'Your Love Consumes Me' A Dam...

By ElleMiglioranza

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The 4th book in the series of the Epic Love Saga Things have taken a turn for the worse for Siena where she... More

I Miss Her.....
Addicted To.....
Answer Me This.....
Reality Sinks In.....
Share A Thought.....
Fight For This Love.....
Need A Little Help From A Friend.....
Vengeance And Bloodshed.....Family Ties.....
The Truth Behind It All.....
The Errors Of My Ways.....
The House Of Capulet And Montague.....
The Harder We Fall.....The Harder We Try.....
Unfortunate Turn Of Events.....
Do My Eyes Deceive Me......
For Your Protection.....
There Maybe Hope.....
Is It Truly Over.....
Some Actions Are Unforgivable.....
Dark Secrets Unfold Part 1.....
Dark Secret Unfold Part 2.....
Sometimes You Can't Follow Your Heart.....
To Have Loved.....
Return To Thee.....

What It Feels To Be Alive.....

4.4K 141 38
By ElleMiglioranza

Damon P.O.V

Katherine Pierce Just doesn't die after I fed her blood to Silas her and Silas made a pretty sharp exit I didn't know what it really meant now. With Silas being a witch but he better bring Bonnie ass back from the dead. I made this deal with him to save my bella from all the guilt and heartache of killing Bonnie when she had not recognition of what she did. Yes a tiny part of me was doing this for Elena too I saw how distort she was when she found out. Now with Siena and Elena strangely getting on I'm even more determined for this to happen, I just need to keep Silas on side so whatever he does I need to keep my cool.

So the sister came back and they both seem a little happy a little too happy even after what happened at Whitmore, but maybe I'm being a little paranoid I mean maybe the sister were just having some bonding time. I knew I had to fess up to them about Silas not being immortal and now the fact now his a witch, and not forgetting that Katherine has nine lives and won't die. So I began to tell the both of them about it all and they took it pretty well I mean I thought maybe you know a few screams from Siena telling me why I'm teaming with Silas, or Elena telling me it all to dangerous but nothing they both sat there nodding with no negative comment. Elena excused herself as she was tired and wanted to go to sleep she gave Siena a kiss on the cheek, then walked away I felt like I was in some alternative universe right now I looked at Siena.

"I think it great your both getting on and stuff" She looked up at me smiling "But how did you and Elena go from a few days ago ripping into each other to giving a kiss good night" She shrugged her shoulder and took a sip from her drink, I walked over and sat next to her "I'm being serious Bella what with the 360 change" She sat there looking at me in tensely.

"Your mind really trying to figure this out?" She began to chuckle great she was reading my mind.

"Hey I don't mind you having a looksee in their but you got to understand why I'm finding this all.... weird" A smile crept on ther face and she leant forward and kissed me gently on the lips then pulled away.

"I thought you would be happy that Elena and I were getting on....." She backed away tilting her to one side "Awww" she pinched my cheek "Does my Damon miss my little sister obsessing over him" she spoke in a teasing tone I couldn't help but chuckle at her, she knew that was last thing I was missing.

I swiftly got hold of her so she was on top me on the sofa she began to giggle, we spent the whole night like that the house was quiet and nothing was said between us . Siena had her head snuggly in the crook of my neck I think she actually fell asleep. I was cherishing this moment being in each other's arms I don't get to do this much. Right now everything was falling into place Bonnie was coming back and Nico is accepting us which really stunned me looks like my kid got his mom way of forgiveness.

"This is nice" Siena spoke as a whisper into my ear then kissed my neck gently which sent a chill down my spine.

"It is nice" I held her tightly but Siena and I weren't really bless with these moment for too long something or someone will ruin it.

"Quiet, still, peaceful. I like our life when it's like this" She spoke sluggishly while tracing her finger over my heart with swirling motions.

"But it is our life, which probably means that somebody's going to walk through that door and shatter it" I was right any moment something going to stop this perfect moment.

"Ughhhh" Siena sat up slightly looking at me a little unhappy at my suggestion "Don't say that" she began to pout.

"In 10... 9..." Siena held me on to me tightly groaning.

"Just let me enjoy the moment" She pleaded I would love to but this is the life of Damon and Siena it didn't work like that.

"...6 ...5..." She cut me off my counting.

"Damon, today is the day that we're going to bring Bonnie back. It's a good day" I kissed Siena on the forehead.

"....4....3....2" She look up at me not looking pleased right now.

"Damon, it's a good day" Siena reaches up to kiss me to stop me from counting any further.

"Greetings!" Silas came bursting through the door we broke apart.

"...1..." Siena looked at me arching her brow, while Silas walked into the parlour with a huge smile on his face.

"Good morning, frenemies!" He announced as he enters the room, he pulls the curtains back using magic. Siena sits up to attention, staring in disbelief at him "Ah. You know, I'm only a few hours into my old life as a witch, but somehow, the sun feels warmer" Silas walks to the window and lets the sun hit his face "Probably because I'm not cursed with having to outlive it anymore" What the hell was he even doing here? Siena kept looking at me to literally say what the f**k, I got up from the couch and looked over at him.

"What's with the home invasion, Silas?" Siena got up from the couch and looked over at him. She was frowning at first then I small smile appeared on her face.

"Well Damon, after 2,000 years of a miserable existence, I finally get to die" He said turning to me I glanced at Siena and she was smiling widely look like she can read his mind. She looked at me arching her brow with a smirk if Siena could read Silas mind this is one of powers that will come in very handy.

Stefan P.O.V

When I found out what Damon was doing to me to help that evil me out I totally flipped out. I broke his neck I seriously half expect Siena to attack me or something for doing that to him but she didn't. So as I knew my 'brother' was keeping me busy Silas was obviously imposing as me somewhere, well I was right I found him with Tessa he was doing that exactly. So I had the great pleasure of breaking his neck and informing Tessa that she had been played by Silas and my brother, which didn't go down to well with Tessa.

I slowly opened my eyes my head felt dizzy what the hell happened last night? I recall the whole Silas thing then....

"Good morning, sleepy-head" I heard a familiar I opened my eyes and I saw Siena... no it weren't it was.... "Sleep well?" oh god what the hell happened last night?

"Oh. Tessa. Hi" I tried to wreck my brain what happen after I snapped Silas neck.

