Underneath The Same Sky (Luke...

By dcandels

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they never knew that they would need each other so much. this story is being edited to make it better, not ma... More

Chapter 1: Does Calum Hood live here?
Chapter 2: Short for Theodora
Chapter 3: Awkwardness and Ice Cream
Chapter 4: Great. Just great.
Chapter 5: Save the Last Seat for Me
Chapter 6: Don't ever leave your buddy
Chapter 7: You'd still fall
Chapter 8: Cherrapunji Mysteries
Chapter 9: Again
Chapter 10: Twist
Chapter 11: Like the Movies
Chapter 12: Finally!
Chapter 13: You what?!
Chapter 14: Bus
Chapter 15: the F word
Chapter 16: Strange
Chapter 17: The Substitute Project
Chapter 19: Sounds good
Chapter 20: Does that mean I get an A for your test?
Chapter 21: Wait, did I just say that??
Chapter 22: Perfect
Chapter 23: Dummies
Chapter 24: So which one requires less energy?
Chapter 25: Friday night
Chapter 26: Nicholas Sparks
Chapter 27: Epiphanies and Cookies
Chapter 28: Remedial Classes
Chapter 29: F&O
Chapter 30: Problem
Chapter 31: We need a break
Chapter 32: Package for Teddy Aspen?
Chapter 33: White balloons or yellow?

Chapter 18: I Just Don't Get It

2.2K 32 9
By dcandels

Chapter 18: 

Luke’s POV


I picked up my bag from the floor and was out of the room in a flash.

That was History class. I really don’t like History. I mean, it’s in the past can we let it go now?

 I’ve been failing my quizzes and I’m kinda glad because the news still hasn’t reached my parents yet. They would make me stop playing in the band if I keep this up but history’s not just my strong point.

“Hey Luke! Try out for the softball team!!” my friend Jake handed me a flier for the softball team.

I smiled at Jake and didn’t say anything. As much as I like to play sports, I think I will only be focusing on music in the meantime. And History too.

It was already fifth period and I only have two classes to go. I decided to just skip music class, since all we do there is practice our pitch and stuff. We do that all the time during band practice and sometimes I just strain my voice whenever I attend music class.

I was on my way to my dorm room and the halls were now deserted when Principal Turner caught me going the other way.

“Mr. Hemmings?”

I slouched then stood up straight. Principal Turner also known as Hawkeye. He doesn’t shoot arrows but he has the eyes of the Hawk.

“Yes, Ha-, I mean, yes, Principal Turner?” I turned around and faced him. He was wearing his usual blue suit and red and white stripes and his hair was pushed back with lots of gel. He kinda looks young to be a principal.

“Where are you going, Mr. Hemmings?” he inquired, his voice booming.

I tried not to cringe and answered him, “uhm to class, sir.”

“What class is that?”

“Music Class”

“You are going the wrong way! Your music class is on the third floor, Mr. De Leon.” He explained.

Mr. De Leon? Last time I checked, Mr. De Leon’s talent was mental computation but I didn’t know he could sing, let alone teach a music class.

“Do you want me to bring you there?” the principal asked, breaking my thoughts.

I shook my head, “it’s okay. I’ll find my way there.”

“Run along now.” He ordered then watched me go the other way to the music class.

I trudged my way to the third floor so when I get there the class would be over. If I couldn’t put effort into music class when Ms. Travers is the teacher, I’m probably not gonna do anything with Mr. De Leon as substitute.

I made it to music class, unfortunately.

I pretended that I was running so I could give an excuse to Mr. De Leon if he asks me.

I opened the door and heard noise and saw Mr. De Leon leaning on the wooden desk, smiling then he turned to me.

“Luke! You’re late! I know I’m just a substitute but that’s no way to treat my class. You’re half an hour late, Hemmings.” Mr. De Leon boomed. Sometimes Mr. De Leon can be so dramatic. I’ve only been late to his class thrice this month.

But I was actually preparing for this. Mr. De Leon was not the first to teacher to raise their voice at me.

“I’m sorry Mr. De Leon but apparently nobody remembered to remind me that our Monday Music Class is now a Wednesday Music class.”  I reasoned out, saying my scripted line.

Actually, I know about the change but I couldn’t care less since I decided to skip it but it didn’t work out.

