My Life As The Devil's Daught...

By MusicLoverSWS

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[Book 1]Celine is the Devil's daughter, but wants nothing more then to be normal. Have a normal life, but she... More

My Life As The Devil's Daughter
Chapter #1 ~ New School~
~ Pranks, Boy's, and Payback~ Chapter # 2
Chapter # 3 ~ Mixed Feelings~
Chapter # 4 ~ Who is she?~
Chap # 5 ~ Deade~
Chapter # 6 ~ Caleb~
Chapter # 7 ~ Hard Decision's~
Chapter # 7 {Part 2}
Chapter # 8 ~ I Love You~
Chapter 8 {part 2}
chapter # 9 ~ Shopping~
Chapter # 10 ~ Truths, and Pain~
Chapter # 11 ~Seduction Time~
Chapter # 12 ~ Swimming ~
Chapter # 12 pt. 2
Getting out of Hell~ # 13
Chapter 15 pt 2

Chp. # 14 ~ Play Time~

2.9K 79 3
By MusicLoverSWS

Hey everyone, happy holidays!!! I had mine over the weekend and I managed to write this chapter *warning* hints of sexualness in this chapter~  anyway, just wanted to make sure you know that~ Its mostly just kissing and a little playfullness. Also, I'm starting to see this story coming to an end. If you would like more then maybe 5 more chapter till the end let me know, with votes and comments~ Also if you would like check out my new story Blackstone Society~~

Chapter # 14

 Caleb had gone to hell looking for me, but how would he be back shortly? Had he found Arlene, and his father knew she would help him? Or what? I wanted to know what was happening, I was out of the loop, after all I had been stuck in hell. I walked into my bedroom to hear my ipod in its dock going off reminding me about something. I walked over to it, to see it says that the dance is tonight, is that even possible? Or did I loose a day or something? It should be Friday, the day of the football game. Sighing I glanced back to my closet, I had missed Caleb’s game. Did he even play? Wait! Caleb said the game was on Sunday, hadn’t he?
 Slam, went a door, and I walked into the living room area to see Caleb sighing. I went over and hugged him as fast as I could and he pulled his arms around me. It felt so right to be back here, and in Caleb’s arms. After a couple seconds Caleb pulled away and I looked at him as he slowly got down on one knee. What was he doing? Couldn’t he tell all I wanted to do was be in his arms?
 “ Celine Sophia Natas, would you do me the honor of becoming my bride?” What? I looked at Caleb as he slowly pulled out a tiny box, with a beautiful diamond ring, with silver instead of gold. I couldn’t believe he picked now as the right time to propose to me, but I honestly didn’t care. I love him, and he obviously loves me.
 “ Of course!” I shouted, and as I did he slipped the ring on my finger and I pushed my lips to his and couldn’t help thinking this was the best time of my life. The only thought in my head was about Caleb and how much I loved him. Caleb broke the kiss with a smile on his face.
 “ We do have a dance to go to tonight, unless of course…” Caleb said and I walked to my room closing the door behind me before he could finish his sentence. I slipped on my dress, and walked to the bathroom door by my room and quickly began doing my hair. Simply curling it was fine, but I added some black bobby pins with flowers, to make it look more interesting. Then a simple natural make up look. I went back into my room and put the jewelry my mom had given me to wear on, along with some black heals. Looking over into the mirror, the outfit fit, and I looked fine. Sighing happily I walked back to the living room to see Caleb in a tux and he looked super hot.
 Caleb stared at me as soon as he realized I walked into the room, and murmured, “ You look amazing,” Without his eyes leaving me. Walking over by him, I smiled, and he slowly got up.  Collecting himself as he did so thankfully, “ Shall we go down to the dance?” Caleb asked and I nodded, allowing him to put his arm around me as I looked down at my finger to see his beautiful ring. Well mine, but I came from him, less then a hour ago.
 “ Yea, I’m ready to get it over with, so we can have some alone time,” I replied, and Caleb looked at me before chuckling a bit. We walked through the rooms, finally making it to the elevator. I had no idea where the dance was, most dances were held in the gym, but I had never made it to gym so I had no idea where the gym even was.
 Sooner rather then later we approached a big crowd and some guy ran up to Caleb, “ Bro! You made it, and with the lovely Celine by your side. It rather nice to finally meet you, I’m Jace,” Jace said holding out a hand and I smiled awkwardly and I put my hand in his and he slowly brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. I shared a nervous glance with Caleb, who shrugged.  Emma walked over and looked at Jace.
 “ Come on Jace, lets go in, I want to dance,” Emma said, and I looked at her, she was dating a good guy? Interesting. Unless of course Jace wasn’t good, which very well could have been because Caleb was friends with other demons. I mean he is dating me.

