'Your Love Consumes Me' A Dam...

By ElleMiglioranza

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The 4th book in the series of the Epic Love Saga Things have taken a turn for the worse for Siena where she... More

I Miss Her.....
Addicted To.....
Answer Me This.....
Reality Sinks In.....
Share A Thought.....
Fight For This Love.....
Need A Little Help From A Friend.....
Vengeance And Bloodshed.....Family Ties.....
The Truth Behind It All.....
The Errors Of My Ways.....
The House Of Capulet And Montague.....
The Harder We Fall.....The Harder We Try.....
What It Feels To Be Alive.....
Do My Eyes Deceive Me......
For Your Protection.....
There Maybe Hope.....
Is It Truly Over.....
Some Actions Are Unforgivable.....
Dark Secrets Unfold Part 1.....
Dark Secret Unfold Part 2.....
Sometimes You Can't Follow Your Heart.....
To Have Loved.....
Return To Thee.....

Unfortunate Turn Of Events.....

4.2K 145 21
By ElleMiglioranza

Elena P.O.V

So after seeing that guy who didn't give me his name at Megan shrine I made my way to classes, the day dragged quite a bit my mind kept ticking away with so much stuff from Megan mysterious death to my sister being so upset and then Nico who had his world turned upside down. I couldn't really study my head really wasn't into all of this so I left my last class early, I made my way back to my dorm and I notice both Caroline and Siena I had gone out I got my phone out.

Siena: hey came back to the dorm and you weren't here! Just wanted to see that you're ok x

Caroline: Hey Care, you weren't in any classes I take it you're with Tyler.... could you call me when your free x

I put my phone down and went to got showered I didn't know what they were both up to but I knew I need to get ready for fro this party tonight, I needed to get some more information about Megan. After I came out I walked over and looked at the costume Caroline got me and I couldn't help but laugh as I got it out, look like I'm going to be a Native American tonight Pocahontas. I began to do my hair and makeup Pocahontas pretty simple to do, I got into the dress and I was putting the boots on and Siena walked into the room she didn't look too happy.

"Hey is everything ok?" She looked at me and sighed while walking over to me.

"You look cute. Pocahontas I take it" She walked over to the bed she been sleeping in for last few day and looked at the dress that was laid out, she began to frown "Who I'm meant to be?" she asked looking back over to me.

"Anne Boleyn" She nodded and picked up the dress and admired it.

"Well I better get ready" She smiled and walked away into the bathroom. I could tell she had something on her mind but I didn't want to really question her too much, Siena had been through enough already.

So both Siena and I made our way to the build where the party was going to be held there were quite a few people there already and I was getting a little nervous about Damon appearance and Siena reaction. We both standing there while we watched everyone I think Siena and I need some booze to get this tension away.

"I'm going to get us both a drink" She smiled at me I walked away I saw the guy who was at Megan shrine today so I approached him, I thought he was wearing a strange costume tuxedo t-shirt.

"Hey, whatever your name is. Nice t-shirt, understated" He turned to me and began to frown then a smile appeared on his face.

"Hey, whatever you're supposed to be" I notice he weren't the friendliest of people but I guess after finding out your friend died you not going to be that friendly.

"Pocahontas obviously" I told him with a smile, he chuckled lightly.

"Impressed" Well looks like we getting on a little be better than earlier.

"So, does a costume compliment earn me, like, a formal introduction?" I asked with a little hope in my voice, it would be actually be nice to know who he is.

"Why do you want to know who I am?" He sounded a little defensive he tries to walk away but I grabbed him by the arm.

"Did you kill Megan?" I compelled him his face soften.

"Of course not" He spoke with sincerity in his voice, but I didn't get why he was behaving like this though.

"Then why are you acting so shady?" I compelled him once again I needed to know why he was being like this.

"Because everyone around me dies It's like a curse. My friends, my family-- one by one, I've lost every single person in my life. So, if you had any idea what survivor's guilt felt like, you'd leave me alone" I knew exactly how he felt it was like he was talking about my life I went through the same hardship as him.

"Forget about my questions" I compelled him once again I didn't want him knowing that he completely spilled his life story to me.

"It's Aaron. My name. I'll see you around, maybe" He walked away from me maybe he didn't know anything about what happen with Megan his just a guy who grieving the only person who would be able to give me answer will be Dr Maxfield and I'm going to get them from him.

Tessa P.O.V

After my winning performance at the party everything fell into place I watched as Damon turned on his beloved Siena, I found it all very amusing but I didn't want to get caught by anyone. Plus I hated Siena style god she must have took hours to get ready, I'm more of the natural type of girl now with all this make up and straightening of the hair.

So for a few days I laid low I didn't want to be seen around Mystic Falls I need to find the anchor holding the other side before Silas does. I know he had lost his mind control ability but his still cunning like always. I had someone hide the one thing that would help me find the anchor and luckily for me where they hid it there was going to be a party there tonight.

