My brothers best friend

By ashtonbbe30

294K 5.4K 936

I'm Ari Clifford and I live in castleburry Connecticut with my dad. I have an older brother Michael Clifford... More

Watched it begin again.
I've been missing you
Jump, for my love
First time in forever
Girls just wanna have fun
I'll make love to you, like you want me to
Eye of the tiger
Dont go chasing water falls
You've been cheating and telling me lies
Help, anybody.
Dont walk away
Lets talk about sex baby
I really really like you
Love me harder
Lost in reality
Goodbye my lover
English love affair
I miss you
You give me butterflies
Time after time
We're going to the chapel and we're gonna get married
Jet black heart
Im glad you crashed the wedding
Fuck you, fuck you very very much
You've been cheating and telling me lies
Save me
Lets talk
Drunk nights
We are family
I'll be there
Welcome to new york
Tempory fix
What should I do?

I hate you i love you

4.7K 103 21
By ashtonbbe30


This is the chapter before the FINAL ENDING and if you'd like to read this bit you can but otherwise it doesn't matter. 

Ashton POV

I was tired and fed up of looking after Ari all the time. Constant need of attention and care just wasn't me, so I decided to go on a wild night out with a few old friends round this area.

I called Bryan, Jessie, Rose, James and Peter and they all agreed to come so we went out to a night club not far from town.

When we got there I could smell the alcohol and sweat from people as they danced around often falling and laughing.

James came over and patterned my shoulder asking me if I was okay almost 24/7 whilst giving me drink after drink.


"This party is awesome!" Jessie smiled as she sat on my lap with a drink in her hand and caught her breath.

I nodded my head. "It really is." I laughed. "But it's not a party Jess."

"It's close enough." She slurred pouring the remaining drink down her throat wincing and then laughing. "Have fun Ashton! Dance with me!"

She pulled me up and I followed her to the dance floor. Upbeat songs came on and I moved to the beat as she did too. Soon enough she began grinding sexually on me as she flipped her hair occasionally.


Jessie was completely wasted and I needed to get her home. I called us a cab and took her back to her apartment. I laid her down on her bed and watched as she rolled over on her side drooping her hand down off the side.

I went to leave when I heard her bed creak and saw her sitting up staring at me mischievously. I looked at her confused before she spoke.

"Stay with me." She said seductively whilst crawling on her bed to the end and grabbing my hands.

I tried to pull them away. "Jessie, I have a girlfriend and you're incredibly drunk right now." I said pushing her back gently.

"Forget her, you already have otherwise you would be looking after her right now ash and I'm not that drunk." She giggled still slurring over her words.

I shook my head again trying to think of other reasons and I couldn't. There were none at that point so I did what I never thought I'd ever do.

I kissed Jessie slowly before pushing her down on the bed me climbing on top of her and kissing her harder and quicker. She fiddled with the hem of my shirt before unbuttoning in and pulling it off. I copied her actions but pulling her top off over her head. I kissed down her stomach and pulled down her jeans leaving her in just her underwear.

That was it. I was no longer who I thought I was. I cheated on my girlfriend with my own best mate and I can't believe I could ever do such a thing.


I woke up the next day in her bed my arm drooped around her waist. I quickly moved my arm and got up looking for my clothes. I felt sick to my stomach with guilt as I left the room and then the apartment quickly.

I arrived back at the hotel and saw Michael and Gina asleep on the sofa. I closed the door and Mike woke up.

"Where have you been all night?" He asked his voice croaking.

I coughed scratching my arm. "I- well I -" I stuttered.

"You didn't!?" Gina yelled sitting up and eyeing me up. "You're in the same clothes, you smell of booze and sweat. You went clubbing all night leaving your sick girlfriend at home all alone." Gina tutted.

I let out a shaky breath. "Yeah, sorry." I sighed walking into mine and Ari's room.

I didn't expect to see her in there but she was. She was curled up in one of my shirts hugging my pillow close to her chest. That sight made me feel even worse and I slipped down on the floor trying to keep calm.

"Ashton?" Ari asked sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

I stood up smiling and trying to hide my true emotion. "Hey, good sleep?"

"No, not so great." She mumbled.

I walked over and sat on the end of the bed. "Why?" I asked.

"Because you weren't here, I can't sleep when you aren't right next to me. You keep me warm and safe and I love you Ashton I'm so sorry." She hugged me and pecked my cheek.

I felt even worse then I did before. She was laying next to me and feeling like all this was her fault. I wrapped my arm around her and leant my head on top of hers as I huffed.



I was still ill but I tried to make Ashton lunch. I was making him home made pizza, I thought he'd like it but that was until I burnt it and set the kitchen on a mini fire. I managed to put it out before any of the boys came back.

"Jesus, has Ari burnt the hotel down." Calum laughed and walked in the kitchen to find me holding a fire extinguisher and a smoke covered face.