~ Next day~

 Homecoming was a lot of fun, of course it seamed like a normal school dance. Except for everyone was dressed up, it was my first homecoming, obviously. I was so exhausted Caleb had to carry me up to our room and we ended up both sleeping in my bed, which was nice. It didn’t really matter anyway considering we were engaged. What’s so wrong about sleeping with your fiancé? Oh that’s right, nothing. Unless you count the fact that he snores, just kidding. I woke up to find myself in his arms, and never have I felt better. Laying there, just for a while, just until he woke up.

 Caleb, Celine I have a mission for you. Unfortunately, we were woken up by the sound of his fathers voice. Sure he had helped us, and I was grateful but he had to ruin the moment. I need you to find a woman named Josephine Herols. Convince her to come here with you, and welcome her to this school. For she is a daughter pure, of a lost angel. After that I looked at Caleb, who shrugged before slowly laying his head back down on the pillow. I found myself laying back down in his arms, not really caring about finding this Josephine. We could start at a later time, I mean it only… glancing at the clock, noon, wait noon? Its already noon, wow, maybe it is time to get out of bed. Why though? Why leave Caleb’s arms?

 “ Time to get up love,” Caleb murmured in my ear, sighing I felt my legs betray me and get up. Caleb had also managed to get out of bed, walking over to his room to change. I found some jeans and threw on a sweatshirt, it would be fine for finding this Josephine girl.

 “ Caleb can you make me some coffee?” I shouted, turning on my ipod, but then deciding to turn it off and go sit on the couch. Which might I add was no where near as comfortable as Caleb’s arms.

 “ How about I take you to Starbucks on the way to California?” Caleb asked, and I looked at him, a puzzled look crossed my face as I tried to figure out how her knew where this girl was. Nodding though, Starbucks was perfect. I loved the doubly chocalately chip frappe. Just by the name Starbucks made me think about how amazingly yummy it is.

 “ Oh, silly me, I forgot to tell you I can track people when needed,” Caleb said, before shrugging and grabbing a bag of cheese popcorn. Then he walked over to the first door, slipped his shoes on and looked at me. Sadly, I got up and slipped my shoes on, then slowly followed him out the door. Out the rest of the doors and to his car, he grabbed his phone and texted someone quickly, before quickly starting the car.

 “ How could you forget to mention something like that?” The words came out of my mouth before I even could process what he had told me. How could you just track someone by knowing their name? It didn’t even seem logical, but I guess I shouldn’t be one to talk. I mean, who gets dragged, stuck, and brought back from hell all without dying? Answer, me the daughter of the Devil. Apparently anyway, because that’s exactly what has been happening to me lately.

 “ It didn’t exactly come up, how do you think I knew where you had gone?” Caleb asked me, my eyes roamed the side of his face trying to figure out what to say. It was kind of true, its not exactly a normal conversation topic. Its not like Caleb’s just going to mention the fact he can tract people just by their names.

 “ Sorry, I wasn’t really thinking it just surprised me to hear that,” I apologized and relaxed into the seat of Caleb’s car, then grabbed the bag of cheese popcorn and slowly opened it. I grabbed a couple pieces and put the each delicately in my mouth, while savoring each bite.