So I heard that it was a costume party I decide to as Cleopatra so made my way to Whitmore College to where the item was nI made my way down the steps I saw Stefan drinking at the bar. We'll let me test the waters I walked over and stood next to Stefan.

"Where I come from, open bar meant ceramic jugs of Phoenician wine" I thought to break the ice and let him know I'm not Siena, he turned to me arching his brow.

"Ok" He told me rolling his eyes, why did he react like that?

"You have no idea who I am, do you?" I felt a little offended that he didn't recall who I was did I fry his brain too much.

"No offense Siena but the last time we kind of interacted, it involved me getting punched in the face by my brother" He turned away and sipped his drink well he really didn't have a clue who I was maybe I should make a formal introduction.

"Tessa, formerly known as Qetsiyah" I told him smiling he turned me not looking very happy

"The girl who wiped my memories, the girl who kissed me making out that she was Siena" He really sounded pissed... damn they knew it weren't Siena who kissed him.

"Nothing personal, little ex-boyfriend drama. Let me make it up to you. Buy you an 'I'm sorry. drink?" He looked at me sceptically then I saw his annoying brother approach behind him.

"More like an 'I'm sorry' keg" He spoke bitterly while glaring at me then walking away with his brother, god I hated him what the hell was the fates thinking putting my niece with that. Well I guess I better do what I came here for and not get side tracked with my ex-lookalike.

Damon P.O.V

Hearing Siena tell me once again how much I hurt and seeing in her face how hurt she was I couldn't apologies enough. I hated what I did to her and not believe her when she told me that she didn't kiss Stefan. But it was a natural reaction I mean seeing my 'wife' kissing my brother of course I would flip out, if I didn't then that would actually mean that I didn't give a dam about our marriage. When I told her about compelling the guest and her parents I couldn't believe that Siena was actually stunned by that. I mean I would do anything to protect her and make sure she is safe because no matter what Siena will always be my wife, my Bella and my princess.

"Hey Mom. Hey Dad" I turned around and saw Nico standing there looking at the both of us with a small smile, not in a million years did I think that was going to ever happen not aft ther way he left the other night. Siena walked away from me and approached our son I looked at the both of them my little family finally reunited, Siena hugged Nico and he hugged her back that moment right there was priceless.

"God I've dreamt of having you back" Siena spoke through her tears of joy she pulled away from Nico glance over at me, I just stood there stunned I just witness something that I honestly thought would never happen. Nico looked at me then walked over to where I was standing and hugged me I felt stunned and overwhelmed with what was happening right now, I hugged Nico back tightly I had my son back.

"God it good to have you back son" I felt tears escaped from my eyes as I hugged Nico, after a few moment he pulled away, I wiped my tears away quickly he looked between Siena and I.

"Look I know I have no right to kind of say this but you both need to...kinda... you know" Nico spoke a little nervously while looked between us "Look I've been told what you both been through and you both survived it so are you going to let this Qetsiyah, Tessa whatever she calls herself come between you both" Wow my kid was pretty clued up both Siena and I stood there a little speechless "I leave you both to talk" He started to walk away and I intercepted him which startled him a little.

"Nico...." I didn't even know what to say to him I looked at my son and all I see is how much I've missed.

"I'm not going anywhere dad, I'll be inside just sort things out with mom" He patted me on the shoulder and walked away Siena stood there I walked over to her and she gave me a small smile.

"We have a pretty wise son don't we" Siena nodded her head "So are we going to move from....." suddenly Siena kissed me stopping me from speaking four day her lips hadn't touched mine but it felt a lot longer. Her soft lips were filled with hunger it was lucky that neither of us needed to breathe because were totally lost in each other; Siena pulled away from me and gave me her beautiful smile.

"I'm still not happy about you working with Silas" I caressed her cheek didn't want to argue with her about this anymore, but I wasn't going to have her risk her life to bring Bonnie back.

"Bella please" I pleaded to her, after convincing her that I knew what I was doing she gave in and we both made our way back in. I saw Stefan by the bar with that bitch who nearly ruined my marriage. I excused myself from Siena and made my way over there before she dug her claws into him; luckily I got there in time and dragged him away from her. Brought him into a side room somewhere where we wouldn't be disturbed cause I really didn't want anyone knowing what I was about to do.

"You, my brother, make a terrible wingman" Stefan said sarcastically well I'm a freaking terrible brother too.

"Trust me, last guy to hit on her is still paying for it" yeah I bet Silas so regretting tapping that ass now.

"So, what exactly, are we doing here?" He questioned me god I can't believe I keep doing this to him but it the only way to stop Siena from doing something stupid.

"Well..." Silas appears behind Stefan.