“Well, that problem is solved but you have another one, I just assigned a task to everyone and they have partnered up, I believe you have to do this assignment alone.” Mr. De Leon said, trying to hide his sarcasm and smile.

What the heck is he talking about? He’s just a substitute and he’s giving out assignments already?!

“That sucks. I hate working alone. That means I really have to put effort in this.” I frowned. I would have said something rude or a bad word but I couldn’t afford another detention.

 “Uhhm, Mr. De Leon, I don’t have a partner. Everyone partnered up already.” A voice interrupted.

I looked to where the voice came from and saw Teddy standing with one crutch.

Mr. De Leon looked disappointed at the moment but then he smiled, “Luke, this is your lucky day.”

Then I grinned at Mr. De Leon and Teddy.

“Teddy, fill this latecomer about our new assignment.” Mr. De Leon shooed us away.

Teddy walked ahead of me and to the back of the classroom.

“So what’s the new assignment?” I asked Teddy as I sat down across from her. Everyone around us were already talking and they all looked excited. This is probably a good assignment if it got everyone talking.

“We’re supposed to do a mash-up or remix from two different songs.” She explained.

Wow, this is gonna be good.

I was about to suggest to her this song that I have been listening to a few days when a girl walked over at us.

“Hi Luke. And uhh hi..”

Teddy was about to introduce her name when I said “her name’s Teddy.”

“Yeah. Right. Teddy.” The girl smiled. I think I know this girl. She’s from one of my classes, what’s her name again? Jenny? Nope. Jessica? Nah. Josie! Yeah, I got it! Josie is in one of my classes.

“So Teddy, do you mind if we switch partners, you know, my partner here is Roland and he is very good. He’ll even do the entire assignment for you.” Josie proposed.

What does she think she’s doing? Can’t she see that we are already discussing here?

“Uhh, sure. Is it okay for Roland though?”  Teddy replied hesitantly.

What?! Teddy is giving me away already??

“Oh goody! Roland doesn’t mind! Roland, I’d like you to meet your new partner!” Josie called over to this guy, Roland.

A nerdy guy with glasses and tweed jacket clumsily walked towards us.

“Hi. I’m Roland!” he greeted us. Roland’s voice kinda reminds me of a squeaky toy.

Teddy smiled warmly at him.

“Teddy, Roland. Roland, Teddy. Your new partner for this assignment.” Josie declared.

“No” I exclaimed then stood up.

Josie, Teddy and Roland stared at me with their mouths open wide.

“I’m sorry Josie but Teddy and I are already onto something. It’s a good idea that’s why we can’t just throw it away.”

Roland looked relieved and frightened at the same time.

Josie looked defeated. “Oh”

“So if you’ll excuse me, I’m just going to continue this project. With Teddy.”

With that, Josie just smiled weakly, murmured something and dragged a somewhat reassured and worried Roland.

I sat back down on my chair and faced Teddy. She was busy fiddling with her notebook.

“What was that, Teddy?” I asked her in the calmest way.

Teddy looked up, “I thought it was fine with you”

“Fine with me? You didn’t even asked me if I wanted to switch” I don’t even know why I was interrogating her. I just felt like this should be done.

“But wouldn’t you rather do an assignment with Josie? I heard she’s really good”

Sometimes I just don’t get Teddy. I’m her partner already and why would she want to exchange partners, no offense to Roland or anything.

“Yeah but Josie isn’t my partner.”

Teddy didn’t respond but she sighed.

But I wasn’t finished yet. “Besides, I want to know if you’re good.” Then I smiled at her.

That got her smiling but it was only a quick one because the bell rang right then and there.

Teddy collected her things and stuffed them in her backpack and grabbed her crutches.

“I’ll be going now. Don’t wanna be caught in traffic.” She joked as she made her away through the jungle also known as our classroom.

I grabbed my backpack and followed her, “What’s your next class?”


I frowned, “that sucks. Is it okay if I just drop you there? Ms. Jameson hates my guts!”

She looked started and said, “No it’s okay, Luke. You’re going to be late for your next class and for sure that teacher will hate your guts!”

“That’s such a convincing offer but I’ll take my chances. I’ll carry your backpack” I told her as I took the hanging backpack from her arm.


Teddy’s Pov:

“This is the last plate. Do you mind if I have it? I promise to let you have it the next time we share the last piece.” The cute little freshman girl in a sundress asked.

It was dinner time and we both ordered the last plate of lasagna.