"You're confused. Is that the amnesia, or the tequila?" I sat up and saw the nearly empty bottle of tequila. What the hell happened last night?

"Umm. I think both. I'm still trying to piece together last night" I grabbed the bottle from the table and took a swig from it.

"We bonded over our misery. There were body shots. The misery lifted. Here. Berries" Tessa hands me some kind of berries in a small bowl. I don't eat berries but I she put me up for the night I better be polite.

"Thanks. What's got you in such a good mood?" I placed the bottle and the bowl down on the coffee table.

"I happened to see a text message pop up on your phone after you crashed last night. Warning from your friends. Silas took the cure. He's a witch. He's mortal and now, I can kill him" Well that didn't surprise me at all Damon was up to something last night with him "Get up gorgeous, your doppelgänger dies today" Well that something I didn't expect to hear when I first wake up "Silas is looking for the anchor. It's the object I used to bind the spell when I created the other side. Destroy it - the spell is broken. No more supernatural limbo and Silas can die and find peace. I would rather his lying, cheating ass not have that" Ok so the plan seemed pretty simple all we needed to do is find this anchor and let Tessa do her thing.

"Great. Fine. I approve. Where is it?" She looked at me with a smirk, it was really hard at time to not look at her and think of Siena, I didn't get how they could look so alike.... but then again there Silas and I seriously I really have a screwed up life.

Damon P.O.V

Well our morning go disturbed by my brother evil doppelgänger like I told Siena we didn't have moment of peace and tranquillity, something had to always pop up and ruin the moment. Silas was extremely excited of the fact that now he mortal and now he could reunite with his long lost lover Amara. Then there was something that I weren't too sure if I should be worried about the fact that I notice that Siena could read Silas thoughts, or I could be wrong but there was something about the way Siena reacted when he walked in.

With Silas big appearance and show of using his magic Elena came down to see what happening, she wasn't best please to see Silas here but then Siena and her had a few words then Elena seem to of calmed down. Maybe I'm being totally paranoid but I have a feeling that those two are up to something, and I'm going to find up what it is.

"We all know that Tessa was a real vengeful bitch. Your doppelgänger, Amara died at her hands, but today, after 2,000 years, Amara and I will finally reunite" I literally wanted to be sick with this I will be reunited with my love crap, the way Silas went around all of this he didn't deserve to go back to his great love. But I needed for him to bring Bonnie back that all that matter right now.

"Alright. Skip the mushy parts. Look. My girl here is just trying to have a good day, and there are promises that she and Elena are expecting you to keep" Silas looked over at Siena and Elena who were standing side by side not looking overly amused, he began to smirk.

"Oh, you don't think that I keep my promises?" Well he not been most worthy person with taking our son from us so Siena could help bring down the veil which didn't even work out well all it did was bring a lot of trouble like the fact that Siena killed Bonnie.

"You said that now that you're a witch again, you would bring Bonnie back from the other side" Elena asked while approaching him, Siena sighed and walked over to pour herself a drink.

"I did and I can" He told her confidently my eye adverted to Siena I notice that she tensed up.

"You promised Damon you would do that if he helped you" Siena turned to him I notice there was little bit of tension between the both of them. So I went over to Siena and placed my arm around her waist she had that look in her eye as if she was going to attack him.

"Yeah" Siena moved away from and began to approach him, I really didn't like where this was all going right now.

"But you're kind of evil. No offense" Silas smirked at her then Elena approached him; seriously between the both of them they weren't really helping the cause here by winding up Silas.

"None taken" Siena turned to me and smiled walked over to me hugged me tightly, I kissed the top of her head.

"So I'm just trying to figure out how I can trust that one of your last acts in the world will be to bring my best friend back" Well Elena did have a point there I mean Silas not the most trust worthy guy and I'm even surprise with myself that I'm going to these extremes after what he did to my family, but I'm doing this all for the one person I care about in this room and that Siena.

"Did you want me to pinky swear?" Silas spoke with sarcasm great I didn't need any of this today. I just want it all to be simple Silas kills himself and Bonnie comes back.

"Siena trying to have a good day. Just tell her and Elena how it's going to go down" I tried to keep my voice calm because if I flip out at him he won't be doing anything that he 'promised'.

"I just want to destroy the other side so I don't get stuck in that pit of a purgatory when I finally do kill myself. Before I do that, I'll bring Bonnie back. And being the amazing and incredible and all-powerful witch I am, I can totally do both things. I just have to find the anchor first and destroy it" A freaking anchor? Great there me thinking all of this was going to be simple now we going to hunt down a stupid anchor.

"The anchor?" Elena questioned him and Silas nodded.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot about the anchor" Siena announced all three of us looked at her "It's in New Jersey in a stockyard" she spoke a little smugly Silas looked at her a little stunned "Oh what wrong oh evil one, did you think you're the only person who had neat tricks" She teased him Silas approached her and I stood in between the both of them before all of this was going to get out of hand.

"New Jersey? The supernatural other-world is bound by an object in Snooki's backyard?" I was trying to take the tension away from Siena, Silas looked at me then he flicked his hand and I went flying across the room.

"How did you know where the anchor was?" He demanded I got up from the floor and rushed over to them Silas held out his hand stopped me going any further "So Siena" He raised his voice again, I looked at Siena and she had a smirk on her face.

"Maybe it was a lucky guess" She told him smugly then Jeremy enters the room carrying a crossbow great he wants to play hero right now.

"Hello, hunter. Banner day for you, huh? Didn't you and the Bennett witch used to..." He spoke with looking away from Siena then Silas clicks his tongue suggestively and whistles.

"Hey, knock it off. Okay?" Elena said to Silas then she turned to Jeremy "It's okay Jer. We all want the same thing today. Silas dead, Bonnie alive" Silas stopped whatever witch thing he done to me cause I could feel that I could move again.

"Yeah" Silas spoke looking unconvincing, I glared at Jeremy.

"AKA, put the damn crossbow down, Pocahontas" I really didn't need him to go all hunter right now.

"We're just supposed to believe that he's going to bring Bonnie back to life out of the goodness of his heart?" Well he had a point there I mean how could we really trust him.