"Hello, me" Silas spoke a little creepy for my liking Stefan turns around to look at Silas I took in a deep breath and took this opportunity to break his neck. I looked down at my brother dead on the floor and I was filled with guilt right now. Silas picks up his leather jacket and puts it on.

"So you want to explain to me why I just killed my brother?" I demanded he looked at me with a smirk which I hated I know that face like Stefan but Silas facial expression bug the hell out of me.

"Well, Tessa's spell mentally linked us. I lost my psychic abilities. Stefan lost his memories" So he wanted me to kill Stefan to break the link?

"And this severed the link?" I questioned him then looking down at my brother.

"Yes, Damon. I can read your mind again. No. I'm not lying, and maybe you enjoyed breaking your brother's neck just a little bit too much" Well that proved that he knew what I was thinking right then.

"Sold" What else could I say like I said I would do anything to protect Siena even kill my brother momentarily.

"I'll cozy up to the witch and sift through her mind, figure out where she's hiding the anchor, and you, all you got to do is keep him dead" Ok plan sounded good but she will figure out that 'Stefan' fishing for something.

"Isn't Tess going to be slightly suspicious when the man whose brain she just fried is all of a sudden showing interest in her?" I had a point I mean after what she did to Stefan at Siena party his pretty pissed at her for that.

"Of all the men here, Tessa went straight for Stefan. This face won her heart before. See, a woman never forgets her first love, no matter how badly it ended" He seemed a little too confident about it all but then again he did date her so he knew how I her mind worked. I'm hoping he finds this freaking anchor and we can bring Bonnie back before Siena goes off and does her own thing.

Tessa P.O.V

Before all of this is over with I'm going to deal with that Damon Salvatore he really does get under my skin, once I've dealt with Silas he definitely on my hit list at least he will be taken out of the equation. I looked around the room at these children all here duelled to the world around them, not having a clue that we live in a very cruel world.

"Tessa I take it" I heard a familiar voice I turned to see Siena standing in front of me I smiled at her.

"Siena sweet heart, just want to say thank you for the lone over the summer we both had a lot of fun didn't we" I teased her she clenched her jaw I knew that she wouldn't do anything stupid here and even if she tried I would be able to stop her.

"Yeah you're the bitch determined to ruin my marriage" Well of course I was she weren't meant to be with that awful older Salvatore, suddenly she grabbed hold of my wrist and pressed down on my pressure point "You will never win Tessa, you will never break my relationship with Damon" I began to recite a spell in my head and she was slowly moving her hand from my wrist, she glared at me.

"I'll take that as a challenge" Siena thinks that I won't be able to do it she better watch and learn, she leant towards me.

"Take this.... if you don't back down I will murder you Tessa that not a threat but I promise" She threaten me she turned and walked away, I weren't going to have her... I created her the reason why she is the way she is because of me Siena Salvatore you messed with the wrong witch. I walked over to the bar and got myself and drink, I turned around and Stefan stood in front of me with a smile.

"Ah, look who's back. Am I in trouble?" I didn't need him going on about how I should of impersonated the righteous bitch Siena.

"Well, according to my brother, I am supposed to hate you" I turned my head and drained my drink of course Damon would convince his brother of that.

"And do you?" I asked putting my glass down.

"I'll tell you after that drink" He called the barman over and order a few shots for us, Stefan and I knocked a few back I think this was what I need after that episode with Siena "Good. You like tequila" I looked to him and smile, there was so much I loved about 21st century.

"Yes, but not as much as bacon. In my day, it was all about lamb. No one thought to cure pig fat" I began to chuckle at the memory of having to eat at the same awful food on a daily basis.

"God, you have the most beautiful smile" He really threw mw off guard with that, I couldn't help but smile a little more.

"You're gonna stare at it all night or are you gonna ask me to dance?" I teased him well while I'm here I might as well have a little fun with Silas doppelganger Stefan was sweet he remind me of Silas before he turned into the bastard that he is today.

Nico P.O.V

I had finally plucked up the courage and face my parents I don't think they really expect that reaction from me but I had no reason to hold resentment. From the sounds of everything I've heard they have both been through enough already. It was emotional for me to actually hug my mom and dad. when I hugged my mom it felt strange liked a vibration went through my body I didn't know if it happened to her too but at the time I was just happy to be in her arms.

I could sense there was tension between the both of them still so I gave them both I suppose a talking to, that they were crazy to let this woman to in between them. Caroline told me the hardship my parents went through to be together, and now with me being here I'm not going to have their marriage destroyed for someone personal gain. So left them both with that thought I could see that my dad was touched by what I told them both, but now it was down to the pair of them to overcome this.

I walked back in and the place had liven up a bit now I saw Caroline across the room and I walked over to her. I offers my hand and she takes it we went to the dance floor and began to dance to some slow song.

"So how did it go?" she questioned me I looked at her, her eyes always hypnotise me.

