the school report from me.

"It's good!" she says proudly and I nod.

I take Darcy from Mark, sitting down next to him and look at her smiling.

"They're growing really fast." I say and Harry nods, standing behind me with his chin on my head.

I tilt my head back and Harry places a kiss on my lips upside-down. I laugh a bit and then look back into Darcy's green eyes.

"Ok guys, c'mon we have to get ready." I say.

"For what?" my mom asks.

"The party." I say.

"We decided that our families should come too. We'll all be at Zayn's." Harry says.

"Ok then let's go." my mom says.

"I have to go to a party with Jim, but I will see you guys later." Mark says and we nod.

We drive to Zayn's house, each baby in a baby carrier. We ring the doorbell and Zayn hugs us.

"Come in." he says.

We enter the house and say hello to everyone. The house is pretty full because everyone's family is here so we can celebrate all together. We sit down on the couch and carefully place Darcy and Luke in front of us.

"Whose kids are these?" Perrie's mom asks, smiling while looking at them.

"Ours." I say smiling.

"Aren't you a bit young?" she asks and I shrug.

"Everything's going great." I say smiling.

"They're really cute." she says.

"That's because they look like Harry." I laugh.

"Louis, Harry!" Anne says happily and hugs us.

"How was your school report, did my son give you good grades?" Anne asks and Harry laughs.

"Yeah they were good." I say.

"And how are these two little cuties?" she asks, stroking their cheeks.

"Pretty good. We just have to bring them into another room later so they can sleep because here it's too loud." Harry says.

"I'm so proud of you, you won't believe me." Anne says and we smile.

"Thanks." we say.

After a while of talking to everyone we go into the guest room with Darcy and Luke.

"Here you go cuties." I say, placing the carries on the table.

I stroke Darcy's cheek and kiss Luke's forehead and then we leave the room, closing the door. We go back into the living room and everyone's laughing and talking and just having a good time. I look at Harry smiling and take his hand while we sit down at the couch.

"Listen guys, I don't know if this is still something you kids do these days but it's something we did when we were young. So what about a round of Truth or Dare?" Zayn's mom suggests and everyone nods.

"But we're probably doing other things than the kids so let's make a parents and a kids game." she adds and again everyone nods.

"Zayn your mom is perfect." I laugh and he shrugs.

"It's a good idea, isn't it?" he says.

We sit down in a circle and the parents do another circle. It's funny to see them sitting there. I wonder what kind of dares they'll do but I don't think I really want to know. But they probably won't want to know what we do either so...

"Who'll start?" Perrie asks.

"I'd say Zayn because we're at his home." I say and he nods.

"Ok, truth or dare Niall?" he says.

"Dare." Niall smirks.

Suddenly the doorbell rings and Zayn starts grinning.

"Whoever is at the door, greet them with a kiss." Zayn says and Niall rolls his eyes.

He goes to the door and we hear Liam "Sorry I'm la-"

Then there's a kissing sound and Liam freaking out. They enter the room and Liam realizes we're playing truth or dare.

"Hey sorry for being late." he says and sits down.

"It's ok." we say.

"Sorry for yelling at you Niall." Liam chuckles and Niall shrugs.

"Ok Niall it's your turn." I say.

"Truth or Dare Harry." he says.

"Make Louis horny, but just with words." Niall laughs and my eyes grow wide.

 "Not sure if you want to see that guys." Harry laughs and looks at me smirking.

"You know what we're going to do later that night, right?" Harry whispers into my ear.

"We're going to bring the kids to my mom and then we have the night for us." he whispers, his lips brushing over my ear.

"I'll fuck you so hard that you can't walk anymore tomorrow." he goes on and I bite my lip.

"Remember our first time? It will be hundred times better." he whispers, nibbling on my earlobe.

I let out a shaky breath and I can feel myself getting hard.

"I'll make you scream all night so you won't have any voice anymore tomorrow." Harry whispers and I let out another shaky breath, a moan sliping out of my mouth when he kisses the skin behind my ear.

"Ok ok enough!" Niall laughs.

"I wasn't joking." Harry whispers and then pulls away.

I take a deep breath and try to hide my erection.

"Truth or Dare Zayn." Harry says.

"Truth." he says.

"Are Perrie and you going to get married someday?" Harry asks.

"I think so, yeah." Zayn says smiling at Perrie and she nods.

"Truth or Dare El?" he asks.

"Make Harry jealous by flirting with Louis." Zayn says smirking.

"Why always us?" I ask.

"Because you're the only couple beside us." Zayn says and I roll my eyes.

"Fine." I say and El comes over to me.

"I have no idea what to do." she whispers into my ear.

"What will drive him crazy?" she asks.

"I don't know. He knows it's a dare so it will be hard." I whisper.

"Guys, whispering won't make him jealous." Zayn laughs.

