stone blue

By tamingalaska

418 44 33

those baby blue eyes I had known for years had suddenly turned in a storm, like stone, and all I could do was... More

p r o l o u g e
part one
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 |
Christmas Special
| 7 |
Part Two
| 13 |
part three
| 14 |
| 16 |
| 17 |
| 18 |
Part four
Thank you!

| 15 |

4 1 1
By tamingalaska

"What are you doing?" I hear from beside me. I slowly look up from the brim of my comforter at Tyson who's station me down.


"Oh really?"

"No." I smile. Tomorrow is our trip, to where I don't know he won't tell me. "You'll see when we get there." He keeps telling me but I'd rather figure it out sooner than later. It's been about a week since I found him with a needle wedged into his arm and the same night I found him in bed with another girl. He's promised me he'll quit, that's why we're going on vacation, I think he really wants to prove to me that it's over.

"Its 2am, you're nothing on a stay up til 9 are you?" Yes.

"No." I tell him. I'm too anxious to sleep so we both know that's a lie.

"Come here." His hands find my hips and he pulls me closer to his body, he's so warm, so hard not to twist sleeping between his arms.

"It'll be so much easier for you if you slept until it was time. You need an ambien or something?" He laughs.


"You need a good," his lips find the tenderness of my neck and he softly bites there. "fucking?"

I hiss at the way it rolls off his lips. I'm sure he could make anything sound sexy, even 6am church. His digits slowly trace my lips as he continues his suckle on my neck.

"Who do you belong to?" I bite my lips trying not to let out the whimper settled at the tip of my tongue, but when I don't respond his hand quickly moves to the tender spot between my legs. I yelp, tending u set his warm fingers. "Hmm? I asked you a question baby girl."

"You." I breathe out, catching my breath on the way they move in circles upon my underwear.

"I can't hear you."


"You're turn." These words ring in my ears minutes past the initial gunshot. My eyes are priced shut and the sound of the second body falling to the ground rings throughout the house. I'm too scared to see my brown haired boy sprawled out on the floor but when I look up its not him, it's Dean. His eyes are wide open staring at Gina beside me.

I can see the tears in his eyes but I can't tell if it's from the wound in his chest or the love of his life, dead beside me.

"Dean-" I manage to get out before Louis comes charging at him, knocking the gun out of his hand and across the room. It's falls to the ground and a third round fires off. I cover my ears, falling into my chest and crawl to Dean who's eyes become glossier by the second. His skin is cold and his body trembles under my touch.

This is all my fault.

"Dean I'm so sorry." I say softly into his cheek as I rest my head against his. I feel the last puff of air leave his mouth and then nothing.

He's gone.

I turn into my back, towards the fight going on just feet from me and watch as Theo grabs Louis by his throat and brings him to his knees, the blood immediately draining from my chest. Do I watch? Do I run?

"Enough of the games!" He screams, cracking the knots in his neck. He takes a few steps forward and puts it directly to his forehead.

"You want to make a speech, don't you?" Louis shakes his head, never taking his eyes from Tyson.

"You want to say goodbye, don't you?" He shakes his head again and I'm wondering what's going on? What is he planning.

"Bullshit!" He snaps, hitting him across the face with his gun. "You want to say something!"

"Just. Do. It." He orders and my hands start shaking. What the hell is he doing? He just killed two people, he'll kill you happily.

"Okay." Tyson smiles.

"Wait! I want to say something! I have something to say."

He turns to me quickly, glaring at me. "What?"

I slowly start to stand but he aims the gun back at me, so I stop where I am, licking eyes with him.

"What do I have to do."


"To not make you go through with this. What can I do. I'll go with you, I'll do anything."

"You'll come with me, huh?"

I nod, frantically, "yeah. Right now. We can go right now."

"You said that last time and a few days later here we are."

"I know, I know I said that but-" I'm stumbling over my words trying to keep the rest of my tears inside but I don't think it's possible.
I'm covered in Gina's blood and I just watched someone die on the floor, now as Tyson holds a gun to Louis' forehead I realize I'm out only hope of getting out of this alive.

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