"Yeah well... it went ok...but I kind of wanted them to sort out there issue" Which was true a huge smile appeared on Caroline face.

"You know they are lucky to have a son liked you" Well I don't rate myself that much personally "God it so weird I mean a few months back I was changing you diaper calling you my little man" I pulled away from her this conversation weren't going well "No. I mean-" Caroline spoke a little flustered.

"I know it difficult for everyone because all they remember is baby Nico, but I'm not that baby.... I'm me and if you feel uncomfortable...." Caroline cut me off.

"What?" She half shouted while frowning.

"You use to call me your little guy and change my diapers.... this gotta be all a little weird to you and you're my mom close friend" She placed her hand either side of my face.

"Like you said you're not baby Nico, your... you and I would like to get to know this Nico" I couldn't believe what she was saying I shook my head and smiles.

"Well I'm just really glad to be here" she placed her arms around my neck and smiled.

"Me too" She said smiling, four days ago I felt that my world completely crumbled and now I have some pretty amazing people in my life I don't think I've actually ever felt this happy.

Tessa P.O.V

Stefan and I had been dancing for a while now he had some pretty good moves; I was actually impressed Stefan was sweet and kind nothing like that bastard I was in love with. I did feel guilty with the fact of what I did to him to take away all his memories, but it was the only way to disable Silas.

"So, what brings you to a college costume ball?" He questioned me while he twirled me around then pulled me into him.

"Look at me. Last time I looked this good, I couldn't enjoy it" It was the truth to day of my wedding when that ass hole stood me up, that memory will always haunt me.

"Oh, that's right, the whole 'being stood up at your wedding' thing" He couldn't know about that I told him about that before I took his memories away.

"You shouldn't know that. I told you that before I fried your memories" I rose my voice slightly what the hell was happening?

"Ok. You got me. I might have asked around about you" I felt relieved for a moment I thought the spell I done had worn off.

"And I'm paranoid. That's what I get for trying to marry a lying, manipulative bastard" I couldn't never really trust anyone after that betrayal.

"Oh, come on. The guy must've had some redeeming qualities. I mean, we know he was obviously extremely good-looking... But, I mean, was the guy at least funny?" I began to frown was Stefan trying to get a rise out of me or was he stupid?

"Are you defending him?" I moved away from him I couldn't believe he was defending the guy who trying to mess up his life.

"No, no. It's just that you've been on this revenge kick for 2,000 years, and maybe hating him is an excuse to keep him in your life. There's a part of you that still loves him" I couldn't help but chuckle at Stefan really thought that I was in love with that evil bastard.

"Now, I really hope he thinks that. I want to see his face when he realizes just how wrong he is" I didn't wanted to talk about Silas anymore so I turned away from him.

"Ok. I got to admit, there's a part of me that just wanted to hear you say that you still love me. That's how big my ego is, but since you're obviously in denial-" I spun round I couldn't believe it.... he played me.

"Oh, my God. Silas-" He stood in front of me and looks into my eyes.

"Ok. Now, where's the anchor to the Other Side?" I didn't want to tell him but something was forcing me to talk then I realised what he had done be got his mind control back.

"I don't know. I'm looking for it too" I didn't want to tell him I watched as his face hardens.

"What do you mean you don't know? You created it" He demanded I couldn't help but smirk.

"Yes. I created it, but the Travellers hid it after they killed me. They move it constantly" Which was the truth I hated the fact he was doing this to me after everything he still had control.

"So, what are you doing here?" He demanded once again I was trying to fight his mind control but there weren't any use.

"My pendant is in one of these displays. It's a magical talisman that enhances my power. I need it to do a locator spell so I can find the anchor" A huge smirk appeared on his face.

"Well, then get to it and forget everything we just spoke about" My head felt a little dizzy and I looked at Stefan and he stood there smiling.

"Thank you for the dance" I really felt confused for a moment.

"Thank you" He kisses my hand and I gave him a small smile and walked away, Stefan was really sweet a lot different from the other doppelgänger it ashame he looks like my ex.

Siena P.O.V

Nico really tore at my heart strings tonight he really was his father son, Nico had a way with his words when he spoke of how Damon and I had gone through a lot and pulled through and we shouldn't let Tessa come between us he was right. All I wanted right now is for us to be a family to try and be good parents for Nico even though Damon and I could pass of for his older brother and sister, but I want to be able to guild and help my son and be there for him through good times and bad.

So after Nico left Damon and I had a short conversation about our issue but I didn't want talk Nico was right we couldn't continue like this. So I stopped Damon pled with a kiss I weren't going to have Tessa win I love Damon and I will not lose him. One thing I didn't like the fact the was working with Silas but like always Damon somehow smooth talked his way through it leaving me standing there while he went off.

I went back in the hall and I notice a familiar face when I mean familiar I mean my own face that bitch Tessa was here. I approached her and few harsh words were said between us. That crazy bint was determined to destroy my marriage and I swear on my son life, if Tessa make another move on me or Damon I will kill her.