"Well, I hope not. I mean, I am kind of a monster" He glanced over at Siena I watched as Jeremy raises the crossbow up and points it in Silas' direction "You know, guys, I'm feeling really ganged up on right now. K? I would hate to lose my temper and do something..." Silas raises his hand up, fire shoots from his fingers "...crazy" Elena and Jeremy both take a step back, Silas laughs quietly and extinguishes the flames "Ah. Man, I really love being a witch again. I feel like I'm constantly reinventing myself. I'm like a supernatural Madonna, don't you think?" Siena stood there with amused look on her face I think me and her need to have a little chat, she obviously picking something up from Silas cause when he did his little magic trick she didn't back away. Since she came back last night she behaving a little funny and I think it time for me to find out what my wife has up her sleeve.

Tessa P.O.V

I was really pissed know that Silas had played me how the hell did he even figure out temporary killing Stefan, would bring back his physic ability he a lot smarter than I originally thought. Then that Damon helping him too god I loathed that man I can't wait until I have my way with him. Damon Salvatore will get what due to him in time and I'm looking forward to that day.

The one person who I didn't think would come to my rescue was Stefan he broke Silas neck and it was pretty enjoyable to watch. I kind of felt a little sorry for Stefan last night I mean his brother who he should be able to trust repeatedly broke his neck. So I brought him back to mine and for the first time I saw him let lose, he was a pretty cool guy actually pretty funny so different from that dick I fell in love with. So we came back to my temporary home both drank got a little drunk we both spoke of our misery, he found it strange talking to me as I resembled Siena. Stefan really did have some kind of genuine feeling for her deep down without me meddling with my magic.

Well it looks like Silas dig my brain and knows about the anchor and the location, but I wonder how he going to feel once he find it I would love to see his face when that happens.

"So, Silas read your mind and figured out where the anchor is. Now what?" I think I need to give my new friend a run down on how this is all going to play out.

"You know that old, ancient story I told you about the Travellers? Oh, wait. You don't. I fried your brain and took your memories. Sorry. Well, the Travellers... " I felt kind of guilty doing that to him now, Stefan was so sweet and I took all of this memories away "You know how Silas wants to destroy the other side, so he can be at peace with that slut, Amara, that he calls his one true love? The Travellers don't want that" God I hated Amara with a passion with her whiny voice and her sweet and innocent look what would I give to......

"Why not?" Stefan asked breaking me out of my thoughts I looked at him.

"Not important. Scratch that. Very important. I'm just not going to answer it" I couldn't give too much away right now no matter how sweet Stefan is I didn't trust him not after what I've been through, I put some flowers on the coffee table and grabs the bottle of tequila to put it away.

"Um, you know what? I... think I still need to be drunk to understand this story" Stefan grabbed hold of it and he pours himself as shot.

"The travellers have been in possession of the anchor for 2,000 years. They constantly move it so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands and they're not going to let him get near it. At least not before I kill him" The day has come for me to do that and I'm going to enjoy every moment of tearing him apart.

"Yeah? Well, what if they fail?" he questioned me well that could happen but I knew for a fact that Silas would find it very difficult to destroy the anchor.

"He won't destroy it. He won't be able to" I told him confidently Stefan looked at me frowning.

"Why not?" I couldn't help but smirk but if I told Stefan the reason behind it he may go and run to his little friends and I don't need that right now, with them teaming up with Silas.

"Let's just file that under the 'not gonna answer' category"

Siena P.O.V

After telling Elena that I'm going to make sure I bring Bonnie back and the fact I'm going to take down Silas and Tess, Elena couldn't understand how I was able to do that so I need to confess a few things to her. Elena and I both sat down and I explained to her everything that happened when I died how Blair came to me, which kind of upset her but I didn't bring her up to do that to her. So I began to tell her about what Isobel I watched as Elena face sadden, but I assured her that Isobel watching over the both of us which kind of brought a smile to her face. Then I told her about Anya and the history behind what I'm which stunned Elena of course, I told her about my new powers that if I concerted enough I could read minds and that I could project what I'm feeling and what I've witness by touch.

"Ok so your telling me you can read minds.... like Silas can" I nodded Elena began to frown 'I don't know if Siena lost it or she telling me the truth here I mean she sounds crazy'I heard her thoughts

"I'm not crazy little sis I'm telling you the truth" Elena looked at me stunned 'she can read my thoughts?' "Yes I can" Elena sat back in her seat wide eye 'Can you do this all the time? Dose Damon know... of course Damon would know...arrh this is crazy' "No all the time only when I concentrate on the person, yes he dose and it freaked him out and it a pretty cool thing to have especially when certain people are not aware of me having it" Elena sat forward I got out of her thoughts I didn't want to impose too much.

"So how do you plan to bring Bonnie back and take down an immortal Silas and a 2000 year old witch" Elena was panicking I sat forward and smiled at her.

"Well tonight well I spoke to the bitter Tessa I found out where the Anchor is" Elena began to frown "You're wondering what the anchor is....Well let just say this particular 'object' should I call it.... is keeping the supernatural purgatory up I know where it is and what it is" A smile grew on Elena face.

"You're telling me you know where the one thing both of them are after?tthen what the hell are we doing here" Elena got up from her seat I couldn't have her being irrational right now.

"Elena sit" she frowned for a moment then sat back in her seat "It not as simple as going to the location and picking it up, you see Silas thinks his winning at this game and so does Tessa they both seem to think they going to win but there not" Elena began to smile I think she knew where I was going with this "How good are your acting skills?" I asked with a smile cause right what I knew I had to keep between Elena and myself not even Damon could know, I mean I knew his reason why he teamed up with Silas but he didn't need to go to that extreme.

So we spoke about the plan that when I came out about the whole anchor Elena had to play the innocent act which she did well, while I messed with Silas mind which I was going to thoroughly enjoy. With Tessa that going to be a whole new ball game that bitch screwed with me far too much after what she did to me though the whole summer I'm going to have something special for her. Which I didn't want Elena to be involved in.

We both went back home and Damon told us about Silas taking the cure which worked out perfect with Silas being a witch now, it will make things a little easier for me. Apparently Katherine didn't actually die she got back up and went off on her merry way; maybe she could finally have a normal life now like she always wanted. Elena went off to bed and Damon kept questioning how Elena and I had moved on from all the hatred I couldn't turn around to him that I compelled her, I mean I didn't want him freaking out at the possibility that I would do that to him. I would never dream to do that to him but still they find the whole original family shady with their ability to compel vampires, I don't want them think that I might have or may do that to them.

