One Direction Preferences Par...

By CaitlinNicoleee

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One Direction Preferences Part 2
How you tease him
he catches you changing
He talks about your sex life
You're a pole dancer
You're On Your Period
You're on your period with only him there
You're crying
He's A Jock, You're A Nerd
he makes fun of you for liking him
You're a rebel
you're friends with one of the boys and he sets you up
When he's in the mood
he hears you sing/for the first time
He hear's you rap for the first time
He finds out that you're flexible
You pretend to hate each other, but you secretly like each other
You do something that makes him laugh
He likes how you laugh
Silent Treatment
The pickup line he uses but you laugh at
you're insecure
Love Bites
First time he hears you sing
He hears you singing Nicki Minaj
He Steals Your Phone
You paint his nails while he's sleeping
He paints your nails, so you two can bond
He does your hair
He sees you do something childish
He watches you getting ready
He Accidentally Sees Your Boobs
He accidentally touches your breast
You're best friends but you accidentally kiss
You Teach Him How to do The Cup Song
How He Wakes You Up
You run onstage
He hears you singing
how he asks you to prom
Your brother walks in on a heated moment between you and his best friend
You're on your period and emotional and he grounds/yells at you
He tickles you
He's your teacher and likes you
You both play slender
Playing Video Games
Your first valentines day together
Security hassle you
He Finds You Twerking
Your best friends and you kiss
You Switched Bodies
One of the boys walk in on you getting dressed
he touches your boob
First kiss
You play hard to get
He/You play call or delete with Nick
His thoughts the first time he sees you (His Pov)
Secret tattoos
he's embarrassed
He tells the boys an embarrassing secret and they tease you about it
you fight and make up
He's a nerd
He makes fun of something you done in the past
He talks to you about boys
He hears you singing
You have your period
You Switch Bodies (Part 1)
You Switch Bodies (Part 2)
First Time You Cuss Around Him
You Turn Another Boy On (by accident)
You do a twitcam together
he makes a funny face to make you feel better
You have a bad day
You accidentally kick him "where it hurts"
The Songs You Sing To Each Other And Why
He hears you singing
You're the sixth member of One Direction, and he wants to go out with you
You're the 6th member of 1D
he reads your most recent text in an interview
You Meet at a Signing
You meet the four other boys for the first time
Another boy walks in on you changing
He Thinks You're Sleeping
What he does when you're asleep
You have a stutter
Stuck in a elevator
You give him a boner infront of the boys
You're the new girl in school
You spend the night together for the first time
You wear his clothes
he finds out you wear glasses
You Act Like You Hate Each Other But Secretly Love Each Other
Simon walks in on you two
6th Member Interview
He hears you rap
He forgets your anniversary
He buys you a surprise pet
Seven Minutes in Heaven
first kiss
You're a Victoria's Secret model and he flirts with you at a show
You have a nightmare
You're the only girl in One Direction and he fancies you (part 1)
You're the only girl in One Direction and he fancies you (part 2)
Three words he uses to describe you
He teaches you to
He convinces you to go skinny dipping
You're related to one of the boys and he fancies you (his POV)
Interviewer asks what he loves about you
He introduces you to the boys for the first time
You meet at a masquerade ball
He sends you a text meant for one of the other boys by accident
he's a little handsy in public
You take care of him when he is sick
He suppose to be on tour but he surprises you
He hears you singing for the first time
The morning after
He Hits You During A Fight In Front Of The Boys
You're Young and Cry For Him
Your First Kiss
First day of your last year of high school
They're Babysitting You and Ground You
You're his babysitter and he has a crush on you
You meet him while babysitting Lux
You Get Locked In Somewhere
You're a vampire and he wants you to bite him
You're with him on tour and you get your period
You two feed each other food
They Feed You
He uses you to get girls
You're singing/dancing to a dirty song
Another member babysits you
You play "Too Hot"
Prom Night
You shower together
He Talks About You in His Sleep
Singing and Humming
He helps you study
You tell him you're pregnant
You're pregnant and have cravings
He grounds you
He knows you like one of the boys so he sets you two up
You're adopted and he acts like you don't exist (Part 1)
You're adopted and he acts like you don't exist (Part 2)
Meeting the boys
He's suppose to be on tour but surprises you
He makes you feel insecure
You work for him and he falls for you
You fall out of the bed
You fall asleep in his arms and he talks to his mom about you
You sing at their concert
Your inside joke with him
It's Raining and You Do a Horror Movie Night With Him
He talks about liking you to the boys
Sexual truth or dare
Childhood Memories
You lose your memory part 1 (His Pov)
You lose your memory part 2 (His Pov)
He finds you through your YouTube channel
You've spent time in jail
You and the boys play never have I ever
You have a stalker
One of the other boys have to stay with you for a week
One of the other boys insult you
You wear something of his and his reaction
He has a breakdown and only wants you
He realizes he likes you
He wants to have sex, but you have your period
He does something embarrassing
You walk in on him doing something
You two at the beach

