Be My Batman

By BattyJoker

27.5K 540 160

Ever wonder what it would be like to fall in love with a superhero? Well so does Anna. Everyday to be in fact... More

Be My Batman
Chapter 2: Who Am I?
Chapter 3: Bruce Wayne?!
Chapter 4: Holy Creeper Batman
Chapter 5: Knight Dream
Chapter 6: His Faithful Sidekick
Chapter 7: Break Her Batman
Chapter 8: Batsnapped
Chapter Nine: It's the Bat's Fault
Chapter 10: Flash the Robin

Chapter 11: Bat Country

1.5K 75 30
By BattyJoker

I am so sorry :( I didn't mean to hold this so long. I didn't even mean to hold it lol. So I am writing it right now. Please still love me. We will see if I have this in me. I've been real busy. Good news though. My raider team came in 12th in the nation WOOT! that's what I was training for. ANYWAY to the story!



Love Me? :'(


*Flash P.O.V*

   I watched Anna stir in her sleep. Alfred had left me in charge of this sleeping beauty.

"Just don't do anything stupid Sir Flash , Or I'll have to show you what stupid gets you around here." he had said with a straight back, flat tone, and a face like stone. His white hair only intensifying his air of importance. So here I was watching Anna sleep like a complete creeper. Her red hair reminding me of myself.

"Anna, Batman likes brunettes...just thought I'd let you know." I egged and leaned against the couch facing the TV. I didn't have it on so I could clearly see my red suit and yellow lightning bolt. The slowly rising and falling figure of Anna behind me with a warm blanket Alfred had draped over her. I gave a frustrated sigh and pulled of my mask. The frustration reflected in  my ocean eyes. My platinum blond hair danced in my eyes. I don't know my uncle did it...Having an actual job and being Flash. I'm only in high school and can barely handle it. I had to move from my other school to this new one because of this very reason. Well being lonely. I had to let a girl get to close. She found out. I had to go. Maybe that's why bat boy left Anna hanging. He didn't want to start over and it was certainly easier then creating a whole new persona and identity.I watched Anna slowly sit up and stretch. Panic struck me and I quickly pulled my mask over my head. I saw a delicate curl bounce from the mask being put on sloppily. She let out an adorable little kitten yawn and rubbed her eyes. Smacking her lips she stood up a little off balance. I quickly caught her before she fell.

"Flash?" she said in a sleepy tone. I could play this off like it was a dream or I coulf be completely hinest with the fact that I exist. Anna wrapped her arms around my neck and giggled.

"No, Micheal right? With your silly identity." she giggled relentlessly and pecked my cheek.

"Okay hold on there. I think you've got me confused with your boyfriend sweetheart, I'm the Flash. Not that Micheal guy." I said and sat her down on the couch. She looked exhausted, almost as if she were high. She pulled me around my neck down closer to her petite face.

"Yeah you owe me Micheal. I almost died you know." she poked my nose. This girl is ridiulous when drugged and tired. I tried to pull away but this caused her to hold on tighter.

"Where are you going?" she pleaded.

"Look I told you I'm not Micheal or whoever. Red mask, lightening bolt, sexy beast. I'm the Flash. You know the speedy guy." I said. Her eyes were still clouded with confusion. Realization flashed in her eyes what she was doing. It was if she was being snapped out of a groggy dream.

"Oh god! I'm so sorry..." she said automatically pulling back. I regretted it the second she did. ANna smelled so nice. Like...I don't know girl?

"No it's fine. Trust me." I said shaking my head to think straight. Her eyes narrowed at me. I instantly backed up hands in an innocent form.

"I didn't mean it like that. I swear." I stuttered out. She rolled her eyes and stepped from the couch.

"Where's Micheal. I have a piece of mind to hand him and a show of a fist." she spat. Apparently Micheal did something to her and she was pretty pissed. I was going to try and stop her but... well No I wasn't. Anna stomped from the room screaming for Micheal at the top of her lings. I swooped around and covered her mouth. Her eyes grew ten inches wider with surprise at the speed I had approached. She gulped and panic flooded her features. I let go of her face.

"Please don't hurt me. I just want to go home. I'm scared I had a rough night. Don't kill me." she whimpered backing up. Great now I've freaked her out.  I moved towards her my hands outspread in a welcoming manner.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." I said closer to her to keep her from running. It's not like I couldn't catch her. I just didn't want to freak her more. That's when I saw my mistake. She was good this girl. I felt a hard pain in my groin and I went down on my knees.It didn't matter how fast I was, that was still a soft spot. That was even soft on superman. I let a whining moan from my lips slide and watched her strong calves fleeing down the hallway. My vision was blurry from the surprise attack and I attempted to stand. Anna turned slightly her face flushed from running. That's when Micheal's arms grabbed her mouth and put her in a choke hold. Her face went from victory to panic. Micheal's hands moved, almost slow motion, to the neck snapping position. A determined look pulling his eyebrows together and his lips scrunched. It clicked in my head fast that his intentions were to kill this girl. Before I knew what was happening my feet were pounding on the ground and she was safe from his hands and in mine.

"What the hell Micheal?!" I screamed at him. His face was furious and I was pretty sure he was about to through a heavy punch to my face. I tossed Anna to the couch so she wouldn't be in the way and ducked from his mortal like speed. My elbow found the middle of his spine and he fell to the ground out of breath. I picked him up by his collar.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled. Anna was curled on the couch with a black fur blanket. I don't think she fully processed what was going on here. Her mouth hung agape as her green eyes wondered from Micheal and I's faces.

"She knows to much Berry and you know it. Don't get your feelings mixed in this." Micheal spat. I felt his foot connect with my chest and I was flying towards the wall. My head smacked against the wall and the breath was knocked out of me. I could taste the copper in my mouth and knew he was already going for Anna.

"My word. What is going on in here?" Alfred' wise old voice echoed. Micheal's footsteps haltered and he turned to face the older man. His hair was all over and his blue eyes periced through the black mess.

"I go to get milk and you two are pummeling each other into a bloody mess...One I have to clean might I add." he said indignantly. Alfred scoughed at me and at Micheal and made his way to Anna, who seemed to be utterly distraught.

"Master Micheal. Do watch your temper. Simply because you can not effectively show the emotion love, it does not mean you have to kill the misfortunate girl whom you've decided to fall for. Now away with you. Go clean yourselves up. I will have dnner ready shortly. Miss Anna join me please." Anna stood without hesitation and followed Alfred's shirt tails into the kitchen. Micheal stood his mouth wide open and I laughed lightly.

"He showed you..." I spoke through my bloody teeth. Micheal glared at me and turned towards the kitchen.

"I do not love her! She's so damn moody...not to mention she knows." he screamed at the old man, but there was no reply. I stood and patted him on the back.

"Come one man. Let's get cleane dup before Alfred kicks our asses..." Micheal shrugged my hand off him and stormed up stairs and I shook my head. He said Anna was moody...Geez


SO that was crap lol. I forgot where I was going witht hat chapter...Unfortunetly. So the next one is promised to do better and I am able to type now. I finally have a break! Woot! so...



THREATEN TO KILL KASSANDRA!(jk don't do that. I'll destroy you...she is my besite lol)

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