Emotions - (An Original Austi...

By MahoneQueen

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Love conquers all. Caring, protective, sweet, and sensitive are just a few words to describe Iris Garner. Fat... More

Emotions - (An Original Austin Mahone Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 14

1.5K 57 11
By MahoneQueen

Cody Simpson - Gentleman

"A gentleman has his eyes on all those present; he is tender toward the bashful, gentle toward the distant, and merciful toward the absent"  -Lawrence G. Lovasik


- Iris's Point of View -

"Sooooo, is that a yes?" I pleaded with my hands clasped together. Theo rolled his eyes and avoided my puppy-dog stare.

"That depends. Am I getting paid for this meet-and-greet?" Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

After Austin had dropped me off, I made it a point to convince my entire cast to show up at Sandy's for a benefit meet-and-greet. Austin and a few others were set to perform to raise money for the tiki bar. There was a small fee to get in and refreshments were also going to be for sale.

"No way! How. Many. Times. Must. I. Repeat. Myself." I knew he was just teasing me, but I was beyond exhausted. The second I arrived to the set we ran through our lines over and over again. I tried on countless amounts of accessories and clothing, so much that even my own clothes disgusted me. Not to mention all the makeup and hair combinations that corresponded with the outfits. At least I was good to go. I could not wait until Friday when we were actually going to shoot the very first scene.

"Geez, someone's cranky!" Theo threw his hands up in defense as he pulled into the parking lot of my condo. I glared at him playfully. "At least you didn't have to try on hundreds of outfits and wash makeup off your face twenty times." I unbuckled my seat belt and swung the passenger door open.

"Okay whatever you say, drama queen." He made a face at me as I stepped out of the car. "Don't you start with me mister, I gotta a lot of good comebacks already prepared." I put my hand on my hip and pointed my finger at him.

"Oh yeah? Let's hear 'em!" Theo fired back. I rolled my eyes and grinned. "Goodbye, Theodore." Just as I was turning around he called out my name.

"What is it?" I demanded. "You forgot something." Theo grinned. "And what may that be?" He didn't answer and instead flung open his arms, beckoning me for a hug. I gladly wrapped my arms around him and broke our quick embrace. I smiled for real this time.

"Bye Iris." He smiled up at me. I gently shut the door to his car and waved as he drove off.

What an adorable dork.

The first thing I did when I got to my room was plop right down into the plush covers of my bed. I yawned and stretched out, enjoying the first bit of peace and quiet that I had gotten all day. A nap sounded really nice at that moment.

"IRIS, COME HELP ME CARRY THIS TABLE IN!" My mom yelled the second she opened the door.

So much for that idea.

I groaned and rolled out of the comfty paradise. I trudged into the kitchen and frowned at the piece of furniture the my mother had managed to wedge into the doorway.

"What on earth is that ugly thing?" I crossed my arms and continued to scan the table. It was very dark wood the was chipped in some areas. I could tell it was old because of the vintage design of wood carvings it had. I had a nervous feeling about it for some odd reason, which would explain my sudden hatred towards it.There was also something oddly familiar about it. The pattern of carvings triggered some kind of memory.

"Iris Lea, do not speak like that about this antique!" My mom glared at me and continued heaving it into our living room. It was really heavy for a coffee table. We managed to get it in place.

She high-fived me and disappeared into her room before I could ask where the hell she found such a peculiar item of furniture. I shrugged it off and relaxed into my bed again.

My phone, which I left in the kitchen immediately started ringing the second I was ruffled in the covers. I ignored the first call. Then the second. And the third. I continued ignoring them until my mom screamed at me to go answer it.

I groaned even louder and stomped over to my still-ringing phone and tapped the green button as angrily as I could.

"Hello," I growled still frustrated that it is was so important for this idiot to call me over 10 times. "Iris?" Theo's boyish voice spoke through the phone. I sighed and collapsed into the sofa.

"May I ask what is so important for you to call this many times?" I demanded with an attitude. He chuckled. "Sorry, but I can't make it. Neither can anyone from our cast, including you." It was my turn to chuckle.

"Very funny, Theo. I can't make it to the show that I planned." The boy's a jerk.

Theo nervously chuckled through the phone. "Sorry Iris, I'm not joking. Stephen booked us press conferences on the day of." My smirk was wiped clean off my face and my heart sunk.

"Wha-What?" Why would he do that!" I demanded. Sandy really needed our help. Not to mention she deserved it. Theo sighed. "It's because that is our only free day before we start filming. If we don't make the press conferance our movie won't get enough views.

I sighed. "Alright, thanks Theo. Talk to you later." I hung up before he could speak again. Now I have to be the one to tell Sandy we can't help her out. There was only one person who could make this situation better.


"I don't know what I'm gonna do, Austin!" I whined and hung my head into my hands. He was quick to pull me into him. He wrapped his arms around and sat me on his lap.

"Actually, it's what we are gonna do. I'm not about to let you stress about this. It will be alright. We can think of something to help her out." Austin cooed into my ear softly as he stroked my hair.

I couldn't help but smile. Maybe he was right. "Like what?" I asked. He cocked his head to side for a moment and suddenly his face lit up.

"I know! Since you can't make it, I'll be the one to raise the money!" He looked like a child with all the excitement present on his face. I couldn't help but smile at his expression. "And how will you do that?" I questioned. Austin met my eyes with a grin.

"Simple. I have a show in Boca Raton that day so instead of having the money go to me..." He trailed off and looked at me to finish.

"You'll have the proceeds go to Sandy's tiki bar." I said slowly warming up to the idea. He nodded his head quickly. "Yeah, and I can have people collecting extra donations too."

I beamed at the thought. I flung my arms around him and squeezed as hard as I could. "Thank you so much, Austin. How did I get so lucky? You made me not have to worry about this." I gushed. Austin chuckled and hugged me back.

"Your welcome. I love seeing you this happy." I pulled away and met his twinkling eyes. I smiled. I honestly lucked out to be able to date such an amazing guy that genuinely cares about me.

He smiled back and rested his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes and waited to be overwhelmed by his kiss.


Hey guys(:

Sorry for not updating in a while. I was overwhelmed by school and the holidays and I also moved. Now that im settled in again, expect more updates!!!

- Madeline

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