Thinking about Damon where the hell did he go? I began to look around and I couldn't find him in the main room so I started to look around for him. I walked down a hallway and I pass a door but something caught my eye. I walk back and I looked into the room and Damon was standing in front of a pass out Stefan, I walked in.

"What wrong with Stefan?" Damon turned around looking a little worried, which meant he was doing something I wouldn't approve "Damon...." he started to approach me.

"His fine, I'm just letting Silas....." I cut him off I couldn't believe he working with freaking Silas right here right now.

"Silas...are you out of your freaking mind Damon" I shouted at him then I notice that Stefan began to stir I rushed over to him "Stefan" he slowly opened his eyes and looked at me with confusion.

"Uh! Hey, hey, breaking my neck, huh?" He looked at Damon I got up glared at Damon how could he do that to him.

"Yeah" Damon told him flatly I couldn't believe any of this I didn't want Stefan to get hurt.

"Pumping me full of vervain. All we need is a Damon-sized rationalization" Stefan spoke a little bitterly wonderful brother are back to hating each other.

"Oh, the new you sucks" Damon spoke with sarcasm god I wanted to break Damon neck for being a dick right now.

"How would the old me deal with this? Barrel full of laughs?" Stefan asked he tried to get up but he couldn't due to Damon freaking vervain him.

"He'd know it wasn't about him" Damon responded back seriously I don't know what Damon and Silas are up to but it got to stop now.

"Oh, who's it about Damon, huh? About you? Your desperation to prove to Siena that you're a worthy Husband?" I felt my jaw drop Damon didn't need to prove anything to me I knew his reason behind this I hated the fact he was working with Silas.

"I'm gonna get Elena and Siena friend back, ok?" Damon breaks Stefan's neck again I stood there stunned he looked at me "Bella I'm sorry but this is the only way to bring Bonnie back" I couldn't believe at what length Damon willing to go do this to turn on his own brother.

Katherine P.O.V

I finally got away from that crazy vampire Nadia it actually felt kind of good staking her. I have to admit even as a human I still could handle myself. God I remember how that useless version of me used to fight when she was human, she wouldn't be able to fight her way out of a paper bag. She always had to be save by a Salvatore weak Elena couldn't handle anything, on the other hand her sister Siena she was definitely her father daughter she really didn't take no crap.

Thinking about daughter that bullshit story that Nadia gave me about her mom really weren't sitting with me right, she told me a lie and I wanted to know why. I mean she had me in front of her why did she make up a story like that? I weren't going to walk away until I knew the truth of why she was after me so I made my way back to the diner. I notice she weren't in there so I looked around the street and I could hear someone groaning. I looked down the alley where I heard the groans and I saw Nadia is sitting against a wall with the wooden cane still inserted in her chest. I began to approach her.

"There you are" She looked up at me she was definitely in a lot of pain and I'm pretty proud of myself right now "Having trouble getting that out? I grazed your heart on purpose" At the time I wanted to kill her but her story the lie played on my mind a little too much she went all this effort to lie.

"Which means you didn't want me dead. You still want something" She weren't as stupid as she looked.

"I do. I want to know why you made up that fake story about your mom" I demanded there was something else she wanted from me and I wanted to know what it was before I kill her.

"It was a test. You failed" I began to chuckle I fail really!

"I knew it was a fake story. By 1645, I'd been running from Klaus for a century and a half. There was no way any of his minions would have mistaken anyone for me, but you know how my brain works, right? So, you must have known that I wouldn't have fallen for that sob story" I told her with a smirk she really thought I wouldn't know where I was and the fact that everyone knew what I looked like, she glared at me.

"I wanted to get under your skin, and it worked because here you are" She was starting to really annoy me now I pushed the cane deeper in Nadia's chest.

"What kind of sick game are you playing?" I was getting tired of her games, Nadia moaned in in pain.

"It's not a game, Katherine. You did kill my mother, but it wasn't in Paris. It was in a little cottage in England, and it wasn't 1645" I twisted the cane, she groaned "It was April 6, 1492, and she was all alone, exiled by her family two years earlier. You stuck her head in a noose, pushed her off the chair, and snapped her neck" I let go of the cane and backed away from her.

"Who are you?" I demanded from her if she playing a game here it was a pretty sick one.

"My name... is Nadia Petrova... And you are my mother" She looked at me with sorrow in her eyes.

"No..." She couldn't be my daughter this couldn't be happening over 500 years of mourning for my daughter and she right here in front of me.

Elena P.O.V

After speaking to Aaron I felt a little guilty for compelling him I mean he was like me a few years ago losing everything and not be able to control any of it, I felt bad for him that he felt that his world was falling apart. I knew that feeling too well I remember when Jeremy die how I total broke down nothing or no one could even comfort me, not even my own sister when I look back at it all I wish I let her. All the things that had happened between the two of us, two sister at war going to extreme lengths to show how much hatred we sheared.... well I'm glad that all over with.