So in the end Damon and I ending up cuddling up on the sofa it actually felt really nice to have these moment with him, without all of the drama for that moment it felt like we were a normal couple. But of course Damon had to ruin the moment by saying that someone going to walk in and ruin the moment, today was going to be a good day Bonnie was coming back and I'm going to take down Silas and Tessa down it will be a perfect day.

Then the dick Silas came in showing off his powers and being a dick more than usual, it kind of hard to look at him and not hate him I mean it like looking at Stefan. After him showing us his new party tricks Elena came down and I do have to say her acting skills were pretty impressive. I knew Silas was going to make and appearance but didn't expect it to this soon. As I expected Silas had another agenda in his mind he had two plans of how he wanted to play this and I needed him for now to go along with the one he had with Damon.

He tried to give his epic speech about how he wants to be reunited with Amara and today was going to be the day but we needed to find the anchor first, which I knew about but Damon was unaware about it and once again Elena played dumb. I wanted to throw Silas off guard a little when I announced the whole anchor being in New Jersey in a shipping yard, Silas face was priceless he wanted to know how I knew but I played innocent for now. Watching Silas being all confused was entertaining own its own but I notice that Damon kept looking over at me, I think he may of twigged on that I was able to ready his mind now. Jeremy didn't trust Silas and he had the urge to kill him which was a natural instinct for a hunter of the five, there whole reason for being here to put Silas down. All that matter right now is getting to New Jersey and getting the ball rolling for Silas to bring Bonnie back, and he will have no choice about it either.

"All right. We gotta get going" Silas announced then he turned to Jeremy "You grab a crowbar, or 4 from the garage" I looked over at Elena and she gave me a significant look 'Looks like it show time' I nodded my head and she smiled.

"What for?" Jeremy demanded he really weren't cooperating to well with all of this right now.

"Does it matter?" Silas sounded a little pissed, Elena and I made our way to the front door "You are not going. Men only" Elena and I both looked at each other then back at Silas.

"Are you serious?" Silas looked back at me with no expression; I turned to Damon "He's not serious?" Damon looked a little flustered.

"No, he's not serious" Damon told me confidently Silas looked at Damon with are you being for real look.

"Actually, I'm 100% serious. She's a freaky carbon-copy of my one true love, Amara" he pointed at Elena well I could kind of understand that "and her" he pointed at me and I smiled sweetly at him "She a freaking carbon-copy of my bitch ex, you can understand why I don't want to stare at their imposter face all day" Elena looked at me with disbelief and gave her a wink while they weren't looking.

"Oh Silas I thought me and you were like BFF now" I teased he looked at me unamused I was really getting under his skin 'how do they expect me to do this with them two coming one looking like the woman I love and the other the woman Loath'I so badly wanted to comment but I had to keep my mouth shut I couldn't let him know I could read his mind yet.

"That makes no sense" Damon said with disbelief he didn't quite get the angle of where Silas was going with this.

"It would make complete sense if you were ever in love with somebody who looked exactly like her" I began to chuckle as Damon was 'in love' with Katherine for 145 years, I glanced up and Damon gave me the 'look' I think his worrying about my behaviour today.

"This is ridiculous. We're bringing my best friend back from the dead. I'm going" Elena protested Silas was visibly annoyed he raises his arm up and summons an arrow from Jeremy's set. He then sends the arrow flying into Elena's leg, where it pierces her skin Elena sinks to the ground.

"Hey!" I shouted and I went over to her and help pull the arrow from her leg.

"The next one goes in the heart. Now hurry up. I only have until sundown before Tessa tries to stop me" He turned away and began to walk out of the door I needed to convince him that to needed to come.

"I know what the anchor looks like" I called out and Silas halted and slowly turned around looking at me sceptically.

"How would you know that?" I needed to think quick really quick.

"When your lovely ex took over my body over the summer she paid a visit to that particular shipping yard, and I will be able to help with finding it" I smiled at him sweetly 'could I really tolerate seeing that face the whole time? but then if she knows where the anchor is then it will save time'

"Fine but you're sitting in the back" I knew that worked he walked out and Damon came over to me looking at me sceptically.

"What was all that about?" I gave him a small smile and stretched up and kissed him on the cheek.

"Nothing to worry about baby, like I said I kind of know where the anchor is" I glance at Elena she gave me a small smile, now I just need to put my plan into action. Silas has some kind of trust in me now only problem going to be Damon he going to be watching me like a hawk, need to figure out a distraction.

Tessa P.O.V

Well I need to get to New Jersey pretty soon I know the traveller are going to move the anchor pretty soon and I need to get there before they do, or before that asshole Silas does. I notice Stefan a little panicky about all of this but he really didn't need to be I mean today it all come to an end, after 2000 long years I will finally seek my revenge on that bastard for what he did to me. I'm going to enjoy every moment of it from watching his face when he discover the anchor to the moment where I rip out this heart. That moment right there going to be worth the wait of 2000 years.

"Well, the one good thing about having amnesia is that I don't remember how I got in the middle of all this" Stefan broke me out of my thoughts and I couldn't help but laugh at his comment I think he had the better deal out of all of us here.

"Rest easy, sweet pea. Don't you worry about the details. Silas is going to die today, and he will spend eternity on the Other Side as far away from Amara, and peace as possible" I got up and began walking to the door "I have it all covered. You don't scheme as long as long as I have without considering every possibility" As I tried to exit the cabin, I was blocked by an invisible force field that prevents me from leaving that bastard....

"What's wrong?" Stefan questioned me well I wasn't expecting this to happen.

"Silas put a spell on this cabin" I shut the door "We're stuck here until sundown" I can't believe.... What I'm talking about can't believe? Of course he would do something like this... He's an evil manipulative...

"How do you know that?" Stefan broke me out of my rage, I turned to him and he looked concerned.

"Because I taught him the damn spell" He using what I freaking taught him on me, so he think that he going to find the anchor by sundown well I don't see that happening.

