Drama? Not even close... Love?

By ForeverDream

27.6K 288 214

This is the sequel to "How did I end up falling in love with a jerk?" :) You don't really need to read it to... More

Drama? Not even close... Love?
Chapter 2: It was a mistake seeing you but I found someone better.
Chapter 4: Physical Pain isn't just enough is it?
Chapter 5: These Memories Don't Seem to Fade.
Chapter 6: Prank or?
Chapter 7: I'm so far gone.
Chapter 8: You Can't Find the Old Me.
Chapter 9: Moving or?
Chapter 10: New school New Boy.
Chapter 11: Let Me Go.
Chapter 12: I choose you
Chapter 13: Reality
Chapter 14: Tragedy.
Chapter 15: Two wrongs don't make a right.
Chapter 16: Finally dead.

Chapter 3: Betrayed is an Understatement.

1.6K 22 18
By ForeverDream


We both got up, and I stood in front of Derek protectively knowing Damon wouldn't try to hurt me.

"I'm trying to get over you? And he's trying to get over Corinna?" I raised an eyebrow looking back at their dumb founded expressions.

"HE'S MINE! YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!" Corinna said with tears streaming down her face.

I knew all Derek wanted to do was rush to her side, and comfort her, I bet if it were in any other circumstances, he would.

I growled at her.

"You're not getting him back, he's mine now" I growled making her growl back.

Damon started growling because I was touching another male, and defending him too. But I ignored him.

Even though Derek and I marked each other, I wanted him to be with Corinna, I mean he was just about the only friend I had left, and sure he could grow to love me and get by on that - But it wouldn't be the same if he was with Corinna, he'd truly be happy. And as much as I hated Corinna, I hated to see her upset only because it made Derek upset too.

"How about this. You can have him back on one condition?" I raised my eyebrow.

"What is it!?" She looked desperate.

"I'll give you two a week to be together, and if you can change his mind, then he can mark you, and my mark will disappear" I smirked trying to challenge her.

Derek was looking at me weird, but I decided to talk to him though the mind link we established when we marked each other.

It's fine, I know you want her. Work for it, but play hard to get boy! I sent through the mind link while winking at him.

Thanks Rein, you're the best! Love you! He said with a big smirk as Corinna grabbed his arm and started dragging him inside the school.

"By the way, we're over Damon!" She called while walking.

He frowned and pushed me against the tree.

"You did that on purpose!" He growled.

I pushed him off me, "So what? I stopped caring if you hurt me, but why do you need to keep two people from each other? Find some other slut to call yours, I'm sure girls are lining up as we speak" I shoved him while walking away but he grabbed my arm stopping me.

"I'm sorry you know" He whispered.

"For what Damon? Hurting me? Why? Aren't you used to it already? I mean you've been doing it since day one" I looked at him coldly.

"I wish things could be different Reinie" He said before letting go.

I felt the same pang in my chest but kept walking.

"Doesn't everyone" I whispered.

The next few days flew by quickly, and soon there was only two days till Bella, and Cher got here! They're both werewolves I met in Spain, and let me tell you, I love them to pieces. They've had my back since day one, and I was thankful for that. I convinced them both to transfer to my school, and if they like it here, they're going to be staying forever! YAY!

It was a Saturday afternoon, but I just woke up because I decided to sleep in! I put on my jean shorts, a purple tank top, purple vans, a purple bandana and put my hair in a messy bun. I made my way down the stairs before stopping, and hearing whispering.

I smelt the room, and EVERYONE was here. I mean EVERYONE from my pack, Damon's pack, and even Corinna was here. I smelt my mom, dad, uncles, and aunts.

"Dad she's not ready to be Alpha, let me be Alpha, Damon rejected her, do you think she can handle that? SHE'S A GIRL! SHE'LL BREAK DOWN CRYING ALL THE TIME!" Matt argued with my father.

"You're right, maybe we could talk about this with her, you know convince her to hand the title down to you, I mean I've always wanted you to be Alpha, since you're second in line anyway" My father said in a confident voice.


I heard my mother growl.

"You're not taking this away from my daughter!" She half whispered, half yelled.

"How about me mom?" Matt whined.

My mom then grew silent.

"It's not like anyone missed her here anyway, we were better off without her!" Anastasia growled.

Anastasia was always a bitch, no matter how much I loved her. But the fact that Rossie, and Paige said nothing, not even my own mate stood up for me is what hurt me most.

