True Love (Sequel to A Love S...

By rauralove_4227

206K 4.3K 1.3K

Sequel to A Love Story It's been 5 years since a pregnant Laura left LA for New York, after she found Ross ch... More

Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88 (Mature)
Chapter 89
Chapter 90 (Mature)
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
⊱ ♡ ⊰ Questions ⊱ ♡ ⊰
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122 (Mature)
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128 (Part 1)
Chapter 128 (Part 2)
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 132
Ending part 1
Ending part 2

Chapter 131

2K 50 30
By rauralove_4227

~~Few days later~~

Laura's POV

Ryder is being so fussy these last few days. He always cries whenever we wake him up for school. I think it's because of Rosalie crying in the middle of the night. I'm going to fix it. I'm going to ask Stormie if Ryder could stay at her house for a while.

Ross: I'm home.

Laura: daddy's home baby girl. (Ross walks in Rosalie's room)

Ross: hello my beauties (I giggle, Ross has been so happy since Rosalie was born)

He takes Rosalie and gives me a kiss.

Laura: Ross, we need to talk.

Ross: about?

Laura: Ryder.

Ross: I know, he wasn't really happy to go to school today.

Laura: we should let him stay at your parent's house for a while.

Ross: I agree, but its like kicking out our own son from the house.

Laura: I know, I feel bad, but it's for his own good. I don't like seeing my baby boy cranky and tired. He'll just sleep at their house and spend the day with us. (He nods)


Ross went to go pick up Ryder from school. I packed him an overnight bag. Ross and I already talked to Stormie and she's happy to have him over for a few nights. I hate doing this, but I have to do he won't be sleep deprived.

Ross: baby, we're home. (I go downstairs and see my two boys)

Laura: hi buddy, how was school

Ryder: ok.

Laura: did something happen?

Ryder: I'm tired mommy.

Laura: I'm sorry honey, I know Rosalie woke you up last night again. But you don't have to worry about it anymore

Ryder: why? You're getting rid of her?! (He says happily)

Ross and Laura: nooo

Ryder: oh (he frowns)

Ross: you're going to stay with grandma and grandpa for a few days.

Ryder: what? I'm not going live here anymore?

Ross: no, it's not like that. You're just going to sleep there so Rosalie won't wake you up. But you're still going to be here with us.

Ryder: oh (he yawns. Rosalie cries and Ryder groans)

Ross carries him and rubs his back. I go upstairs to get Rosalie while Ross takes Ryder to our room.

Laura: shh baby girl, it's ok mommy's here. (I carry her and take her to our room)

Ryder and Ross were on the bed. Ryder was playing with Ross's phone.

Laura: Ryder want to play with your sister?

Ryder: yeah. (I put her on the bed next to Ryder and I give some stuffed animals)

I sit on the side of the bed to make sure she won't fall. They were playing around, well Ryder was. Considering Rosalie is a few days old, she can't do much. Ryder just talked to her and named the stuffed animals.

It got quiet and I looked to my side and see my three babies sleeping. I giggle, but the cutest thing was Ryder and Rosalie sleeping together, Ryder was holding her hand.

Ross's POV

I wake up to see my parents and Laura in the room. I look to my side and see Ryder holding Rosalie's hand while they were sleeping. I smile at them.

Ross: hey guys.

Mark: let me guess, rough night? (I nod)

Ross: she woke up five times. I couldn't sleep.

Laura: speak for yourself, you were sleeping while I woke up to soothe her.

Ross: I'm sorry. I love you though (she laughs and playfully rolls her eyes)

Stormie: does Ryder know about the whole sleeping arrangement?

Ross: yeah, he thought we were going to get rid of Rosalie.

Mark: you were like that too Ross. You didn't particularly like Ryland when he was a baby.

Ross: who could blame me? He cried every second.

Stormie: that's true. (Rosalie starts to wake up and cries)

Ryder stirs and wakes up. Laura picks Rosalie up and clams her down. Ryder is cranky again.

Ross: sorry bud.

Ryder: daddy, I want to sleep.

Ross: you will. Grandma and grandpa are here to take you to the house.

Ryder: are you and mommy going to tuck me in bed tonight?

Ross: yeah, we'll be there to tuck you in.

Ryder nods. It was time for us to leave. Laura puts Ryder in his car seat while I was putting Rosalie in hers. We drive to my parents' house. Once we were there and we were inside, my mom took Rosalie from the car seat and played with her. She loves babies. Laura and I take Ryder up to my old room.

Laura: it still looks the same. (I smile)

Ryder: was this your old room daddy?

Ross: yes.

Ryder: why are there two beds?

Ross: that was your uncle Ryland's bed. We used to share a room. (He nods and jumps on the beds)

He gets to mine and lays down smiling. Laura giggles at Ryder. I chuckle of how silly he is.

Ryder: daddy, I like this bed. It's nice.

Laura: I know, it's really comfortable. (Laura climbs in next to Ryder. Ryder laughs)

Ryder: who's bed is this?

Ross: it's mine. (I say smiling)

Laura and Ryder were on the bed with big smiles on their faces. I jump on the bed and they laugh. I wrap my arms around Laura and kiss her temple. Laura brings Ryder into her arms.


I wake up from the sun shining in my face. I take a look around and I realized that I wasn't in our room. I was in my old room. I look next to me and see Laura with Ryder in her arms. I kiss Laura's head. She wakes up and has the same expression as I did when I woke up.

Laura: what are we doing here?

Ross: I think we fell asleep when we were laying down with Ryder. (She nods and yawns)

Laura: where's Rosalie?

Ross: I don't know, I'll go look and you wake Ryder up for school. (She nods and I go out of the room to find my baby girl)

I go downstairs to see my parents on the couch with Rosalie in mom's arms.

Ross: hey guys.

Mark: morning Ross.

Ross: morning, hi baby girl. (My mom gives me Rosalie)

Stormie: you guys were knocked out last night when I checked on you.

Ross: what did happen last night?

Stormie: I had Rosalie while you guys were upstairs tucking Ryder in bed. When I went up there, you guys were all snuggled up together asleep.

Ross: oh. Did Rosalie wake you guys up a lot?

Stormie: a few times, but it was fine. (Ryder and Laura come downstairs)

Mark: morning guys.

Laura: morning.

Ryder: morning grandpa.

Mark: let's go have breakfast kiddo.

Stormie: we should all get some breakfast.

Laura: I'll go feed Rosalie first. (Laura gets Rosalie from me and goes upstairs)

Laura's POV

I went up to Ross's old room to feed Rosalie. I sat down on the bed, I pulled my shirt down and I fed her. While I was feeding her someone came in the room. I gasped, I lift up a blanket quickly and covered Rosalie.

Ross: relax baby, it's just me. (He closes the door behind him)

I exhale and put the blanket down.

Laura: Ross, you scared me.

Ross: why? You know my parents would knock on the door. (I shrug and Rosalie pulls away. I fix my shirt and burp her)


We're now at home. I was waiting for Ross and Ryder to come back. Ross was picking him up, I stayed here with Rosalie. She's sleeping in her cradle swing, in the room while I take a shower. The bathroom door was wide open so I could hear her when she'd cry.

I step out of the shower and put my hair in a towel. I go in the room, and she's still asleep. I change to my clothes, I hear the front door close. Looks like they're here.


Ryder had dinner with us, then we went over to Stormie and Mark's house. We waited till he slept and went back home. When we got home we put Rosalie in her room, Ross and I had a mini make out session in bed. It didn't escalate to anything since I still wasn't healed properly. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

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