I went look for Siena to bring her drink over and I couldn't see her anywhere I'm hoping this is a good sign and her and Damon are making up in some dark corner. I saw Dr Maxfield I think I need to ask him a few questions about Megan cause I'm not getting answer from anywhere else, I walked up to Wes Maxfield.

"Saving your native American, Pocahontas" I looked at his outfit he was dress in formal suit with a top hat.

"And you are Abe Lincoln?" I asked and he began to smile.

"Dr Jekyll" He told me smugly, well that sounded a little convenient considering his a shady doctor.

"Ok. Yeah. I can see that. So, where's Mr. Hyde?" I smiled at him sweetly and he began to arch his brow,

"I don't know. I am not responsible for my darker half" I needed to get him on my side not integrated him straight away play a little nice.

"So, would it be totally inappropriate if a student asked you to dance?" I asked with hope he looked at me with a smile.

"Who could refuse a Pocahontas? Besides, you're not, nor will you ever be, one of my students" He spoke confidently as he swirls me into his arms and begins to dance.

"Major points for the dance moves, but zero points for lying on my roommate's death certificate" I weren't going to play nice I needed to be to the point and I'm sick of tip toeing.

"Look. I didn't want to lie, but I couldn't exactly tell her parents a mountain lion attacked her at a frat party. I'd be fired" Hold on the thought that mountain lion did that to her?

"Huh" he swirled me around and then pulled me back in.

"Want to know my theory?" He asked I would love to know his theory to all of this.

"What's that?" I asked smiling he gave me a sceptical look then smirked.

"I think a vampire hunted her down, ripped her throat out, and threw her off that roof" He literally just told me what actually happen, but need to put up my innocent act up.

"What do you know about vampires?" I asked he twirled me around again, I felt a little nervous around him right now.

"Doesn't matter what I know, Elena, because we're never gonna see each other again" What the hell did he mean by that?

"And why is that?" He pulled me to him and he leans in and talk into my ear.

"Because there are people at this school watching you and your friends and asking questions you don't want them to ask" He backs away "So, pack your things, drop out, and move back to Mystic Falls" Wes walks away I stood there speechless how did anyone know what we were? We had been so careful.... but I'm not going to him for his shady friends drive me away to find out what the hell happened to Megan.

Tessa P.O.V

God I'm letting Stefan get to me too much being with him resurfacing my feeling for what I had for Silas looking at him and with him being so innocent without all that evil. I couldn't be around him anymore he was taking my focus away. I entered one of the rooms that are supposed to be closed to the public I was looking for my talisman. I saw it on a table and grabbed it, with a smile on my face time for me to find the anchor I started to chant. Stefan, walks in he really not making any of these easy for me right now.

"Stefan. Come to see the show?" I told him smugly he approached me slowly with confusion.

"What are you doing?" He looked at the pendant in my hand might as well tell him he going to find out soon her later.

"I'm using this pendant to find something I'm looking for, and I found it" I was pretty impressed with myself actually for finding it so quick.

"Good" he came closer with a strange look upon his face, then he suddenly stop "Uh!" he screamed in pain.

"Stefan?" He falls to his knees what the hell going on with him?

"Ah!" He cried out as he was on the floor in pain, I approaches him I was concerned with what was wrong with him I mean the spell I did to him shouldn't be doing this.

"Stefan... Stefan, are you ok?" I asked him he looked in a lot of pain I didn't know what to do to help him.

"Uh!" He screamed I felt my heart accelerate I didn't know what to do, I tried to think of a spell but my mind was completely blank.

"Silas. Tessa, that's Silas" I looked up and I saw the face of the man I once loved. I backed away from the person I thought was Stefan.

"No..." Stefan punches Silas in the face. He takes his daylight ring from Silas finger.

"He's working with my brother. Everything he said to you was a lie" Stefan leaves I stood there I had been fool by Silas once again.

"That's all he knows how to do-- lie. You know where the anchor is. Too bad you won't be around to find it" I'm going to make him suffer for what he did I began to recite a spell while I watched Silas groan in pain.

"You can't kill me" He threaten me yes I may not be able to kill him but I'm going to do the next best thing.

"I don't have to kill you yet" I continue with my spell.

"You love me. You know you love me" He really thought after all of this time after everything he did to me I would still love him?

"I did love you... And then you broke my heart, and now I'm gonna break yours..." I put my hand through his chest "Or at least stop it from working so your blood can't flow and your veins dry up and you rot from the inside out so the world can see you exactly as you are-- a cold, grey, hideous monster" Silas veins show up, like when vampires die he turns grey now he won't be able to find the anchor and he won't be see his sweet Amara any time soon.