Katherine P.O.V

That asshole Damon freaking tricked me I couldn't believe he lured me to the house so he could feed my blood to Silas. The moment when Silas drank from me all I thought of was Nadia. I had literally found out that my daughter alive and now I'm going to die because of whatever scheme Damon had with Silas. Even though Silas drank from me I felt weak but not dead. When I opened my eyes I thought I was in hell yeah my hell would be stuck with Damon for the rest of my misery, but it appeared that I'm not meant to die.

I fled from the Salvatore home I needed to get as far as possible from there I somehow managed to get pretty far, my stomach kept on making gurgling noises. I weren't used to that fact still with the food issue why the hell I'm always freaking hungry? So I made my way to a diner and ordered substantial amount of food with the last bit of money I had. God I hated the fact I couldn't compel anymore if missed anything it that. I was eating like there was no tomorrow it was like this hunger weren't going I knew I was eating savage, the waitress commented that I needed to slowly down and then she commented on my hair. I notice something at the corner of my eye and I grabbed a piece of my hair and it was grey. I had a thick grey streak I totally freaked out and got the hell out of there what the hell going on with me?

Well I was freaking out and I needed to get rid of this so I stopped at pharmacy and got a box dye after 500 freaking years I'm dying my hair. I never imaged I would ever be doing that. So I made my way to the only place I thought was safe right now and that was Whitmore College, when I got there I made sure I wasn't seen. God I felt so ashamed to have this thing growing out of my head what the hell going on with me.

I found Elena and Caroline dorm room I'm sure they wouldn't mind with me popping in I'm sure there busy in the classes, playing human and stuff. I don't get why they want to do that I mean there a big world out there this could wait but I'm talking about two homemade American girls.

I dyed my hair and waited for it to develop then I went and took a shower once I was down I wrapped a towel around me. I walked back into the room over to the mirror. I stared at my reflection in a mirror while holding the box of black hair dye in my hand, you couldn't see it anymore thankfully. I couldn't warp around my mind what was going on.

"I don't want to know if Tyler called, so don't even tell me. So, do you want to do small appliances, or toiletries?" Caroline entered the room so her and the hybrid were on bad terms? I watched as she was putting her things into her bags "I mean, I'd compel a cute boy to do it for us, but I don't think I want to see a cute boy ever again. Except for Nico, but I didn't want to get him involved in all this not after everything he been through" Hold on what the hell going on here?

"Um, we're moving out?" Caroline stopped packing and looked up with are you being for real look.

"Hello, Dr Maxfield thinks we're vampires, you know, threatened to expose us, told us to drop out" Wonderful they both here for five minute and they been expose god the dumb blond and the plain version of me really screwed up.

"That sucks" Well I might as well make my presence known I cleared my throat, Caroline charges after me and puts me in a chokehold against the wall.

"What the hell are you doing in my dorm, Katherine?" The role had reversed right now and I couldn't do anything to wind up Blondie.

"I just need a place to crash" She tightens her grip around my throat well that line didn't work.

"What? I loathe you" She spoke through her teeth well she had a point I mean I was the one who turned her.

"I'm desperate, okay? Damon kicked me out, Stefan doesn't remember me and I just spent my last $20 on a meal that I didn't even get to enjoy" I think I was more disappointed about I didn't finish my meal. Damon turning on me didn't surprise me and Stefan right now not himself but even if he was would he show me compassion? I don't think he would.

"Aw. And how is any of this my problem?" She teased I saw the door open and a cute guy walked in he looked over at Caroline and I a little stunned.

"Caroline.... what the hell?" He rushed over he was pretty fast not as fast as a vampire but much faster than a human, he got Caroline off me "Seriously Caroline" She looked at him with disbelief I think I'm like this guy. He's actually quite hot and he had them dreamy blue eyes that you could lose yourself in.

"Remember me telling you about doppelgänger" He began to frown and he looked at me and I gave him small smile "That Katherine" I watched as his lips formed an O shape. I didn't know who he was but I wanted to get to know him, Caroline let go of my throat and stepped back.

"So who this? He's yummy" he looked at me a little embarrassed I think he even blushed slightly. Caroline stood in front of him.

"This is Nico Katherine and keep your claws off" She demanded I notice that she kind of got a crush on him.... oh this the Nico the guy she mention before.

"Oh I get it you made your claim already" Caroline looked a little flustered I looked over at Nico there was something about him that seem familiar.

"Have we met before? I mean you look like someone I know but then again I wouldn't forget something as hot as you" I spoke to him flirtatiously which I saw that wound Caroline up.

"Nope never met you before in my life. Well sort of you do look like my aunt" Did he just tell me that I look like his freaking aunt? I don't look that freaking old.

"Katherine this is Damon and Siena son. Nico" I felt my jaw drop open how the hell could their son be freaking in college? Ok Katherine right now there no reason to freak out.

"Me and your father knew each other so well back in 1864, and not forgetting your uncle Stefan ... God we had so much fun" Nico began to frown and Caroline gave me the death glare.

"You knew my dad in 1864?" He spoke with disbelief look like he hadn't been fill in with family history.

"Well Nico look like you weren't given the run down so let me update you... Your grandfather Giuseppe was kind enough to let me stay in the Salvatore family home, and your father and uncle and I were.... how do I put this.... special friends..." Caroline cut me off

"Meaning that she played the both of them" She looked at me "Is any of this relevant right now? Just leave Katherine" She walked back over to ther bed and began to pack, seriously I couldn't believe that they were going to walk away after one little threat.

"Look at you. Moving out, giving up? It's very un-Caroline of you. You need me. Bad" I need a place to stay and I think I'm just the person to help them with this little problem there having "In exchange for a place to stay, and Elena's meal card, I will help you deal with Dr Whoever" I mean seriously there letting some doctor fun them out of college.

"Dr Maxfield. He teaches bio" Nico announced I couldn't help but admire him god this is so wrong looking at Damon kid like this. Did I hear him rightly that this doctor a freaking teacher.

"I'm sorry. What? You're scared of a teacher? Aw, honey, you really need to take a crash course on Villain 101, but luckily for you, I have an honorary doctorate. What do you say, roomy?" Caroline appeared to be stunned by my offer and Nico looked a little impressed; maybe I could have one Salvatore like me. Just hoping his nothing like this dad but I got a feeling Nico and I are going to get on really well.

