The Wolf In The Moon (BoyxBoy...

By king-princess-

149K 7.2K 304

Book 2 to The Big Bad Wolf's Mate. Both Xander and his parent's (Alex, Henson) POV...they'll pop up now and... More

(Prologue) Nice to meet you, I'm Xander.
The Burden I Carry - Xander Pierce
Don't Bury Your Demons - Xander Pierce
A/N- Author's Note
Restoration in Process.. - Darius Payne
Nothing Can Save You From My Wrath!
Put Your Arms Around Me And I'm Home - Xander Pierce
What Is This?
What We Have - Darius Payne
Explosion Of Fury - Xander Pierce
Power Surge - Darius Payne
Our Goodbyes Are Knocking At The Door, But It's Too Soon
Can I Trust Myself To Cherish You?
We've Got It Figured Out.
Her Story.... - Darius Payne
Don't Try Me
Give It - Darius Payne

Soon...Soon enough

5.7K 315 24
By king-princess-

Darius P.O.V

There were some people coming over to see Xander.

They're Alex's Business partners and also his good friends.

"They're here!" .

I went and opened the door. There was a handsome man staring down at me.

"Hey, I'm Emit and this...." He gestured to a beautiful identical looking woman. "Is my twin sister Emily."

I looked him up and down. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. "You're his business partner?"

He laughed. "No, that's my Dad." Emitt jerked his thumb towards a car behind him. "He's coming, he sorta broke my mom's wheelchair. He's trying to fix it."

Well then. "Umm, come in."

Before he could make a step, a woman pushed past him. "Step aside baby bro. Ladies and elders first."

She stepped through the door. "Y'all have a nice place here."

"Thanks, uhh..."


"Darius, hun? Who's at the door?" I turned to Xander who looked tired but was putting in a smile.

"Friends of your dad's."  I walked over to Xander and placed my hand on his cheek. "Maybe you should go rest. You haven't been feeling well recently."

"I'm fine plus there's guest I should greet them."

"Excuse me coming through!"  An older version of Emit walked through the door carrying a smaller feminine man.

"I told you to let Emit take out the wheelchair but want to do it and you broke it. I don't even know how you broke it."

The older man looked ashamed. "I'm sorry Matt."

"You better be."

Matt looked over and saw me. "Oh, I'm sorry. Pardon my Manners. I'm Matt Elexander Peterson and this is my husband Zachariah Andrew Peterson. And that one back there is my baby boy Wyatt Scott Peterson."

"Dad I'm twenty I'm not a baby. I'm only four years behind the twins and five behind Manda."

"Whatever you say you're my baby."

Xander giggled. "I know how you feel. My dad, well Mom does the same thing."

"Where's Alex?"

"He's dealing with his husband whose kind of upset about the whole situation."

Matt sighed. His blue eyes clouded over."Poor Henson, it must be hard for him."

Xander looked sad but quickly smiled. "Who wants tea?" I linked the Omega's to bring tea.

Zach placed Matt on the seat next to Xander. And everyone else took a seat, after the Omegas brought out some tea. 

Matt was smiling at Xabder the whole time he was sitting there, sipping his tea.

"Matt is there a problem?" Xander asked.

"I know."

I was confused as I watched shock come across Xander's face.  "You-u-u-u doo? How?" He stuttered.

The rest of us were so confused as to what was going on.

"Um, mom I'm confused what are you guys taking about?" Wyatt asked.

Matt ignored Wyatt and continued to talk to Xander. "Do you see how many kids I have. I think I can tell the signs."

My eyes widened. I think I was staring to see where this was going.

"Babe, do you mean Xander is...?" Zach trailed off.

"Yup, Xander is pregnant."

My jaw dropped.

"What!" Alpha Alex yelled.

Oh, dear. I thought.

I could hear my wolf chuckle in my head.

'Ha, you did it now.'

'Shut up you.' I grumbled.

'Pfft, whatever good luck.'

" I don't assume you have any idea about this, Darius?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

Alpha Alex looked Angry. "So you had sex with my son?"

"Uhh, about that. It was the council they advised me to."

He still looked angry. "For some reason I don't believe you."

"Father, just let him off his once. I knew but I didn't tell him. So it's my fault."

Matt sighed. "Alexander give the kid a break."

"Matt, don't tell me how to govern my kid."

"Alex leave them alone, they're just trying to help and you're being an ass."

Alex sighed "Sorry. I'm just upset my 17 year old son is already pregnant." He pointed at me. "And with that old man's baby no less."

"I'm not old. I'm only 28 that's like only  11 years between us....ohh I see your point now." I mumbled.

Xander touched his stomach. "I don't care what my Father says I love our baby."

"Aww he reminds me of myself when I was pregnant with the twins." He sighed. "Although I was an asshole later on."

"You got that right." Zach said.

Matt glared at Zach. "Look who's going to have to graze in the lawn if he wants to eat dinner tonight at MY house."

"Come on Matt, stop being unreasonable."

"Leave me alone, Zachariah."

Xander was laughing at their whole argument as their kids rolled their eyes.

I smiled at Xander.

At least he's happy despite his condition.

That makes me worry less.


A/N - Author's Note

I have finished another update, although this one was meant mostly as a filler chapter.

I will update more often so look out for that.

P.s don't forget to vote and/or comment.


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