Caught Between A War

By Demonic_Dragon123

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Their home was turned to Dust. They were separated by dimensions, but now they have reunited. But it won't l... More

Dreams and thoughts
A Day Out??
A day without you
Taking care of you
I trust you
News and counterparts
The day before
Action....... DUEL!!!
Broken promises and first kiss
What he knows
Snap and trust
That horrid feeling
Battle Royal.....START!!!
Lancers Pt 1
Lancers Pt 2
Message 2
Lancers Part 3
Lancers Part 4
Lancers Pt 5
The Truth
Might as Well

Please Stay!!

793 36 2
By Demonic_Dragon123

Yuto was still walking and running looking for the (h/c) teen "damn it where is she?" He asked himself many times but still couldn't come up with an idea of where she would be. He was growing extremely worried as he stopped to looked at the starless sky.

Meanwhile with had gone a separate way from the other three and you were now at the park just passing by and at the corner of your eyes you saw two men in uniforms you've seen before. You walked a little faster and so did the men then you sprinted off into a random direction 'so they finally decided to hunt us' you thought with a troubled look on your face as you were blasted with memories you didn't want to keep. You turned but there was only a wall "haha now you're trapped Xyz remnant" one of the men said as you turned around "you can come with us the easy way or the hard way" the other says. You didn't really battle much so you were kinda rusty, you popped your knuckles and took out your deck and duel dusk ready to battle.

Yuto had taken a break at the park to catch his breath from all that running. Yuto clenged his pendent "I swear this time I'll protect you" he said as he heard an explosion making him gasp in surprise and he run towards the sound, he forced his feet to go faster until his feet started to hurt. He was at an alleyway and looked inside, there stood the person he was looking for "(name)" he called out as the figure looked up "Y-Yuto!?" The voice answered back and all of a sudden, before he could say anymore he almost fell backwards if it weren't for you holding back thinking it was a dream "woah" Yuto was surprised until he learned that you basically threw yourself at him "I missed you so much" you said hugging Yuto "I missed you to" Yuto had hugged you back even if it felt weird for him.

Both of you looked to the ground where two cards lay...and in those cards were the Fusion Soldiers that you battled "I see you used the cards we gave you" he said with a grin making you chuckle "haha well what else was I suppose to use if they kept trying to stand up?" You questioned "you got a point" Yuto responds and looked at both of your pendants with a small smile.

You couldn't help but look at the ground with a sad look on your face 'I broke the promise' you said to yourself. Yuto being one of your best friends felt that you were down so being a friend he let you go putting his hands on your shoulders "hey you ok?" He asked with concern but you didn't answer him as you kept staring at the ground deep in thought. Yuto shook you, bringing you out of your trance like state "huh?" Yuto looked at your eyes. They were....slightly dull. They weren't their flawlessly shining ones anymore but Yuto understood why. I mean didn't the ones from his demission have the same dull eyes now? He couldn't bare to lose you again, not whenever the war was still going on "you ok? You were dosing off" Yuto felt like his heart was going to break in a million pieces knowing how the war affected you "I'm fine, I was just thinking" you responded quickly, to bad Yuto didn't buy it but he let it slip by this time knowing you probably don't wanna talk about it.

You looked around a bit feeling like something was missing "where's Shun?" You asked while you and Yuto had climbed on a roof "I'm not sure but he's probably back at the hideout" he answered you to the best of his ability and knowledge. You nod your head and follow Yuto to their hideout seeing Shun their leaning against a rock "hi Shun" you say with a small smile "(name)!?" He shouted as he brought you into a death hug "nice to see you to" you said with little air. Shun realizes his actions "forgive me" he says backing up "hehe it's fine. Its been months since we last saw each other" you say as you, Yuto, and Shun started to talk about what you guys were doing these past few months, of course there was some smiles and laughs but things were mostly serious "but" you started, gaining the other two's attention  "but I think one of my companions is part of the Fusion" you finish "WHAT!? HOW!?" both Yuto and Shun shouted "he has the same uniform and when he's alone he talks about catching Xyz summoners" you explain with a sour face. The two companions look at each other than to you, "you must be careful around him" Shun spoke first "who knows when he will try to corner you" Yuto stated as you nod "I know" you said while turning around and start walking "where are you going?" Yuto asked you "home, I have school tomorrow" you gripped your (f/c) sweater feeling the coldness of the night "do you need us to company you?" Shun asked "no I'm fine" you said as you started walking again. Yuto looked at you with sad eyes, he couldn't help it, you were his best friend and you understood him most. He ran towards you pulling you into a hug "PLEASE STAY WITH US!" he shouted. You and Shun were surprised by Yuto's outburst "I'll come back tomorrow" you say with a reassuring smile but Yuto hugged you tighter "YOU CAN'T GO!" he shouted again "Yuto. Release me" you said as your heart ached. You wanted to stay with him and Shun. Really. But you can't, not while you were part of You Show school and was worrying your friends. Yuto's grip loosens and he let's you go "sorry but it's just been a while and I know you have to help protect this dimension from making it like ours" he said with a sad look in his eyes.

You hugged Yuto and Shun one more time as you ran home "I want nothing more than to stay with you" you mumble making your way to the door "but I can't act on feelings right now, not when the enemy is close" you said with warm tears sliding down your face. You unlock your door heading to the shower, you put on your sleep wear and jumped on your bed while holding your pendant "I feel like something bad is going to happen" you told yourself as you had trouble sleeping that night.

Chapter 2 done!!!!

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