A Pirates Life For Me

By Angie_Schreave

44.8K 1K 1.9K

Annabeth Chase is forced to marry a guy she doesn't know, named Luke Castellan. And she's against it in every... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 11

2.4K 72 83
By Angie_Schreave

Hi guys.

I promise there will be no more mean cliffhangers. Promise :D

Percy's POV

I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Nico was the spy. I didn't see his reason in how becoming a spy for Luke would be protecting me.

Beside me, Annabeth squeezed my hand. "Are you okay, Percy?"

I nodded. "I'm fine."

She raised an eyebrow. "Really? It's okay to feel sad. He's your cousin."

She was right. I was sad, but more disappointed. He was young, but I'd always believed that he was smart enough to know to stay from the government, especially Luke.

I kissed Annabeth softly. "I know, I'm fine. We're almost in Ogygia, and then Luke can never bother us again."

She looked up at me for a moment, then kissed me back.

"Eesh," Grover said, approaching us. "Get a room!"

I punched hime in the arm, not hard enough to seriously hurt him. He was used to it by now anyway.

His joking mood gone, he seemed to be summoning the courage to say something. "Uh, Perce, you never told us why you hate Luke. Even after all these years and revenge schemes we never actually knew what they were for."

I sighed. It was going to happen eventually. Annabeth nodded encouragingly. "Luke killed Mom and Atalanta."

Grover's expression turned to one of the shock, then complete hatred.

I shook my head and started to walk away. They could never understand that this was one the reasons why I never told them. They'd pity me, or get angry and try to kill Luke for me, or they'd feel sorry for me and apologise even though they had nothing to do with it.

"Grover, no." I said, knowing what he was about to say. With a frustrated sigh, I walked to the bow of the ship.

Ogygia was rapidly approaching, and I couldn't have been happier. Annabeth would finally be safe from Luke. Nico would be safe from Luke. Deep down, I knew Nico hadn't done it of his own will. Something horrible had driven him to do it. Blackmail? Bribery?

It was a few minutes later that someone joined me, and it was Annabeth, unsurprisingly. She stood next to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Percy, I have something to tell you." She whispered.

I frowned and looked at her. "What is it."

Annabeth seemed on the brink of tears when she answered. "I-I think... you're going to die, Percy. All the dreams, and what she said to me in that closet..." She trailed off.

Who? Who was in that closet? And I was going to die?

I pulled her into an embrace. "I'm not dying Annabeth. I promise, I'm not going anywhere."

Annabeth's POV


Ogygia was more beautiful than I could ever imagine. It was the perfect island paradise, completely untouched by man, except for the magnificent blooming garden.

Where the soft white sand ended, lush green forest began. Wild flowers grew and fruits thrived in the trees.

About a kilometre into the forest, it opened up into a large clearing, about half the size of my family's estate. Paving was laid down on the floor, making paths to the pretty garden beds full of all different types of plants. A large cave tunnelled into the ground, the entrance covered with a woven silk draw-curtain.

"Calypso?" Percy called.

After a moment or so, a girl stepped out from the curtain. She was breathtakingly beautiful, with long braided caramel hair, almond shaped dark eyes, and a timeless, delicate face. Her slim figure was covered by a white chiton, secured at her waist with a gold belt. Bracelets decorated her wrists, and sandals adorned her feet.

Calypso smiled at Percy. "Oh, I can't believe you're back, Perseus!" She rushed over, holding up her skirts. I couldn't help the pang of jealousy in my chest. "They never come back." Her tone was sad.

Percy grinned, and gripped my hand. He knew what I was thinking, of course he did. "The place hasn't changed. Still beautiful as ever."

Calypso smiled again, but I caught the disappointed gleam in her brown eyes. She turned to face the rest of the crew, as well as those from the Argo. Everyone was here except for Nico, we still hadn't found him.

Jason and Reyna introduced themselves, as did Thalia. Calypso seemed to like Jason, no doubt attracted to his ruggedly good looks, but he was still nothing compared to Percy.

