Mad or Hatter

By DiamondClark

865 42 34

Allison thought for a moment then continued, "When those...things attacked.....I saw looked differe... More

Chapter 1: The kidnapping
Chapter 2: The land of wonder.
Chapter 3: Gaurdian
Chapter 4: Threat
Chapter 5: Can't Stay
Chapter 6: Rage
Chapter 7: The Encounter
Chapter 9: Traitor
Chapter 10: To the Mountians
Chapter 11: All Hail the Queen! Part 1
Chapter 12: All Hail the Queen Part 2

Chapter 8: What is Gone

42 3 1
By DiamondClark

Allison took a step forward.

"A-Aden is that really you?" She put a shaky hand out.

Aden smiled, "Yes Allison. Its me."

"But y-you died a-and I-I saw you...." Allison was at a loss for words.

Aden chuckled, "Silly girl. You must have been dreaming again. Come on, you'll be late for supper again if we don't get going."

"Supper? Aden we- wait where are we?........" Allison looked around her.

The woods were gone and replaced with a large foyer.

"Sir, your mother is requesting your presence in the dinning hall." The butler, James told him.

"JAMES!" Allison ran forward and hugged the surprised butler.

"Um Uh Um....." James took a step back as Allison hugged him tightly.

"James, I'm sorry about all those pranks we pulled. I'm sorry for being a spoiled brat. I'm sorry about that time where me and Aden-"

"OK. Huggy reunion is over." Aden pulled Allison off the butler as James dusted off and straightened his suit and clearing his throat.

"Thank you miss for the kind apology, but I do not understand why." He said.

"You were shot and-wait a minute....Where are your scars?"

"Um.. excuse me?" James was completely confused.

"Silly girl. She must have been dreaming again." Aden took a step forward and grabbed a hold of her wrist.

"It wasn't a dream! It really did happen I swear!"

Aden chuckled, "Come on we gotta get going."

Allison was pulled forward as she tried to get out of his grasp.

"Aden, let me go. This isn't funny! Since when have you cared about being on time?" Allison jerked her hand free from his grasp and stood with her arms crossed.

Aden chuckled, "Oh Allison. You need to stop day dreaming and come back to reality. Today is moms birthday. Don't you remember? She is having a party."

"Wait." Allison took a step back. "Mom doesn't like parties."

Aden took a step towards her, "Perhaps she had a change of mind then."

Allison shook her head, "Who are you?"

He chuckled "Allison, what do you mean? I'm your brother."

She shook her head. "No."

Aden frowned, "Well that's not very kind Allison."

She took another step back, "Your not my brother. Something isn't right."

Aden snarled with his eyes now glowing red, "Now now Allison. Don't be like that. Let us go back to the house. I'm sure mom is waiting."


Aden shook with anger and jumped at Allison.

Allison threw up her hands and closed her eyes waiting for impact, but it never came.

Slowly opening her eyes, she was greeted by trees. She was back in the woods.

Her cheeks were wet from tears. She stopped one as it made its way down her cheek and wiped the rest of them off.

Something broke off from her feet and fell on the ground.

She bent down to look at it and found that it was dried up vines. She picked one up and it withered away with the wind.

Watching it blow away, her eyes landed on another figure in front of her.

"Hatter?" She quickly stood up and walked over to him.

His face was consorted in pain and his eyes were glazed over.

"Hatter?" Allison shook his shoulder, but he didn't respond.

A tear fell from his eyes and Allison became worried.

"Hatter!" She shook him harder but he still didn't move.

She looked around for a moment when her eyes landed on the vines wrapped around his ankle and arm. She went to pull them off, but as she touched them, visions of her brother face filled her mind.

Quickly letting go, she shook her head and cleared out her thoughts.

Looking around again, she saw the Hatters sword and quickly pulled it out.

Lining it up, she swung it down and cut both vines at the same time.

The Hatter snapped awake with a gasp and fell forward.

As it just so happens, Allison was there in front of him, so he fell on top of her as they both hit the ground.

Allison laid in shock with a gasping Hatter on top of her.

Slowly pushing himself off, the Hatter looked down at Allison and smiled.

"Seems this is the second time we've been like this." He said still gasping for breath.

Allison rolled her eyes trying not to blush again, "Just move all ready."

The Hatter stood up with a grin and helped Allison to her feet.

"Well I see you two got out alright." Marc walked over to them glaring at their hands.

Allison looked down and noticed that the Hatter was still holding her hand. She quickly pulled it away.

The Hatter glared at Marc.

"What was that?" Allison asked.

"Not sure. I've never seen them before. It seems as if they read your mind and show you images of people that have passed away." Marc answered.

"Ya." The Hatter looked away gloomily.

"Anyway, we better get going if we want to make any distance before night fall. There is no telling how many hours we've spent here."

Allison and the Hatter nodded in agreement before following after him.

"Hey Allison."

"Ya?" Allison looked up at the Hatter.

"Thank you." the Hatter kept looking forward.

"Um....your welcome." Allison looked back down at where she was walking.

They walked for several more hours until Marc stopped them.

"It'll be dark soon. We'll camp here for the night and begin walking again in the morning."

Allison plopped down next to a tree and pulled out her head phones. Her feet were aching from the long walk and she needed to relax.

She clicked play and the first song was 'In The End' by Linkin Park.

'(It starts with one)

One thing I don't know why

It doesn't even matter how hard you try

Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme

To explain in due time

(All I know)

Time is a valuable thing

Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings

Watch it count down to the end of the day

The clock ticks life away

(It's so unreal)

Didn't look out below

Watch the time go right out the window

Trying to hold on but didn't even know

I wasted it all just to watch you go

I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart

What it meant to be will eventually be a memory of a time when...'


"Huh? oh, hey..." Allison pulled out her head phones as the Hatter sat down next to her.

"Sooooo..........How do those work?" He asked her, nodding to her head phones.

"What these? Umm......Honestly I'm not sure." Allison grinned, "My brother set it up for me and all I really do is just click this button and let it play."

"Ah so your brother must be a sorcerer then."

"Ha! He'd love that." Allison shook her head, "But it wouldn't matter now, would it?" She asked more to herself more than anyone.

"So.....your brother seems like a pretty cool guy."

"Ya. He was." Allison smiled sadly at the ground.

"Was? -Oh! oh....." The Hatter noticed her sad expression and got quiet.

Allison chuckled, "You know, your like him in a way."


"Ya. Your annoying."


"But sweet."

The Hatter blushed. "I doubt that."

Allison smiled and lean her head against his shoulder, "Ya, most of us say that."

The Hatter flinch at her sudden touch but slowly relaxed.

"I wonder if its worth it."

"What?" The Hatter looked at her worried.

"I mean, If the whole point in life is to live for your happiness, what do you do when you lose it?"

"He meant that much huh?"

"I just don't understand."

The Hatter leaned his head on top of hers, "I guess if we were suppose to understand everything......... then there would be no adventure to life...... No...... taking a chance and finding something new....... No...... meeting new people."

Allison gave a small smile and wrapped her arm around his. "Ya, That would suck wouldn't it."

The Hatter grinned back, "Yes, yes it would." he said grabbing her hand.


Hey guys sorry about the slow update life is a mad house.

Anyway, you guys are amazing for reading my story and I'd ;love to hear about what you guys think about it.

Don't forget to vote and comment!!! Oh and PM me if you have any request for the story.

HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! (To all the American readers anyway) ;)


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