"Harry knows it's a dare so why should he be jealous anyway?" I ask and El sits down on my lap.

She takes my face in her hands and I look at her confused.

"You're not going to kiss my man El." Harry warns and Eleanor stops.

"Well then I don't know what to do to make you jealous." she says and let's go off my face.

She sits down again and Harry takes my hand in his. I chuckle and shake my head a little.

"She actually did it. She made Harry jealous without doing anything." I say and Harry nods shrugging.

"Well truth or dare Louis?" El asks.

"Dare." I say.

"Make out with Harry in front of your parents." she says and my mouth gaps open.

"No, that's not fair." I say.

 "We can't do that El." Harry says.

"C'mon! There's nothing wrong with that." she says.

"Just do it." Niall shrugs and I look at Harry, waiting for his answer.

He shakes his head and I look back at Eleanor.

"Sorry El, we won't make out in front of any of you. That's something private." Harry says.

"Can you think of something else?" I ask and she nods.

"Ok then let us put makeup on you. " El says and Perrie's eyes light up.

"Yes! Please!" she says and I groan, hiding my face in my hands.

"Fine." I say.

They take my hands and pull me onto my feet. 

"Help me!" I mouth to Harry and he laughs.

"Sorry babe." he says and I roll my eyes, following them into the bathroom.

After they asked Zayn's mom if they could use her makeup and she said yes they sit me down on the toilet. 

"Please don't put too much." I say and they laugh.

"Don't worry." Perrie says and I sigh.

"That doesn't sound good." I say, causing them to laugh again.

They start applying some beige cream on my face and then another cream under my eyes. Afterwards the also put a poweder in the same colour on my face and neck.

"This feels weird, are you wearing that too right now?" I ask and they nod.

The put something pink on my cheeks and I just sit there, letting them do whatever they want. I'm going to look like a clown.

Next they put eyeshadow on in god knows what colour. I don't know because I have to keep my eyes closed. Next they draw a line over my lashes which is definitly fluently. I can open my eyes and blink a few times. Then they take mascara and apply it to my lashes. This is seriously the worst part. It's just so weird!

"Why do you do this everyday? It feels so weird." I ask.

"To look good." Perrie says.

"You look good without makeup too." I say.

"Aww thank you." Perrie says smiling.

"But with makeup you feel better, I don't know why." El says and Perrie nods.

"It's the best way to hide your little problems." she says.

Last they put a pink lipstick on my lips and then they let me look at myself. I close my eyes and stand in front of the mirror. I slowly open one eye and my jaw drops.

"Oh my god." I say, looking at myself shocked.

"I look so damn weird." I say and they laugh.

"It actually looks pretty good on you." Perrie says and I just stare at myself.

"No way is that me, I look so different." I say.

"Girls, you are crazy." I say, looking at them.

"Now you have to show the others." El says and I quickly shake my head.

"Never!" I say and suddenly there's a knock on the door.

"Lou, how's it going?" Harry asks.

"It's weird." I say.

"Are you ready?" he asks.

"Yeah come in." Perrie says.

"No!" I shout and Harry opens the door.

He bursts out laughing when he sees me and quickly puts his hand over his mouth.

"You look beautiful Louis." he says, staring at my face.

"Very funny." I say.

"God this is so weird." he says, leaning closer so he can see the details better.

"Are the others here too?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I said I'd look if you're ready." he says.

"I won't show them." I say and Harry laughs.

"C'mon it isn't that bad." Harry says and I shake my head, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Please baby." he says and I shake my head again.

He pulls me close and pecks my lips a few times, saying 'please' between each kiss.

"Harry you're ruining it!" Perrie says and puts lipstick on my lips again.

"Please darling. For me." Harry says, taking my hands in his and I sigh.

"Fine, but only for a minute and then you're going to put this off of me." I say and the girls nod.

"Thank you baby." Harry whispers and kisses my forehead.

He keeps one of my hands in his and leads me into the living room.

"Oh. My. God!" Zayn shouts and I roll my eyes.

They burst out laughing and now also the parents noticed me.

"Wow Louis! You should wear this more often!" my mom jokes and I sigh.

"Wait I have to look at that." Zayn says and walks over.

"Wow this is weird." he says, looking at the makeup.

"Can I put it off now please?" I ask and they nod, still laughing.

Harry follows me and the girls into the bathroom and takes his phone out.

"We have to take a picture darling." Harry says and I chuckle.

"Fine." I say and he kisses my cheek, making a picture.

"And now get this off." I say and sit down on the toilet again.

They start wiping it away and, again, the worst part is the mascara and the eyeliner.

"I seriously don't get why you're doing this all the time." I say and they chuckle.

"You almost look normal again Lou." Harry says.

When we're ready we go back into the living room and sit down.