I dialed Cher's number and put her on speaker while I walked loudly down the stairs into the kitchen where everyone was sitting and discussing me.

As I entered, everyone grew silent and all eyes fell on me, but I paid no attention to anything but my phone.

"Morning dear" My mom smiled, but I ignored her while getting out some toast.

"CHER SPEAKING! WASSUP GIRL?" Cher said through the speaker.

By then everyone was listening in on our conversation.

"Nothing babe, you're on speaker though. But, when are you two getting here girl?" I smiled.

"First thing tomorrow at 9am! You'll meet us at the airport right?" She sounded excited.

"Yup! But can I ask you both a favour?" I asked hopefully.

"Can I move in with you two?" Everyone's eyes were now out of their sockets.

Before she could answer my father started yelling.

"Excuse me! You're not moving out anywhere young lady! I've had enough of you these past days!" My father roared as everyone snickered.

"Is this a bad time?" Cher asked.

"YES! IT’S A BAD TIME!" My father roared.

"Nope, it's a perfect time actually! I mean first my family say they don't want me around, that they want Matt to be Alpha, and that their better off without me but when I offer to leave, they say no just because they think I'm not happy" I smirked at all their faces when they found out I heard them.

"Your family and pack are pulling some snake movements eh? Your mom or none of your friends stood up for you either huh? But yeah, you could totally move in with us! But there's three of us, Josh is coming too, it was supposed to be a surprise!" She giggled.

Yes, I'm aware that she's on speaker, and that everyone can hear her, but I still don't care.

"The only three people I consider family anymore is you, Bella and Josh. But I can't believe Josh's coming too! YAAAAAAY! Living with you three will be so fun!" I said while getting up from the stool before I was stopped by my brothers.

"Listen Cher; tell Bella and Josh I can't wait to see you guys! But I have to go, bye love you!" I said before hanging up.

"HOW DARE YOU, YOU SPOILED BRAT!" My brother yelled at me.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Who are you really yelling at right now?" I growled.

"You know what I was against challenging you, but now I wish I could kill you!" Matt screamed.

I laughed so hard I could barely breathe.

"How about Kai, Damon, You, and Dominic all fight me at the same time hm? Let's see who'd win?" I smirked.

"Why'd you just call dad 'Kai'? Dom looked nervous.

"I told you, I don't have a dad or a mom, or brothers, or even a mate" I shrugged.

Before shifting into my red wolf, I said "Don't go easy on me, I know I won't"

Dominic and Damon both hesitated at first while Matt and Kai both went on the attack. But I dodged them both while getting a few scratches in myself. I saw an opening I threw Kai into a tree to pounce on Matt. I lunged for his throat, but instead of killing him I spun him around and threw him into a tree seventeen metres away. I knew he wouldn't be getting back up because it was a fatal blow. I ran towards Dominic, but he bowed his head and started whimpering. I bared my teeth at him and started growling when I heard footsteps behind me, and quickly moved out of the way so instead of Damon pinning me, he was pinning Dom on the grass.

I took this as a chance, and lunged at him. I sunk my teeth into his leg without hesitation, and threw him against the wooden post which was conveniently there. Dominic ran into the forest along with Damon and Kai probably searching for Matt. They knew they lost, so I just shifted back, changed and walked through the crowd that the pack had formed while watching us fight.

I went upstairs, and packed all my things. After seven hours of packing, I was finally done! I got Cher to text me the address of the house she bought, which we'd be living in so I could move my stuff in, and get groceries for when they got here.

I put all my luggage in my car, and as I was about to walk out of the house for the last time, when I was pulled back.


"Yeah, because my life goal is to kill my brother and steal his Alpha position, Oh WAIT! He's not Alpha? So I don't care. Now bye!" I growled.

"You can't leave this house, I forbid you!" He growled back.

"Really now? You forbid me?" I said while dialing Josh's number.

The best thing about Josh is that he's North American and South American Alpha. He's like the boss, while he has 'managers' run each section of the company. And right now my father was one of the many managers. Even though Josh was strong and powerful, I was still stronger physically, red wolf, DUH!

I put him on speaker.

"ALEXIS!" He roared.

"JOSHIE!" I yelled back.

"What's happenin' bro?" He asked.

 "I need you to tell my parent guardian that I can move in with you, well more like order Alpha Swenston" I said formally emphasising his last name so my 'father' could take the hint.

My father stood there in shock as I said this, as did Damon who I just noticed was a few feet away.

"I order you Alpha Spaven to let your daughter stay in our residence. There happy Alexis?" He said cheerfully.

