Divine Zero

By ptvSimon

48.4K 909 543

[Vic Fuentes daughter story] **Frequent Updates** Isabella Carson is 15 years old and has no idea who her fat... More

Back to Mom's House
Brownie Time
Tattoo Talk
Meeting Grandma and Grandpa
Ptv Party Bitches
Pancakes Fix Everything
Suicide Squad
Happy 16th Birthday
Warped Tour
Leaving Early?
Officially Licensed
First Day
First Date
Not as Lucky as You Think
Sophomore Orientation
Start of the School Year
Back With the Favorite Mexicans
Tattoo Time
Coming Clean
A Girl Like Me
Roll With Me?
Where Have You Been?
Friday Night Football
You're What?!?
One Hundred Sleepless Nights

Father Daughter Day

2.5K 52 58
By ptvSimon


I wished Isabella goodnight as she tiredly made her way upstairs.

"She acts so much like Melissa." I broke the quiet between the four of us. She looked like me and acted just like her mother.

"She's a great kid Vic. It's going to be a great summer." Mike said with a smile.

"Do you think Melissa would notice if we didn't bring her back Sunday?" Jaime joked.

"She's already called me once ad texted me several times. She doesn't trust me with my own kid." I mumbled and rubbed my face with my hands.

"It's like what Izzy told you earlier, it's going to take a little time before Melissa gets used to this. Her daughter has never been this far from her." Tony reminded me and Mike paused the movie.

"You gotta give her some time, it's going to get easier from her on out." Jaime added.

"This is the first time I've seen my baby girl in 13 years, I don't want to screw this up."

"Take her out tomorrow and do something you both enjoy. Take her to the skate shop, take her to the record store, do something you two can bind over." Tony suggested and I nodded.

"Then we can all go get dinner after ward because I feel like pizza is going to get old soon." Mike joke.

"Sounds like a plan. You guys can crash here if you want, I'm gonna go lay down." I told the guys before heading up stairs.

I stopped by Isabella's room and peaked in, she was sound asleep curled up under a star wars blanket. Her and Tony are going to be close.

I quietly closed her door before heading to my room to get ready for bed.

*Next Day*

I woke up to the sound of the shower starting. I glance at the clock. 7:26am.

Who the hell was up so early on a Saturday.

I couldn't go back to sleep so I got out if bed and stretched. As I left my room I walked passed the hall bathroom.

I doubt it was one of the guys so it must be Izzy. I peaked in her room to see that she wasn't there.

I continued on my way downstairs. Tony and Mike were asleep on the couches and Jaime was curled up on the recliner.

I went into the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal. I sat at the island in the kitchen on a barstool and ate as I scrolled through instagram and twitter.

After about ten minutes I heard the shower kick off and music start to play.

It was our song , The Divine Zero.

I finished my cereal and put the bowl in the sink, it hit the metal with a thud I paused to make sure I didn't wake anyone up. None of the guys moved so I continued, washing the bowl before drying it and putting it away.

"Good morning." Isabella said quietly as she came downstairs.

"Morning mija." I kissed her forehead.

"I didn't wake you up did I?" She asked as she tossed her wet hair behind her shoulder.

"Nah, was up before you showered." I didn't want to make her feel bad.

She nodded and gave me a smile.

"The two of us are going to hang out today then meet up with those three for dinner, sound good?" I asked as I handed her a bowl and spoon.

"Yup." She answered.

"Okay, the cereal is in that cupboard, milks in the fridge, I'm going to shower." I explained before walking up the stairs.


I poured myself a small bowl of Frosted Flakes. When I reached up to put the box back, I didn't hear Mike walk into the kitchen.

As I turned, his sudden presence caused me to scream.

"Oh shit, didn't mean to scar you." Mike said, eyes wide.

The other two must have woken up and they ran in.

"What happened?" A voice yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Mike scared me, go shower." I yelled back up to Vic.

"I didn't hear you come walk in. Sorry." I apologized to Mike.

"It's alright Small Fry." He said and kissed the top of my head.

It's only 7:45, Jaime looked like he was about to pass out.

"You guys can go back to sleep, I didn't mean to wake you up. I'm sorry." I apologized yet again.

"Stop apologizing, it's fine." Tony told me and grabbed a bowl for him.