you surprise him on tour

20.1K 170 8
By CaitlinNicoleee

you surprise him on tour 

Harry: You hated when Harry was on tour. You always missed him so much, even though it had only been a week, and according to Louis and Niall he really missed you too. He called you every day and would text you nonstop. That made it easier, but it wasn’t the same. Tonight, you were sitting in bed, fighting tears as you ended your Skype call with Harry. “I miss you so much Y/N” Harry said, looking up at the screen. You had never seen him this upset before. “I miss you too, Harry. Only three more weeks” you said, trying to smile to be strong for him. “I have to go, I have to do an interview” he sighed. “But babe, its” you looked at the clock. “10 am for me” he said, and you nodded. “Have fun” you smiled and he blew you a kiss and disconnected. The second he did, you were looking for flights. He was in Australia, and you knew you could get there in a day. Then, you could travel with them for the remaining three weeks. You packed and went to a travel agent who got you on a flight that night. You didn’t tell anyone, you just locked your flat and left. The flight was long and boring, but you were excited because you knew who was waiting on the other end. You slept, ate, met with a few fans who promised not to tweet about you leaving and read a book. A day on an airplane was brutal. You managed to change and even wash and fix your hair in the airplane bathroom before it was time to land.  You finally landed, and you snuck off the plane and into a cab. “The Intercontinental” you smiled to the driver, and he took off. You knew you were close, and you were so excited to see him. You decided to text Louis. ‘Hey Lou, guess who’s in Sydney :) what are you guys doing?’ you texted, smiling. Your phone went off immediately, a good sign. ‘No way… We’re at the hotel! Does Harry know?!’ ‘No, don’t say anything. Meet me at the lobby in 5 minutes xx’ you texted back. You were barely able to contain your excitement as you saw the hotel in the horizon. The driver pulled into the drop off zone and helped you get your bags. “Have a good stay, miss” he smiled. You paid and thanked him, before heading in. Louis and Niall were waiting for you in the lobby. “You are a sneaky woman” Niall said, laughing. You smirked. “Who has a key?” you asked, and Louis handed over his. They told you the room number and you headed up. You sat yourself on Harry’s bed, and waited. The door clicked and you heard Louis and Harry talking. As the door swung open, Harry walked in. “What the…?” he asked, and you smiled. “What are you doing here!?” he asked, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. “I wanted to surprise you” you smiled. “So you flew to Australia?!” he asked, kissing your cheeks and neck. You giggled, and Harry hugged you tighter. “This is amazing. Lou, you helped her do this?” he said, turning to Louis but not releasing you. “No! I got a text ten minutes ago saying she was here” he laughed before leaving. “You’re amazing” Harry said, kissing you again.

Zayn: “So Zayn, what’s it like being away from everyone back home?” Ryan Seacrest asked. Zayn was doing a one on one interview with Ryan on his radio show in LA. He was on tour, and had been for a month. “I miss my family a lot. I miss Y/N, my girlfriend. I love being here and performing for our amazing American fans, but I do miss back home too” he said, and you nodded. You missed him too, a lot actually. “So on that note, what’s it like being in a long distance part time relationship with Y/N?” Ryan asked and you could hear Zayn laugh lightly. “It’s hard. I wish she was here now, I miss her. It’s little things you miss, how she always leaves her towel on the floor or how she sings along to every song you play. It’s really hard, I care about her deeply and like to spend every moment I can with her.” You smiled, and tears formed in your eyes. “Well, they always say absence makes the heart grow fonder” Ryan said, and Zayn laughed again. “I need to get there” you said. You called Danielle, the only girl you knew who could possibly understand what you were going through. “I miss him” you said when she picked up. “I miss him too” she said. There was silence. You were both thinking the same thing, but neither wanted to say it. “I’m packing a bag” you said hurriedly. “Okay, I’ll call our travel agent” she laughed and you both hung up. You were just finishing packing when you heard a knock at the door. “Our flight leaves in two hours” Danielle smiled, and you grabbed your bag and left. It took you an hour to get to the airport, and you had to run to make sure you were on time back. “When do we come home?” you asked, jogging next to her. “I only had time to book one way” she laughed. You joined her as you both got in line to board the plane. The ride was spent talking about how the boys were going to react, gossiping and taking a nap. Before you knew it, you were landing at LAX. You walked out and felt the dry heat hit you like a ton of bricks. “Danielle, I don’t think we’re in London any more” you smiled. She laughed and flagged down a taxi. “Where to?” the driver asked, smiling at you and Danielle. It was 7:30 and you knew the boys would be at their show. “Let’s go to the Staples Centre” you said, and the driver nodded. “Ah, big One Direction concert tonight. I thought you two looked like fans” he laughed and you smiled. Danielle took out her phone and called Paul. “Hey Paul, It’s Danielle… Yeah I’m good, listen, Y/N and I kind of took a plane to Los Angeles this morning and we’re here now and we… Yeah, I know, its crazy… So is there any way you can get us and… Right. Okay, thanks!” “So?” you asked, wanting to know the plan. “Paul is going to sneak us into the dressing rooms, we just have to text him when we get there” she whispered, and you two high fived. The driver pulled up to the door. “Have a blast, ladies” he waved as you two walked towards the door. You texted Paul and he was instantly at the door. “You two are worse than the boys” he said, taking you both under his arms and smuggling you into the dressing room. You watched the show on closed circuit TVs and danced around, excited with yourselves. Then the show ended, and you sat and waited. The door swung open and Niall was the first one in. “Oh shit mate” he said, then Zayn and Liam came next. “Y/N!?” he said, running towards you. He scooped you into his arms and gave you a huge hug. After you two greeted each other, you and Danielle told the whole story. “Only our girls” Zayn laughed, smacking Liam on the back.