Tessa P.O.V

That asshole Silas really pulled a number on me this time I should of know that he would do something like this. Why the hell didn't I think of a way to stop him. Yeah I know why I got distracted with his doppelgänger Stefan, god why I'm always a sucker for that face even after 2000 year can't seem to resist it.

Stefan was off having a shower I was here trying to figure out a way of taking this spell down, but seriously who was I kidding there no way of breaking it. I sat on the sofa I need to remain positive I mean yeah he get there before me but it going to take him a while to it. I could hear Stefan's phone ringing and I saw that it was Elena well looks like my luck turned around.

"Stefan's phone" I answered sweetly.

"Siena?" She spoke with confusion in her voice, god after 2000 years hearing that voice made my blood boil.

"Uncanny. Your doppelgänger voice is exactly like Amara's. So whiny" I think that would be my formal introduction to the annoy bitch.

"Tessa. Where's Stefan?" she demanded I thought Elena was sweet on Damon.... Maybe fate pushing her to Stefan now!

"He's here. Well, not 'here here' he hopped in the shower. Between us girls, he works up quite the sweat, but I guess you know that. May I leave him a message?" I think that should get her blood boiling a little.

"Yeah. Remind him that you're a crazy bitch" She spoke bitterly down the phone look like her and Siena had similar qualities, both very foul with their tongue.

"I would, but I think that's maybe his type" I hung up on her I think that should get her whiny ass over here, Silas may possibly get the anchor but I will have the two thing he needs to break it the doppelgängers of he and Amara.

Damon P.O.V

Siena full out announced to Silas that she knew what the anchor looked like now I don't know what game Siena playing right now, but she not giving me the play by play of it. Which would mean A) Whatever she got planned is dangerous. B) She hiding something from me cause she don't trust me. Now I'm not liking either option right now. The fact of maybe she putting her life in danger freaks me out but her not trusting me hurts too, the not trusting me is worrying me right now. I know it had to do with what I did to Stefan last night and her witnessing it all. I mean I didn't want to break my brother neck repeatedly but I did it to guarantee Bonnie return.

So Elena stayed behind while the rest of us made our way to New Jersey to find this freaking anchor, Jer and Siena sat in the back in silence while I was stuck in the front with my brother dick of doppelgänger. I wanted to talk to Siena but it was kind of hard with preying ears so I tried to talk to her through my mind asking what hell she had planned. I kept looking in the side mirror to see if she would give me some indication of something but nothing she was either not listening in or ignoring me. My phone began to ring and I looked at the screen and it was Elena, well at least one member of the family wanted to communicate with me. Apparently Elena wanted to speak to me about Stefan and the fact he didn't come home. Well I kind knew why he didn't I mean I did break his neck a few times.

"He's with Tessa. Why does he keep going back to her?" She seemed really frustrated down the phone could Elena feeling for Stefan be coming back to the surface? And I don't have a clue why he keeps running to her that a question I wouldn't mind have answered myself.

"Look. Who knows? Amnesia Stef's a fickle little-" Then Silas cut me off speaking.

"Wait. You didn't tell Elena what we did to Stefan?" He spoke innocently but he had to bring it up right now while I'm on the phone to her.

"Tell me what?" She demanded down the phone, wonderful here we go.

"Silas needed his psychic juju to get into Tessa's head and the only way to temporarily reactivate his abilities was to break Stefan's neck..." I hesitated for moment as the guilt came over me "...a couple times" If Stefan didn't hate me before I'm pretty sure he hates me now.

"As if he didn't hate us enough. Damon, oh, God. I'm going over there" No that the last thing I needed Elena going to Tessa. Then Tessa going all psycho at her cause she apparently looks like Amara.

"She should, really. Tessa's bad business" Silas spoke with sarcasm.

"Your even more of a dick than I thought" Siena added from the back and Silas began to chuckle, great now I'm going to play referee with these two.

"No. Just let Stefan have his space. It's like you said, he's already mad enough" I really don't need Elena going over there right now that Tessa beyond unstable right now.

"Sounds like he's more mad at you. Maybe he and I can find some common ground" Elena hangs up on me, I really trying not to flip here but I tossed my phone out of anger.

"Knock, knock" I turned to Silas and he smiled "Knock, knock" I really weren't amused with his behaviour right now "Who's there? The mayor? The mayor who?" I ignore him. Silas makes a hand gesture for me to follow in his stupidity.

"Well, who?" I said in frustration right now I weren't in any mood for jokes.

"No one! That's the joke. No one's there because I killed the mayor" He is clearly sick in the head.... temper Damon!

"You're a dick" Jeremy responded unamused. I think this day going to get worst I got Siena with some kind of agenda then Elena freaking out over Stefan. Now I've got to deal with this witch that thinks his an comedian I know this day going to get worse.

Siena P.O.V

This was one of the worst road trips ever stuck in a car with a bunch of guys and there huge egos, Jeremy didn't like this whole idea he felt that Silas couldn't be trust and he was right. Like I said before he had two game plans in mind one he was going to go ahead with bring Bonnie back and two totally screwing us. Well I know when I finally show him the anchor I think Silas is going to have a totally change of heart. The one thing that worries me is the fact how he is going to react to it all that going to be interesting.

Damon kept on trying to talk to me through his mind asking me question after question I so badly wanted to tell him what I had planned, but Damon kept from me what he planned to do to Stefan to 'protect me'. That all I was doing in return Damon would totally flip out if he knew that I was lying with Silas and not forgetting Tessa too. So all I'm doing is protect him from them because they will harm him and I can't have that I can't let anything happen to him.

On our way to New Jersey Damon had a call from Elena apparently Stefan hanging out with my evil ancienter, even I didn't get why he kept going to her I mean I know she messed with his mind but seriously! Damon really didn't help circumstances though with him breaking his neck so the trust was broken from then, of course he go running to the one person who hadn't betrayed him yet. Elena of course was panicking and she had every right to be. I mean this is Tessa we are talking about, the evil manipulative bitch that trying to screw all of us up I just hop Elena don't do anything stupid.

We had finally arrived in New Jersey to the shipping yard where the anchor is Silas looked all excited about it as we got out of the car. Damon looked relived that he didn't have to listen to Silas crappy jokes.

