He's a Keeper (Narry AU)

Goofybrunette द्वारा

316K 14K 5.4K

The good looking, cheeky Mr. Styles is playing in yet another movie. All his co-workers fall deeply in love w... अधिक



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Goofybrunette द्वारा

(Picture is Harvey Newton-Haydon)

Words: 3457

The weekend was over, that meant we had to go back to work. Harry had offered to drive with him, but I declined and called Louis instead. I wanted to tell him about my weekend and just see him in general again. I must admit, I've sort of neglected my friends for the past few weeks. I was always around Harry, seeing he was close to being my best friend. So going for a drive with Louis would make me feel a little better about abandoning them.

"Nialler? Someone's at the door for you!" my mother yelled from downstairs. I cocked my eyebrow and looked at my phone's time. Louis was early, that's for sure.

I shook my head and smiled to myself while grabbing a white t-shit along with my black leather jacket. "I'll be down in a second, mom!" I yelled back before pulling the t-shirt over my head and walking to the bathroom. I quickly styles my hair into a sort of sideways quiff with my hands and smiled to my reflection.

I looked good.

Quickly walking down the stairs, I stuck my arms through the arms of my jacket and pulled it over my shoulders. "Going to work, mom. See you tonight," I pressed a kiss to her cheek and walked up to the kitchen island where we have a basket filled with fruit.

"Niall, aren't you going to have breakfast first? Ask you friend to come in and maybe have breakfast with us."

I simply shook my head and grabbed an apple from the fruit basket. "No thanks, mom. Louis and I are going straight to work. Besides, if we're really hungry, we could always buy something there," I explained before walking out of the kitchen and to the door.

My mother sighed but nodded anyways. "Alright, be careful, sweetheart. And have a nice day at work. Oh and tell Harry I said hi!"

I chuckled as I grabbed my keys and wallet. "Will do, bye mom!"

"Bye, honey."

I opened the door and smiled as I saw a red Ferrari parked in front of the gates, Louis leaning against it as he was typing away on his phone. With a click on the button, the gates opened and Louis jumped up, holding his hand on his chest as he did.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again, Horan!" he said before pulling me in an embrace. I chuckled and wrapped my own arms around his petit body. "I missed talking to you," he mumbled before tightening his grip on me.

"I missed talking to you too, Lou." We pulled back from each other and got into his car. "Hey, how are you and Luke?" I asked once Louis started the engine of the car.

He turned his head to look at me for a second before a smile spread over his face and he drove off. "We're pretty good. Can't be better, I guess," he said, a smile still plastered on his face. "How's Mr. Sex-On-Legs? Had sex yet?"

I blushed crimson red and shook my head, looking down at my hands. "No. We haven't done that," I muttered quietly, completely flustered.

Louis glanced at me before turning his eyes back on the road. "You've got this glow all around you," he said while pointing at my body with his right hand.

"What does that mean?" I asked, not sure if I even wanted to know his theory behind this all.

"When you have the glow, you either had sex or did something very intimated with your lover, which in your case is Harry. We all know how you have the hots for our own Mr. Reputation," Louis said, as if he was just stating points.

"We didn't have sex," I protested, only making Louis chuckle.

"Yeah right, bub, as if I believe that. C'mon, I'm your friend, you can tell me."

I let out a deep breath and rested my head backwards. "Well, you know I had to attend to the wedding of my aunt, right?"

Louis nodded, but kept his eyes on the road. "Yeah, that's next week right?"

I shook my head and bit down on my bottom lip. "Uh, no. That was actually yesterday," I said. "I totally forgot about it and literally thought it was next Saturday, but it wasn't. So, I asked Harry as my date, you know. Completely innocent and all." I cleared my throat and swallowed thickly. I didn't know why I was being so awkward and nervous to tell one of my friends Harry and I were dating now.

"Right, innocent."

I rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue. "It was!" I protested. "Anyway, we went together and then my ex showed up and-"

"Your ex? I thought you said you've never dated anyone?"


"Uh, yeah. Well I never considered him as my ex, I swear. He's always been my friend and we only tried it out for one day. We were both still quite young, Lou. But he brought it up anyways. Harry went all jealous and at the end we kissed on the dancefloor," I rambled out at the end.

Louis stopped the car abruptly and looked at me as if I was crazy. "You kissed?! And you never thought to ring me up and tell me? I'm your friend Niall!"

A nervous chuckle left my lips and I looked anywhere but at him. "I'm sorry, Lou. I wanted to tell you, really, I just didn't know how. Why else would I have called you to pick me up for work?"

"Uhm, what about we're friends and haven't seen each other properly for weeks?! I thought you just wanted spend some time with me, not for this specific reason."

I blushed and looked down at my hands again. "Sorry," I mumbled.

Louis shook his head and started driving again. Luckily we were on a deserted road, otherwise we would have gotten in trouble for Louis' reckless driving. "So, are you together now? As in dating?" he asked.

I nodded and smiled softly to myself. "Yeah. He asked me after the kiss."

"I still don't trust him, though Ni. Be careful," Louis said, making me frown. "Don't look like that, kitten. He just has a reputation and I wouldn't be surprised if he would just act as if he liked you just to get your attention. We all know he does a lot to keep his reputation high and on point."