"Ari, what are you playing at!" Michael yelled running over and taking the extinguisher from my arms as he pushed me down on a chair. "You're still not well enough yet Ari, I'm sorry but it's true."

I rolled my eyes. "I have a freakin' bug Michael, I'm not dying." I yelled standing up. "I was making an apology dinner for Ashton so you guys can fuck off and I'll order me and Ashton take out." I ordered.

"Alright." Gina pulled Michael's hand and Mandy pulled Luke's and Calum's and then they were gone.

"Ari, you don't have to -"

I cut him off. "I want to, I feel awful Ashton, this, this is my fault."

"I can't do this anymore Ari, sit down." He demanded as I did so he grabbed my hands and looked at me tearfully. "Look, I'm so sorry Ariana, I never meant to do it I was drunk and so was she it just happened and I wish I could-"

I cut him off my hands shaking slightly as my stomach churned. "What did you do Ashton?" I asked feeling like I already knew.

"I slept with someone last night." He mumbled looking down a tear sliding down his cheek.

I stood up and gasped feeling my heart shatter. He cheated? He really cheated this time. How could he do this to me? I can't believe it.

"It meant nothing to me I promise Ari, I was really, really drunk."

"It doesn't matter Ashton, drunk or sober you slept with another girl whilst dating me, you cheated. You. Are. A. Cheater." I yelled throwing my hand across his face.

"I deserved that, I did. But we can get through this Ari, I know we can. You and me are strong and together were the most strongest couple alive."

"No, we're not even a couple Ashton. We're a mess!" I cried as I threw a punch at the wall.

"Don't say that, please, we're better than this." He begged.

"You know what? I need to clear my head, I'm going for a walk." I stood up and grabbed my coat.

"I need to come with you, you're ill you could get worse out there." Ashton grabbed his coat too.

"No, I'm going alone. If I pass out or die I hope the guilt kills you, just remember that I hate you!" With that I left.


Ashton POV

Shit! Why am I doing this, why am I messing up my whole life up? I'm no good, I'm just no good anymore.

"Why is Ari in hysterics walking down the street Ashton?" Luke came in with Mandy beside him.

"I cheated." I said in a monotone.

Luke gasped and Mandy looked pissed off. "Ashton! How could you? Hasn't she been through enough these past few months, no no, these past few years! You're a fucking disgrace!" Mandy screamed as Luke looked shocked.

"Mandy, this isn't your problem." Luke said to her softly.

Mandy swatted Luke's hand away. "Don't touch me! I'm pissed off. You cheat on my best friend then let her roam the streets ill."

"It's not like you were there for her either. Things got hard with Luke and you ran away leaving her too so don't put all this crap on me. Ari wanted to be alone. She asked me to stay." I replied getting aggressive.

"Why'd you cheat huh? Why!?" She stood up tall and proud.

"Because she wasn't giving me what I wanted at the time I needed it!" I spat out of anger.

As soon as those hateful words left my mouth I saw Ari appear in the corner of the room tears falling down her blushed cheeks. She looked pissed off and ready to pounce.

"Are you serious?" She cackled.

I stood up wiping my eyes. "No, no I didn't mean that, fuck! She just got me so wound up and-"

"Don't blame her man, Mandy let's go." Luke pulled Mandy's hand and she followed but only standing behind Ari.

"Look, Ari. I was drunk, that is the only reason I have I swear. I am so, so sorry. I wish I could take it all back." I promised.

"Drunk actions equal sober imagines." Ari whispered. "You don't love me anymore do you?"

I looked at her shocked. "Of course I do, of course I do!" I exclaimed.

"Is this what the all famous 'Ashton Irwin love' is now? Cheating, lying and hateful words? Because I don't want to be loved that way."

"I love you, I love you so freakin much don't even say that Ariana." I begged grabbing her waist as she placed a kiss on my lips.

"I can't move on from this Ashton. So much has happened with you that I can't be the girl you fell in love with which is why I think you cheated. I think you wanted to cheat on me Ashton, I think you liked it."

"No, no I felt sick and I will always regret it." I explained holding her tighter.

"Ashton, we're over. Me and you, this, it's gone. I love you but not the same way either anymore, I hate you but I love you and I can't love that way, love shouldn't feel like pain. Love is a pleasant thing and I'm sorry we're ending this. It was good while it lasted Ashton, it really was."

I noticed she already packed a bag and Michael was standing there with a frown on his face as Ari pulled herself away from me. She held my hands in hers and leaned her forehead on mine.

"Goodbye Ashton Fletcher Irwin." Her warm breath fanned my face as she spoke. Her scent tingled through me knowing it'd be the last time.

She pulled away and headed to the door breathing deeply before grabbing her case and wiping her eyes. She walked out leaving nothing of hers in sight.

This is it, all the times she's left me I'd never felt like this. It really is over, our love has stopped and my heart is broken.

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