"Well this was fun." I say.

"Truth or dare Liam?" I ask.

"Dare." he says.

"Pretend to be dating El in front of her parents until they realize it's fake." I say and he raises his eyebrow.

"I'm never going to choose dare again." he says.

"C'mon darling." he says reaching his hand out.

She takes it and they walk past the parents into the kitchen, holding hands. El's parents look a bit confused and keep an eye on them. From where I sit I can't se them that good but I can see that they're talking and holding hands. Then Liam pulls her close by the waist and kisses her forehead.

"Eleanor?" her dad asks and she looks at them.

They hold hands again and walk over to El's parents.

"Yeah?" she asks.

"What's going on here?" her dad asks.

"I'm Liam, Eleanor's boyfriend." Liam says smiling, putting his arm around her waist.

"How old are you?" her mom asks.

"23." he says.

"Is't he a bit old El? You're 18." her dad says.

"No, I'm sure he's the right one." she says.

"You said that about Louis too and he turned out to be gay." her mom says and El chuckles.

"Well this time it's different." she says.

"I promise that I won't hurt your daughter." Liam says.

"Wait, is this a dare?" El's mom asks.

"Thank you!" Liam says and El laughs.

"We were pretty good." she says and Liam nods.

"You kids and your weird ideas." El's dad says and Liam and El come back, sitting down.

"They really believed you." Niall laughs.

"Seems so." El says.

"Truth or Dare Niall?" Liam asks.

"I'll say truth." Niall says.

"How do you know Zayn?" he asks and Zayn mouths something to Niall.

Niall shrugs and shakes his head.

"Well we were at the same school when we were younger and we were really good friends. We even were a couple for a few months." Niall says and Zayn looks at him with his brows furrowed.

Niall says something to him but I can't hear what.

"Wait, you two were dating?" Perrie asks and Zayn nods.

"It was when we were still pretty young and didn't even really know what dating is. We thought girls are stupid like most little boys and we found out that there are gay people so we thought we're gay. We liked each other a lot so we decided to try it and we were dating for a while." Zayn explains.

"That's actually pretty cute." Liam says and everyone nods in agreement.

"Are you still gay Niall?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I don't know." he shrugs and then goes on with the game.

"Truth or dare?" Niall asks, looking at Zayn.

"Truth." Zayn says.

"What's the worst thing about Perrie?" he asks.

"Hmmm, probably that she can't cook at all." Zayn laughs and Perrie nods.

"I'm terrible." she says.

"Me too." I laugh.

"Guys, it's time to get ready! We have to be at the club in an hour." Liam says and we all say good bye to everyone.

Harry and me bring the kids to his mom, telling her a few things she needs to know so she can look after them tonight.

"Thanks for looking after them mom." Harry says and hugs her.

"It's ok, have fun!" she says.

"Good bye cuties." I say, kissing Luke's and Darcy's forehead.

"We're going to miss you." Harry says, kissing them as well.

Then we leave the house, sitting down in the car. We drive home and get ready. I put on skinny black jeans that I roll up and I put a wine red button up with long sleeves and a white collar and white buttons on. I roll the sleeves up as well and then I put on black Vans. Harry put on black ripped jeans, a white v-neck and a navy blue blazer. We style our hair and then it's time to go.

"You look perfect." Harry says and I smile.

"So do you." I say and fix the collar of his blazer.

We go outside and sit down in the car. I'm a bit nervous because this is the first party we're going to together. Of course we've been at Zayns party together but there Harry was disguised and nobody knew it was him. It was still amazing though.

We park the car in front of the club and go inside. Before we really enter it we stop and Harry takes my hand in his.

"Ready?" he asks and I nod.

"Ready." I nod and we enter it.

Loud music is the first thing we realize, so loud we can fill the bass in our stomachs. When you watch the people dancing on the dancefloor in the wild lights you can feel the adrenalin. You don't even need a second look to feel it.

"Let's search the others first." Harry shouts over the loud music.

"They said we'd meet at the bar." I shout and he leads me there.

I see Zayn and pull Harry with me.

"Hey guys!" Zayn shouts and hugs us.

"Hey, where are the others?" I ask.

"Over there at the table. I just waited for you here." he says and we follow him to the table, sitting down.

"Hey guys." we say.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" Niall asks and I nod.

"Bit loud, but yeah." Harry laughs.

"So guys, who wants something to drink? I know the barkeeper so we'll get it for free." Niall says.

We tell him what we want to drink and Niall calls the barkeeper over.

"Hey Billy! Can we get some drinks mate?" Niall asks.

"Sure man." he says.

Billy comes over to our table and we tell him what we want. He brings us the drinks and we thank him. We all talk for a while and drink a few drinks.

"Do you want to dance?" Harry asks and I nod.