I poured milk into my bowl and left it out for Tony. Jaime plopped on a stool.

"You want a bowl?" I asked him and he shook his head.

I sat down and sat my Galaxy s5 down on the island next to my bowl.

I continued to scroll through Tumblr as I ate. When I finished I quickly washed dishes and set them on the drying rack.

I walked up the step and into my room to grab my brush.

I yanked the knots out before rubbing my hair with the towel again to get most of the water out. I ran the brush through my hair again before calling it good enough. I grabbed my glasses from the night stand and slid them on.

I wonder what Vic has in store for today, I finally get to really get to know my father.

I play music on my phone as I put away my dirty clothes into the bag and make the bed.

"Though I'm weak and beaten down,
I'll slip away into this sound,
The ghost of you is close to me,
I'm inside-out, you're underneath."

I hum along to Goner by Twenty one Pilots. I love this song so much.

I still don't love it as much as The Divine Zero by Pierce the Veil.

"Well that just sounds depressing." Vic commented from the door way.

I shrugged and finished pulling the comforter up to the pillows.

"It's pretty good." I told him.

"Today we are going to go to a few places I know you'll enjoy. We'll probably leave around 11 so you have some time to kill." He informed me and I nodded.

"Places like what?" I asked.

"You'll have to wait and find out won't you?" He said with a smirk.

"You suck." I joked and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"I have to make sure they aren't destroying the house." Vic said when he heard one of the guys drop something downstairs. I chuckled as he was walked away.

My phone started to ring, the college ID said Ollie.

"How is my favorite douche this fine morning?" I asked extra perky because he hates it.

"Fuck off. I just wanted to see how everything is going with you." I could hear him yawn.

"Why this early? You don't usually wake up for another 4 hours." I pointed out.

"Mom's dragging me out to go do errands with her." He grumbled causing me to laugh.

"Man that's gotta suck."

"It really does, now, answer me. How's everything going?" He asked.

"Really good actually. We went and skated from about an hour and a half last night then had pizza and watched movies. Vic and I are going to hang out today." I filled him in.

"Sweat, what are you guys going to do?"

"Not sure, he just said that we are going to go to a few places that he thinks I'll enjoy." He didn't answer right away, I could hear him talking to his mom.

"Sorry bout that." He apologized.

"It's cool, tell Mama Dawson that I say high and I love her!" I told him excitedly.

I heard him tell her and her say 'aww'.

"She loves you too and what not." He grumbled.

We continued to talk and I made my way downstairs, my phone still pressed against my ear.

I saw the guys discussing what looked to be a schedule. Most likely a tour schedule.

"I gotta go, I'll call you later." I told Ollie, catching Vic's attention.

"Bye bitch, love you."

"Bye douc---dude, love you too." I corrected myself causing Mike to chuckle as I hung up.

"Whatcha doooin?" I ask nosily.

"Looking over our next tour schedule. It's starting up the last few days of July." Vic informed me, not thinking.

"Cool." I told him with a small smile.

I played with the ends of my hair a the continued to talk. I quietly backed away from the island before going into the living room. I pull out my phone and text my mom.

To: Mom
Hanging out with Vic today, yesterday we all hung out together.

I like to fill my mom in on even the littlest things, it will calm her somewhat.

From: Mom
Are you having fun? How are they treating you? What are you doing? Have fun today with your father

To: Mom
Yeah I am, they are treating me like I've known them my entire life. I'm sitting in the living room because they are discussing their next tour schedule, we are leaving around 11.

After that I just kinda laid on the couch and closed my eyes. I wasn't quite sleeping, I was just relaxed.

I could hear the guys all still talking and I focused on the noise, I had no clue what they were saying, I was just looking for noise.

I guess at some point I did fall asleep because I was woken up by Vic carefully rubbing my arm.

"I'm up." I mumbled as I sat up.

"You ready to head out?" He asked and I nodded. I ran my fingers through my now dry hair as I stood up and stretched.

I straightened my glasses and pushed them father up onto my nose.

I shoved my phone in my back pocket and gave Vic a thumbs up.

"Okay, let's go sleepy head." He slung an arm around my shoulders and lead me outside.

"Text me where to meet you guys, don't destroy my house, we will see you later." Vic told the guys, I yelled a quick goodbye as we walked out of the house.