Calypso turned to lead us into her cave, beckoning for us to follow her. I gripped Percy's hand so tight that I might've even hurt him, but if I did, he didn't show it. My whole body tingled with distrust. And last time I'd felt that, Nico had locked me in the closet.

But Calypso wouldn't be like that. Her island only let the pure of heart enter, so surely its only permanent inhabitant would be.

"I'm sorry that the cave isn't suited for so many guests, but we'll find other places for you." Calypso said, a cheery smile on her face that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Yes, indeed we will." A new voice said. A voice so familiar it sent shivers down my back and made me want to cower away. A voice laced thick with hate, rage and a kind of sadness.


"How nice of you to join us." He stepped out of the shadows, an evil grin adorning his handsome face.

Percy snapped into action. In milliseconds Riptide was in his hand, and he was standing firmly in front me, protecting me. Though he said nothing and I couldn't see his face, I could feel the anger radiated off him in powerful waves.

Luke's smile grew wider. "You must be shocked to see me here, Percy."

"Only that Calypso could be so foolish as to believe anything you said to her." Percy snarled.

Calypso visibly winced, her eyes full of pain. "He promised to get me out of the here, you have to understand-"

"Stop," Percy interjected. "He's lying to you Calypso and you can't see it. You really think he can take away the curse?"

A tear from from her eye.

"Well, its gratifying to know you hold such faith in me Perseus. But, if you excuse me, I have a prize to take."

And Luke lunged forward, sword aimed at Percy's heart.

Percy's POV

Luke lunged at me, sword aimed at my heart.

I knocked the strike away effortless, swinging back at Luke and engaging in battle with the filthy monster.

The rest of crew sprang into action, even Annabeth. She ripped her dagger, Mom's dagger, out of its sheath and blocked a soldier's attack. I couldn't help but think of how beautiful she was, swirling through the battle, her blonde hair flowing behind her and her determined grey eyes flashing. She was so much like Atalanta that it was painful, and that made my anger rise as I pummelled Luke with aggressive assaults.

I forced him further and further into the open. I saw Calypso make a run for it, and Leo ran after her.

Luke gritted his teeth. "Give up Jackson! The island's surrounded!"

"That doesn't matter Luke, I'll just every last one of those rotten ships!"

Our swords locked at the hilt, and it became a battle of strength. We pushed against each other. The muscles in my arm strained to push harder, and than Luke wasn't looking at me anymore. His eyes went over his shoulder, and I knew what was happened.

I disjoined my sword and tumbled out of the way just as another soldier's sword came crashing down where I had just been.

I smirked, "Should be pleased that you need help to defeat me, or disappointed that you cheated in a one-on-one battle?"

Luke glared. "Don't flatter yourself."

He leapt forward, and I sprung back, finally leading him into the open.

Riptide cut through the air at blinding speed, aiming at the pulsing artery in Luke's neck.

He ducked and swept at my feet. I jumped the sword and slashed downwards, but Luke rolled to the side.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Huh, you've gotten better Castellan."

He scowled, cutting at me chest.

I parried and we engaged in a back-and-forth fight. Parry, block, parry, block.

Growing impatient, I kicked out, planting my foot in Luke's stomach and sending him stumbling backwards. As he staggered, I swung Riptide, and he was too slow to block.

My blade cut into his shoulder, and he cried out, clutching the injury.

"How you figured out my heritage, Luke? Have you found out what my ridiculous advantage against you is yet?" I taunted. I know he would never dare think of such and outrageous idea.

And then, as I about to land a crippling blow, a horribly familiar cry stopped me in my tracks.

Leo's POV

I followed Calypso through the dense forest.

Somehow, for some reason, I was drawn to her. I was drawn to most beautiful women, but she was different. I knew she hadn't willing betrayed our trust.

I found the beautiful, ageless girl sitting on the beach, her arms wrapped around her knees.