"YUP!" I said excitedly as I shoved passed Kai, making my way to the car.

"I'm so excited to see you.. Still can't believe you're going to be living with us!" He said happily.

"Well believe it!" I said while getting in the car, and driving to my new home.

 The next day went by pretty quickly. I picked the three of them up from the airport, and we blasted music on our way home.

We unpacked everything, and then the fun began! They'd all be attending my school tomorrow! YES!

Bella was the calm, and tolerable one out of them all. Although she's violent, she almost never got mad unless she really didn't like the person. While Cher was like the total opposite. She spoke her mind, got angry really easily and wasn't that forgiving. Josh, well let's just say he's like all teenage boys.

Bella's from Spain, and she has dark blue eyes like mine, but straight light brown hair. She has a nice slim body, but yet curves in all the right places! Cher was Cuban, she had green eyes, long caramel curly hair that touched her chest, and she's the curviest out of us three. Josh has dark brown eyes, blonde hair, a nice smile, and a built body to put it all together. Josh was my very first friend at school, he was the one who introduced me to Bella, and Cher; I'll always be thankful for that.

Cher's house shouldn't even be called a house, it was more like a mansion, and I THOUGHT my house was huge, but the one she bought was like ten times bigger than the one I lived in. Her parents died when she was just a kid, and she got left all the money. But she wasn't the only one who was loaded, so was Bella. Her parents were alive, but the way they treated her, I guess they were dead to her. They gave her all the money she needed, but didn't have a care in the world for her. And well Josh, his parents both passed away, because of rogues, and he was Alpha of North and South America ever since.

"Yo everyone, let's take pictures!" Cher called, as we all rushed inside her room.

We posed and took pictures for about another hour before getting ready for dinner.

The next day we all woke up early to take showers, and get ready.

"Let's all match with the purple rompers we got in Spain!" Bella smiled.

"Agreed" Cher said while searching her clothes.

We all put on our purple rompers, light purple pumps, black leather jackets, purple bandanas, and out makeup exactly the same. The only thing that differed was our hair, Bella's was straight, Cher's was curly, and mine was in soft curls.

 Josh drove us all to school, and everyone was looking at us in the parking lot.

"They’re all hot!" A boy whispered.

"You're the shitiest whisperer ever!" Cher called behind her to the boy who was now behind us.

We all giggled.

Josh smacked our asses, "Damn, you guys do look good today!" I heard a bunch of growls from the front, and we turned to see both packs growling at us.

Damon started sprinting towards us with Matt, Dom, David, and Brock behind him.

"Who the f'*ck are you?" Damon growled.

"Don't touch my sister, ever!" Dominic growled.

The rest just growled.

Cher, Bella and Josh snorted at the same time, while linking arms with me and walking past them.

Anastasia grabbed Cher's shoulder and spun her around.

"Who do you think you are bitch?" She snarled.

"Touch. Me. One. More. Time. Just. Do. It. And. See. What. Happens" Cher said this slowly so they would sink in.

"And what are you going to do about it? I mean look at you Reine, with you and your new 'amigos'!" Anastasia sneered.

"HOLD MY SHIT!" Cher said while taking off her bag, and everything that was breakable.

I held her back. "She's not worth it. She's trying to faze you but we all know you're not, so relax love. I don't need you being kicked out on your first day" I said while pulling her back.

Bella pushed Cher and I gently out of the way to face Anastasia.

She bent in towards her ear and whispered loud enough for any werewolf to hear.

"You're messing with the wrong wolves, bitchachos" Bella smirked ready to attack her.

I knew Bella; she didn't get mad for stupid reasons, so when this happened Josh's first reaction was too throw Bella over his shoulder.

Josh is Bella's mate, but it's not really official because he can't mark her until she turns eighteen, and is more experienced since wolves are always on the hunt for Josh, and the easiest way to hurt him would be to hurt Bella. Bella didn't mind though, she didn't even care if he slapped our asses jokingly, just as long as it wasn't any other girl.

"JOSH PUT ME DOWN!" She screamed while hitting his back.

"No can do princess, I'm not letting anyone touch my baby!" He chuckled.

I pushed Cher after Josh, and before I could do a thing Cher was yelling at Anastasia.

"Talk to me or any of my friends again, and you won't have a face!" Cher growled at Anastasia.

Collin stepped in front of Anastasia protectively.

"Is there a problem here?" He looked serious and then his eyes widened for half a second as they met Cher's.