Swallowing thickly, I took in a breath and nodded, taking in the words Louis spoke.

Deciding that I had enough of this conversation, I looked at his dashboard. "Since when did you have this car? I thought you had a silver Mercedes Benz?"

Louis laughed and stopped the car once we were at the parking of the studios. "I actually have three cars. I recently bought this beauty, but I'm still not used to driving American cars. You know, driving on the left is a complete different feeling. But I didn't crash, now did I? So tadaa, applause."

Rolling my eyes, I got out of the expensive car and closed the door behind me, waiting for Louis to join me.

We both walked up to the studios, talking about cars and how I really needed to get my own soon.

Once entered the studio, I was surprised to see Harry leaning against the wall closest to the doors of the studio. He was busy on his phone, but he didn't seem too interested in it. Probably out of boredom.

I walked up to him and before I was even close to him, he shot his head up and a smile spread over his lips. He pushed himself off the wall and walked the little distance between us up to me. "Hey," I said once I was standing in front of him.

"Hey, babe." He leaned in and pressed a kiss to my cheek, immediately making me blush like a tomato. "Been waiting ever since I got here, what took you so long?"

I looked back at Louis before answering. "Drove with Lou and he just go a new car, American, so he's not used to it yet," I explained quickly with a smile. Harry nodded and grabbed my hand for a second, placing a kiss on the back of my hand before he wrapped an arm around my waist and walking with me to the set.


"Have you heard about Niall and Harry yet? I couldn't believe it when I first heard it!"

"Oh, my God, yes. I can't believe Niall fell for his tricks."

All day long I've heard people talk about Harry and I's just starting relationship. It was kind of annoying, hearing everyone talk about it, but I decided to ignore it. I told Harry about it, but he just shrugged it off, saying he didn't care about what others think. Somehow I admire that about him. I've seen it before, Harry's well aware of what people think about him, but he doesn't care. "It's just gossip, let them talk. If that's what people want to do with their life, then let them be. I don't care. It doesn't affect the way I am," he said. And honestly, that was very inspiring.

Even though people say he cares so much about his reputation, I don't think he really does. All I see is a guy who loves his job and does everything to keep that job. He doesn't seem to be affected by what others say because he genuinely doesn't care.

Of course I'm not like that. It bothers me so much that people think they have the right to interfere in other's business. What is it to you if I have a boyfriend or not? Will your life suddenly suck or get better because of it? No. So why bother gossiping?

"He's definitely going to regret being with Harry."

Just ignore it, Niall.

"I give them two weeks."

"Please, one. Harry never dates longer than a week."

That's it.

"Can you all just stop? What is it to you if I'm dating Harry or not? For all I know, this is my life and I still chose how I live that life, thank you very much," I scolded angry before storming off.

I could hear their voices in the background, mumbling stuff to each other, but I was already too far to hear them.

If it wasn't for two strong arms to hold me back, I would have probably ended up outside the building to cool down. But of course, that wasn't the case. "Hey, hey. It's me," I sighed and relaxed a bit, leaning my back against his chest as I heard the soothing voice of my boyfriend.


"Now, what's got you all in such a bad mood, huh? You were perfectly fine just a few minutes ago on the set. And now I could swear I see flames coming out of your ears." A chuckle left his lips before he placed a small kiss on my neck behind my ear. "Relax, babe."

And I did.

I relaxed as much as I could while laying my head on his shoulder and wrapping my own arms over his on my stomach. This was what I needed. "Thanks," I mumbled as I let a deep breath escape my mouth.

"It's fine. Now, tell me, why is my little soldier so pissed off? I don't recall ever seeing you so annoyed and angry."

Pulling back out of his embrace, I turned around and looked into his beautiful green eyes.

God I could stare at them for hours.

My gaze left his face and wandered off to the South, stopping at his half unbuttoned shirt. "I – uh. It's just, I don't like how everyone is talking about us, Harry. I've never dealt well with people talking about me behind my back. The whole day long people have been whispering about how I shouldn't been dating you and- Harry we only started dating yesterday!"

Harry's eyes softened as I looked back up into them and I could see a small smile making its way on his lips. "Don't worry, babe. Let them talk. I told you this before, those are just people who don't know what to do with their spare time. If you just block them out-"

"But I can't block them out, Harry. You know that. It's not who I am. I can't just block out voices talking about me. About us. I can't."

My eyes traveled down to the ground and that's when I heard Harry sigh. "Alright, wait here a second, yeah?" I nodded, not understanding what he was going to do. My eyes followed his body as he walked away from me and towards the group of four girls, carelessly chatting. The two who were talking shit about Harry before, were not mindlessly gossiping with the other two girls who just nodded and listened closely to what they were saying. I noticed Harry stopped right in front of the four and the girls seemed to be chocked by this. They nodded variously and one of them even bit down on her lip, looking sadly to the ground.

Not a second later, Harry turned around and walked back up to me with a big smile on his face. He looked back to the girls once he was closer to me. "And spread this around a bit, yeah, girls? I don't want to hear of this again," he basically yelled back to them in a friendly way. The four of them nodded again and quickly made their way down the large hall up to the dressing rooms.

