I Will Love You Even In Death...

By Darkness_is-Bliss

492 43 26

Death the brutal reality and life the beautiful illusion. Both bring pain in their presents where it be happy... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Two

43 5 4
By Darkness_is-Bliss

"Who are you?" He asked astonished by how the girl looks like. Her eyes wher pitch black no light in them but she looked beautiful.

"I go by many names." She smirked and walked forward. "Some call me the grim reaper, others the keeper of souls some even call me death but I like the name Victoria better." She sat next to the sleeping girl.

"What do you want." He asked looking at her cautiously.

"Beautiful isn't she." She spoke stroking the hair off her face. "Inoccent yet so broken." She looked at him and saw the sad expression on his face.

"She is perfect." He mumbled and looked at her caringly. Death looked at him, as if studying his reactions.

"You loved her didn't you." She whisperd still stroking her hair.

"I did but only noticed it when it was too late." He sat beside her trying to stroke her hand.

"Mmmh who's fault is that I wonder?" She bit her index finger and looked at him.

"Mine, it's all my fault. I took my life for granted made everything worse. I saw her you know." He looked at death tears in his eyes. "I noticed every tiny detail. I noticed how she limped across the halls, how she always wore baggy clothes to cover all the bruises on her body. I even noticed when she cried. How she coverd her hair to hide her puffy red eyes." He looked more at her sadness enveloping him.

"Then why didn't you talk to her?" Death asked looking straight at him.

"I don't know, maybe I was scared." He laughed dryly.

"Of what?" He took a deep breath and stared off space.

"Of loving another human being so much, she made me feel. Feel something for her and that scared me more." He put his hands on his head and let them run through his head.

"I was stupid, I just wish I had enough time to tell her how I really felt." He looked back to Amalthea's sleeping form.

"I just wish....I..could...tell...Her..how..much..I..love her." He croaked. Crying like a little girl. He looked back at death eyes blood shot.

"Why...why did you have to kill me... I wanted so much...I wanted to go to university study medicine most of all I wanted her." He pointed towards Amalthea. He shook his head furiously. "Noo.. I needed her." He cried harder. Looking at his shaking hands.

"Why... V..I..c..t..o..r..I..a!?" He cried more as his forehead touched Amalthea's. His tears turend into air as they fell on her face.

"Because, you'd never had realised you loved her." She stated plainly. Death felt pain in her chest as she watched a boy break down in front of her. Some people when in death always seemed at peace yet this boy felt terrible pain. He felt pain for losing his mother then losing his life but more pain for never loving someone else.

He should of went into the light but he chose to remain, to remain because he loved a girl so much he sacrificed peace for her.

"Victoria... you know my wish." He sobbed profoundly.

"What is it?" She asked her heart bleeding for this boy.

"To kiss her and hold her and tell her how much I love her." He whisperd as he tried to hold her but his hands kept going through her.

"Stop, Zayn, you can't touch her." She grabbed his hands and looked at him.

"I know, but I just want to you know." He spoke wipinghis tears away.

"You know what you've done Zayn." Death spoke all humour from previous gone. He shook his head while his chest heaved.

"You made me feel, and for that I'll give you a chance." She whispered. She held both his cheeks firmly.

"I've only given 1 person this chance and they messed up, don't you." Zayn wanted to ask but she put her smooth figure on his lips. She leaned in and whispered.

"You only have a year, that's how long you've been in a comer after that, you'll be dead forever." She then looked at him and gave him a kiss. He just stood there wide eyed, before his eyes felt droopy. She pulled back and wiped his wet cheeks.

"Good luck." She mouthed before darkness enveloped him.

In his hospital room where he laid motionless. His father had been visiting him everyday for a whole year. He sat there and watched as the machines kept his only son alive.

Jonathan Grey lost everything, he lost his wife, the love of his life and now the thought of losing his son heart him more. Of he had to keep him there for years he would just to see him. He was dosing of when the machine's started beeping. He woke with a startle and saw his son's hand move.

He couldn't believe it. He stood up and rushed for the door.

"Nurse, nurse!" He scream before running back to his son and holding his hand. His hand twitched before, his eyes opened slowly. Jonathan had never been so happy in his life.

"Son." He croaked as he watched his son slowly regains consciousness.

"Ddd...dad?" He croaked and you would swear he laughed, tears fell from his face as he watched his son breath on his own. Nurses and doctors ran in and looked around. Checking boards and the machines they where surprised he even woke up. He was dead, the only thing keeping him alive was the machines and now here he is alive.

"This is a miracle Mr Grey." The doctor spoke. "He seems fine, vitals are stable and he seems to be breathing fine, your son is one lucky boy." He spoke before leaving the two.

Jonathan leaned in and hugged his son. "Dad...mom's.." Zayn tried speaking but his father stoped him.

"I know son I know." He repeated before tears filled Zayn's eyes. He cried, he cried at the loss of his mother and what she wrote to him and dad.  Even though his arms where weak he hugged his father tighter.

"I'm just glad I didn't lose you." He croaked as he hugged his son. They stayed in this embrace for a while before breaking apart.

"Son you need your rest, I'll be back tomorrow ok." His father spoke. He just nodded and waited for him to walk out the door.

"I love you son." His father mouthed before he walked out. Zayn was now left inside his hospital bed looking everywhere. Raising his arm he looked at his and and couldn't believe that he was alive, that's when he felt it a burning sensation on his arm. He tried scratching it off but it burned more. That's when a tree formed on his wrist.

He looked at it confused until leaves started covering it, these leaves had numbers and he couldn't understand for what until the last leaf formed that had the number 365 on it. Then it hit him like a truck what death said. He had been in a comer for a whole year.

And he'd die at the end of this one. He sat up and brushed his hair. Fresh tears forming in his eyes.

"Thank you so much Victoria thank you." He whisperd into nothingness. His hand then touched his face that's when he felt it. Bumps on the left Side of his face. He touched it again and couldn't believe it. He sat up right and looked around the room for a mirror before finding it.

He turnd away from the mirror and looke behind it his breathing harsh. When he turned it to face him his heart broke. Half of his face was disfigured. Metal pieces on the side of his skull while root like stitches came from them. It's like half of his head was reconstructed to keep his brain in place.

The mirror fell to the floor as tears fell from his eyes. Death gave him a second chance but at the price of his face.

"I gave you a chance but I never promised you'd be the same." Her voice rang through the room. He looked towards the window and saw her dressed in a red dress her hair in a bun.

"I know, I just never thought I'd look...hideous."

"What did you expect, you were dead half your head was splattered on that bolder I did you a favour in bringing you back, life will be surly pissed." She giggled.

"It's ok, I really don't mind as long as I'm here I'll have to make the best of it." He croaked as tears kept falling down.

"Just tell her you love her." She said. When Zayn was about to answer she vanished leaving him alone with his thoughts.

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