Cher looked like she was about to cry.

"Oh good thing you're here baby, this bitch got in my face for no reason" Anastasia tried looking innocent.

I snorted.

"Mine" Cher quietly growled to herself, but Collin and I were the only ones who heard her.

It looked like all the boys in the pack knew that they were mates because they all had smirks on their faces when Collin said this.

"Don't waste your time with this piece of shit Ana. She isn't worth anyone's time babe" Collin said as he bent to his Anastasia's forehead.

Cher looked like she was about to cry as the rest of the boys came to stand behind Collin.

"Shoo you two whores!" Matt smirked.

I whispered while smirking so only Cher could hear "Play along and smile".

She looked confused but nodded.

"Mates suck so bad you know! #TEAMFOREVERALONE!" I cheered happily while taking Cher's hand in mine.

"I know, let's be lesbians Reine! Well mark each other and everything!" She said smirking and playing along.

We both heard growls behind us but still kept walking.

I didn't care if none of the girls knew about Collin being Cher's mate, they would now.

"I don't know why COLLIN rejected you, I mean he clearly hasn't seen your fine ass" I said while grabbing her ass.

She giggled "I don't know why DAMON didn't accept you either, look at YOUR ass.. Sexy as hell mami" She said while grabbing mine.

We heard more growls, and then we died of laugher. We decided to stop and turn around to look at those jackasses, and when we did we saw Damon, and Collin both being pinned down to the ground while growling uncontrollably.

"Mine!" Damon growled struggling to get up as his wolf was taking over.

"SHE'S MINE, LET ME GET HER!" Collin screamed also trying to break free of their hold.

"WE HATE YOU!" We both screamed at the same time.

Then we heard two screams and growls.

I took Cher's hand, and headed to the office. We told them Cher felt bad and I had to take her home which is why her first day at school tomorrow. We texted Bella and told her what happened. As we were leaving from the back entrance, our names were called down the hall. We saw Collin and Damon running towards us and both ran to the forest at the back of the school. I could already tell both of their wolves were in control.

We were deep inside the forest already, struggling to run in our heels. We made it to a clear patch of grass, and right when we both thought they lost us, both of our backs were against theirs.

"Reinie" Damon whispered in my ear sending shivers all over my back.

"Let go Damon" I could barely speak.

"NO" He growled.

I looked over to see Collin kissing Cher's neck, and her crying silently.


As the words came out of my mouth, he stopped. Hurt was written all over his face as he stumbled back.

Cher fell to her knee's, and started crying while Collin just looked shocked.

He sat down beside her, pulled her into his arms, and started rocking her back and forth, trying to comfort her.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry" Was what he repeatedly whispered in her ear, and pretty soon she was sleeping cuddled in his chest.

Damon laid me down on the grass a couple metres away from Collin and Cher, and wrapped his arms around me. I knew I couldn't do a thing about it since his wolf was taking over. When an Alpha's wolf takes over, damn they could be possessive.

He breathed down on my neck, and started leaving gentle kisses along my cheek bone, all the way down to my chest.

"Damon, stop" I whispered.

"No" He growled lowly, but I still flinched.

"I'm sorry" He whispered as his facial expression softened.

I just nodded.

I heard footsteps slowly approaching us, and I looked up to see Cher.

I tried getting up but Damon growled at me.

"Please baby, just for a minute" I whispered while kissing his cheek.

"Fine" He nodded as he let me go, still lying down on the grass waiting patiently for me to come back.

Cher and I walked to the edge of the grass, so they could barely hear us.

"What do we do? They'll try mating with us in the state they're in!" Cher whispered yelled.

"I think we should let them mark us, they'll calm down in about fifteen minutes then" I suggested.

"Good idea, but they won't want to be with us after that" Cher looked sad.

"Get used to it babe" I whispered as we both walked back to them.

We both spoke at the same time, "Mark me".

We were both back on the grass with them in a matter of seconds.

"You want us to mark you?" They both said while smirking.

Then I noticed one thing, they were both calmed down now, and in control.

"Nope, you're both in control now. Let's go" I said quickly before being pulled down back into Damon's chest again.

"No can do princess, see you just made our wolves very anxious" He smirked.

"You've got to be kidding me" Cher mumbled, and Collin lightly chuckled.

I felt Damon's teeth sink into my neck, and I moaned quietly while he smiled against my neck. His hands traveled up and down my thighs, making me moan again but louder. It felt like I was dreaming, but I was snapped out of my thoughts when Collin spoke.