"Have you ever been to a record store?" Vic asks as we climb into his car.

"Nope, I've only ever bought my vinyls from Barnes and Noble and Hottopic." I told him.

"You haven't lived yet then, this place is the best." He was so excited.

We jammed out to Asking Alexandria for the short 15 minute ride before we pulled into a parking space and he shut the vehicle off.

"Hey Vic, haven't seen you in here in a while." The guy behind the counter said when he saw us walk in.

"Tour life bro." Vic said simple with a small shrug.

"I take it you come here often?" I asked

"Only place I buy records."

"Whose this?" The guy behind the counter asks politely.

"This is my daughter Isabella, this is belive it or not, Tony." Vic introduced us.

"Nice to meet you." I told Tony politely.

Vic and I looked around, this place is the best. They have used records for like $4.

We were there for around 45 minutes mainly because Vic and I were having a dispute.

"Metallica is better than Pantera, bottom line." I said straightforward.

"Nope, that's where you are wrong." We had this argument all the way to the next place.

I stopped bickering with him for a second.

"Dude, I love this place!" I exclaimed as we pulled into the only skate shop I go to.

"You live almost an hour away from here. Why do you come here do often?" Vic asked.

"There is only one skate shop by my house and it is bad. Mom and I come here every week, sometimes twice a week. She enjoys coming here." I explained as we walked in, I leaned over to see who was working today.

"Andrreeeewwww." I drew out his name until he looked at me.

"Hey squirt, where's your mom?" He asked as he looked around for her.

"Here with my dad today, this is my dad Vic, Vic this is Andrew." I introduced and they shook hands.

"Nice to finally meet you man, I've seen you around here a few times." Andrew said with a smile.

"Yeah, this is where my buddy Tony likes to buy his stuff." Vic commented.

"Oh yeah, he's here all the time. Hey squirt, I gotta put together this guys board, you know where to find me if you guys need any help." Andy told me and I nodded.

"You best friends with the employees?" Vic joked.

"Pretty much, I know them all and they all know me pretty well."

"Nice." Vic said with a chuckle.we slowly wander over to the wall of decks.

We pointed out cool graphics to each other.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, graphics are sweet and all but once you get good enough to rail slide and all, it's as good as gone." I told Vic.

"Unless you're Tony who only rides around on his and does tricks not involving anything like that." Vic pointed out.


We wasted over and hour in there and once again got into a debate.

"Longboards may be able to go fast easier but where's the fun if you can pop random tricks?" I asked.

"Cruising is just as fun! Yesterday, I was content cruising while you and Mike did all that fancy stuff." He argued.

"They probably shouldn't set us loose almost together, we have very ideas on what's good and what isn't." I pointed out.

"True, it doesn't help that you act just like your mom. We used to do the same thing. We'd argue over the smallest things." Vic remembered with a chuckle.

Instead of getting into the car when we left, we turned and walked down to the park.

"Do you miss her? Like do you wish you guys didn't break up?" I asked quietly as we sat on the swings.

"I mean, sometimes yeah. I would've been there for you as you grew up. And if I'm being completely honest, your mother was the best girlfriend I've ever had, and I'm not just saying that."

"Her taste in guys is pretty crappy, she has had a few dates in the past few years and they all sucked. They didn't care about her and acted as though I never existed. The guy she is currently dating, expected me to call him Dad right after their first date." I told him as my face screwed up in disgust.

"Did you? Call him dad I mean." Vic asked after a few seconds of silence.

"God no, he doesn't deserve that title." I said as my eyes scanned over the park, watching little kids run around while their parents kept a close eye on them.

"That's good." Vic said quietly.

"What about you? Gotta girlyfriend?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, I don't see it lasting much longer though." He told me honestly.

I looked over and met him eyes.

"Why? What's the issue?" I asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"When we first started going out, I didn't drop the whole, I have a 15 year old daughter, thing. I told her a few weeks ago and she didn't take it very well. She felt as though she should be the only girl in my life. I can't let tha happen." Vic explained, I just nodded and dropped my gaze.

"Hey, mija, you're my number one girl, okay?" Vic told me seriously and lifted my head to look at him.

"Okay." I said with as nod and a small smile.

"What's your favorite song?" Vic asked randomly.

