Teen Wolf Preferences and Ima...

By pillowscreams

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Teen Wolf preferences and imagines about basically everything and message me for personal imagines. :) More

How you two meet
You're bestfriends and you realize that you like him
How he asks you out
How he asks you out (Isaac and Derek)
Where he takes you on your first date.
Where he likes to kiss you
What he does for your birthday
Favorite thing you do together
How he likes your hair
Your phone background
His phone background
Good night texts
I won't (Stiles Imagine)
You're sick/hurt
Cuddling with him
What you get him for his birthday
Autumn Leaves (Scott Imagine)
What are you guys for halloween
Studying with him
Tv show you watch together
Your name on his contacts
His name on your contacts
What you love about him
What your parents think about him
Theo Imagine for @erudessa_brielle
What you do for summer breaks
You're his bestfriend and he has a girlfriend
The Pack
Car rides
Clothing item you take from him
Who he trusts you with
He's jealous with
What you guys do for fun
Waking Up
Stiles Imagine for @HOLAwasup

Another guy likes you

345 5 0
By pillowscreams

Scott: Isaac

Isaac has been a little close to you but you don't seem to mind it. In your head, all you guys have is a totally platonic relationship but Isaac seems to be touchy nowadays. Since you guys have classes together, what he would do is he would always sit beside you, lean his head on your shoulder, play with your hand and stuffs like that. You're okay with it because you think of him as a big brother but what you don't know is that Isaac is starting to see you more than a friend and he's ready to do what it takes to get you from Scott.

Stiles: Derek

Derek has always been fond of you. Maybe it's because you're so clueless about what's happening that you always ask questions. He likes it, in fact he loves it about you. How you will furrow your eyebrows while you try to process whatever the hell he's explaining or whenever your eyes light up when you understand what Derek's trying to say. Some would be shocked at this because we all know how Derek is such a sourwolf and he's easily agitated but when it comes to you, he will pretend that he is irritated but he will answer your questions anyway. He knows that you have Stiles and he respects it but that doesn't mean he can't like you secretly, hoping that someday you would see him more than a sourwolf who likes explaining things to you.

Liam: Brett

Brett has always been your bestfriend. You keep no secrets from each other and he knows everything about you from when was your frist period down to your size when you guys go shopping together. You always do things together that it makes Liam worried that you may leave him for Brett. Brett told him that he's no threat to you and Liam's relationship but as he says these words, he can also hear his heart breaking.

Theo: Liam

Liam had been your first friend from your first day at school and you have always been together these days. You're actually relieved that you made friends with someone with the same age as you because your boyfriend Theo is a few years older than you and you kind of feel like a child when you're around his friends. And because of this, you and Liam are almost together the whole day at school. Some would even say that you two are a couple but you love Theo so much and Liam knows it. He knows how much you love Theo that he wishes that you could love him more than how much you love Theo.

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𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐊 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐄. all imagines are written BY ME. please do not steal OR repost my work on other apps such as ao3 and tumblr. if so, i will report...