"I'm sorry Cher, I love you, and I swear I won't hurt you anymore" Collin whispered in Cher's ear still loud enough for Damon and me to hear.

Tears slowly started flowing down my face at the realization that Damon would never say that to me, or let alone accept me. Before Damon could see the tears I tried wiping them away but two hands pinned down my arms to the grass. Damon was now looking straight into my eyes, and it felt like he saw straight through my soul. Before I could even move, he got off me, and was now standing up a metre away.

"Collin, let's go" He growled.

Realization hit. He marked me, and I forgot to block him out! Great! I put my shield up as soon as I realized he knew what I was thinking.

Cher was now standing in Collin's arms, and he kissed her forehead.

I was thinking about running away, but was snapped out of my thoughts when someone yelled "LOOK WHAT WE HAVE HERE!"

I turned around to see my pack, and Damon's. But Anastasia was the one who spoke.

"I don't think you're fit to be Alpha Alexis, so this time we are all challenging you" She smirked.

"That's against werewolf law" Cher growled.

"And who's going to know exactly?" Matt smirked.

"Fine, us two against all of you" Cher smiled at me.

"Even better, getting rid of two bitches at once" Anastasia smirked.

Collin growled, and moved in front of Cher.

"You touch her, you die" Collin growled.

"You're choosing your loyalty to this slut instead of the pack?" Anastasia growled.

Before he could answer, I growled at her.

"What the fck would any of you know about loyalty?" I roared.

Everyone was silent, and Cher took out her phone.

"I'm calling Josh and Bella" She smirked.

"Don't" I grabbed the phone from her.

She looked at me confused until I mouthed "Bella" to her.

If Josh were to get involved, so would Bella, and Josh would end up being killed because he'd be worried about Bella the whole time.

She nodded in understanding.

"You all want to go against me? That's fine" I smiled.

"Don't forget me" Cher smiled back.

"You're not fighting with me" I smiled weakly at her.

"WHY THE FCK NOT?" She half yelled, half pouted.

I just looked at Collin. He nodded, and put his arms around her waist, dragging to the side to watch.

I took off my necklace, which was a white wolf with a bit of golden spots on its ears. Engraved on it were the words 'I love you, Damon'. I got it in Spain because the wolf reminded me of Damon.

I looked back at Damon one last time, who was on the other side standing with all of the boys just waiting for Me, Anastasia, Rossie, Sophie, Paige and Ashlee to start fighting. His face was calm, but his eyes showed regret. I smiled faintly at him, before turning back around.

I put the necklace in Cher's hand. "Give this to him if anything happens to me, please" I smiled up at her before walking to the battlefield.

All the girls now shifted into their wolves except Anastasia and I. She ran to the other side of the battlefield towards Damon, and jumped on him, giving him a big kiss on the lips. All the boys smirked and snickered at me.

I felt a pain in my chest, and I wanted to do nothing more than jump off a cliff. I ignored the lump that was now building in my throat, and shifted into my red wolf. She was a bit more to handle, because I would always have to remind myself not to rip Anastasia's throat out.

Soon enough Anastasia shifted into her wolf, and started running at me with the rest of the girls. Rossie hesitated, but went for my neck anyway, I dodged her and went for her leg. Despite what they did to me, I still love them, I can't kill them even if I really wanted too. Paige had hurt in her eyes, but exactly like Rossie, she tried going for my throat. She missed my neck, but I felt her teeth sink into my back. I didn't make a noise, not even a whimper; I didn't even feel a thing, all I could feel was my body go numb.

I was now on the ground with the five wolves biting, scratching, and clawing at me. I didn't try to fight back, I just lay there defeated. To me, their attacks weren't painful, just the fact that I considered them family, hurt me more; family, no matter how spiteful didn't do this to each other, but yet here I was laying on the cold muddy grass, with the five people I once loved attempting to kill me. The worst part was, the one person in the world that's supposed to understand me, protect me, and love me, was just across the field, and doing what? Absolutely nothing.

Eventually the clawing, biting, and scratching stopped and all five girls shifted back into humans. I looked in Damon's direction, and met a pair of cold grey eyes. My shield was weakening, and soon enough I let him in. The coldness in his eyes was no longer there, instead pity, sorrow, and pain were in it's place. He took a step towards me from where he was standing, but I growled making him flinch. With all of my strength I had in me, I got up, started walking to Cher but before I could get to her, I collapsed into a world of black.

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