Because I Knew You {Fiyero}

By kimmyiewrites

7K 169 11

Everyone seems to forget that there's four witches in Oz and not just three. Even the original author of Doro... More

New School, Somewhat Same Story
A Little Storm
Apologies and Confessions
Spell Reversal
Starts With A Good Plan
Balloon Problems
There's No Place Like Home

Reunion of Sorts

1K 23 2
By kimmyiewrites

  AN: 1. I'm pretty much going to be playing catch up this week so sorry that I'm not following my schedule. 2. I have created a twitter/instagram/ combo where you can ask Addelaide along with my other ocs as well as myself any questions you would like regarding the story or anything else. You can follow me on these accounts (twitter and at arosetosomeone and then instagram is aroseto_someone. 3. I hope you all enjoy this next chapter and let me know what you think!  

Things indeed had gotten interesting. It was midterm time and Fiyero was still at Quadling University. Addelaide make good on her promise and took him to The Kells where he even got her to dance with him. The two had an odd friendship. No one really knew why the two were friends including Addelaide and Fiyero but the pair enjoyed each other's company. They had a weird system where she would help him with his classes. It was easy since they had most of them together. Every weekend, they would go out to The Kells, however. No talk of school or classes, just them dancing their stresses away.

After Fiyero received his mid-term grades and a letter from his parents congratulating him, he freaked out. He wasn't supposed to be passing all of his classes and the letter was supposed to be telling him that Avaric is coming to pick him up and take him to a new school. He didn't want to become the next ruler of The Vinkus. There were too many rules and he didn't think he would be a very good leader. He was brainless and shallow. Yes that's who he was, not this nerd who got good grades. So he ruined everything he had going for him at Quadling University.

He stopped going to classes, avoided Addelaide like she was the plague and was always seen dancing at The Kells. When he was walking back one night he saw Avaric waiting outside his dorm, the car already packed. "Good to see you again, Avaric."

He just nodded his greeting.

Fiyero found it odd that he didn't get more of a response but then he noticed the envelope with the loopy handwriting. It was a letter from a Addelaide. He picked it up and sat down.

"Sire, I really don't care about having to take you from school to school but I really think you let a good thing go."

Fiyero looked up from the envelope, still not being able to open it. "Did she say anything?"

Avaric turned around. "That she believed in you." With that Avaric began the journey to Shiz University.

Fiyero looked break down and carefully opened the letter.


Since you seem to be avoiding me, I figured this was the best way to talk to you. I think you're a right idiot. You were doing so well and you just threw it all away! You shouldn't be afraid you know. Sure ruling a country is frightening, trust me I know but I also know, you would have been great. You will be great. I'm angry at you so the next time we see each other expect a slap but I'm not so angry that I can't tell you this: I'm not sure how many people have ever told you this but I believe in you Fiyero. You have me in your corner so if you ever need help, you know where to find me.

Good luck,


Fiyero pocketed the letter and looked up at the sky, what had he just done?

Addelaide was more heartbroken than she cared to admit but she couldn't dwell on it, she had another semester to finish out and then she would be queen of Quadling Country. And that's what she did. She poured herself into her classes while she closed off a part of herself that she had unknowingly given to Fiyero. Her smile wasn't as bright, her wit was extra sharp and even though she poured every little thing she had into helping others and making sure they were happy, she had a nonchalant air about her now. Her childhood friend, Ro, was worried about her but when there's nothing to be done about a broken heart all one can do is make sure she doesn't over do herself or that the crack doesn't turn her good heart bad.

The new semester started out weird. She received a letter from her cousin, Galinda. It told how she met Fiyero and has to deal with the green skin girl as her roommate. Addelaide almost didn't respond. She didn't want to hear how Galinda was being wooed by Fiyero and she certainly didn't want to hear about her cousin's shallowness but Addelaide chose otherwise.

She kept the response cordial and that apparently was enough to open communication with her cousin. She learned all about the happenings of Shiz and how her cousin was going to the Emerald City. When she learned about the story behind the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Addelaide decided that she wouldn't lie to her people by hyping up the ruler of all of Oz.

When Addelaide became queen of quadling country she was visited by the Wizard himself, Galinda and a few Emerald City Guards, including Fiyero. Addelaide was worried that they came because word had gotten out as to what she was doing but it seemed no one knew at all. They all sat in Addelaide's office and for a few moments they practically just stared at each other.

Addelaide made sure to cover her rebellious plans since Galinda had confided in her the real story of what had happened with Elphaba. If the Wizard wasn't here to punish her for setting up secret passageways for animals and others discriminated against to get to her country then she certainly wasn't going to have it become that way.

"I normally don't make trips like this as I'm sure you're aware but with the situation we have on hand I felt as it was my duty to meet with the other rulers around Oz." The Wizard finally said.