"It's going to sound weird but The Divine Zero." I told him.

"Why would that sound weird?" He asked.

"Because you guys wrote it." I said in a duh kind of tone.

"Nah, it's not weird. Why do you like it so much?"

"I had a really bad time at the end of 6th grade and the beginning of 7th grade. I fell in love with the, desperate times and desperate measures, I come so close, my hopes are severed by the downside. It reminds me of that time." I explained truthfully.

He nodded but didn't push any further.

He asked me simple questions to get to know me.
"Favorite color?"

"Favorite food?"

"Favorite Movie?"
"Star Wars episode 5."

"Favorite band?"
"No offense, but The Amity Affliction."

"None take, I'm happy that my girl has a good taste in music." Vic said with a smirk.

"You can than Ollie for that, mom mainly listens to country. He's the one that really got me interested in this kind of music in 6th grade." I told him.

"I know this is a weird question but has anything or is anything currently or going to happen between you and that boy?" My face turned to show how grossed out I was.

"God no, his is like a big brother to me. The most that's ever happened was in like 2nd grade he asked me out of the playground and when told him no, he asked to be my best friend to which I said yes." Vic nodded.

He checked his phone.
"Mike and the guys are going to meet us at a diner not that far from here." He told me.

"Before we go, can we take a picture?" I asked and pulled out my phone before pulling up Snapchat.

"Of course darlin, you've got the king of selfies here." Vic said confidently and I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

I handed the so called 'Selfie King' my phone and we quickly snapped the picture of the two of us.

I captioned the photo
'Father Daughter day! 💕'

I posted it to my story and saved it to my phone.

"Now we have to get one for my instagram." Dad said as he held out his phone.

I put on a big smile to match his and he took the picture.

"Now we may go."

I stood up and waited a little bit while he captioned the picture and posted it.

We walked back to the skate shop parking lot before climbing into the car.

As soon as the car was started, we cranked up the A/C.

The drive to the Diner was silent, a comfortable silence.

"Vic and Lil Vic!" Jaime yelled across the parking lot when we got out of the car.

We stood by the door and waited for them to meet up with us.

"You know for them all being so tall and having longs legs, they sure do move slow." I whispered to Vic as they got closer. He chuckled and agreed with me.

We all walked in together and got a table.

"So how was your day?" Jaime asked in asked feminine voice.

"Omg, thank for asking, it was totes amaze." I replied in the same voice.

"I like her, she's cool." Jaime told Vic.

We all ordered when the waitress came over.

Tony, who was sat next to me, and I passed time by playing tic-tac-toe on the back of one of the paper place mats with crayons.

"You lose." I said and Tony tossed his crayon, it nearly hit Mike in the face.

"Sore loser much?" Mike asked as he picked the crayon off the floor and put it on the table.

"After 2 cat games, and her winning 6 times, anyone would be a sore loser." He mumbled and pouted.

"I swear it's like you have more than just one kid." Mike told Vic and he nodded in agreement.

When we food came we all got quiet, Tony was still pouting.
I sighed and scraped tell whipped cream off my pancakes with a butter knife.

"Peace offering?" I asked Tony as I offered him the knife.

"I accept." He grabbed the knife, scraped the cream onto his plate before handing it back to me.

"Why are you eating pancakes this late in the afternoon?" Vic asked.

"Because pancake time is all the time." I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Mike began telling me stories of when him and Vic were growing up. Most were things like Vic running around in his underwear until he was 12.

I giggled as he told a story about how Vic tried to sneak into the house at like 2am, drunk after hanging out with his friends and their mom found him passed out in front of the door with one shoe on and he was curled up with a potted plant.

"Moral of the story, underage drinking is bad and sneaking in drunk never works." Vic told me as a sort of warning.

We sat at the table for around 25 minutes after we finished eating, he guys taking turns telling embarrassing stories about my father.

The bill was paid and we eventually made our way out to the cars.

I rode home with Vic while the guys went in Tonys car.

They got back to Vic's house before getting into their own cars to go to their living spaces.

We watched movies until around midnight when I stood to got to bed.

"You know how I told you my mom's boyfriend doesn't deserve the title dad?" I asked and Vic nodded, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Well you do, goodnight dad." I said and lean down to hug him.

"Good night mija, sweet dreams."


Words: 3588


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