Liam: “How is Stockholm?” you asked into the phone receiver. “It’s nice, I miss home though” Liam sighed. “Home misses you” you joked, and Liam let out a faint ‘ha’. Liam had gone away on tour, and you missed each other a lot. He had been gone two weeks, and it was getting to be too much for you both. “I wish I could just be with you” he said into the phone, sounding like he was on the verge of tears. This made you so upset you let tears fall. “Soon babe, we will be together soon” you tried to comfort him. “It’s another week and two days, that’s not soon” he said sourly. He was right, it was going to be impossible to get through the next week and a bit without him. “I have to go” you said, not wanting to cry on the phone with him. “Okay, call me when you can. I love you” he said, and you told him you loved him and hung up. You stared blankly at the wall, not wanting to move. You just wanted to hug him and kiss him and be with him, and he missed you so much. You were on autopilot when you got up and searched for flights to Stockholm. You found one for that night and booked it. You didn’t even know what you were doing, just throwing things in a suitcase. You put on a baseball hat and sunglasses and left for the airport, hoping the disguise would keep from having your picture taken. It worked, and you go on your plane before realizing what you were doing. The flight to Sweden was only two and a half hours, and you spent it going back and forth about whether this was right. Were you being selfish by showing up and distracting Liam, or would this be helpful. You went back and forth until you heard the ding of the intercom. The pilot said you were preparing to land, and you felt the plane descend into the airport. You got out and saw that it was 11:08 pm. “Stockholm Globes Arena” you nodded, and the driver gave you the thumbs up. You arrived and went to the door. You told the security guard the story, and he recognized you. “They’ll be coming out the back by their bus, let me walk you there” he offered, taking you lightly by the arm. You got to the bus and the fans went crazy. You put your finger to your lips and hid behind the bus. The fans shouted for each of the boys as they came out. First Zayn, then Louis and then the name you’d been waiting for. A chorus of ‘Liam!’s rung out, and you popped out from behind the bus. Liam stood there, staring at you, dumbfounded. “Y/N?” he asked, his lip trembling. You ran to him and gave him a hug, “I thought I would surprise you” you whispered, giving him a kiss. Liam was speechless, just holding you and breathing in the smell of you. Fans took pictures and went crazy. Eventually, you two walked up into the bus. “I can’t believe you’re here” Liam said, and the boys agreed. You smirked, proud of yourself, and excited to see your boyfriend.