Her head was buried between her chest and her legs, but when she heard my footsteps on the sand, she jumped to her feet, glancing warily at the sword hanging unused in my hand.

"If you're hear to kill me for my betrayal, pirate, please get it over with." She said. Her expression only bravery and determination, but I detected the wavering of her voice.

I slid my sword into its scabbard and took and step forwards, walking closer when she didn't step away. "I'm not going to kill you Calypso. I just want to know why you did it?"

Calypso sighed. "I'm sorry. You must tell Perseus that I'm sorry. Luke promised me the one thing a hero never could. He promised me freedom."

I longed to pull her into my arms when a tear rolled down her smooth cheek. She looked up at me, her almond eyes begging. "You must hurry to warn them. I've done a terrible thing, and I fear that Perseus is going to be severely hurt. Go tell Annabeth to ignore Atalanta, it was a trick! Atalanta was never the-"

Something hard and sharp crashed into my head, and then the blackness threatened to swallow me in its cold embrace. I fought the dark, hearing Calypso screaming as if from a distance.

Then there was an other smash, and I fell forward into the sand, the horrible darkness taking its hold.

Percy's POV

I froze midstrike, glancing towards the cave entrance to a sight that made my blood run cold.

A man I recognised, Ethan Nakumura, had his knife at someone's throat. Annabeth's eyes were wild with fear and she desperately tried to pull the weapon away from her neck.

"I have proposition for you, Percy." Luke sneered. He rose to his feet and strode to Ethan and Annabeth. The battle around us had frozen, everyone watching the scene, waiting for the infamous pirate's reaction. "I can kill Annabeth, and leave you to fight the guilt of your inability to save yet another one of your lovers. Or, you surrender to a trail and allow Annabeth to remain with me. The trail will be totally unfair, you'll most likely be sentenced to death by hanging, but dear precious Annabeth will be safe."

I ground my teeth as Luke brushed his fingers across Annabeth's cheek.

She ignored him and stared at me, clearly trying to fight the tears welling in her eyes. I couldn't leave her with Luke, but I couldn't let her die.

Annabeth's POV

"Percy, no! Don't let Luke have what he wants, let me die!" I screamed, tears finally streaming down my face.

I didn't care what Atalanta said, I couldn't survive without Percy. I didn't care if I died, as long as Percy was free. As long as he was okay.

Percy's hard gaze softened as his eyes met mine. Please Percy. Don't leave me with him, let me die. I begged silently.

"What will it be Percy." Luke sneered.

Percy broke away from me and turned his angry glare back to Luke. His sea-green eyes blazed with such fury and hate that I was grudgingly impressed that Luke hadn't backed down.

"What will do this time, Luke, when you discover that Annabeth doesn't love you? Will you throw her off the balcony too?"

Luke glowered, his lip twitching as he tried to restrain himself. "What is you decision, Jackson?"

"Percy no! Don't do it! Let them kill me!" I cried, the tears streaming down my face in relentless rivers. My entire body racked with sobs. "Percy please! I love you!"

Percy blinked in surprise. I said it. Those three words you can never take back.

"I love you, Percy."

His resolve seemed to crumble. "And I love you, with all my heart. All the more reason for you to live instead."


Luke's smug expression only broadened.

Percy's sword clattered to the floor. He didn't move as a soldier moved to tie his hands, even as the crews of the Princess Andromeda and theArgo screamed in outrage, pulsing forward only to be held back but the soldiers.

As he was dragged away, Percy met my teary gaze one last time. I love you, they said. And I'm sorry.

"PERCY!" My throat constricted. "NO PERCY PLEASE! I LOVE YOU!"

"How touching," Luke said, and the visions flashed into my mind. Percy's death, every time he died and I was left with Luke.

Every time.

Hehe, me lied. ;) I'm so sorry for not updating in so long, it's just that some serious family issues occurred and I wasn't very well. But I promise that I will update soon.

~Love you Angie ❤💝💘

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