"Thank God" Damon announce I looked at him and smile 'You better know what you're doing Bella' he approached me and snaked his arms around my waist gave me soft kiss 'Please don't have anything stupid planned'

"How do you do it, Damon? How can you stand being here when you know your wife been cursed to fall for my doppelgänger, Tessa pretty persistent she will make it happen" Damon broke away from me I knew that really annoyed Damon he hated the fact that Tessa brought me here to screw with the doppelgänger fate. Well it totally back fired on her as I found my true soul mate and his right in front of me.

"It's called being secure. I'm assuming you know a little bit about that by the way you wear your hair. Please don't tell me you believe in this doppelgänger prophecy crap" Damon held me closely to his side Silas looked at him with sarcastic expression.

"Crap? What do you mean 'crap?' Do you not notice the universe trying to mirror my love for Amara by bringing our doppelgängers together? Then I've for that ex of mine trying to destroy it by adding her" He pointed at me "Into the mix to destroy it" Silas really hated the fact that Tessa tried to curse me to break the doppelgänger fate. Damon moved away from me and headed to the door of the warehouse.

"You do realize that by destroying the Other Side that you are personally moving Heaven and Earth to be together. That's not fate, you idiot. That's you being a crazy person" Damon breaks the door handle going into the warehouse and we all walked in. Well he had a little point there but then I think if Damon was in Silas position I think he would something as stupid.

"Okay. Where is this stupid anchor thing?" Jeremy broke then tension as Silas was clearly offended by Damon comment.

"I have no idea" Silas added Damon spun round and looked at him.

"What do you mean you have no idea?" Damon he asked with disbelief, I needed to get to the 'anchor' before any of them do.

"Give me some credit, man. I did psychically dive into Tessa's mind to see this specific warehouse" I began to quietly side step away from them I didn't want the focus to go to me I wanted to be the first one to get to it.

"Siena what does it look like?" Jeremy asked then all three of them looked at me. Damon looked at me with disappointment I think he knew I was trying to sneak away.

"That the thing I'll know when I see it" I spoke innocently Damon looked at me sceptically. I glance over at Silas looked like he was going to flip.

"Wait. You don't know where it is or what it looks like? You told me that you came here when Tessa had possession of your body" He raised his voice I gave him a small smile

"It binds a spell to a supernatural hell dimension. It's not going to look like a freaking IKEA sink" Silas huffed and walked off and Damon kept on giving the 'look' god talk about pressure how the hell I'm going to get to it now, Damon defiantly going to be watching me like a hawk.

Nico P.O.V

The party went well last night I really expect Caroline to be freaking out with the fact that you know she held me in her arms a few months back, but she seemed to take it really well. I really like her I don' t think I've actually ever liked a girl before with my whole 'up bring' being a total lie. A part of me holding back though I mean Siena and Damon my parents they might freak about this. I just don't want anything to ruin the bond I want to build back up with them, some kids would hold resentment over their parents but I can't. When I look at Damon all I see is that he missed the whole part of me growing up like teaching me to ride a bike or how to toss a baseball that kind of stuff. I don't know if he would of done that with me but if he did or didn't that choice was taken away from him. Then Siena missing out on her little boy first smile first tooth first step, you know all that stuff that a mom cherishes when they see their baby grow. I know I shouldn't feel like this but part of me feel like it my fault that they never got that. I know it sounds crazy I mean I was a baby I couldn't do much but I guess I'm pissed with myself cause I fell for Margherita lies. I went looking for the both of them but it looked like they both left, well all I'm hoping is that they kissed and made up and they won't let this Tessa get in there way.

I received a phone call from Caroline this morning telling that she and Elena had to leave Whitmore due to Dr Maxfield threatening to expose them. I want to convince her on the phone not to make any rash decision but she hung up on me. I knew she was freaking out so I made my way to her dorm room, when I walked in I saw her pining Elena against the wall. Well I was totally wrong it wasn't Elena it was Katherine apparently the doppelgänger, Caroline kind of mention something about this but I think I may of spaced out.

Well Katherine is totally different to Elena VERY flirtatious some of her comments actually made me blush, I mean it kind of felt a little weird having talking to me like that with my aunt face. Caroline became kind of over protective I don't know if it was because of my parents, or the fact that she may have some kind of feeling for me. I didn't know which one it was but Katherine found it amusing. Then she began to say how she and Damon were really close and then something about Stefan. I actually wanted to know more but Caroline jumped in and the discussion got closed.

Katherine apparently going to teach Caroline villain 101. I didn't know what that actually meant but from what I understood, Katherine was going to help Caroline and Elena with ther Dr Maxfield issue. So all three of us left the dorm and made our way down to Dr Maxfield lab but the girls told me to wait outside while they dealt with him for amusement I played that I would listen, did they think I really was going to play bodyguard? They both had another thing coming I waited outside for a couple of minutes then I walked in on Katherine injecting Dr Maxfield with something. They both turned around to me a little stunned.

"Nico I thought we told...." Caroline began to say as she placed Dr Maxfield in the chair, I cut her off.

"What did you inject him with?" I demanded he looked half dead as I approached.

"You defiantly your father son" Katherine spoke playfully I looked at her she raised her hands up "Okay.... I don't know. It just said 'avoid contact with eyes...'" Katherine looks at the bottle "...and 'do not ingest' Oops" Wonderful she injected him with god knows what. I looked over at Dr Maxfield and he was coming back to consciousness.

"It's etorphine" He spoke groggy Katherine looked at me with a smile.

"There ya go" Yeah well we still didn't have a clue of how it going to affect him.

"He really don't look good" I didn't want Elena or Caroline to leave but did they need to go to this extreme?

"What are you doing, Elena?" He asked with confusion looking at Katherine of course he going to think she Elena he wouldn't know about doppelgängers.

"We're draining vervain blood out of your system so I can compel you to forget that Elena and I are vampires" Caroline glance at me looking a little ashamed about whatever they had planned.

"Wait, what? You'll kill me!" He began to panic Caroline was looking for something on the lab table.

"Shhh" Caroline puts her hand up to quiet Dr Maxfield "I'm just-- I'm trying to do some math. Okay. Uhh. So, if the average male has 5 litres of blood in his system..." she began to write down in a piece of paper

"That's about right" Katherine added, they couldn't do this what if they kill him!