"We'll be dancing guys." I say and Harry leads me to the dancefloor.

We start dancing together, not caring that we look like idiots and just have fun. It ends more in grinding on each other and kissing a lot but that's mostly because of the drinks.

"I shouldn't have put on such tight jeans." Harry laughs and I pull him close.

"Yeah, it will be hard to get them off later." I say smirking and he laughs again.

"You'll be so drunk you won't be able to do anything anymore." Harry says.

"I think you're talking about yourself, darling." I say, pecking his lips.

"Hey guys!" someone suddenly says and I turn to the voice.

"Hey Jim!" I say and we hug him.

"Congratulations!" he says.

"Thanks." I laugh.

"I'm glad everything turned out like this. You two are perfect for each other." Jim says and I nod.

"Thanks man." I say.

"Where are the others, I want to say hello." Jim says.

"Over there at the table, Niall's at the bar though." I say.

"Ok thanks, have fun." Jim says and leaves.

I smirk at Harry and turn around so my back is against his chest. Harry places his hands on my hips and I start grinding on him, moving my hips to the rhythm of the music. Harry places kisses on my neck and I keep rubbing my butt against his crotch. Harry moans next to my ear and I smirk proudly. I turn around and Harry looks at me with bedroom eyes. I bite my lip and he smirks. 

"W-we should go back to the others." I say and he nods.

I take his hand in mine and we go back to the table.

"Had fun there guys?" Liam asks smirking and we nod.

"That didn't look like dancing to me." Niall laughed, coming back to the table.

"Maybe it was a special dance." I laugh and Harry smirks next to me.

"I can see that you're both turned on like fuck." Niall laughs and I lick my lip.

"Maybe." I say and empty my glass.

"We'll be dancing guys." Zayn says and he and Perrie leave the table.

"And what are we going to do now?" El asks.

"Billy can we have another round?" Niall asks.

"Sure!" Billy says and brings new drinks.

"Niall, I don't think we should drink anymore." Harry says.

"Why not?" Niall asks.

"C'mon! We graduated! We have to celebrate." Niall shouts.

"Fine." Harry says and takes a sip of his drink.

"We're taking a taxi home." he whispers into my ear and I nod laughing.

"Ok we're here together so let's have some fun!" Niall shouts and pulls all of us to the dancefloor.

"Guys come here." he shouts and Zayn and Perrie walk over.

We all start dancing together, just enjoying this party.


"This was the best party ever!" I shout, my arm around Harry's shoulders as we're leaving the club.

"You're totally drunk babe." Harry laughs.

"No I'm not!" I chuckle and look at him.

"Since when do you have a twin?" I ask confused and he laughs.

"It's time to go home!" he says.

He calls a taxi and sits me down in there. He tells the driver our adress and I rest my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.

"Don't fall asleep yet babe." he says and I shake my head.

"I won't." I mumble and he chuckles.

We arrive at home and Harry helps me out of the taxi. He pays the driver and puts my arm around his shoulders, bringing me inside.

"Can we have sex now?" I ask and Harry laughs.

"You're going to sleep now Lou." he says and lifts me up, carrying me upstairs.

He lays me down on the bed and takes my clothes off, leaving me in my boxers. He takes his clothes off as well and stands in front of the bed. I sit up so I'm on my knees and pull him closer, placing kisses all over his chest.

"Louis, we should really sleep." Harry says.

I lick up to one of his nipples and swirl my tongue around it.

"Louis." Harry says and I pull away.

"C'mon." I say and Harry laughs.

"You're going to fall asleep any second love." he says and I shake my head.

"Believe me." he says and I let myself fall back on the bed.

Harry lays down next to me and pulls me close, wrapping his arms around me.

"Good night." he whispers.

"Good night." I say and only a few minutes later I'm asleep.

This was really a beautiful day.  

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! Yay they finally came out! I couldn't wait to write this and I tried to make it long. I hope it is long, I don't know yet. I want to thank all of you again! I would ne nowhere without you and now I have almost 400 Followers and over 50.000 reads. I can't believe it. You are really the best and every single comment and vote means so so much to me!

I love you guys and I'm sorry to say this but this story will be over soon. I already know how it will end and I think there are only about two or three chapter and the Epilogue left. Maybe I'll have a special idea and there will be more chapters, but I think there will only be three.

So now I have to ask you again. Sequel - yes or no? And if yes, please tell me your ideas! I really love writing this story so much and I'd love to write a sequel but I don't have any idea what to write in it. I don't just want it to be their children growing up because I know that it will be boring after a while. I want there to happen something.

So if you have any ideas for the sequel please tell me! You can inbox me or write it in the comments.

And now sorry for such a long author's note but I had to say this. Thank you guys! Oh and sorry for spelling mistakes. I didn't have the time to re-read it because I really wanted to update and it's already late here.

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