Addelaide just nodded, doing her best to not look towards Fiyero even though she felt his eyes practically staring into her soul. "So what exactly does this trip entail?"

"I just need your assurance that you will help with the Green Situation. I also need your word that you will send any person looking for some kind of help that you cannot give, you send them to the Emerald City. Oh! And one last thing, do you have the same ability as your cousin?"

"Yes, I have the same ability. It's in the family after all. As for the other two, I'm not sure I can. How do these even affect Quadling? No one even knows we exist."

The Wizard chuckled. "I've been advised about your...ways. I'm planning to negotiate whatever you seem necessary in order to agree to my terms. I need eyes and ears in all part of Oz during the Green Situation so we can bring her in and make her pay for what she's done."

Addelaide looked up at Fiyero at that. He simply shook his head, indicating that it wasn't him who had warned the Wizard how she operated. "I see. Well, I would like to continue to be left alone and would rather not go to Emerald City unless I decide to make a trip. Will these terms be agreeable?"

He thought it over for a few moments before he nodded. "Yes I agree to those and what about my conditions?"

"Yes, you have my word on both matters." Addelaide agreed.

"Then it is agreed then. That was far easier than I was expecting. Good day, Addelaide." He shook her hand and then like clockwork when the Wizard stood, so did everyone else.

"I'll be right there. I'd like to catch up with Addie briefly." Fiyero whispered to Galinda.

She nodded. "Make it quick. I can only stall for so long." Galinda then turned to Addelaide and hugged her before giving air kisses to each cheek. "It was so good to see you, Addie. We'll have to properly catch up when things calm down." Then she was gone before Addelaide could even respond back.

Awkward tension filled the air as the two stared at each other. They were taking the other in, noting the differences and the similarities. Fiyero opened his mouth to begin to speak but Addelaide swung her hand, making contact with his chest three times with a resounding smack.

Fiyero took a step back as he rubbed where she had smacked him. "What was that for?" He asked.

"I told you that I would smack you but it looks like once again you didn't listen to me." Addelaide responded.

"I wasn't expecting three!" Fiyero cried, feigning offense. He knew he deserved far worse than what Addelaide had deemed punishment.

"The first one was for leaving without a goodbye, the second one was for not keeping in touch and the third one was for making me hear everything from my cousin." She explained, arms crossed over her chest, making it sound like it should have been obvious.

Fiyero looked down at his feet, kicking at an imaginary pebble with his toe. He wasn't sure what to say. I'm sorry just didn't feel like it truly expressed how truly apologetic he was for how he left. He knows he wishes that he would have stayed, maybe then his life wouldn't be as complicated. Galinda and Elphaba made things so complicated. Galinda was like the female version of him, they were made for each other, or so he thought. Then there was Elphaba who made him realize what he had known all along, what the woman in front of him had told him but he just didn't want to believe it. Then, of course, there was Addelaide and things had been so simplistic with her but he mucked that up and made things complicated because surely she wouldn't want to ever see him again.

Addelaide didn't know what she was waiting for after she had explained why she had smacked him. She wasn't even entirely sure why she hadn't just thrown him out when he first said he wanted to speak with her privately. That was when she saw it. The war that seemed to be going on inside of his head. He was trying to think of a way to properly apologize to her. It was written plain as day on his face. She took a step forward and placed a hand on his upper arm. "Hey..." She whispered. "Fiyero," She said a little bit louder when he didn't look at her.

Hearing her say his name came to a shock to him. She didn't say it like she was cursing it as he had imagined so many times. She said it like she always had, well when they were having their deeper conversations that is, with a gentleness and concern that he swore only Addelaide could portray. "Yes?"

"You don't have to apologize. I get it...well sort of." She slightly giggled. "You better get going though. It's quite a trip back to the Emerald City."

Fiyero just nodded. When did he become speechless around Addelaide, around women in general for that matter?

"And Fiyero?" She asked.

"Yes, Addelaide?" He replied.

That caused a small smile to tug at the corners of her lips. Addie had been so wrong coming from his lips earlier. She hated that he called her that around her cousin but to know that he still remembered her hatred for the name and called her by her full name she couldn't help the happiness that filled her. "Everything I said in that letter still rings true. I still believe in you and if you ever need help, I'll be here."

Fiyero returned her smile with one of his own. "Thank you."

Addelaide playfully pushed at his chest. "Now get out of here. I have actual work to do and if you're too much longer you might get left."

Fiyero dramatically bowed. "I bid you farewell then, your goodliness."

Addelaide rolled her eyes as she watched him bound off. She shook her head and walked back around to her desk. She had some new refugees that she needed to place and find homes for.  

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