“Okay. I’ll just have the vegetable ravioli.” I both said to the freshman and the lunch lady who was waiting for us.

“Finally!”The lunch lady muttered under her breath then handed me the plate of vegetable ravioli.

I smiled and thanked her and paid for my dinner.

I walked to the nearest table so I could sit down with my crutches.

I got my orange juice from my bag and waited for Roxette who told me that she wants to eat dinner with me.

“Hi. Sorry, I’m late.” Roxette arrived clad in a shirt a size bigger than her size and denim shorts. She looks like she’s ready for the beach.

“Hi. They ran out of lasagna.”

“So that’s why you’re eating that.” She made a face at my ravioli.

“how was your day?” I asked her as I dug my fork into the ravioli.

“Just okay. Kinda boring. It sucks, our music class isn’t paired up together. I get the Wednesday morning class.”

“That’s alright. Who’s your substitute?”  I was dreading that she might bring up the music class topic.

I’m dreading it because I have no intention of telling the ‘Luke and Josie incident’ to Roxette or she might cause a ruckus.

“Mrs. Karp. And she just gives us free time.”

I nodded. I really don’t wanna talk about music class. I’m hoping Roxette wouldn’t ask me about it.

“You’re awfully quiet. What happened?” she asked.

“I’m just tired.” I smiled weakly at her.

“Oh, you really should relax sometime. So how was music class?”

“Well, we have Mr. De Leon.” I told her only the details that wouldn’t interest her.

“Oh yeah? I heard he gave your class a special assignment. I hope Ms. Karp would think up something like that. What was your assignment?”

I really don’t feel comfortable. “We have to do a mash up or a remix”

“That’s awesome! Are you going to do it alone? May I help? I found this awesome YouTube cover!”

“It’s a partner thing, but of course, I can always need your help” I grinned at her.

“Really? That’s awesome! Who’s your partner? Is he cute? Do I know him? Or is it a she?”

I chortled. “I’m telling Michael that you want my partner.”

Roxette pouted. “No I don’t. Michael’s all I need.”

I patted myself mentally. I am so good in changing subjects.

Now I can eat my ravioli in peace.

But that peace only lasted for a second.

“So are you going to tell me who your partner is?” she asked leaning on the table with her elbows and her hands on her chin.

I sighed. “It’s Luke”

“Luke Powell? Or is it Luke Johnson?”

“How many Lukes do you know?” I laughed at her.

Then Roxette widened her eyes like an owl that saw a ghost. “Hemmings?!”

I nodded and shoved a forkful of ravioli down my mouth.

“He’s in your class? Oh my god, you’re so lucky!”

“It’s just for the meantime.”

“Yeah. But Luke’s in a band. He can do the whole assignment for you!!” she squealed making people from other tables stare/glare at us.

I frowned at Roxette. “I’m not going to make him do the entire assignment!” What is it with people telling me that someone would do the whole assignment for me? Am I really that talentless?

“I know. I’m just telling you the things you can do with Luke. So have you guys thought of something awesome to blow your classmates away?”

“I don’t know. I’m no genius in that field. I guess I’ll just go with whatever Luke wants.”

Roxette exaggerated a gasp “Women are not supposed to be the inferior, Teddy. At least come up with something. You know, make a stand. Stand up for what you believe in.”

Last year, Roxette ran for student council vice president and that was a part of her speech.

“Okay, Teddy? I will be checking up on the two of you.” She finished.

Roxette’s speech made me realize about what happened earlier in music class.

I didn’t know why I did that but I was under pressure. Luke was staring, Josie was expecting and Roland fidgeting.

I gave Luke away because somebody asked me to.

Well, technically Josie asked for my permission and I accepted it.

But I didn’t mean to give him away just like that. I was actually about to protest against Josie’s proposition.

But it took over me. I mean, why should I get Luke when Josie can be the perfect partner for her?

Besides, it’s not like it’s the first time someone wanted to switch partners.

I’m used to being passed around (as bad as that sounds) because it’s just a partner work. It’ll be over before I know it.

But what really surprised me was why did Luke reject Josie’s offer? I heard Josie’s really talented. Why would he want to keep me? He even lied that we already have something for the project when we didn’t even get to talk anything about it today.

Sometimes, I just don’t get Luke.

Happy Birthday to the number one man in my life and my most favorite person of all, my dad!!! Happy birthday pa!! I love you! :)


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