 Most of the rest of the ride was quiet, not much went on after we got my Starbucks. We listened to my ipod, and when it died we switched to his ipod. Which had okay music, the music was normal for a guy. It was rock, and I loved rock but it didn’t have the depth and variety that mine did. It had a lot of music that I knew, some I didn’t like, and some that were just plain awful. Obviously I skipped those songs, to the best of my ability. Of course there were a few that Caleb cried out ‘ this is one of my favorite songs, it my car, leave it on.’ sadly I couldn’t argue with that. For it was all true. For the rest of the ride I relaxed, and tried to drown out Caleb’s horrid play list. Which he insisted I put on for him, I had plugged my ipod in the charger and when his died I was going to switch them. No doubt about it, I couldn’t wait till it died.

 Sleep overwhelmed a couple minutes later, and I woke up to Caleb’s large arms shaking me. Before I opened my eyes I felt him kiss me. I quickly opened my eyes and kissed him back, pleasure filling me. Just as his kiss came to a stop I smiled, and looked at him.

 “ We are here sleepy head,” I looked out the window to a condo, the were blinds on the window and I saw my apartment across the street. The girl we were looking for lived right across the street from my old apartment, that just weird. How could she just live across the street from me, and I never noticed? I should have known she lived here! I could always tell when a supernatural was near by. Unless they were protected, which meant Caleb’s father had to have protected her until now. It’s the only person who could have protected her from my radar, if that’s what its called. I’m not really sure what to call it

 “ Home sweet home,” I murmured to the point I thought no one would hear, then I walked up to the condo. I rang the doorbell, and a girl about our age opened the door. “ Hello, I’m Celine, I live across the street. I was wondering if my fiancée and I would be able to talk to you,” Caleb looked at me and she nodded allowing us to come in.

 “ Who sent you?” Josephine asked us, and I looked at her. “ Oh don’t give me that look, I know who both of you are.  I also know that you really did live across the street Celine. Of course your father sent you away didn’t he?” I looked at her, what could she do? See someone’s past, read minds, or what? “ I can read your mind, Celine, besides why wouldn’t you have known I lived across the street? Oh, right because I blocked you. Now Caleb here, I didn’t know I needed to block him.”

 “ If you can read my mind, you know why we are here,” I replied and she looked at me, nodding. “ Well?” I asked her, and she shook her head no. Great, perfect! We come all the way here, only for her to say no. “ Okay, whatever, if you change your mind we’ll be in my apartment for the rest of the week,” I told her pulling Caleb out of her house, I waited over by his car, for him to unlock the doors and drive over to my apartment. It’s a good thing I bring my keys everywhere I go, not but I know where my extra key is.

 Pulling my phone from my pocket I called Amy, she picked up and answered in a perky, “ Hey, what’s up!”

 “ Hey, Amy would you be able to give upon my apartment for me? I stopped by in town for a surprise and forgot my key,” I answered her perky question, unfortunately the question she asked every time I called, but she was my best friend and neighbor.

 “ Sure no problem I’ll be over in two,” Amy said and Caleb started driving and parked next to my apartment. I got out and he followed me to the door. Amy was already waiting for me by the door, and had the door open. She ran over and gave me a hug, then looked at Caleb. “ Who’s this?”

 “ Amy, meet my fiancée Caleb, Caleb this is my best friend Amy,” She looked at him before pushing us both inside my apartment, I looked at it. My apartment was cleaner then I had left it, and I saw my father sitting in it. I mentally cursed myself for being this stupid, of course, the minute I left school he would have noticed my absence and come looking for me.

 “ Thank you Amy, you may leave now,” My father said, and she left quickly, and the I walked closer to Caleb. He put his arms around me securely. “ Now Celine, would you mind telling me how exactly you just left? Oh, don’t forget to add the part of why you left. I’m sure your fiancée would love to here.”

 “ He already knows, besides cant you tell that I want nothing to do with you? I want to spend the rest of my life with Caleb! I want you lo leave me alone, cant you see that? Your only ruining our relationship, if that what I could even call you being my father that. You once cared about me, now, all I can feel is hatred for you. You don’t care, there’s only two people who do. Caleb and my mother, she never betrayed me the way you did,” I paused, “ So why don’t you just leave, you don’t care about my best interests like a normal father, so I don’t want anything to do with you,” I shouted, Caleb’s grip on me tightened. Suddenly my father just disappeared, but I heard in my head something I would never forget.