Katherine P.O.V

Nadia passed out not long after she told me that she was my daughter I really couldn't believe that I was looking at my little girl who I didn't even hold in my arms after giving birth to her. That memory had always haunted me to this very day. With my father being ashamed of me for having a child out of wedlock the pain of giving birth to her with my mother right beside me. I went all through that nurturing of carrying my baby to have her ripped away from me; my father couldn't even look me in the eye after he took her away from me. I cried in my mother arms begging her to have one hold of my daughter to even see her and all my mother told me that it would be best for her for me to let her go.

For over 500 years I have mourned over the fact that I let them take my baby from me and when I returned to my family and saw what Klaus had done to each member, I felt like someone staked me in the heart seeing every member of my family brutally murdered. The pain of never seeing my little girl hurt more than the pain of me putting that nose around my neck and killing myself. The pain of having your child tare away from you is something that I can't even describe.

I brought Nadia back to a motel room she was passed out on the bed I couldn't help but look at her in a different light, she had similar feature of her father and of my mother and sister. My daughter had tracked me down for 500 years but there were unresolved question in my mind that I need answering.

"You're a fool not to run. Silas will find you" I heard her say I turned to her.

"Or he won't. You're the one who said it. I'm pretty good at dodging the diabolical ones. Besides, Silas doesn't need me until he figures out how to destroy the Other Side. If he cures himself before then, he goes back to being a witch. He dies as a witch, well..." I began to mix some tea for her "...he's stuck in supernatural purgatory. There's just been one outstanding question that's just been nagging at me for the last 500 years. Where were you in 1498?" That was the question that was playing on my mind I had gone back and I couldn't find her anywhere no matter where I looked I couldn't find my little girl.

"I don't know. I was 8. Why?" She looked at me frowning, I sighed and continued to make the tea.

"Because by 1498, I'd escaped, ditched the people that were chasing me, and found my way back to Bulgaria. I searched every village, every cottage, but I couldn't find you" I turned to look at her and Nadia seem stunned to hear that I went back for her.

"You went back?" She responded stunned I gave her a small smile and walked over to the bed.

"Yes, Nadia. I went back for you" I offered the tea to Nadia "It's nice to meet you" Nadia takes the tea and sheds a tear I finally get to be with my daughter but all she seen is the worse part of me. Could I even try to be a good mother for her after everything? I looked at her and gave her a small smile I missed so much already maybe now is time for me to be Katarina the girl who brought this beautiful girl into this world.

Damon P.O.V

Siena was really pissed at me for teaming up with Silas and after her witnessing me breaking Stefan neck things got a little worse, I finally admitted to her what I knew that Tia Dalma came to the house and told me the odds of Siena bringing Bonnie back. She looked a little taken back when I told her that I as selfish as it sounded I couldn't lose her again, I couldn't go through all of that and if working with Silas is the only way to bring Bonnie back I'm willing to do it. After I admitted all that to her she didn't really say much she just stood there in silence. I was trying to get her to talk to me but then Stefan woke up and snapped my neck.

When I woke up Siena was hovering over me she looked a little frighten and hugged me tightly she told me that Stefan was pissed and she tried to stop him, but she didn't want to hurt him in the process my brother walked away. We both went to find him and in one of the rooms we found a dead Silas, Elena walked in and began to freak out thinking it was Stefan. I assured her it weren't and it looked like Tessa had done a number him, so before anyone found his body I took it and brought it home.

All three of us went back the boarding house Siena went straight upstairs even though I told her my reason for working with Silas she was still pissed about it, but I knew she will get over it eventually. I knew what I had to do next to get the plan in motion and the next part of the phase should be on the way to me right now.

Elena began to tell me what had happened to her tonight how she met some guy who was a friend of her roommate Megan, she felt sorry for him as he went through the same kind of horror as she did with losing people close to her. Then she began to tell me about what that professor had told her that there was people on campus who knew what she was and her friends too, she seemed a little freaked out about it all so I went and poured some drinks for us.

"So, Professor Blondie knows about vampires?" I looked over at the dried-up-Silas lays on a couch.

"He said that if I don't drop out of school, the wrong people are gonna start asking the right questions" She was really worried about all of this and she had every right to be it couldn't come out about what we were.

"Ugh, that's not good" I gave Elena one of the drinks "What are you gonna do?" Elena drained her drink and looked at me.

"I don't know, but all I do know is that finding out the truth about Megan isn't gonna bring Bonnie back" Look like she going to give college a miss then.

"Yeah. Well, neither is a desiccated Silas in our living room" Siena said as she entered the room she walked over and poured herself a large glass of scotch

"So, the only way for Silas to trade in his life for Bonnie's is if he's a witch, but the only way to become a witch is to have the cure" Well yeah that was part of the plan just waiting for the cure to come.