Louis: You felt so sneaky, sitting in your airplane seat. You turned to your best friend, and smirked. You two were on your way to Paris, France. You had bought the tickets two hours ago and packed for your weekend trip. You were going to visit your boyfriend Louis. He had no idea you were coming, and you were so excited. “So, can I ask why this came about?” your friend asked, putting her feet up on the foot rest. “I was on the phone with Louis, and he sounded so sad. You know how Louis is, he never sounds down, but he was so down. So I called Harry and he told me they were spending the next couple nights in Paris before continuing their tour. He said they were leaving Monday. So I asked him to try and cheer Lou up, and hung up, and called you.” Your friend laughed and you leaned back in your chair. “You feel so 007 right now, I can tell” she said, picking on you. The pilot came over the radio saying they were taking off. It was going to be 7 pm when you showed up in Paris, and you two were going straight to Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy where One Direction was playing. You spent the plane ride going through funny scenarios of what could happen, like Louis fainting when he saw you or you getting there and realizing you had gotten the dates wrong. The plane landed and you checked your watch, “Perfect,” you smiled “7:07. We are here just in time.” You and your friend made your way off the plane, through the terminal and to where the cabs were all waiting. “Bonjour Monsieur, Palais Ominsports si vous plait” you asked, and the driver nodded and put the car in drive. “You know French?” your friend asked you, shaking her head. “Louis took me here last year so I took some classes” you giggled. The driver weaved through traffic and got you there quickly. “Merci!” you called out to him as you went to the front door. “Bonjour, deux billet?” you said, asking for tickets. “Il y a plus, je m’excuse” the lady said, and your face dropped. “What?” your friend said. “There’s no tickets” you said, tears welling up. “Anglais?” your friend said and the woman nodded. “So, this is Louis Tomlinson’s girlfriend. Look” she showed the woman a picture of you two and she nodded again. “We flew out here from London today just to surprise him. He doesn’t know we’re here. But they miss each other and they just want to see each other. Would it be that big of a deal to let the two of us in? Please” your friend asked, pleading. “Okay, you two come with me” the woman said, closing the metal screen and coming out to meet you guys. She walked you to the door and spoke to the security guard. You were far back and couldn’t hear what she was saying, only knowing that they were both nodding back and forth. The lady came back to you. “Jeremie will bring you down. Have fun and good luck with the boyfriend” she said, and you smiled thanking her. You were escorted to the front row where you could reach out and touch the stage. It took a few minutes, but in between songs Louis came to give fans a high five. He saw you and his face went white. “Y/N!” he shouted, and you smiled. Harry came over, and the boys followed suit, shocked to see you. “Louis’s girlfriend is here tonight and we didn’t even know! Last I checked, she was in London! She came to surprise Louis, what a great girl” Liam said into his microphone. The crowd awed you two as Louis leaned in for a kiss. You stood on your tippy toes and met his lips with yours.

Niall: Your so close but so far haha’ ‘I know, I miss you like crazy, its almost harder being so close’. You sighed. It was harder being this close to your boyfriend but not being able to see him. Niall was on a European tour, but his last stop was London and you hadn’t seen him in months. The boys had travelled all of Europe, and they were in Glasgow, Scotland today. It sucked knowing that he was on the same island as you but you weren’t with him. You kept rereading your texts together. You wanted to see him. In a split second, you were down sitting in your car. You had your Ipod and a few snacks. It was nine in the morning, and you had a seven hour drive ahead of you. You started driving towards Glasgow. You got your phone and called Zayn. “Hey Zayn” you said, when he picked up. “Hi?” he asked, curious about why you were calling him. “I’m coming to Glasgow, Niall doesn’t know. Don’t tell him. What time are you guys leaving the hotel for you show today?” you asked calmly. “Probably around 4:30” he said and you smiled. “Perfect, I will be there for 4” you said and you hung up. Driving through the English countryside was beautiful. You loved it, you just wished you weren’t rushing. Niall kept texting you, but you ignored him wanting to keep your eye out for signs. You stopped once to use the washroom and grab a cold drink. You were in Lockerbrie with an hour to go. You picked up the pace, racing the clock to Glasgow. Your phone was ringing, but you ignored it. You had to get there in time. At 3:47, you saw the Glasgow city signs. “Yes” you cheered, pumping your fist. You drove to the Blythswood Square hotel and parked. You had eight missed calls and ten texts from Niall. You went to respond, when Zayn texted you. ‘left early, @ the arena for rehearsal.. text me when you get here and I will let you in’ you read. “Ugh” you said, starting your car again. The boys were playing at the Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre, so you went there. The SECC was five minutes from the hotel, so you didn’t need to rush for time. The only thing you were worried about was if you would be able to wait that long. The excitement was killing you. You crossed a bridge towards the centre. You felt the butterflies start, seeing the sign for the building. You parked and texted Zayn. He told you to go to the North East side of the building, so you walked over and saw a door propped open. You went over to it, and saw Zayn standing right inside. “You’re going to get me in trouble one of these times, Y/N” Zayn said, reaching behind you to close the door. You could hear the boys rehearsing as Zayn lead you to the stage. You saw Niall from the wing, and took off. You bolted to him and gave him a huge hug. “Who the..?” he said looking. Security jumped to their feet, thinking you were a crazed fan. “Y/N?” he said, and you looked up. “Oh shit! Hi!” he said, shocked to see you. He leaned in and gave you a kiss, and the other boys clapped. “You are so shady” he said, and you laughed. “I just missed you” you said, before taking a seat front row to watch him rehearse. 

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