 You may have won this time daughter, but I will get you.

 Which scared the hell out of me, this is my father the devil. He is completely evil, who knows what he would do? Especially when he is as mad as he is now, what would he do?

 “ You can open your eyes now love,” Caleb said, and I felt myself laying on a bed. My bed. I opened my eyes to see Caleb laying next to me, in my apartment on my bed.

 “ Did, that really happen?” I asked Caleb, and he nodded a simple yes. I looked at him before haring a knock on my door, slowly I got up and found Josephine outside my door.

 “ Josephine, come on in,” I made out opening the door, Caleb looked at me. Then he looked at Josephine, “ Josephine, why did you hide yourself from me?” I asked her, and she shrugged.

 “ I guess I should tell you who I am, my name is Josephine Herols. Of course you already knew that, but what you don’t know is that I am just like you. I am both half angel and half demon, which is probably why your father sent you to find me. See, as we are half and half we can have many different powers. Powerful ones at that, and both sides try and use them for there gain. That’s why I hid myself to you Celine, I had no idea that you were one of us. The secret few, we call ourselves. Most of us are dead, for we do not like to pick sides, few of us our slaves. Most hide, like me, of course you two don’t have to only you and your parents know the truth. Celine, has figured out how her father only wanted her for her power, who she happened to be. Yet, he knows she could easily defy him because she is more powerful then he is. Celine’s father is afraid of you two being together because if you are, you two are the most powerful couple in the world. Of course you two are destined to be together, my friend saw the prophecy itself. She saw it, and then she wrote it.” Josephine said sitting down in the reclining chair, “ So if that doesn’t tell you, why I wont go, the nothing will. I can help you, but I refuse to go to that school,” Josephine told us and I looked at Caleb.

 “ Perhaps we could help you, if you come with us, we wont tell anyone who you are. No one would question us,” I told her, and Caleb nodded, “ We are he highest there, not even the principal would say anything if we told them not to,” I added, and Caleb squeezed my hand.

 “ You sure?”  Josephine asked and I looked at her, nodding.

 “ Sure if you want Caleb and I could share a room and you could join us in our suite,” There wasn’t a much better name for our room, and suite seemed to fit it better. She nodded, and I smiled, “ Then its settled, let us know when you are ready to leave,” I told her, and she nodded before leaving the apartment. 

 I looked over at Caleb, and I kissed him, he was shocked at first but then he started to kiss me back. “ Gosh I love you,” Caleb said in between a kiss.

 “ Lets play a game,” I murmured in his ear seductively.

 “ What game?” Was his husky reply, I sat up eagerly. The looked at him, and then pulled his shirt off, after all he had asked a question.

 “ Whoever asks a question has an article of clothing taken off by the other parson,” I paused, “ So the objective is to get the other person to ask the questions,” I smirked cuddling into his hard chest, and smiled.

 “ Hmm, I kind of like this game,” Caleb said, and I smiled. Then he kissed me and my mind filled with puzzlement why was he kissing me?

 “ What are you doing? Who said kissing was part of the game?” I asked him and then I realized my mistake, it was a fatal one. I had just asked two questions. I felt Caleb pull off my shirt and tank top, and I kissed him.

 “ No one, but it worked,” Caleb replied in between our kisses.

 “ Oh my goodness! I leave to get packed and you two are already getting it on?” Josephine’s voice came from the cracked door, and she quickly opened it, walked in and shut it. I grabbed my shirts and slipped them back on, as did Caleb with his shirt.

 “ Sorry, Josephine we didn’t expect you back so quickly. We were just playing a game,” Caleb said, and I snuggled back onto him. She looked at us confused, and I sighed. It was just a game I came up with to look at Caleb’s hot body, I thought. She shuddered and looked away. I started laughing and so did Caleb, he was probably thinking about it in the same way.


End of chapter #14 (:

Hope you enjoyed it!!

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