"Yep" I looked over at Siena she seemed deep in thought then she drained her drink.

"Elena....why don't we leave Damon with his new BFF go and have some sister bonding time" Elena looked at her and smiled, and then someone knocks at the door.

"Now, who could that be?" I couldn't help but smile as I clearly knew who it was and puts my drink down, Siena and Elena went to the door and opened it and Katherine stood there.

"Hi Katherine.... bye Katherine" Siena told her sweetly both girls walked out of the house. Katherine looked behind her then back at me a little confused.

"What's so urgent? I'm on the run" She walks into the parlour "Don't exactly have time for a pit stop" Then she sees Silas on the couch "Or maybe I do. Maybe I have all the time in the world. Katherine Pierce eludes death yet again-- ha, ha! -- and you finally did something right for once. How does it feel?" She stood there smiling and I began to approach her I knew what I had to do and I have a strange feeling that I'm going to like this.

"Thrilling" Katherine looked at me with a little fear in her eyes, she knew what was coming.

"Damon, no" She cried then I super-speeds and grabs Katherine by the shoulders.

"He needs the cure to become a witch" She looked at me with horror then I bit into her neck.

"Agh! No!" I let go "No. No. No, Damon. No, no, please! He need all of my blood. It'll kill me, Damon. Damon, please, I don't want to die. I don't want to die, Damon. I don't want to die. Please" I could hear her plead but after what this bitch put me through for 147 years she deserved this and I meant every word I will do what it take to take that guilt away from Siena.

"Good bye, Katherine" I grabbed Katherine by the hair and pushed her severed neck into Silas mouth. She looks as if she is getting weak, though she keeps struggling. Silas doesn't look desiccated anymore and Katherine falls on the floor I couldn't believe it I could hear a heartbeat.

"You've got to be kidding me....Takes a licking, keeps on ticking" Katherine opens her eyes and starts breathing again she looked at me.

"Am I in hell?" she questioned me god I felt like I'm in hell I thought the bitch would finally be dead but she won't freaking die!

Siena POV

I love Damon to death but his not thinking rationally right now he told me what Tia Dalma had told him that the fact if I cast the 'trahere ex altera parte' spell that there was a chance I couldn't come back. I was so mad at her telling him about that I mean she didn't know if that was even true. It weren't a fact that I would die maybe a normal witch would die but I'm different I'm meant to be this high being I'm meant to be this all powerful thing. But I could see the hurt in Damon eyes as he spoke he team up with Silas not because he wanted to but because he couldn't deal with the fact of possibly losing me again.

Then the night got worse Stefan woke up from being killed by his brother and he flipped out at Damon and broke his neck, then he tried to flip out at me I could have done what Damon did and broke his neck but Stefan had been through enough over the last week already. When Damon came around I told him a white lie that I tried to stop Stefan, he began to panic and we went looking for him. We finally found him but it wasn't Stefan who we found it was Silas. Tessa had her way with him, I mean this is what it will always be like until one of them got their way.

When we got back home I didn't want to be in the same room as Silas he was dead for now it wouldn't surprise me if he popped up from the dead. I had enough of all of this I'm sick of Silas calling the shots and I'm sick of evil version of me call them too. I refused my life and the people I loved to be control by those two. When I came down I heard Damon and Elena talking about bring Bonnie back but Damon plan of working with Silas had gone out of the window, but I had a plan of my own.

I asked Elena to come with me to have some 'sister bonding' time so as we left Katherine came over I don't know why she was there and to be honest I didn't care either. Elena and I arrived at the grill and I ordered us both a drink, then I walked over to the table and sat down.

"Drink up" Elena smiled and both of us drained our drinks.

"I really thought for a few seconds that Bonnie was going to come back.... I guess it was stupid to have hope" She looked into her glass I really didn't like to see her like this I know we had been through hard times but now we were back on track.

"What If I told you I could bring Bonnie back myself" Elena looked at me wide eye.

"W-What how can you bring Bonnie back?" Elena seemed stunned with my proposal, I owed it to Bonnie to bring her back and to Elena too. I know my best friend dead by the hands of my sister but if she could bring Blair back she would so I'm going to bring Bonnie back.

" Let just say since turning into a vampire I've got neat new tricks, like the ability to use magic" Elena sat there with her jaw open "I'm going to bring Bonnie back for you Elena" I mean that I wanted Elena to have Bonnie back it weren't about my guilt anymore it was about letting Bonnie have a life.

"Siena.....what about ....." I cut her off

"Elena I don't just want to bring Bonnie back...." She began to frown "I'm sick of the life we are living right now I'm sick of Silas and I'm even more sick of Tessa" I had it up to here with that 2000 year old ass holes.

"Siena what are you talking about" Elena spoke with a little fear in her voice.

"What I'm talking about is the fact I'm going to put Silas and Tessa down for good.... I'm going to kill both them"

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