The Universe // Yoandri Cabre...

By awreeoh

14.8K 1.1K 1.5K

Sequel to The Stars he's cautious. she's explosive. More

1| Broken a Heart
2| Library
3| Parties & Kisses
4| You & I
5| I'll Help
6| Explantions
7| Wrong
8| Questions
9| Back Together
10| Said and Done
11| Impossible
12| Tell Me
13| Depressed
14| Bliss
15| Better
16| Want
17| Nightmares
18| Not Done Yet
19| Precious Moments (Part 1)
20| Precious Moments (Part 2)
21| Gonna Be Alright
22| Clingy
23| All My Love
24| Aroused
25| Alec
26| Your Place
27| Cold
28| Boom. Crash.
29| Newfound Joy
30| All of Me
31| Success
author's note
fifteen facts
Q&A-The Second Part

answers - The Second Part

175 11 5
By awreeoh

let us begin

first question

no particular order

just-Emily : what made yor create a wattpad account. S.N. love your work

Alisha: I was always emotional and I didn't really know how to express it until I fell upon this marvelous page. I wanted a way to show my feelings without people asking what is wrong with me all the time. It was honestly refreshing and I felt a feeling of liberation. Thanks my sugarplum 💙💙

champagnevelyn : to all of you: I love you, I love you Yoandri, I love you Angelia. :))

Yoandri: I love too, bella  😘

Angelia: You are one my faves. Love you too.

Joel: Hey, I love you more ❤️

mexican_pridestrong : To Yoandri :what did it feel to be a father?

Yoandri: honestly, it is the most beautiful and wonderful feeling. it is indescribable. holding the beautiful creation you made in your own arms, wow...its amazing.

mexican_pridestrong : To Angelia: how does it feel to be a mother?

Angelia: it is exhilirating. it is the most pure and amazing feeling that you can ever experience. when you hold the beautiful tiny humans in your arms, made out of pure love?...nothing beats that.

mexican_pridestrong : To Joel: how have u been? To the book writer: how does it feel to be awesome and make me die with all the cliff hangers? To all of you: how does it feel to be part if this awesome book?

Joel: ehh. my godchildren are absolutely beautifu-

Angelia & Yoandri: YOU TOLD THEM?!?!

Joel: ...shit

Alisha: I am not awesome, trust me. I DON'T WANT TO MAKE YOU DIE. PLEASE DON'T.

Joel: it feels weird but I love the characters. Wouldn't change it for the world.

Yoandri: I love them. especially my baby girl and boy, and my love.

Angelia: I love it. We are a family and I couldn't ask for more.

uracil_ : why is Angelia a mess

Angelia: I don't know. honestly. I blame Yoandri.

Yoandri: hey.

Angelia: sorry amor. 😚

uracil_ : whose the godmother

Angelia: Deandra. But Elektra and Eros need all you guys too. ☺️☺️

uracil_ : whose the godfather 🙃

Yoandri: Joelito. AND EVERYONE ELSE.

PrimeKealy : Will there be a third part ???????? 💖💘💞💕💓💗😭😭😭😭😭


this concludes the answers for the second Q&A.

this is the official end of this book.

it's been real guys.

till the next one.


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