"You both are worrying me, do you know what your even doing?" I looked at Katherine she shrugged her shoulders then I looked at Caroline who was still busy adding numbers.

"...then, carry the 1..." Caroline begins to mumble whilst running calculations I don't even think she even heard me.

"Just round up..." Katherine spoke with frustration.

"Nico you're a good kid. Why are you mixing with vampires" He looked at me with worry in his eyes well it wasn't like I had a choice my parents were actually my whole family are.

"Perfect! 4.7 pints" Caroline walked over and looked at Dr Maxfield "Should I use the right arm or the left arm?" This was crazy I grabbed a stool and sat down I didn't know if the girls were trying to freak him out or they seriously didn't have a clue what they were doing.

"Untie me. I'll find the vein myself. You will kill me" He told her panicking. I ran my fingers through my hair maybe I should of stayed on guard.

"Give me. It's not my first rodeo" Caroline hands her the IV "Can you hand me one of those tube-y things, and, um some tape?" Caroline walks across the room to retrieve the things Katherine asked for. They put the IV into Dr Maxfield's arm, letting the blood drain into a beaker.

"Oh, my God, it's working!" I really expect Katherine to screw up.

"Ta da!" She looked over at me "I'm not just a pretty face handsome" I couldn't help but chuckle Katherine seemed kind of cool I didn't really get Caroline problem with her. She grabs a scalpel from the table and touches Dr Maxfield with it "So, doctor, you tell me, who else knows about us?" She puts the scalpel against his neck.

"If you were willing to kill me, you wouldn't have gone through all of this trouble. You should have left when I told you to. They're on to you" Caroline told me that he told Elena a similar last night. Why is he talking in riddles for?

"Who's they? The people you want to expose us to? That secret society thingy that you belong to?" Caroline interrogated him you got to be kidding me there a freaking secret society on campus god I've heard everything now.

"There's a gathering today at Whitmore house. The society is using it to suss out potential candidates" He turned and looked at Katherine "They were going to invite you, until they started suspecting that you were a vampire" Katherine began to smirk at him.

"So all I have to do is convince them that Elena Gilbert isn't a vampire? Done" She spoke smugly well Katherine seemed pretty sure with herself.

"They'll never let you in and a vampire could never get past the threshold" Caroline and Katherine both smile at one another well whatever the girls have planned I think getting past the threshold not going to be a problem. I just hope whatever they are doing going to work cause it would really suck around here if Caroline had to leave.

Damon P.O.V

We finally got here and all we needed to do is find this stupid anchor so we needed to know what the hell we are looking for, sound simple don't it! Well no cause Silas had his hopes on Siena and now she playing 'Miss Innocent' of she can't recall where it is and I also notice that she was trying to ditch us. I need a moment alone with her and find out what the hell she playing at cause right now she playing with some serious fire.

We all looking on of the aisle it was filled with boxes on top of boxes each of us had a crow bar ripping away at the wooden create trying to find this stupid anchor. I stopped for a moment and looked over at Siena who seemed a little distracted; she was up to something I know it. I know Siena too well and I know she got an agenda going on.

"Quit dawdling. We need to find this thing before the Travellers show up" Silas snapped me out of my thoughts I looked over at him.

"Why are they so interested in this anchor?" I mean I didn't get it why would they keep moving it?

"They hate me for creating the immortality spell and they know the anchor's the only thing standing between me and my soul mate. Every love story needs to have one thing that keeps getting in the way. Kind of like you, Damon" This guy is really getting on my last nerve right now his an arrogant asshole.

"You know, you might be an all powerful witch, is that what you call it?" Yeah he refer himself to being so freaking powerful.

"Yeah" He spoke bluntly I began to approach him.

"But I will happily kill you if you keep that up" I threaten him he began to smirk god I wanted to tear him apart.

"Oh, no, you won't. Not until I bring the witch your beloved wife murdered back" I looked behind him and Siena was looking at us both "Keep looking" Silas demanded and he walked away I walked over to Siena this was the perfect time to find out what going on.

"Now will you tell me what game your playing?" She sighed and looked at me.

"Last night I read Tessa mind reason why I knew the location of the anchor" Ok so that a good thing then why didn't she tell me any of this before? "There something else....." My phone began to ring The caller ID said Stefan is calling

"Hold that thought princess" I answered the phone "Well. Isn't this a pleasant surprise" I began to walk away from Siena maybe my baby bro not that made at me.

"You ain't seen nothing yet. Since I'm occupied at the moment, I need you to go ahead and kill Silas for me" I heard Tessa voice on the other end of the phone. I would have great pleasure in killing him but there a problem doing that.

"Gladly, but he's such a control freak, he wants to off himself, himself" Which is kind of annoy as I would love to rip his heart out after what he had done to my whole family.

"You mean, after he destroys the Other Side? Yeah, that's not gonna happen, plus I want him dead before he has the pleasure of finding the anchor" What the hell did she mean by the pleasure of finding it?

"Yeah. I'm not following" I told her flatly I turned around and looked over at Siena who had a very worrisome look on her face.

"Kill him. Now" Tessa demanded like it that simple to just go and kill him.

"Damon" I heard Elena shout, Siena looked at me with fear in her eyes.

"Did I mention I lured your sister in-law here to me? I used the oldest trick in the book -- jealousy of Stefan! Thought you should know" I heard Elena scream in pain what Elena playing at going over there.

"Tessa!" I heard Stefan shout she had two important people to me in her clutches right now. I glance up at Siena she had fear in her eyes, I couldn't let her lose Elena not now they are back on track.

"Stop! Stop it" I could still hear Elena yelling in pain "I can't kill him yet. He has to do something for me first" I dropped his voice I didn't want Silas hearing.

"Is that something more important than Siena?" Suddenly Siena starts to choke then she start coughing up blood, I rushed over to her she continued to bring up blood "How my niece doing? She don't sound to great" Siena stopped and began to grasp for air to catch her breath.

"That wasn't called for" I shouted down the phone while I soothed Siena back she wipe the blood away from her lips.

"I thought it was. Because Damon you need an incentive to kill Silas. As Silas put a spell on this house and bound it to the sun, which means we're trapped here until sundown, which means you have until then to kill Silas or I kill Siena or Elena. I haven't quite decided yet maybe I'll kill the both of them that would be just as fun. Bye now"

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