I looked up at him once he was back in front of me and gave him a confused gaze. "What did you do?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders and pecked my lips softly. "I simply told them to stop gossiping about other people's lives and to just go back to work. Niall, babe, sometimes it's as simple as that. If it bothers you, just say it. Don't hold it back till you can't anymore, that's not healthy. Okay?"

The rest of the day went by slowly. There weren't many scenes for me to do, because they needed to film the next part during the night. We could've easily used a green screen, but seeing I actually have to walk – more like run- through the bushes and between the trees, it would be just a lot easier to film it outside, then to place tree-like statues inside the building. That just wouldn't work out well.

"Alright everyone, that was fantastic! I can't wait for this movie to be finished, we're so close guys. I'm almost sure we'll still be able to be ready before the deadline even with all the struggle we've had throughout everything. Now, please go home, rest a little and tomorrow I only need the computer nerds, so all the rest has a day of. Wednesday is like normal days a day off and then Tuesday, Niall, Harvey, we'll start filming your parts. Those are the last few scenes we still have to film, so guys be there," Steven said before walking up to Harvey to have a few words with the new member.

Harvey was just like me. Never acted before, but still made it to be one of the characters. His character was my enemy. He played Danny, the bully of Nate and for all I know, Harvey seems like a lovely guy. He's quite the handsome one and he's actually very sweet. We only talked for the first time today, seeing we both didn't have much to do. Only here and there a few little things that needed to be added to some certain parts.

He told me he liked the Marvel movies and ever since a kid he wanted to star in a movie himself. Even though he hoped to be one of the main characters, he was very excited to play Danny. If I didn't know any better, I would probably see him as the bad guy myself. He's quite broad and has some tattoos. Although he may only look near 28-29, he's actually 38.

As I was making my way over to the dressing rooms to find Harry, I heard Harvey's voice calling my name. I turned around and smiled. "Hey, Harvey."

"Hey, I was just wondering if you would like to help me out with the scene tomorrow or Wednesday? It's my first time and you're so good, like seriously, Niall, you're amazing. And I just really don't want to ruin my chances," he said, biting down on his bottom lip.

"Well, of course I want to help you. Besides, I'm not the best actor either. Do you know how many times we have to record again before I have it right?" We both chuckled and I shook my head, laughing with my stupidity.

Harvey smiled brightly and held out his phone to me. At first I was confused, but then I realized he wanted me to give him my number. I quickly added myself to his phone and sent myself a quick message so I had his.

After that we both parted our ways. I walked out of the doors leading to the set and looked around to find Harry.


Harry was nowhere to be found for the first 10 minutes. I decided to stop my search and just call him. I waited a few seconds till I heard his beautiful voice in my ear. "Niall?"

"Hey," I greeted him. "Where are you? I've been looking for you for the past 10 minutes."

I heard some shuffling before he spoke again. "Oh, I'm already home, why did you need me?"

My heart pounded in my chest and I felt a pang in my heart. For some reason, I really felt stupid about this. Why did I expect him to wait for me? Oh yeah, he's my boyfriend. And he lives a street away from me.

I was disappointed, to say the least, but I tried to shrug it off and faked being completely fine with it. "No, nothing. No reason," I answered, well lied.

"Are you sure? I can come and pick you-"

"No, leave it. Have a nice day, Harry."

I ended the call and took in a deep breath. How embarrassing was that? I made a complete fool out of myself thinking we would spend more time together now that we're dating. I should've known better though.

Deciding that it was already getting rather late and I desperately needed a warm coffee, I made my way out of the studio and onto the streets. A little bit further, around the corner, was a nice and small café.

I went inside and ordered an Irish Coffee, needing the extra bit of alcohol.

After a while, my coffee mug was empty, I looked at the time on my phone and cursed.

I quickly paid for the coffee and walked out, back onto the streets.

My walk home was rather slow and heavy. Harry called about 5 times while I was in the little café, but I just let it ring and ignored the way my heart arched to pick up and hear his magical voice again. During my walk home, I received a few messages from Louis and of course Harry. As much as I wanted to answer, I couldn't. I already made it awkward between us, I simply couldn't ruin it even more.

Just as I was almost home, I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned around, but nothing was there. Not a single person on the streets. The sky was getting rather dark and the street lanterns were lighting up small parts on the ground. I was paranoia, I knew that already, but it still got me when I was out late.

When I turned back around, I stumbled over something and fell down to the ground. "So clumsy, Niall."

You must be kidding me now.


Hey guys!

This is one of the last chapters for Book One.

I don't do like massive plot twists, and huge character deaths (never!), so you shouldn't worry about that. But I really want you guys to keep reading, because what's the use of making three books if you only read the first one? So I have no other choice then to put a little cliffhanger at the end of this book. (That's not now, don't worry just yet)

ANYWAY, I hope you enjoyed this chapter a little bit. I know it's mostly just a filler chapter because nothing much happened, next chapter WILL BE better though.

Question: Is anyone good at making covers? Help me out here guys, I'm stuck.

Question #2: Do you like this book? 

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