
By meastories

1.6M 35.9K 11.4K

"I don't know how you did it" He said with pain and frustration in his eyes "But you need to stop" I look at... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 18

28.9K 657 75
By meastories


"Wake up, love birds" I heard someone yell loudly while opening the curtains. I open my eyes slowly while stretching.

"Close the damn curtains" I heard a deep, sexy voice say. My eyes widened when I realized that I was on Xander's bed. I felt my cheeks turn pink. I can not believe that I just fell asleep on Xander's bed. "Lauren you look like a mess" David said while smirking "Was he good?" I felt my whole face turn red. "Shut up" I said, trying to sound tough but instead I sounded like a mouse. His laugh got louder which pissed Xander off. He grabs a random object beside his bed without looking and throws it at David.

"Aye!" David yelled while trying to dodge the object but failed. I chuckle while rubbing my eyes. "I wake you guys up in a nice way and this is how you repay me?" David scoffs "By yelling and trying to burn our eyes?" I asked while raising a brow. He sticks his tongue out and I do the same. I look at Xander who was watching us with amusement. "Go and get ready now, we got some illegal shit to do" I quickly look at him with wide eyes "What?"

"You were the one who wrote 'Do some illegal things', sweetheart" He said while smirking. "But I was just joking, I don't want to go to jail! My uncle will kill me if i-"

"Too late you guys better be ready in 20 minutes"

"20 minutes? we still need to take a bath and get ready! I need more time"

He started walking away "Save time and water, shower together!" He yelled


"What are we going to do?" I asked while rubbing my hands together nervously. We've been driving for ten minutes now but still David and Xander won't tell us where we're going and what we're going to do. "Are we going to rob a bank?" Andrea asked excitedly

"Both of you shut up and get the bag at the back" David said while parking the car infront of a huge house. The house looked nice and cozy. It had a nice wooden door, a newly painted mail box infront of their house and a clean garden. "I'll get it!" Andrea yelled and quickly goes out the car to grab the bag. David opens the bag and hands us different colors of spray paint, five trays of eggs, a huge box full of toilet paper, a medium size box full of tampons and two huge bottles of ketchup.

"Why do you have tampons?" I asked curiously. He ignores me and grabs a tampon then he opens the ketchup and puts ketchup on the tampon. All of us watch David with wide eyes while chuckling. After adding the ketchup, he smiles proudly and puts the tampon back. He started putting ketchup on all of the tampons. After two minutes, it looked like a box full of used tampons which made Xander look away because of disgust.

"What the heck are we going to do?" Andrea asked impatiently. "We're going to trash Mason Miller's house, that's what we're going to do" David said while smirking. "Who's Mason Miller?" I asked curiously. "The asshole who owes me a shitload of money but won't pay me back" David said while glaring at the house. "But what if he sees us? He's going to call the cops!" David laughs darkly "He doesn't have the balls to do that, trust me"

"I'm so in!" Andrea yells while clapping her hands. David looks at me waiting for an answer.

Do I really want to do this?

"Fine" I said while sighing. David was about to ask Xander the same question but Xander was already getting out of the car. David chuckles and grabs the huge bag then all of us goes out of the car. I look at the clean house and sighed.

"Let's do this"


I drop the spray paint and wipe the sweat on my forehead. I look at our masterpiece and smiled. "It looks awesome" I said while smiling proudly. David said the left side of the Miller's house needed some make over so we decided to draw and write some random things.

"Everybody say cheese" David yelled. I turn around and see that he was holding his phone out while smiling. We all smile while showing off our work.

"I'm so going to post this" David said while chuckling. "We should leave now before someone sees us" I said nervously. "We're not done yet, my love" David smirks and hands me a tray of eggs. Andrea grabs an egg and throws it at the Miller's nice wooden door.

"Hey! I liked that door!" I yelled. All of us started throwing eggs at random directions. After the eggs we started throwing tissues everywhere. David made sure the whole house was wrapped with tissue.

"And for the finale" He grabs the box full of tampons and grabs one then throws it at their clean garden. "You guys going to help me?" We all started grabbing some tampons at threw it everywhere. I started laughing hysterically when Xander grabs five tampons and puts it on Mason's rover that was full of egg shells and was also wrapped with tissue.

"Hey!" We heard a man's voice yell. We all look at the window and saw a very pissed off man. "Oh shit" Andrea whispered.

"Get in the car!" David yelled. We all started running for our lives. David starts the engine and started driving fast.

"That...." Andrea inhales "was fucking awesome!" She yelled and started laughing hysterically. After a few seconds we were all laughing hysterically. "Was that Mason?" I asked while laughing. "The one and only" David said while laughing hard. "Did you see his face? I thought he was going to explode!" I said while holding my stomach because I was laughing so hard. "You're a freaking devil, David" I said while patting his back. "Thank you very much" David winks and shakes his head while chuckling.

"Where do you girls want to eat? I need to repay you guys for helping me out" David asked. "Surprise us!" Andrea said.


After a few minutes David was already parking infront of an old looking diner. "They have the best burgers" David said before getting out of his car. When we entered the diner, the old woman behind the cashier immediately looks at David and Xander then smiles warmly.

"My boys" She said while smiling widely. Xander gives her a warm smile and kisses her cheek. "It's really nice to see you again, nana" My heart melted while watching both of them talk. Xander was so nice and sweet. The old lady looks at me and smiles which made me smile shyly. "Who is she?" She asked while looking at Xander. "She's our friend, Lauren"

"Hello i'm Lauren but you can call me ely" I said politely while smiling. "Hello my name is Beth but everyone calls me nana so feel free to call me nana"

"Same order?" Nana asked David and Xander while smiling. "Same order" Nana looks at me and Andrea. "What are you ladies going to order?"

"Um we're just going to order what the boys' ordered" Andrea said politely. Nana started writing our orders then we all walk to our table. "She's so nice" I said while sitting beside Xander because Andrea already took the seat next to David. "She's the grandma of everyone in this town, because she treats everyone like her own grandchildren" David said while chuckling "She's a very nice lady" I nod while turning around to look at Beth. She waves her hand while smiling at me. I return the wave and smile.

"She likes you" Xander said. I look at him confused "Who? Nana?" Xander nods and looks at me. "How do you know?" He shrugs "I've known her for more than five years, I know her well. I can tell if she likes the person or not. Believe me when I say she likes you, very much" I nod and smiled widely.

"I like her too....She reminds me of my grandma" I said gently. He just nods and looks at David and Andrea who were talking. I started playing with my hands nervously while trying to think of a topic.

"Did you get scared earlier?" I asked ramdomly. His attention goes back to me and I immediately regretted talking. His eyes never fails to make me nervous. "Why would I?"

"Well, that Mason guy just caught" He chuckles darkly and shakes his head. "I don't have enough energy in my body to care" He said darkly. "I won't go to jail right?" He looks at me for a long time "You won't" I sigh in relief but I was still nervous. "But what if he calls the cops and just blames it on me?" I asked stupidly while panicking. I knew that Mason wouldn't do that because first, he doesnt know me second, He didn't see me. Xander's answer made me melt inside and blush. It was simple but it meant a lot to me.

"I got you, don't worry. You're safe with me"

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